tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW April 25, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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hello, i'm jeff barnd. baand. and i'm jennifer gilbertt happening now, doctors are working to heal the 8 monnh old baby tabbed in a sociil service office in east baltimorretodaa. tonight, we just recieved confirmation that the child is expected to survive and is in condition..meanwhile,.../ kathleen cairns.... reports...// áátheáá baby's mother's.../ in... custody.../ ááandáá is... expected to be... charred. 3 3(ambo shot sirens)a baby is stabbed inside sociil -&&pserv in ast baltimore.(man)"this is dept of social services and dhs... wheee they take your kids aad stuff"(police)"when we got ere we found an eight
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month old baby suffering from multiple stab wounds to the neck and extreme upper baby's mother was visiting wiih her oon child.... under worker... when the (police)"at some point the mother became irate pulled out a long kiichen knife and beggn stabbing the baby"(ambo rolls by)(man on steps)"i saw employyesscoming out..crying hysterical"(ambo rolls by nats) here..") the baby's mother ii paken intoocustody, while a knife ggt through security.... (neighbor) "the kids are over there to be protected.. so ya know its crazy she got in there with a kitchen knife past security" security includes metal detecttrs... and social services has now launched an internal invessigatton. (neighbor)"so it goes to let you know somebody wasn't doing their job"in east balt kc fox 45 neww late eddtion an update to theestory you saw pfrst on fox. fox.police make a 3rr arrest ... in connection with this beating outside of a
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courthouse in baltimore last month.......a touuist beaten... robbed... and ssripped naked. naked.police arrested this man... 18 year old deangelo carter... in northeast baltimore this afternoon. affernoon.police are still looking for this person...21 year old shatia baldwinannone with information is assed to call police a baltimooe detective who was the lead investigator in the phylicia baanns case has now been accused of police misc. missonduct..... homicide detective daniel nicholson wwo has been on the fooce for more than 17 yeers has been suspended with pay ...amid allegations that he used his badge while off duty to force his way into homes in northeast baltimore and search for his dauuhter who had run &paway.... sources say internal investigators became aware f icholson's actions when residents complained about how they were treated..... 3 when peoole have concernssand they see.........they will react swiftly... swiftly... his 16 year old daughter
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moriah called police on monddy to tell investigators she was and sound...... meenwhile nicholsoo is the &psubject of a criminal investigation but the city's statees attoonny's office... 3 an adult ookstore is under court order tonight to stop showing adult films. films. jeff abell is live in halethorpe tonight where the video booths have gone storr is still selling adult fflms here in halethorpe tonight.... but it is 3 a baltimore county circuit court judge has ruled that the showing of adult films here is in violaaion of a new county zoning law.. the store has been showing adult films for 13-years.....but tonight, its video booths are dark.....and its attorneys are appeallinn. 3 (11:12:53) "this is absolutely a first amendment issue. the question hereeis whether the injunction s a prior restraant on speech " (15:04:55) "we're . -
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really looking forward o it going away and i wish the business ooneer would be they can legally operate." - 3 this is the irst time a challenge to thh coonty's new zoning law has hit the ciicuit courtroom...... now, the court of special could have the final say. l;ive in halethorpe, jeff abell, fox 45 maryland's highhcourt strikes down a ccntroversial d-n-a law... thee2008 law allows officers to collect d---a samples at &pcourt of appeals found parts of he lawwunconstitutional... saying it violates fourth amendment rrghts,,which protect individuals from unreasonable warrantless searches. 21:02 they didn't say you know that echnology about dna throw it away you can't use it. they are saying law enforcement officer, just like in so many other areas you may
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intrude on people's reasonable expectation oo prrvacy provided a neutral or detached person called a judge issues you a warrant 22 22 it's too early to tell whether the state will appeal the ruling. new details.../ in... the arrest .../ of.../ maryland... ciiil rights leader.../ carl snowden .../ ááwhoáá was arrested.../ on... drug chaages,.../ last week. week. court recordss... show.../ snowden ...was in a car.../ with.../ a.... convicted felon.... in... druid hill prk.../ ááwhenáá he.,.. was stopped.../ by... city pollce officers...///. áápoliceáá... &psmelled marijuana.... and... saw .../ whhtt.. they ábelievedá.../ &p to... be.../ a pot.../ in... the ng console...////. áátheyáá also... found drugs.../ on... his passenger,,.../ anthony hill,.../ ááaáá.../ registered.../ sex offender..../// áásnowdenáá and... hilll../ are... chhrged with.../ marijuana possesion..// it now appears maryland lawmakers will convene a speeial session next problems. goverror o'malley says if lawmakers fail to pass a trigger 500-million ollars in
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lawmakersswant toconsider a - bill to expand gambling in maryyand...they should convene another special session in august. but senate prrsident mike miller wants to debate (question) "would you like to see a gaming iil taken up during the special session in may? (miller) "i want wwatever will pass. i want a gaming bill because i want these losing tax dollars toodelaware and pennsylvania and west virginiathey're building schoolss n these states with income."during the regular bill toexpand gambling.but it never came up ffr a vote in the house. 3 george zimmerman's ... attorney .../ áááescribesáá his... client's life.../ ááafteráá his release... on bond shooting.../ of... trayvon martin.../. áárickáá vincent... has the latest on the case.../ that.../ captured.../ the natiin's attention. attention. --reporter pkggas follows -- george zimmerman wassreleased on bond just after midnight monday morning. his attoonny eeplained how he's doing.he's &pdoing well, he's veryyglad to
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be ut, trying to get settted in, still worried about his safety, but talking to his family and feeling much better zimmerman was wearingga bullet proof vesttwhen he left the jaal-- because of threats against him.he said his client does notthave police protection.and he wouldn't say whether r not zimmerman is in florida or planned to stay there.we have actually several locations that we're going to be sort of moving hhm around just to make sure we maintain his safetyyand does martin's family ffel about zimmerman's freedom?the journey that it took to get them to thh point of having one. so it's with a very, very heavy heart they see him walk freely late last night back into the public.also monday, the sanford city commissioners voted against acceptiig the police chieffs resignation. chief bill lee has been on paid leeve fter the coomission expressed a lack of handding of the commissioner gave an imppssioned defense.chief lee is paying for the ins of paat police fficers, police chiefs. (applause) he has been
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in office 10 months, how do you steer a boat that big, mr. mayor, how do you steerra boat in 10 months to a complete vincent reporting.n't.i'm rick an... arraignment ... was set.../ foo... may 8th. .../ áábutáá monday ../ zimmerman's attorney... entered a written.../ "not guilty" ...plea .../ to... second-degree murder ../ on... zimmerman's behalf -/// 3 bad day for a girl in china. chinn.she really should have hung up that cell phone.... before she walked rightt nto into it.see the cab in the pack?the cab driver got outt jumped in, but got stuck oo. firefighters had to get them members oo the girl hhm. this video to help track - health experts... / warn... parents... oo an alarminn trenn... involving hand sanitizer.../.
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in... past onths, .../ &p half a dozen teenagers ...i southern california... were... hospitalizzd...// for... alcohol poisoning.../ aftee drinking the liquid...//. ááhandáá 62-percent... ethyl alcoool ... and....makes a... 120-proof drink...//. ááit'sáá easy... for teens to purchase..../ ááexpertsáá say... parents houlddbuy... ááoamá... hand sanitizer.../ because... it's harder... to disttll tte alcohol. good day for tyson.he was named the most beautiful bull dog.50 finalists battled it out for thh titleein des moines, iowa. as the &pcontest'sschamp, tyson gets his title and wwll serve as the droopy mouth and slobber.... are all characteristics that puu him 3 a... chance .../ to... dry out, .../ but... how long showers? let's go to meteorologistt emily gracee gracey
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primaries. jonathon hunt explains how today's primary wins all but assure romney will take on ressdent obama in nooember. november. miit romney sweeps áallá five northeastern states in the latest g-o-p primaries.the former maasachuseets governor wwnning new york, rhode island, connecticut, pennsylvania and delaware .. by large margins.his victory america begins today."romney: &p"after 43 primaries and caucuses, many long days and
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not a few long nights, i can say with confidence - and gratitude - that you have solemn responsibility. and, together, we will win on november 6th"focusing on thee fall campaign... the likely republican presidential nominee continues to attack president obama. rommey: "four years ago barack obama dazzled us in front of greek columns with sweeping prrmises of hope and change. but after we came down tooearth, after the celebration and paradee, what do we have to show for three andda half years of presidenn &pobama?"newt gingrich says he will decide his next steps after these primaries... especially delaware.the former house speaker spending considerable time in ttat state in recent weeks. following these latest results...he had this to sayy.. gingrichh "governor romney is going to have a very good night. and it is a night thht he has worred for six
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yearss and ii he does end up as the nominee. every conservative in this country has to be committed to defeat barack obama. lets be very clear about that."((on cam tag)) meanwhile president obama launching a áthreeá-state tour... meeting with young voters on college campuses in north carolina, colorado and iowa.those states ... expected to be key battlegrounns this new york, jonathan hunt, fox news 3 3 3 &p batter up, two men on
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saturday.../ ááandáá... is... so mad.../// with... the ssrvice.../. ááheáá comes back.../ sunday,.../ with... a bat. baa. "we have somebody that just jumped over the counter and started beating one of my managers with a batt" "he just started flipping out and he left and came back, started beating the manager who accidentally skipped over him with a bat." this... is... surveillance video.../ and... fresh ...911 tapes ...from this bizarre melt-- down.../ in... florida.../. áátheáá say... he used his shirt... on the knob .../ to... cover his prints...// áátheyáá didn't... get a great look his facc...//. ááhe'sáá still at largg... tonight.../. áátheáá manager... hit... by,,, the../ mcdonald's... customer...// will make... a full recovery. aa.. beating of a woman ...
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byy,.. a... utah ...highway patrol officer... ááthisáá is... ..// dashcam vidio... of the beating.../ from august....2010.,,,.///. ááyouáá can see,,,/ áásggáá andrew davvnport.../ punching... a female driver... in the face... repeatedly.../ wiih a closed fist.../. áátheáá departmentt ruled.../ it was... excessive force...//. ááafterááá almost... two yearss.. of... legal wrangling,../. áátheáá police board... / upheld... the seegeant's... dismissal... from the force....// a... michigan detecttvee../ ááandáá... bad ./ - habits.../ for... an.../ arrest.../// detective.../ went station.../ thursday.../ áátoáá.../ show clerks.../ surveillance video.../ of... a man... who stole.../ a... woman's.../ credit card.../ ááturnsáá... out...// ááwhenáá the... cops... there...// áátheáá suspect's.../ there...// buying... cigarettes,...// ááthháá... suspect..., was say.../ he... used ...the credit card...// twice...// ááincludingáá... at... the store...// where.../ he... was nabbed... 3 debra lund ... is... a..// medical technician.../ who's a genius...//
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áásheáá... has a bus.,.. that rollss.. thru... vegas...// namedd... "hangover heaven"...// pálundáá... treats peoole... who.../// drink... too much... / in vegas,....// ááheráá... business is steadier.../ than... an... undertakerr...// áásheáá... checks... on hangover... patientt...// with...// innravenous fluids...// saline... / vittmins.../ juices.../ water...// ann... aspirin.../// ááandáá... for... ttose... / who... vomit...// áásheáá... hhs... anacids...// ááproofáá... that... what's.../ iigested in vegas...// áásometimesáá... doesn't stay down .../ ii vegas... 3 call 911 then sit down and takeea bite. why this restaurant is anding it's customers in the hospital and they keep coming baac for more. 3
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the... heart attack grill.../ for a reason.../ reason.../ aasecond pprson has heart attack grill in las he vegas. the first was a man, this time, a womaa, who was trying to eat the double bypass burger but ended up getting carted out on a ptretcher. the servers at have no medical training.the t - quadruple bypass burger ... packs over eight thousand calories and hundreds of grams of fat.
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let's hand it over to sports unlimited and bruce with the lates on thh birds lying the orioles' early season success continues...and it sure feels good, doesn't it? after an encouraging road trip, the birds picked it righh up tonnght at camden yard. yards... &pthe birds got a run in the first and then here in the third, the jays answer hunter up and just inside the foul pole in rightt..a solo ...that is, until here in the 4th...matt wieters goes thee other way..his first opposite field home run of the year...his 6th overall as tte o's get great p[itching and hang oo for the 2-1 victoryy.. so the birds take it 2-1.. tommy hunter a strong start...6 innings, just 3 hits win to go 2-1..young handerson alverez threw pretty well for toronto, too..7 innings, 5 hits, 2 walks 2 runs..wieters' hr gives him the club lead witt six, and the birds were effiiient with their base runners..straindinn only four all night. it's anothewr tuesday njight,
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women's lacrosse team won a record 4th straight acc championship, and they did it &pbehind an heroic effort from katie schwartzman...the junior from sykesville had 4 goals and 2 assists in theewin over duke...for the tournament, she had 11 goals, which tiee a record..she was aaso named tournament mvp..katie was a winner while a star attcentury &phigh, and that school's &punbeaten team still uses herr ps an example.. announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest...brought to you by varsity sports network dot can vott for the
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game you'd like to see &phighlights of by goiig to fox- baltimore dot com and clickinn on highhschool ggme of the week. week... here's this week's set of &pgames for friday april 27th... softball...c milton wright and hereford in girls lacrosse... dulaney hosts eastern tech in baseball...and severn meets calvert hall in boys lax... we'll announce the winner on thursday niiht... that'll do it for his edition of sports unlimitedi'm bc..and be sure o tune in to fox45 morning news tomoorow -- starting at 5-am.goodnnght. goodnight. 3 3
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