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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  April 27, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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hello,... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. after mmnths of investigation and mystery an arrest in the murder of phhlicia barnes. barnes. the... north carolina teen.../ disappeared ...while visiting family.../ in... baltimoreeover... the christmas hooiday... in 2010.../. crime and justice reporter joy lepola ... says ... thh prime suspecc, the former boyfriend.../ of... phylicia barnes... half-sister. sister. soc 3
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3 the timing offjohnson's arreet is under scrutiny tonight. the suspect's attorney believes there could be a troobling connection to the conduct of the detective who led the investigation in the case. fox45 team coverage tonight, keith daniels, live downtown with that part of the story.....keit. story.....keith. jennifer..... we're live outside the prosecutor's office..where city state's attorney gregg bernstein faced today. reporters &want allegations against tte detectiveecoulddput the barness caae in jeopardy. bernstein says absolutelyy not................still tonight, observees are watching closely. closely. steven allen is among those legal experts who's payinn close atteetion to the latest development related to the barnes case......the questions about daniel - nicholson, the lead investiggtor ii the case... who was suspended this week pmid allegations that hee misused his police powees to search for his own daughter, moriah whh briefly went
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neverdoo believes his client's triggered by nicholson'' say the detective's credibility in the barres' caae could also be an issue. allln says it simply depends on what evidence prooecutors may have... (allen) "for instance, if there's dna evidence r there's ooher forensic of tte lead investigator is not as important. so, you have to see what the evidence is." we shhuld say.. nicholson's daughter hhs since been found. she callld police monday.. she's back home tonight.. keith daniels, fox 45 news atee edition. here's... our question of the youu think ...the suspensioo... detective... could jeopardize... he... phylicia barnes case? head to our facebook age and let uu know what yoo think about this raaidly deeeloping
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we continue to track breaaing news in downtown baltimore. 3the search is on for a suspect after a stabbing near lexxngton market.homicide detectives werr called to just after five o'clock ts - word on the condition of the victim...ann no word of anyyaarests. a... judge... dennes bail.../ for... the mother .../ accused... of sttbbing.../ her... own babb..../ police say.../ kenisha.../ thooas.../ staabbd her... 8... month old daughter .../ during a supervisee viiit.../ ith ...a.. sociil worker.../ ááatáá.../ the... fosttr care officee../ on... biddle street.../. ááchargingáá documents say... she pulled out.../ a... angry ...that the vvsit... was ending ----/ and... stabbed... her daughter .../ in... the head, .../ neck and chest..../ áátheáá baby survived..../ áá heráá mother .... is... now charged a major development in the trial of twoo brothers accused of beating a baltimore teen phile on neighborhood watcc pat. patrol.eli ann avi werdesheim areecharged with beating an african-american teenager while patroling a park heights neighborhood. yesterday the
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teen who we are not juvenile testified he never &pwanted to press charges. toda the defense asked to strike of his rrfusal to cooperate. the judge agreed.civil rights leaders watching this case say they're coofident justtce will prevail. " i think that'st thh case... p.. prevaal in this case.. case." thh werdesheims claim self-defense saying the een came after thee. the triil continues tomorrow. the... hookeegate investigation... &pas... new allegations... against thh secret service... are exposed. exposed. a seattle... tv station, ...k-i-r-o says .../ they talked a secrett government source .../ who saas ..agents... were caught... with prostitutes... a... full year... before this laaest scandaa..../ it happened ...when president obama ...visited... el slavador... in 2011.../// ááthisáá source says... about a dozen agents ...and some military officers... paid for
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sexual favors ...from &pstrippers.... after partying.,../ in... el sallador..../ ááttdayáá &p, he... house minoriiy the agents innolved... in the coloobia scandal .../ bbu... wouldn't talk about this latest allegation. theesecret service has a great responsibility to protect our president and that puts some personal risk to them that a tarrish the image of the secret service in this way, in any way, but in this way is particularly disgustiig. two dozen secret ssevice agents... and... military persoonel... havv... been linked... members... ave ///. - resigned...// or... are... beinggforced out. a coalition oofmore than 0 community and education groups are urging governor o'malley andlleislative leaders to convenea special session.they wanttlawmakers toprevent massive budgetcuts to education. the chancellor of theuniversity system...saysif those cuts are not restoredto the budget...collegestudents could face tuitionnikes next
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13-percent. 3(haroo) "i mean it's going to hurt me a lot, it's going to huut my mmther a lot, she's a single mothee and hopefully she's going to be able to put me and y brothee through school so it's going to be enough to pay for coolege as it is, with living arrangements, food,, everything else and then books rediiulous."state lawwaaers tu" the... state aa - joins... forccs ...wiih baltimoreecounty.... in... the fight aaainst... / cigarette smuggling... in maryland. maryland. peter franchot .../ praised... baltimore county... state's attorney .../ scott.../ sheelenberger .../ at... a... news conference poday.../ in towson..../ ááheáá ays... a... partnerhii.../ with shhllenberger ... led the arrestt.. of.../ p 28 people.../ accused ...of... of.../ 100-- thousand cartons ...of... untaxed cigarettes.../ in maryland....//áábutáá more... ámustá done. "we have an epidemic....... going to continue to crackdown pn this activity." activvty." cigaretteesmuggling... is a
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felonyyin maryland ... p that carries... a fine of... 50 dollars per carton ... and... up to &p...two years in prison 3here's a story thht may startle some dog wners. a pet walker is busted for slacking &pon the job. and it's all caught oo camera. a dog owner in ppince george's county says she grrwwconcerned that her &ppooch wasn't being properly cared for. she noticed his peash hadn't een moved. so she set up a babb monitor and aacell phhne camera and caught the dog alker going intt her the dog haddgone outside ... aad then walking off... without evee walking thh dog. &ptaken thh doo thee owner just waats to warn
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others to watch out po i know... in and out of s - tteir houue."" house."> 3 the owner immediately fired the walkee... who''mshe'd been paying ten dollarr a day.then, outside for a mucc-needed bathroommbreek. 3 pood day for fighting ack backa news story leads tt an his own son after seeeig him robbing two elderll women on thh ightly news. it happened ii palm beach county florida. you can see tte young man in black walk up tt the elderly women waiting for theirrride. one of the women is n a wheelchair.. of their purses and takes off. teen robbed suffered two thought he got away with it 3 until hhs dad ssw his own son on tv and demandeddjustice.
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&psome of the fox.../ ladies .../ took theestage... to... belt it out... tonight. tonight. 3 what a way to maae a if yyuulet it. &pit. myranda stephens, melinda roeder and i singing a littll dolly parton.we represented teaa fox45 at charm city karaoke, to beeefit obs, housing and recovery,,which are struggling with well after you rocked out to the beaa, the bass line
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rocked outtto tte well pfter you 3pocked out to the be bass llne is being replaced by thunder tonight as storms roll . in. how strong are these toniiht? let's go to chief meteorologist vytassreid with your kywatch forecast.
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3 3 vroom vroom yeah bleep kill any drivers but we'll show you why ittcould kill a top obama official under fire for high as prices. whh republicans say democrats are cruuifyiin oil companies for spoot. landing sideways is a really bad iiea.. how ttese landings could set a record for airssckness bags. 3
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a majoo player with the
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agency -- is apologizing --- philooophy -- to roman crucifix. crucifixion. but al áará-men-ádará-iz -- finds himself sttnding at ground zero -- in an energy war between the obama ed enry shows us the video all. a shocking attack on he oil pnd gas industries by a top environmental official caught on tape ...a political appointee ffppesident bama declaring ... his philosoppy" on ennorcemmnttis ike the romans conquering illaaes -- "crucify them" he says .... armendariz : "it was kind oo like ow the rommns useddto connuer those villages in the a little turkish town go into somewhere and find the first them..and tten, ya know,,thht - town as reallyyeasy to manage for the next few years."al armendariz is not a loo-level official ---he runs the environmental protection aaeecy's regionaa office that oversees the oil and aa patch
12:46 am despite his apollgizing today for a "poor choice of wwrds" ii the 2010 oklahhma seeator james inhofe, e-p-a, is demanding an investiggtion. inhofe says: "he apologized for using that word. ut he went on to say we pant to vigorously enforcee let's keep in mind, this is all a part of obama's war on spokesman jay carney pushed baak by notinn the president in oil and natural gas production.carney says: "the official's comments not only, ya know, are inaccurate as a representation of - or characterrzaaion of the way the epa has operated under &ppresident ooama -- they are provably naccurate by ourr record."critics thoughhcharge the sppech unmaaked the administration'ssreal ppproach. thiessen says: "their role is government's job is to ccucify ammrican bbsiness to treat private sector businesses like barbarrans who have to be
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conquered and ttaed and made examples of so the rest of uss will fall nto line."white house officials dismiss the atttcks as hyperbole.carney says: "whaa he saad is clearly not representative of either this president's belief in the way that we should approaah these matters, or ii the ay that he has approached these matters."if armendariz'' views president, then why hasn't be ffred this political appointee? i asked jay carney and he asically said the &pofficial apologized -- they think that's the wwite house, ed henry, fox nnws.. ride.... foo... that... hhd trouble ...// runway.../ in spain.../. take a look. lookk ---wind nats---- nats---- strong winds tossed the jet back and forth along the runway .... whipping ii's taal to tte left. yoo can bet these people were happy to be safely at the gate. tte next flight wasn't ss lucky.... this plane was tossed around so much, the pilot inally had to abbrt the
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landing.a tttal of four airport due to the weather. 3 -3 3 3
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common sense says ... &pyou're a horribll person. how karma caught up with somm greedy basebaal fans. welcome to the death race. how this high-speed run on the interstate could cost &p3
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this...// dirty--bird...// p of... a greedy... couple...// ááitáá... happened... during the texas rangers.../ baseball gaae last night... / take a look. look.(((:02 player tosses ball):10 ugh,,hey can't give it to the kid? 3 they're rubbbng it in tte kid'ssface..18)) face.:18))mitch moreland stands..... where a couple the sttals it.../ ignoring... a little boy... who's crying... ext to &pthem... reaching out hiss hhnd..../ the boy's father.... &pand... the announcers... wer obviously annoyed..../ dugout... saw what e in tte --3 happened..../ and gave he boy another baal. no date? áánoáá... prom...// ááaáá catholic... high is... bannee .../ from &p... herrprom...// áácauseááá.. she's... "date-less"...// less"...// amandd dougherty.../
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spent...// 1000-dollars...// onn.. a dress.../, shoes... and ticcets.../. áábuuáá -whhn ...her date.../ áásheáá was toldd../ she ...couldn't go alone.../. ááaáá rule... by the archddocese of philadelphia.../ bans students... from attending the dance.../ without a date. school officials... prom .../ as... aa../ sppciaa... social event...// whhre ...a date.../ is... required.../ we... also ike... // to... break... little... girl's... hearts... 3 3 vroom room yeah bleep bleep normally speeders watch out for the coos. why during this death race. 3
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the... firss clue... that... this.../ was... a... baddidea.... 20012. state troopers in new jersey from speeding down the highway with dozens of porsches ferraris and lamborghhnis. lamborghinis. vroom vroom yeah bleee thii is video of the supercars flying by at high speeds on the wide open garren state parkwaa. the cars are owned by tte rich and famous and tear through the apparent construction zone at triple diiit speeds. the smoking gun is the trooper in the troopers are on leave for wo allegedly escortiin the death racers down he public roadd while thee all broke the law.
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he incidednt is still
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that's all for the late &pedition, but we're ive at th draft where the ravens arr making some big movvs. moves. bruce kicks off sporrs happening right now. when it comes to the nfl draft, the ravens' ozzie newsome is nneof the most successful..we sppnddweeks, months, tryinggto figure out what he'll do, and he almost alwwys surprises us...that was
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certainly true tonight.. tonight.. morgan adsit is iinowings pills, where ozzze's firss round option was o option at all 3 3
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thankssmmogan...tte next few days will be very busy for the . ravens... they have 9 remaining draft piccs...their first pick inn selection...3rd choicc in the 2nd round...the puuple and black havv 2 sslections in 22d, 4th andd5th rrundd... p's bringing ouu theebrooms tonight against the blue jays....brian matusz with his
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bbst start of the offthe 6th....en francisco rolls over on one to short... matusz' first quality start since 2010....ut left 8th...tiee at 2...casey janssen hangs it...adam jones thhnns him wwth aashot to left...inno thh first row for hhs 6th homer of the year...ori battees oo for chris davvs....mokes it to pight centtr...leaves ffr his 3rd home run...2nd in as maay nights...orioles sweep tte blle jays 5-2...their 4th it's now time to &phigh school game of the week.. brought to you by varisyt com... 97 percent of you selected eastern tech and dulaney in baseball... of sports unlimited...for iion - moogan adsit... i'm bruce
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