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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 20, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

12:30 am
yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. hello, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. &pafterrtwo ecades of fighting baak for justicee a cold case is finally solved. solved. &let's o straightttt karen parks, she's live in elllicott city with the lltess on these breaking developments 1 years in the making. making. after eceiving a
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tip a few dayy ago....pollce arrested robert jarrett of &pelkridge .... and charged him witt mmrdering his wife 21 ago.... jarrett reported his wife missing january 5 1991 ann told police she had walked away from their home on claire drive after an argument.....she was nnver seen or heard frrm again.... yesterday detectives visited the homeeon claire drive where jarrett's current wife lives.....the two are searched the propertt and theyy beleived to e christine man jarrett under theefloorboards of a shed buried n the ccncrete. (22:45)this wassa case where our detectives suspeeted foul play really from the beginningg it just didn't make sense that this young mother woulddwalk away from herr2 small childden the husband reported her missing but he was a suspect very early on......(:58)
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pox45 news llte edition. another .../ baltimore... police officer.../ is... ssntenced inn... that.../ towing... extortion scheme. scheme.the owners .../ of... "majestic towing".../ paid officers.../ to... tow vehicless../ froo ...accident scenes .../ -year-old .../ os--valdo valentine.../ , was... sentenced to... 30 mmnths.... in prison... for his role the scheme..../ááhe'sáá ordered... to pay .../ 18-thousand dollars restitution..../ áávalentineáá is... the 9th officer... to be sentenned new details tonight.... surrounddng the murder of cockkysville native yeardley to file a wwongful death lawssi. before that lawsuit can be filed..... átte love family'sá allow himmaccess to ceetain - evidence presentee durrng the murder triall earlier today, love's attorney file the lawsuit against. but t
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the love family says it has nnt ruled out huguely, huguely's family nor the was ii febbuary.... aa huguely in he murder of hiss just yesterday.... love's mother spoke in waahington in an effoot to bring an end to dooestic iolence. ((wipe-sot)) love says: my daughters was murdered almmst two yearr ago at the university of virginia bb an out-of--ootrol lacrosse player will nnver be the same. f it wasn't for the support off family, friends and even total where we would be today. cockeysville native... mmy two-thousann-ten in charlottesville. she was just from the niversity of ing - virginia. huguely is scheddled to be sentencee in late august. a jury recommended a sennence of 66 years. 3 a former towson university ppofessor says the county is wasting precious taypayer moneey mooeyydavid boyd says
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countless baltimore county away or recycled.recently, he - found almoot 200 books in a dumpster.boyd says he asked the baltimoreecounty library to let him have unwanted books to give to needy children.but his request wws denied: "taxpayee oney, thrown away, recycced means thrown awayy why can't these go nto thh handssof children that eed and want hem" them" "logistically how do ou do thaa, do you store things for a month, then allow everyone toocome pick what they want? we ddn't have the storage, f you have a good causs howwdo we pick? his seemssunworkable" unworkable"baltimore county libraries only recycle books phat arr out of date or in bad shape. here's... that wereettrown out... be don? &pdonated? &pp3head to our faaebook page nd let us know
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if you thiik books should be sent to ppoppe who can use them or if hey should be shreddeddand gone forever. it's.../ a. .. battle... to november.../ ááwitháá' both presiddntial... candidates.../ willing... toosay ...or wii theeelection.../. ... áátheáá latest battle... is... over taxes,.../ áájimáá angle... breaks doon .../ the... obama...// adminnitrations.../ lateet ccse... for... tax hikks.../ and... showw you... why.../ their math.../ just poesn't... add up. upp president obama has made tax fairness signature issue --- presentation:deese says: "so let's start with an exec assistant ...35 yeaa old single mother. shh works hard $499480. at thheend of day she pays an effective federrl ax rate f 16%. thhn
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makkng 105,000 dollars a pear... on whichhhe says they &ppay a 19 perceettrate. and spouse making 173,900 a year ---paying a 23 pprcent tax raae, eading to thhs conclusion: deeee a progressive tax system. aa your income n taxes. " - p then the white house points to a group of multimmllionaires it claims &ponly pay an 18 percent rate... tarnishing he progressivity. tax sysstm is so ppogressive, in fact, that 40-50 percent of income tax at all. one reason critics immediatell suspected something was wrong with the whiie house nuubers: holtz-eakin sayy: "for the exec ssistaat, we didnt ccme up with 16%, we got 7%. and we loooed at the teecher and the cop, we didn't get 19%. we gott10%. and ffnally when we got to our tax fairness. 7, 10, 16, 188-
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the more income you have the higher your ax rate." how could the wo sets of the whitt house confirmed to fox that t included more than incooe taxes .. though it did not say so, security and mediccre taxes as well... which some democcaas argue is only fair: wwiiehoose: ""wen my republican colleagues alk about taxes and they focus on iicome taxes, they leave out the payroll taxes, which virtually every aaerican pays." hodge says::"i think it'ss taxes and payyoolltaxes in a e taxes." critics argue they should not /u>be included ... becauue taxpayers get that "the dea of sociaa security is you pay the taxes ii benefit coming out. so they're distorting the nnmbers by including social security taxes but nottsocial security benefits. holtz-eakin says:: "thee will geetout hundreds of and mmddcare than they ever paid in taxes."capretta says: "so the idea hat somehow we dont have a progressive scheeule today is just not progressive schedule today, quite progressive."annle says: "consider thissooe of the earlyyrounds ... in hat s likely to be knock-downn drag out election-year fiiht
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&p.. over tax faarness. in washington, jim angle, fox news." p3&a... team of. national guard soldiers... are... headed to texaa .../ tt... help protect ...ourr.. nationns borders. the ttam.../ will... be on... the lookout.../ for... illegal immigrants.../ and... drug smugglers... / using... a... new helicopter.../ called.../ the... u-h---..72-a...////. áátheáá heliccptees.../ feeture... state of the art.../ mapping.../ and... nighh say... they're also - faster, .../ and... ssay .. - longer... in the air. former baltimore mayor shiela pixon is back in tte hot seat tooight...her conviction and of courseethe giff ccrds are backkin the heaalines... but ffr a gooo causs... tonight at her roast and toast. p the former city mayyr who &prrsigned in 2010 as part of a charges of steallngggiff inal - cards, subjected herself to ridicule tonight all in the
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name of charity. 3 organizers say partiall beeefit the agape housee a west baatimore sheller and community aide center. it's 3ne of dixon's chosen 3 pad day for an ellicott city pharmaccst... robbed by a man centennial lane ...went up to the pharmacy ccunter and threatened the pparmacist with the ssringe. he demanded prescription medication, then gooddday foo dogs... now they have dog t-v. t-v. an eight-hour locc offon- demanddcableetv proorammingg designed tt keep your dog relaxed, stimulated and enntrtained while you are at work.even tte ccmera shhts....
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are low, froo a dog's point oo view. no commercials, no ratings and nn reruns... a million subscribers have acceessto dog--v in san diego. parent company plans to offer it nntionaaly in the next several months, it will cost aaout $$.99 aamonth.. 3&pad day foo b-m-w drivers. you'reegetting a bad reputaaion. a ssrvey ssys that if youuoow a bmw, yoo are more likely to have an extra-mmrital affair..he purvey, from uk-basedddating claims to have polled itts, - 640,000 members nn fouuddthht more than 19 per ceet of male meebers who admitted too came in second as tte car of choice for cheaters. followed closely by mercedes. pthere's an ntrinsic link
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pbtween success and cheating". anotherrbeautifuu, sunny spring day. ddy. buu is t ggiig ot hold out for the end of the week? week? meteorologist vytas reid with your ssywatchh orecast.3
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the motor city mad maa under seccet service &pinvestigation. whh the presiient's body guards think to the presideet. the airport striipee bears all and now he's telling all. hear from the maa who is fighting back againnt airport searches by givinggthem nothinggto ssaach. n explosive secret uunovered in he ast and furious invessigation. wwy the jjstice department may have actually proteeted criminals frrm prosecution -&&l assault riflee. 3 ?ñ(e3
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3 in... the failed government.../ ggnnrunning... furiouss...////. fast and áátheáá... accusedd operation.../ was.... rrpootedly... arrested.../
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áánooáá nce, .../ áábutáá three times...////. ááwilliamááá ll jeunesse... explains why.../ our... ggvernment.../ may... have../ suupressed.../ information..././ ááaboutáá... this... seemingly... failed.../ disaster. disaster. the moot wanted man in the fast and furious &pact on a government innthe - &pcameraa..firing 10 rounds ro this 45 caliber handgun... yet manuel celis acosta remained traffic thousands of guns to mexxio. only after the &pdeath offborder agent briin terry, is acosta'' operatton prosecuted himm nytime. it's e 3 eithee total incompetence. or maybe it's something a bit more coordinated that the department of justice is nott congressional investtgatoos is unwilling to ttlk about informant. here's wwy... the fast and furious investigation begannin october 2009. in april 2010 - &ppolicc arrested acosta on thi
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ppoonix street with cocaine and handgunn hidden in his truck. he as reeeasee and not acosta crossing the mexican booder with 74 rounds of pmmunition hidden in hhs car. then in october,,a arges to this telephoneepole ached - handgun, purchasee illegally by accomplice seaa stewaat. policc reecver 15 shell casings from the shootout. chaffetz ssys: "somebody back se terrible disastrous calls on death f a lot of peoplee" now guns ussd by acosta in two of these incidents were both traced to fast and furious. hhre's the irony, with goverrment cameras trainee on his house federal agenns witnessed acosta -unloa obtainee illegally... &pyet they made no attempt to prosecute him or bust the ring &pthat is why some feel he was being rotected by the &pggvernment as an informann.
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in los angeles, william la jeunesse, fox news. 3 3 3 3
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3 forget theebody sccnners, brinn im a bathrobb. why this guy says going through seccrity n his irthday suit is his right as an american. guitar solo 4 secc sscs thh man behind jailbait could wind up in jail if he's not service wanted to talk to ted nugent about his very public opinion of president obama. 3 3
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3 3 rocker... ted nugent...// with...// thh ...secret service.../ thurssa/ thursday...///ssar spangled 12 secondss
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llberals...// say...// he has... o... explain.../ his... remarks barack obama's .../ administration" ../- áácommenttáá some... leftist... critics.../ interpret.../ as... a....threatt../ against... the.../ president.../// ááwe''reáá... kinda... heads.../ at.,.. this...// ásinceáá... actor... sean penn... george bush... should... ááandáá... director.... oliver stone... saidd.. if... "w"...// was... fighting...// along him... in vietnam...// ááhe'dáá... shooo...himm..// ááwereáá... stone... and penn... uestioned...// pervice?..../ áánoáá... that theee''... . / a... doubll-standard... in this country...?? a.../ portland mmn.../ who strippee... naked,...// at... irport securitt.../ feels.../ t-s-a... workers.../ went faa.far. john brennan .../ became... an... on-line... sensation.../ tuesday, .../ áwhenáá t-s-a... agents.../ told him... they found traces .../ of... nitrate .../ on ...his lothing...///. áááamerasáá followed him... back to the airport../ wednesdaa.../ as... e... reeuuned .../ bags.../ and... belongings.../
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he... had to leave behind....//.áábrennanáá tsa agents.../ pnd.../ wanted to make a staaement...////. "when ttey said i ttsted said 'thht's it. i'm not carryyng a bomb, and yoouneed to know it." it.""the ssstem is broken. the balance between our libertiis and security in the sky s out of balance" brennan, .../ faces... / exposure..../ charges...// ááandáá... we... think.../ their... should be..../ a... new law.../ &pthat says.../ sport.../ a... like that...// ááyouáá... should... get life...// in...prison...// ááifáá.../ you... even ááthinká... about...// stripping...// at...// airports...// 3 two american iconns meet nose to nose. theeplans for the permanent home of ne scientific achievements.3
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it's.../ of ankind's... greatest achiev. achievements. discovery moves to its new home at the smithsonian naaional air and space museum. museum. the discooery and shuttle enterprise sat noss to nose this mmrning. many isitors at a welcome eremony got an up-cllse look at the shuttle. astronauts... including former senator john glenn helped deliverrdiscovery into its retirement. 3
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3 bottom of thh 9th...bases loaded...2 outs...theetying johnsonnpickssup his 6th save or iffhe blows the johnsonnpickssup his 6th save or iffhe blows the in sports unlimited...
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i got the calling to, to join the service and support the boys over there. i never thought that i would have ptsd.
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i thought that i had enough coping skills. i don't think anybody who goes into combat could ever honestly say that they're not different when they come home. my life's changed. what you take as a simple thing, is not so simple for me anymore. it's like a pressure cooker and you know you want somebody desperately to, to trip that valve. you know, you want to like, you know, lose all of that anger d angst. i would say to those people that are out there, get educated. don't brush us aside and don't count us out. hear more of their stories at usoinvisiblewounds dot org. the wounds are invisible. the stories are real. 3 that's all for the late edition, bbt the o's are fighting to stay in first place. place. that's right, you heard us,
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let's go to bruce with sports it's too early f ourseeto &pthe orroles do not seem to be today theyywrapped up their series in chicaao by winning their 5th in the last 7 games... games... & of the 5th ...2 outs ful 2 run shot off gavin floyd... - no question it's gone ...putt the o's up 5-2...he would finish 2 for 4 with 3 rbi .... jason hammel on the mound for the birds...strikk outs woold e the theme of thh day...he d dunn to go down swiiging... hammel throws a career bbss 1 strikeouts against the sox... and finished with 2 earned runs n 6 innings ....bottom of the inth...2 outs...bases lladed...jim johnson pitching to alex rios...and the strike ouu gets way from ronny paulino...confusion as rios &pargues the ball was ipped off o's win it 5-3...thh team he
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heads to anaheim tomorrow orr a 3 game series with the angels... across that the annnullfree aggnt raids are complete, the ravens are gonna have tt find repllcemmnts for jarree johnson and guard ben morgan adsit reports from owings mills, phat they think can fill the br. breech. 3
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3 it's now time to announce our &phigg school game of the week winner...brought to you by varsity sports network dot com.. com... with 70 eecenttof the vote.. you picked howard attreservoir tommorrow night on sports unlimited for the hhghlights... that'll do it for this dition pf sports unlimited...i'm goodnight. 3
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