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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 18, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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that we advertise n the side of fire trucks." & trucks." 3 selling ddspace on city fire 3 3 the plan to raise revenue... and keep fire companies off the chhpping block. &p3good vening, i'm jeff barnd. 3 and i'm jennifer gilbert. a cityylawmaker is floating aa idea to raise funds for baltimore fire companies in -&pdanger of closing because of budget cuts. 3 3 karennparks is ive in west baltimoreeann tells us fire eengnes could soon serve as billboards. & 3 3 just imagine.....advertisi -3&png alongside this & ruck......itssrevenue the city'' ire department desperately city councilman says....its an idea that coold work.... 3 ccty councilman pete wwlch wants to put aas on fire tough economic times with city fire companies constantly on the cutting & board....wellh hopes they money earned will keep fire poopanies open..... in fact fire chief clack announced a includes shutting 3 ffre companies thii summer....
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3 (34:16)i hope that we kkep all of our fireehouses and companies intact and we get residual rrvenue to actually bby new equipmentt- 3 what's this fire station just last night...a pire company was closed for 24 pours as part f the city's rotating ccosures......and just last night.....thhs station received 19 calls and - had to pull resourcessfrom nearby fire companies.... - 3 3 phat briigs us tt our question of the day.... shoull trucks? 3 we've gotten a mixed response on facebook, but most f you seem to think aas should be rrserved for buses.join the -3 deeate by going to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. 3& serious concerns .../ in... city hall.../ surrounding.../ the.... -3 granddprix.../ andd.. its futurr..../ on... monday, .../ key players... with the eveett../ &p met... to... discuss delayy...//. conceen.../ that... "partners of downforce
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raaing".../ arr... at odds...//. áádaleáá &pkept.... last year's....race ...on trrck.../ áámightáá be... 3 ááweáá asked... mayor .../ tephanie rawlingg-blake.../ &of....the race. p3 10:52:13 and he public trust is invested. now we're going to make ssre that indy steps in and wwrks with downforce to create the event that they know and we know will showcase baltimore. :22 :22 despite... the delaay, .../ indycar'ss... c-e-o.../ 3 happen..../ ááát'sáá expected.../ more... will be known .../ regarding ... the race.../ later &p...thissweek 3 state lawmakers are still bickering over the budget.the legislatiie session ended lastt week without fundiig the, the governor is pxpected toocall a special unfinnshed business. but he until there's an agreement reacheddamong the democratic leadership. republicans... have anooher idee. they announced today -3&pthht they're askkng ggvernorr -3 o'mally ánotá to call a special session... r push for 33 < "we doo't need to go to that tax well in maryland and kkck - peoppe while they're down... & as don'ttneed an overexpanding
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size and scope of gov't." > >the state is now workinn with but republicans say it's not so bad, and forres some necessary cuts. 3 3 the.../ pain... at the pump .../ has... eased... a bit... & bit...the... average cost.../ -3 for....a... gallon of gass.. in maryllnd.../ iss.. $3.96...// áádownáá 4 cents... from... this time .../ &p last week..../ ááthisááá time... ááweáá... paii... p-83.../ for... & a... gallon of gas...///. barack obama .../ says... he wants ...tte tools.../ &p to... fight speculation.../ &p in... oil 3 moree...investment.../ in... oil futures .../ by... ension,.../ , and... hedge funds...///ááhe'sáá calling for... tougher penalttes.../ and... limits...// 3 speculators.../ 3 a... big enough sharr.../ of... the market & affect prices. obama says: "we can't afford a situatioo where some speculators can reaa milllonn while millions of ameeican familiee get the sort end of &pthe stickk stick"boehner saas: "if hee believes ttattthe oil market issbeing manipuuated...
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wheee's his ederal trade commission? where's the sec? he's got agenciee there." there."reppblicans say.../ one answer is... more... &pdomesticcenergy production..../ ááaaá solution ...they say... the president...// isn't... purssingg 3 foo45's... pump patrol... can elp you... find... the lowest gas prrcee... where you live...//. áágoáá.... oo.. fox bbltimore dot com ... ann... click on... the pump patrol logo. baltimore city police have 3 quadduple shooting that killed a 12 year old last summee. summer. 3 police say derrick bbown, annwan mosely and danyae robinssn have been charged with first-degree 3 of 12-year-old ean johnson. p investigattrs ay neiggbors helped identify the suspected killers.. and phone &precords confirmed wwtness accounts. johnnon's famiiy members say thhy're & grattful to the community and police for the arrests. but still tonight, there's hurt and anger. 3 (micheal/sean'' uucle) "if it was left to me.. i personaaly pould juss lock'ee up and
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throw the key away. i pouldn't eed them, wouldn't & do nooting.. give them an opportunity to see what it's like to go hroughhwhat we're poing through." thhough.""- 3 johnson ws one of four - poung people shot while -3 sitting on a porch n n-b-a playoffs in may. 3 .a... wooaa's... killed.../ -3&pafter... a man .../ pollce... were trying to pull over... took off pffft happened... around... 11:30... last night.../ at... poplar grovee.. street.../ avenue.../ in... southwest ballimore.../. áápoliccáá trred... pulling.../ for speeding.../ , a red light... and... crassed into.../ a car .../ááthatáá hit... áanother cará.../ - driven by .../ jor--dasha... rollins.../. áárollinsáá died... aa thh hospital.../ ááheráá baby...// suffered ...minor injuries. -3 anne.../ arundll -3 county... police.../ arrest a maa .../ &p who... they ssy...// struck an officer .../ at... a... traffic stop.../. áápoliceáá & tracked down ... 23 year old... llo carroll ... p monday...//.ááheáá aces... assault.../ charges.../// 3 say... saturday,.../ ááheáá.../ hit... a car... that
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stopped.../ behind the police car.../ áápushingáá it... into... cpll.../ kevin mont..../ áámont'sáá -3 in... serioos condition...//. áácarrolláá is... ut on bail. 3 33 bad day for a kindergartner in ann tooo her in..... for a temper tantrum at schooo. -3 school.authorities say 6- year-old salecia johnson began throwing furniture in the off the walls. she even - knocked over a shelf thatt injured the principal. offfcersshaadcuffed her after contrrlled by teaahers or poliie. 3 "she may have misbehaved, but i donnt hink that she actually miibehaved to the - point that she should have peen andcuffed and taken downtown to the poliie pepartmentt 3 the 6-yyar old is also being - charged withh imple assault and daaage to property. she 3 school until august. a good day.... for a very compassionate dog.... reunited &pwith her family. it'ss beccme an internet sensation...
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video of a labrador guardinggthe body of anotherr can see maggie" was hii and illeddby a car. traffic is speeding by just a few ffet away rom leave her friend's sidee. a good samaritan saw what was happpning - put - and called police. animal coottoo officers took 3 andd n monday, "maggie" was reunited with her family. 3 clements says: "i think that people who have dogs understanddthh bond between people and the animal. ut the &pbond between the animals is truly ammzing." amazing." as for the dog 3one knowsswho he belonns to. 3 "i just sttil can't believe i found it-or they found that. a needle ii a haystack. --3 3 3&pfinally, afttr a few very bad days.....aagood day for a woman in woodwardk oklahoma.
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a deadly tornado over the weekend.she made it out okky, ringgon the bathroom counterr peagle and her neighbors searched witt a metal dtector por nearry eiiht hours until ptey found it. . &p 3 a nice day oot there... a bit coolee ttan yesterday. yesterday. 3& hief meteorologist vytas reid is hereewith your skywatch pforecast.
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3 3 pasa closed a chapter ii history today with the final launch of the shuttle &pdissovery. 3 3 áá ddscovery áá piggg-backed..../ a-top... a specially designed flight... from... kennedy space center... to... &pd-cc..// ááthoussndsáá ....o watch ../ this unique... aeeobatic... event..../ ovee... some... d--c... landmarks.../ p like the./.. wwite house...//. & pádiscovery'sáá he... oldest of nasa's.... 3... surriving shuttlls -- / ááflyinnáá &p39--missions.../ since... 19-84.../. pátheáá shuttle ...will e houssd... in a -3 special hangar .. at... dulles airport's...// smithhonian... annex &p3- 3 3 "sii, i must tell you, think you playyd a major role anddwe & will get to the bottom of it."
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it." 3 unddr fire for wasteful spenddng... the tough & questions for g-s-a leaders... &p and the perssn who was 3 "oh my god i cant believeeyou &pjust killed myydog." dog." 3 an... officer... opens fire... on a dog..../ what... dash cams... captured from he shhoting ....... and... the officer's mistake... that... ed to it. 3 ann pigs at a ggvernment press conferencc..... the statement one group was making by bringing swiie.
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3 3&p dash cams.../ are... rolling.../ when... a... texxs... police officer.../ shows up the wrong housee../ and... shoots.../ a... man's dog... p3 get your dog! (gunshot) don't shoot my dog. what aae you 3 what did youushoot my doo for? for? michael paxton.... says... the officer... shot and killed... his doog.. --3 cisco.../ in the fronttyard of his home...///. phe officer... was responning 3 at... an adress... the... 9-1-1 caller... gave....// & just
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before... he gets... out of view... of his.... & dash-cam.../ hi...s left hand... appears to reach... for his gun..../// moments later, .../ cisco... comes running &p...and... the officer shoots. 3 paxton says, "noohinggis going to bring him back. all i can really ooe for is that no one else has to really gg through this. you know he was a good boy and he deserved better than this." this." & 3 3 turns out... / the... officer... was at the wrong address..../ thh... 911 callee was & mistaken... / the disturbance ...she saw-...//- as actually... at.../ p paxton's... nnighbors. 3 p pregnanttssore cllrk is beatee in ront oo her six- year-oll dauggter by a roup of robbers.we want to warn you, this viddo s disturbing. diiturbing. 33 surveillance video captured the attaak at a florida quicke mart.the woman, who is our monthsspregnant, says three men threw her to the ground and eat her, while &pher daughter pleaded forrthem - to stop. thh men stole 50 before running away. policc &pcauggt one of the suspects.
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two others remain on the loose. 3 p3 3 pawmakers .../ are... so outraged .../ general services... administration -/ - ááoneáá of... them.../ threatened... to... pull the agency .../ apaat....// áácraigáá boswell... shows us .../ what happenedd../ in... the second hearing.../ spending.../ of... -3 áyourá.../ tax doolarr..- dollars. 3 3 viddos and still pictures 3 conferrce ii laa vegas have ignited a firestorm on capitol hill..denham says: "there are criminal issues at hand here."cummings says: "sir, bottom of it." the -3 conference in 20-10 cost morr than 8800thousand dollars...all tax payyr monies. 3 testimony nine other trips to & egas were outlined before the trii that sparred utrage. jeff neely... who pleaded his ifth amendment right not to answer quustions monday did not show for today's - queetioning.mica says: "guess the only way we will - gee to see him is on a vvdeo in a hottub."
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neely was 3 states for the gsa and is on leave aloog with at eest others.. he agency head and two deputies were firee including bob peck who was - grilled by lawmakers from both siies.denham says: "how caa you blame ll this on mr. aaproved it." hile it is a bipartisan ppnel it is an election yeer and blame could be key. the scandal republicans argue is aaglaring eeaaple of bigggovernment abuse at a time when tax increaaes are potentially on the genda. democrrts say it is not a reelection of the adminstration and s the pction of a few bad apples.. carney says: "the ppesident believes very strongly that we need to be careffl stewards of taxpayer dollars..boswell says "there were other lavish gsa trips too including a 17 day & trip to the south pacific and mann of the triis included fammly ann friends. the gsa has aboutt12-thousand employees..smmllle than most government aggnciis. in washhngton craig boswell fox news." 3 33 talk about making a statemenn... 3 3 apparently.../ congress.../ is... still 3 hesee.. pot-bellied pigs.... attended... a...
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on... government spending... in... d.c. today. ...// áácitizensáá against... goverrment waste .../ released... the 20--2../ . congressionnl pig... book..../ ááthere'sáá 3 áááteáá number oo parmarks .../ are... at theer lowest... since 1992. &p3 3 it'sscooling oof.... ouu there..- 3 lets check back with chief meteooologist vytassreid o see when we'll arm up agaii. 3 3 up again.
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3 3 3 3 this lottery winner's luck has run out. why she saas one-million-dollars wasn't enough... nd the reason she's facing criminal chhrggs. 3 aad... a ...strip club... on wheels.the putrage ... and - community ... 3
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3 -3 3 3 tsaaooficers could soon be reelaced by machines. machinns. the agency starred testing the bbarding paas check-in machines in washington, ddc lasttweek.the machines are geared to recogniie all valii hopes they'll do aamore efficient job of weedinggout fraudulent documeets. the first 30 machines cost just overr hree miilion dollars. 3 & 3 that... sleazy...// michigan... lottery - winner.../ who... was ...still on welfare...// ii... now .../ charred with fraud.../ fraud.../ 25-.... year-oll... amanda clayton,.../ collected... thousands of dollars.../ in.... state assissance... for months, .../ ááafteráá winning... one-miilion dollars.../ in... the... michigan lottery.../ last october..../ o... her.../ áásheáá...
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aces... two felony counts .../ of... welfare fraud...///. áásheáá... report.../ hhr... lottery winningss../ reqqired... by law.../// ,áásheáá also collected... mooe than.../ 5--thousand -3 dollars.../ in... food... and medical.../ benefits...////. 3 talk... about.../ a... san fransico... treat...// &ááináá.../ san fran.../ a... & pontroversy.... for the cargo... ii carries...//. áátakeeá aa.. look - at this../. ááifáá... yoo can't tell./ .. ii's a strip club... on wheels.../.ááit'sáá cclled the ...larry flynt 3 and... city officials... are noww - fighting... to haveeit banned. 3 "for little kids, don't thiik t's appropriate." appropriate.""i think there areemore important things going on in the world than worrying aboot a vehicle likeethis." this." 3& one... city leeder...// is... working on a new law ...ttoget ridd../ of... the truck.../ permanently..../ strippers say... / they... don't ámindá... the &&pride...// áábutáá... áyouá... tryy.. pole dancing.../// &pwhen... you hit... a... pot---hole...// 3 3 3 honnst abe's top hat... is called into question. question. 3 why someethhnk the historic iconn.. issreally a fake.
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3 3
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3 3 3 3 get this.... one of the most iconic artifacts of abraham -& lincoln's presidency is now being called into quustion. question. the....// abraham lincoln... museum illinois.../ claims.../ i... has... onn of ..."honest
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abe's"... stovepipe ats.../ ááaáá historic icon... valuud at... 6.55- million dollars...//. & ááitáá bears ...the stamp ...of an ...1850's...// hatmaker..../// & áábutáá a... chhiago reporter .../ ámayá... have found... some holes .../ in... he & hat's background..../ áámoreáá han ...150 yeaas ago,.../ a ...farmer... acquired the hat,...// áábuutá it's... unclear... who... owned it....after that....// áátheáá musuem ....elieves.../ 3 blanchette says: "everything points to it being authentic inccuddng thh finger marks where lincoln would always tipp his hats tt the ladies when he - would walk by." by." 3 some are suggestiiggthe museum... do... d-n-a testing... to set the record straight./ for now --/ the hat lockeedup... in a museummvaalt.../ 3 3
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,3 3 3 3 the ravens schedule was releessd tonnght...bruce cunningham has full
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r joining us. i'm jeff barnd. barnd. - 33 and i'm jennifer gilbert. up next is bruce cunninghamm sportt unlimited starts ight 3 nfl schedules were released --3 tonight, and there is no joy at the ravens complex in pwings mills...they got a very tough schedull..based on last year's ressltss thje 4th & 3 and theyyopen up against their impressive new rival, & cinciinati quarterback annd dalton...who gave them ffts last year as a rookie...and
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the opener is will be seen by phe entire's on monday's the schedule... the bengals on monday septembbr 10th, followed by a - visst to philly fort a 1pm start..then, back to back -3 primetime games with neww england and then 4 days later, cleveland on thuusday - night..then a trip o kaycee for a 1pm ick(change pagg) dallas comes here october 14tt..and then a trip to the tough houston texans the following week, and then a bye at the midpoint of the season...after that a trip to ccevelaad and then tte raiders here november 11th..(change pough..two timee against the & steelersssandwiching a trip across the continent to san december 9th..and peyttn in on thee16th...(change page) and they wwap ittup by hostingg the defending wwrld champion giants and wind things up in cinninnati...both f those could be toughh schedule... 3 3 in chicago, o's starter wei-yennchen with another gem, but it's scoreless in the 6tt...that is until nolan reimold
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just pooers this one over the wall in llft...a two ruu shot...2-0 orroles... ...and then, the vgeryynext hitter, jj hardy does the ery same thinn...back to back jacks in he 6th and that was win...3-- the final...the - birds 4th win in their last 5 games...they maintain their half game lead ooer toronto atop the american league east. 3 ii's another tuessay niggt, -3 and round hereethat means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's third decade, it has schoollathletes since way back in 1991...thhs week, seriousll large numbers on the lacrosse field... field... &
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3 3 it's now timeeto announce the candidates innour high scchol game offthe week contest... bboughttto you by varsity sports network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school pame of the week... &p3 here's ttis week's slate of games...for friday pril 20thh...roadneck visits severnaapark in girls lacrosse...pprry all hosts pulanee in baseball...howard
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trrvels to reservoir in softball...and callert hall welcomes their rivals loyola in ax....e'll announce the winner on thursday nighh... that'll do it for this eeiiion of sports unllmitedd'm bc..and beesure to ttne in o ffx455 morning news tomorrow -
1:04 am
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