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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 21, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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to... ssudd... miiority businesses.../ in &pbaltimore.../. lepooa... finds out... how mmch money.../ one personn...was supposed to get../..ááandáá what the city... did about it... documents that reveal one of the mayor's top aides was slated to get a cut of a pricey deal. that is untii...we sttrted to investigate.. the mmyor appoonned sharon pinder as director of minooity business developmenn last montt. just this weekkpinder's name resurfaced. this ime she was listed as a sub-contractor... pn which her firm, pinder 70-thousand dollaas. 1:44:15 we had a belief that diddbecause this is tteir t it pattern there is cclture.the suit has been drafted.butt bite 1:43:06 there seemsstoobe a culture of corruption ttat's going on in the city. late this afternoon, two of thee the hone that piider is in the process of removing
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heeself from thh contract. and implied it was an oversight. joy lepooa fox 45 news late edition police in baltimorr county arr set fire to a speee camera in c. catonsvilll.thh camera .../ weeekmelindaarooder .../ live.../ frrm... southh.. rolling road... / with... rraction froo neighbors... about 13-thousand ollars in cost the ccunty to repair r l replace the speed camera they had justtppsted neaa thh utility poll alonggrolling &proad. now, hey waat to know who deetroyed it. it appened sometime left is the concrrte pad where the cammra stood. neighhors say it as constantly flashing as speeding drivers got cauggt some say they can't wait foo the amerr to be replaced. theyyhaaeeserious safett concerns about makes them more frustrated. &p3
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speeding drivers on olling road stiil run the risk of getting caughtton camera. because there arr two more sseed cameras just aboot a block away frrm here..ive in patonsville... melinda edition... fox 45 news, laae baltimore city police are looking for a missing teenage couple onight tonighttheeyare looking or guadalupe sosa... and miccael sincc wednesday...sosa left n - baltimore school of tte arts just before 11 that morning ...and carter was last seen at 930 thaa evening on carter avenue.they are believed to be together... but police are asked to call policeion is 3& nearly.../ a... p afterr.. an... aced.../- overnight fire.../ at... a.../ rristerstown ...apartment compl. complexxthe.../ 2- alarmer... broke out... juss after.../ 22.. a-m .../ at ...the... "preserve".../ at... owings crossing.../ on... caraway road.../.
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ááflamesáá shot... phen ...crews arrived.../. peveral hours.../ for... about.../ 55 irefighters bbing the blaze.../ under control. ((1:05:000our crews are very incident....and they did it f relatively quickly. the fire within 30 minuttss 1:05:09)) 1:05:09)) 11 apartments ...were damaged .../ and... tto resideets... suffered minor injuries..../ áátheáá nvestigation...//// áátheáá a ppoposal to put advertiseeeets on city firetrucks is getting support from animallrrghts group peta.. city councilman pete welch ii floating the idea to raise funds for city fiieecompannes. the group sent a letter to wellh asking to run an addthat reads: vegans are hot! and theer website. earlier this wwek, welch said the ads could brinn in much needed revenue for fire companies in danger of closiiggbecause of budget cuts. . (34:16)i hope thht we keep all of our fire houses andd companiis intacttann weeget residual revenue to actually
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puy new equipment. fire truck n. nats. a budget appropriations committee hhariig on the iisue phe head.../ of... educction in delaware.../ willl../ noo... take over... marylandd.. schools.... doctor.../ lillian.../ lowery .../ has... been hired.../ as... maryland's... new school.../ superinttndent..../ áásheáá secretary....of education.../ in... delaware ...since 009 - / ááwhenáá shh... &pled the state .../ to... become... the first in tte natiin .../ to... win the .../ prestigious.../ grant.../. álocal leaders say they'reááá exxited to ork with her.. p11 she's not comiig into something brrnd new here and she'ssfrom thh east coost and a neighbor, so she knows a lot aboot thh culture here as well i would think so those to me are big pluses 28 28lowery... grassick -/ whoo retired last year.../ as... superintendent ... orr.. 20-yeers...//. áálowery'sáá first dayy.. is july first. 3 i do have high hopes for her pnd f course maryllnd's been
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the number one public school ssssem in the nation forrffur years and i hope next year it will be the fifth and then 3pseventh. - 3&áálowery'sáá first julyy irstt 3 its a bad day for ne secret service agent... posted n facebook that he waa pandidate sarah palin when he ppotected hee during the two- phousand eight campaign.... but palin sid "on the record" he's got somethingg well this agent who was kinda ridiculous thee posting pictures and comments about check ttis're fired.. fired.... chhney is one of the seccet service sspervisors put out of a jjb... beccuse of the current prostttution scandal... //karrn// urious kitten... finns itsell in a very tight squeeze in a florida home. heather hudson thought home thursdayynnght .. .
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so she called in a friend.. anddthe pair discoveree the tiny sounds wwre actually coming frrm inside the wall. an electrical outlet and cut kitten. the luccy kitty is staying with the man whh rescued her until she is adopted. p,3&it was a perfect spring day daybut ... thatts not ...going to last... too... much longer... longer...emily gracey... ii here withhyour first look at your skywatch foreeast... emily emily 3
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one of towson'' lannmarks is pe-opening...after a fire destrooed the buildinggdownnto its foundation. 3&this is what charles village pub looked like after the fire in january of 0-11....just a shell offwhat it once was. ...but now... almost a year and a half later....cvp's has been rebuilt... and is about to pen to the public process which has beenna lot
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of work..but now we're happy to be here at the end of this. this. the owner says doors will bb open this weeeend ...and their aa noon. 3 comiig up on the late edition...a gym teacher... who needs a dose of common seese... the astonishing thing he told a ááá year old voice of prosscutor saying: &pdid youumake that statement t" hearing ffr george zimmerman.. &pwhat e said to the parrnts o trayvon martin...after the break george zimmerman... tte man
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murder -- in the death oo an unarmed african-american teenager......took the stand during his bond hearing toddy. phil keating tells us what he said to trayvon martin's parent. parrnts. the parents oo trayvon martin, in court, to see-- n persoo--
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the man who killed him...had o reaction as george m...had zimmerman--unexpectedly-- walked up to the witness stand and apologized for the death of their seeenteen-year-oll son. (take sot))immerman says: "i wanted to say i am sorry, i did ot know how old he was, i thought he was a little bit younger than i am, but, i dii not now if he was armed oo not."in cross examination, prosecutor bernieede la rionda immediatell pounced on this 'apology.'(take sots)voice of committed criie, did you make that statemeet to police?" zimmerman says: "i don't remember i believe i did say hat in one of the staaements i said i fell sorry for the family."the neighborhood watch vollnteer &pattended his bonn hearing shackled in a grey suit vest. "safety" waa such a
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concern that the judge aalowed zimmerman's wife, mother and father to testifyyby teeephone. zimmermmn claims self-defense, saying trayvon martin attacced him first and was slammmng his head into the sidewalk befooeehe pulled the trigger. abc news brradcast puuporting to show the bloody 3 paramedics leaned ttup at &pthe scene.(take sot))oice of robert we sked:... áshouldáá george zimmermmn released on bail? have alleady spooen out about this one......and the
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&ppoin it by going to facebook - dot com slash fox-baltimore thh jokes were flying at the rr-naming of the saiittfrancis community cenner in east baltimore today...... with just one warning... for a puuding popi wouud like - here from now on woull you - ppeaae not try any jokes the community center was renamed for bill cosy and his wife of he nuus camille cosby a call.they - the projectbill says he was never consulted. 3iqq and why she thought oq: what do yoo mean no 3
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nothe center ill provide after sshool programs....dultt literacy programs...and job crews are finissiig the first phase of the ocean city &pboardwalk reconstruction proj. project. thanks.../ to... good weaaher, .../ áátheáá project... is... two weeks... // ahead of schedule...//. áátheáá boardwalk expected .../ for... the inaugural .../ &psusan ...g. komen race... / áátteáá ress... of the boarrwaak.../ .../ during ...the... sscond phase.../ off.. the project, .... set... to begin... in otober. 3 ,3-
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coming up on the lateeedition...why one woman says this billloard was the best ay to elp her daughter beccme prom queen
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pommmnts... to a 7 year old... the perron who needs a ddse of commmn sense...aftee the break 3
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b-gge's 1.1 million residentt will get a nice surrpise in their may bll: a $100 credit n their pccounts. thii after constellation's merrerr with chicago-based exelon corp. the 2---ccmpanies agreed an aareeeent with state energy regulators. b-g-e will automatically apply the credit may 1st. if a customer's bill is álessá than $100, the remaining palance will caary over to future bills. loog-awaitee improvements to the howwrd street corridor are finally complete. unveiled thh 4 million dollar project today.the biggest change is tte relocation of market light ail station from north of fayette strret to upgrades also include eight llght rail shelters, and a ramp system for disabled
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passengers. its parr of an effoot to revitalize theewest transportation. &ppartners and the mayors nerg and drivveare gging to produce conninued taagible results on the west side." side."the project also involved removing four arch and saratoga streets.ltimore thh.../ orioles ...played the whitesox.../ thursday ááándááá pparently little boo.../ got... oo closs. 3 the boy... managed... to runn.../ onto... the field.../ in... the 7th inning...//. p cheering....fromm fans... encouragee hii ... to... eeture ../ .intoo.. tte outfieed.../. ááthat'sáá where ...left fielder.../ ddane,... vee-cee.../ ay-doe.../// seen here, .../ scooped him up. ../. áááeáá says... hh was hoping ....he ball.../ the boy, .... áásoáá his... paternal... &pinstincts.../ kicked grabbed him..... áátheáá boy... was esccrted bacc... to the stands .../ to... his parents..../ áábutáá here's... the worst ejected ...ffom the game .../ m-l-b.../ regulations .../ abbut... entering the field... of play.
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a.... ew jersey father fired- up.../ ááoveráá a... remark ...his daughter &pssys.../ her.... teacher made...// made...// the... teacher's... accusee of.... telling the.../ 7--year old.../ her... gym outtit.../ was.../ "too sexy.".../// áátteáá... p didd't... feel ..// right.../ about .../ what... was said, .../ ááandáá told ...another teacher.../// year old.../ marco - .... in---kip.../// as been... sussended...// outraged...// the.../ teacher.../ reportedly... said it...// átoáá../ thh... second rader..../ gradee..../ henryywilson / girl's fathhr wilson: "anger i was just veey pngry when my daughter first told me."wilson: "any teacher coming tt a little girl that she looks sexy is just coopletely inappropiate." says its investigating...// - áámeantimeáá... for... pareets...// áátheáá... "perv-alert"... scale.../// áájustáá... went... to ddfcon... 1.../// prom.../ season...
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isshere...///. pere...///....ann all thee queen......but get woman recentll bought a bbllboard for her daughter to pdea originally started out ass decided to make it reality... - 3day says: "all the irls want wanttto outshine or out do the next girl, especially pompetitions tough and thee
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you gottyour eer pressure aa " well." the billloard is only the eginning.... day has also placed aas in newspapers and local restaurantt. so far, day has spent over fifteen hundred dollars on advertisements... 3 3 &p3 ,33 the 100th anniversary of the ddamond thht boston fans would rather ii sports unlimited...oooooooooooo3
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3&that's all for theelate ediiton... i'm karen parks parks ...and i'm jeff baandmorgann
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adsit jjins us now with sportt unlimited... three game lossng streak on the poteetial to be disasterioos.but howwabout thooe o's?!baltimore on their series with the blueejays and white soxs... of thhee on the west coast &pat angels. brian matusz es getting hiss3rd start.... bottom of the 1st...torii hunter smacks it to left... howie kennrick scores..angels uu 1-0....then mark trumbo lifts it high to left...nolann rrimold having iisues...whiffs on the diving catch...hunter scores...halos in front 2-0.... pujols homer-less ttrough the fiist 2 eeks of the season.... putt aacharge into that one... looks like it's a goner...but reimold catchee it up against the wwll...warninggtrack power from albert...angels lead 3-- in the 5th... 3&red soxxhosting the yankees
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ffr the first time this year... today marks the 100th anniverrary of fenway park.. terry francona made it deepite offseason...foomer oriole and red ock kevin millar getttng game....clay buchooz unable to nick swiiher goes yard in thh 2nd....2 batters later..eric chavvz hits it into the of the th... chavez at the plate again... takes bucholzzdeep again... this one to dead center.... then alex rrdriguez makes hiitory....hii 631ss home run...passing ken griffee jr for 5thhall-time...bucholz surrenders 5 homers as he yankees spoil the cclebration at fenway...6-2 final.... the two tams that took doww powerhousesslast week... meeeing tonight in the a-c-c tournaaent.maryland at duke. terps coming off their upset over johns hhpkins.blle devill put awaa virginia. viiginia.even though the regular seasons' not ooer... the aac-c tournaaent is in ffll swing.lost? me too, it's okky..just befooe the end of the st half...josh die-in on pall...quick turn and fires
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for tte devils take a 4-3 lead nto the down 2...joeecummings finds s theebaak of the net on the easy shot...maryland trails by one....under 10 seconds... maryland tryiig to force overtime....ummiigs shot stopped by dan wig-rrzer... duke holds on to beat devils advanceeto the their 5th acc championshii in the last 6 years... hhgh school game of the weekk varsity sports etwork dot com. diamond... girls softball... howard at reservoir.bottom of the 7th... paloney doubles to left... - ttying to startta rally in the last inning....but with 2 on gets a pop uu to 2nd to end the game...howard shuts out the gators...6-0... calvert hall hosting arch &prival oyola in boys lacrosse....3rd quarter... pardinals up 7-2...keltoo black riffles in the goal... &pgets drilled after the shot... penalty on loyola...caavert hall n top by 6....later... hall up 9-4...timmyykelll from
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behinddthe cagee..tickles he win 11-6 front andd - ptat's it for thisseddtion of sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsit....hanks for watching... have a great night...
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