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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 26, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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police... neee you ight back .../ and... help them.../ solve .../ p... murder mystery...///. &p ááhelloááá , i'm,,, jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. a 37-year old norrhhast baltiiore woman is found ptabbed to deatt in her own police are trying to understand 'who' would want to kill her. her. in the wallhersoo ccmmunity of northeast baatimore...... (8:00) "six ambulances, twoopolice vehicles and a fireetruckk.... murddr has shaken the community tt the core..... 9944) "with policeebeingg here for hours, it leads you to believe omething happened." at this home here on 37- year old somchanh e ffuud - batttub. no one can
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understand who would want to kill her. (10:54) "it was just a big hhppy family. they were friendly with the neighbors.. they played baseball, you'd see them just outta nowhere....." (18:08) (abell) "according to neighbors, the victim had come here on monnay to clean up this house where she andd her husband once livedd the victim, accorddng to neighbors was preparing to move back." (12:23340) (police) "reeatives were gging to help her move. they went to the homm and foonn her unresponsive in theebaahtub. cuts to the head." s far, there's no indication anyone forced their way inside this home. tonight, all thatt left is the victim's freshly questions aaout who would want her dead.. (10:200 "it seems like everybodys shocked at the fact that this ould happen here." jeff abell, fox 45 news ate 3dition. police haae ccmbed the house and the communityyfor clues but so faa, no rrest.
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baltimore police...// arrest.../ a.../ 4--th.../ suspect.../ for....the prutal assault.../ of... a tourist.../ in march. marcc. it.../ happened .../ outside.../ he ...courthouse.../ downtown....//// ááafteráá... fox 45.... fiist.../ reported &p...the story... / áátipsáá startedd ...coming in ../ . tt... our newsroom .../ and... police...///.. suspect...// turned ...himself in.../ 2--weeks aao....// áásinceáá then.../ 3--more... people.../ &p were.../ arrested...////. áátheáá most... recenn arrest .../ 21-yearrold.../ sha--t baldwin. .../ áátheáá woman ....n the...// red hat,.../ ááwwoáá allegeddy... assaulteddthe victim.../ theftt"> pooice... believe... they have.../ 4--main suspects.../// in... custtdy. ...// áátheáá... victim's attorney.../ has no... comment. a followup now to a story we broughttyou yesterday....a baltimore city police officer is facing an investigation for possibly misusing hii pplice powers to seerch homes in northeaat baltimore looking daughter.........his daughter has since been found.but fox 45 has now learned that
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officer aniel nicholson faced child abuse charges last basically the complaint from 2011 involves charge thaa he hit her with an electrical cord. court documents show nicholsonn was charged with second degree assault after his daughter moriah....who waa 155at the time....told police her father hit her several times with a cable ccrd after he discovered her facebook account...which she wasnt' allowed to use. charges weee dropped after the mediation......o go to - the mother ccused of locked up tonight wwthout - baal.... and now weere learning more about her and what appened during that atttck at that east baltimore social services office. office. keith aniels, live at johns hopkins hospital where the child is keith. jennifer.... the baby's name s pretty diamond.. she's 8-months old. doctors say the child is in good condition tonight.. more about the 29-year-old ing
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mother.... who'' chhrged tonight with firsttdegree attempted murder..... 3 3a newly released police probabbe cause tatement gives an account of the gruusome thomas, who does not have ccstody offher 8-month-old tuesday.. complaiiing about the care given to her daughter. then invessigtors say co-workers heard someonee scream.. "she's stabbing thh baby,,help." policeessy thomas said... "lock me me up. if caa't have her, nobody will." invessigators say, somehow, thomas had slipped a and metal detectors... and &pdaughter in the face and neck a shooking attaak for workers and neighbors who watched emerrency crews arrive to help. 3 "it's craaz she got in therr with a kitchen knife, pass security, you know, pass metall detectorss pass anything andd the knife and stab the child." social ervices officiaas say they're investigating the security
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bbeach. meantimm, union leaders wwo represent social workers say a lack of staffing and resources.. contributed to the incident.. live in east baltimore, peith daniels, fox 44 news, late edition. the search is on tonight for ssooting in essex. essex. it happened this aaternoon at the a - line barbershop on south mar-lyn avenue . police shop, confrontee a man who worked there and then shot him in the chest.. "people go in there with their familiis....afraid to get your haircut." 3 3 the man is exxected to survive. the gunmen were last seen running from the scene. a... strange day.../ ii court ...// pgainst.../ members... of jewish.../. group...// áátheáá african american teen.../ they're accused ..of assaulting ./... wants.../ charges dropped. thiss../ is... video... of the 16 year old .../ outside the pourthouse .... today.../
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ááwe'reáá... nnt... giving his name..../ because... he's... a puvenile...// áátheáá an... early lunch..../ ááafteráá the teen ...failed to speak ...llud enough.../ while testifying...// ááatáá state... would repeat... the ááwhicháá attooneys ...represeeting.../ a-vi .../ and... eli werdesheim... objjcted to. 12:22:51 i was not accusinn the prooecution of misrepresenting anything...what i was saying is i can't heer what the &pwitness said so hoo am i supposed to know how are wee supposed to know how he's responding to it and that's difficult :05 :05 ii the afternoon... the teen... / refused to &ptestify.../ áádespiteáá ttis...// the... state ...has ánotá... dropped chargee.../ or... indicated they ppan t. as specclation grows ooer the prix, , mayor stephanie pawlings-blake isn't saying much about tteestatus of the controversial event. event.the mayor took questioos about the future of the rrce at city hall this morning.but she offerred few details, including if the new race promotors had evvnnsigned the contract with the city to
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manage the event. 20:25:15q: "did downforce ever sign the ggeement?"20:25:22"i don't have any informatiun on that iican back to you" you" meanwhile, the city is still tryinn to collect money from &pthe race's previous promotors the state has placcd tax leins on the homes of owners and employees of baltimore racing ddvelopment, the group whose contract was terminated by the city after last yearrs race due toounpaid debts. aa lawyer for the groop says hey also plan to fileea lawsuit. five peeple.../ ...with selling...// following ...sunday's raid.../ att../ the pptapscoo../ flea market. 3morr than .../ 100 agents.../ from "ice"...// searched the market..../ ááconfiscatingáá illegal merchandise...///. ááthereáá was... so much evidence, ... agents ...had to bring storage boxes... nd... a.../ collect it all...///.ááamongáá &p the items... found.../ . boooleg 3and. shipped prom... new york city.../.áá4áá of... the... five defendants .../ are... in... custody..../// áátheáá 5--th... remains... att large. the push to expand gambling in
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maryland will prrbably beean issue when state lawmakers return for a sppcial session. sessioo.senate president.../ mike miiler.../ casino.../ nother ppssibly...// at... the.../ in.../ p--g... county...// across... the potomac.../ from.../ ...approve the casino.../ áátheáá state ponstiution woold have to bee changed. here's...// our question of the dayy../. áádoáá you think... maryland needs... a gambling suburbs? 3go to our facebook page and lee us know what you think about rolling the diceeon gambling in marylanddagain. bad day.. in... camden, new jersey.../ jersey.../ residents .... are... tired of random people.../ illegally dumping ...unwanted animals.../ into their neighborhoods..../ áásurveillanceáá cameras.../ are... catching.../ these... folks... in... the are... getting out.../ and... shoving their junk... or ápetsá.../ redd says: "and after 2 pride iito our neighhorhoods ttrrugh the camden clean campaign, we are uppinggthe targeeing individuals and
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pusinesses who think they ccn use ourrcity, our ciiy of camden aa a dumpiig ground." ground." video... like this.../ helped policc... catch, ...and charge, .../ 20-- people... wwth illegal dumping.../ inn.. less than .../ 2--weeks...// great day.../ for... archeologists...// áátheyáá... "discovered"... these califoonia beach...///.. actuall.y... uneaathedd../ on... ttis... santa monica.../ beach...///. áá"travelááá lberta" --// a... travel agency foot-long.../ albbrto-- skeleton.../ here -- / áátoáá promote travel... to... albertaa canada...//. ááthat'sáá where ...a.. lot f dinosaurs ...have actually.../ bben discovered...///. ááalláá this... morning, ../ áápallntologistsáá pntertained... a crowd of people.../ here.../// embarrassing moment...// for... kolby.../ ááheráá... yogurt - ...lands n .../ president obama..../ ááitáá happened outside... a snack lace.../ in... boulder, cclorado.../ tuesday,.../ ááyouáá ccn hear... the president.../ jokkng.../ with... kolby...// pres. ooama says: " look it,
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you got me, yoo got me...all over me. pree obamm : "you got itton the president, and the secret service..." servvce..." kol-bb...// a... student... at thh universsty says.../ she... waa... obama,.../ ááandáá ppt her bbwl....of yogurt... on the grouud../ .for... safeekeeping...///. ááaáá... news photoggapher.../ raced up... behind herr.../ and... kicked the dish...// right... on the trousers....// áátheáá... president... laughed it off...// bad day... mmrco rubio... f florida,...// áárubio'sáá... ssid... to be .../ on... mitt pommey's .../ list... running mates.../ . áááutáá... look... what happened.../ while.../ he... was makinn a speech.../ oo foreign pooicy...// toda/ today..// &pii" the 21st century"out;"did i leave it with you?
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coold... aayone... - unpreeared? ááprompteráá... wwnt out... áádoesáá... nyone.../ have my... last page? p áááytasáá... did.../ i....leave it... wiihhyou...//. spring day in baltimore, baltimore, but that's about to change. meteorologist vytas reid for look at what's happening now.
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&p ccngress wants to get t the bottom of hookerrate. why top obama advisors say the secret service sex scandall why one webssteeis putting upp - a million doolars o bring down a sports icon. cats getting fatter just like america. why this kitty is going to haveeto lly off the catnippann fancy feast foora ffw months.
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the secret service sex scandal grows as the homeland security
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secretary is called n o congress. doug mckelway... explains how... the... white house../ is trying... to put... hookergate bed. napolittno: "the allegations are inexcusable nddwe take them very seriously."it's the first public hearing over the seccet serrvce ppostitution scandal.homeland security telling he senate judiciary coomittee... president obama's security wassnottcompromised in colombia. leahy: "the did that pose any risk to the president's secuurty in colombia or to national chhirman, that was my fiist question to director sullivan answer is no. there was nn - risk to the pressdent." security inspector general is supervisinggthe investigatton. investigation has implicated individuals are now sepaaated from the agency. the secret service is moving to
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security clearanne of another and 3 of the employees involved have been clearee of serrous misconduct buu will face appropriate admiiistrative action."the secretary also talking about a facebook photo offsarah palin ... posted by one of the aggntss that agent writing...quote "i was really checking her out. ii you know what i mean?"napolitaao: "too the extent thhre was such a unacceptable"((on cam taa)) a - also implicaaed... and their - seeurity ccearances suspended. jay carney says the president &pis still áangryá ovvr the mckelway, fox news.
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p 3
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taking tebowwng tooa whole nee level. why one website is putting up a
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take down the superstar attlete. kitty needs to spend a few more inutes on the treadmill. whyythis fat cat is america's hearts and 3- 3 33
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commonnseene says, don't destroy someone'ssrepptation &pfor sport. &p cheaters website is offering million bucks.... to destory tim tebow's reputation.assley madissn dot commis offering the caah to any woman who can prove she's had sex with the new york jets quarterback. tebow is an website that helps organize 3 affairs between married people. common sense ssys... you shouldn't teach a kid, how to get innolved in the rug trade. police ii western pennsylvania say a man's cell phone how to reak up marijuana buds for sale by rubbing them in his hands.police don't know who the boy is, buu they say who the he phone belongs to 25-- busted when pollicc searched a
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car that was involved in a shooting. &pa company stirs up controversy with a new line of sunglasses.... named after helen keller. keller.the commercial featurrs a woman sttpping off a plane wearing helen keller eyewear to bllck the flashing caaeras. the slogan? "you see the world, the world sees you." the chinese company behind the branding sayy they're aware hhlee keller was blind, but the roduct is a tribute to her spirt of philanthropy. 3 3 this cat doubles as a paperwwight. why cat diett are becoming the latest in kitty health.
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one supersized.../ cat.../ has become ...a.. facebook sensatio/ sensation.../ this forty pound feline at a anta fe animal shelter hhs become one of the most popular internet and white tabby was giien up by it's elderly owner who could nn longer care for him. pthere areealss seven very fft huuane society in peisterssown. the difference is: they are doing their best to get ready for bikini ssason. they are part of a new project: the 'phat cat itness program'. the fattest feline heee, weighs in at 16 ppunds... (vet) "bbing overweight like this they are predisposed to diaaetes liver problems..ssin conditions alot of these cats will ave a mohawk of hair
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down the back of them ecause reducing food intake and increasing exercise, the cats in thh program can slim down to around 12 pounds. raan on the way. way. let's go to vytas for a look t ur extended forecast. the caps were trying to &peliminate he defending stanley cup champions...bruce cunninggammhas hilights,,,, sports pnlimited edition, i'm jeff barnd. -
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barnd. orioles working agaiist the e blue jays ffr another win, here's bruce with sports unlimited. we keep teeling's only april..and it's a llng pun, isn't it?the orioles are playing great baseball right starting piiching and timely hhtting..and that formula worked again tonight as the birds made it two ii a row score in thee bottom of theesecond...that is, ntil wilson betemittgets into this onn..taking kyle &pdrabek to straighaway second of the year...birds les 1-0......ann that was just pbout all jason hammel needed...the big riihthander paa masterful tonight...7 innnngs pitched..just 4 runs...7 strikeoutss..he's ow 3-0 with a 1.733earned run aveeage... ...and he got more
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solo shot..aaso his seconddas the bbrds do ittagain...the and afttr some greaa itching thus far..some unaccustomed bad nees from the pitching appears that lefthander tsuyoshi waaa has ligament damage...probably a partial tear...thissafter he underwwnt an mrr...the 31 year oll wada has been ealing with elbow proolems all spriig and disasterous 2 and 2/3rds a which he gave up appears surgery might be ne &pof the options... 3 and the birds have added a been summoneddfrom norfolk, - where he had an 0.609 earned run aveeahe in three starts... andino, who is on paterrity rt leave..but he coolddstay deal is with wada...berken he pissed most of spring training
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with a hamstring injury to the ice...the caps were in boston, quite litterally fighting for their was ame 7...anddthey've lost &p3 of the last 4 of thhse they've layed..and,,they were defending stanley cup champions. champions...and they got off to a good start...first the deflection and sticks it in the basket...and they jump out to a 1-0 lead after one... seconn period...johnny boyccuk's shot is off the chesttof caps goalie braden it out of the net, but tyler phere...tied at 1...and that';s how regulation ended... ...and innthe extra period...caps coming down thh ice...the shot won;t go, butt 39 yerar old oe ward s there caps ellmmnnte the defendinn ssanley cup champions...2-1 in overtime..three teams still in contention to meet them in the second round... it's now ttme to announcc the candiiates in our high school game of the week contest... &pbrought tt you by varsity sports netwook ot can vote for the game youud like to see hiihhights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com aad clicking on high school game of the week... week... here's this week's sst of gamee for friday april 27th...
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broodneek at severna park in softball...c milton wright and herrford in girls lacrosse... dulaney hosts eastern tech in baseball...aad severn meets calvert hall in boys laxx.. we'll announcc the winner on 3&that'll do t for this editio of sporrs unlimited..i'm c.. and be sure to tune in to &pfox45 morning news tomorrow - starttng at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight.
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