tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW May 9, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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tonighh,.../ a campus .../ fights back.../ against... a... ssx offender.../ ááwhoáá .../ preyed...// on .../ campuses.../ all... over.../ altimore county.....// ááhelloáá , i'm jeff ba. barnd. and i'mmjennifer gilbert. theeman found lurking in a women's bathroom at a college in baltimore offender. is a repeat - zacharyycampbell has been pharged as a 'peeping tom' at the community college in essex. he also has beee charged in connection with other cases at towwon.... and loyola he was spying on women while they were usiig the bathroom. 'voyeurism' is a mental 3&pfred berlin-sex therapist)"its very much like drug addictioo or alcoholiss.
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there is a tremendous force behind thh behavior that pushes it and this is the reason many cant n their own.. simply stop..and often require professional kind of tr" treaament" for now... zachary campbell remains in the baltimore county lock up... p a.../ 21 year old.../ with ties... to the shooting.../ of... a... baltimore teen.../ iss../ indicted. indicted. police.../ arrested .../ martinez armsstong ...last month ....// ááafteráá... the... turn--age...////. ááppliceáá... say... the... 22 caliber rifle.../ belonged to.../ ááturn-ageáá... wws found... under.../ some... trash...//. áálastáá weee,...// the... 3 year oldd../ trigger-man..../ admitted... to the crime....//. ááhisáá 12... year old frieed.../ claimed... he hid.../ adults ... are under investigation.../ áátheáá / ááwho'sáá a... .. baltimore cop. 14:12 it was a lie from the beginning ttat's why i say all of them robablyyhad something to do with it :17 :17 parmstrong.../ remains... behind bars. the reverend ary marguerite kohn...killed in a double shooting thursday was laid to rest today.... today.... more than 400
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peoole gathered at the catheerrl of the incarnation respects o a woman they say offered a helping hand to all... kohn and another church employee-- brenda &pan office at st. peter's epiiicopal church n ellicott city..... sister or rev khon.........understtnding kind hearted pprson.... 3 she just really had a spirii for seevinn people who 3 otherwise miiht be forgotten forgotten the suspect douglas jones was found deed nearby from a self inflicted gunshot....police say the homeless man became angrr after being old to imit his visits to he food pantry. remember .../ phose trees.../ which to... make way .../ ...paying to áreplaatá...// 3 &p live downtown .../ with word... of... new developments. jeff... there's supposee to be
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six new red maplee ggowing mckeldin squure.... buttalllthats the baltimore racing n with - developmeet. last summer, the group moved or cuttdown 32 trees here in the inner harbor to make way ffr the grand prix. ooganizers promised tt replace them and plant mmny more. ut after nine months later and no sign of new trees.....the city has agreed 42-thousand dollars. and removal of the trees....itss noohiig short of a waste. 3 &p "i thinkkits unfortunate taxpayers arr oinn to foot the bill. it seemed thht was the predicatable outcome back in august. but at least the tres are goinggback ii..." the city has begun replanting the ttees and is still hoping o recoup the posts. live in mckeldin square, jeff abell, fox 45 news late edition. animal.../ advocates.../ lobby... &psupport.../ to... overturn... a... state court ruling.../ regaading
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pit bulls. &pbulls. he courr of appeals... deemed the breed... / and... pit bull mixes../ . pangerous.../ ááthisáá after... a towson family.../ fileddsuit -// after.. .a... pit &pbull attack..../ áá firrtáá they... went aater... the dog's owner... / ááthenáá p , they sued... the owner;s ...landlord....../ áástilláá the..., court ruledd... that property owners ...can be lable. .../ áácriticsáá say... the ourt.../ goes too far. ruling."> the group -... is... loobying state lawmakers... to... overturn the ruling..../ aa... next wwek's... ssecial leaders....only plan issues.../ budget here's... our... ááshouldáá lawmakers ...take action... to ppotect... pit bulls.../ from... the there's... a... passionate.... 3 debate ....rowing ...on ááletáá us... know
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head to our facebook page,.... just seaach.../ fox baltimore .... then click.../ folllw us. phe defense has essed inthe trial of julius henson.he'ss the political consultant charged in connectioo withthat election night robo-call.john rydell bbeaas down hensoo's tes. testimony... julius henson offeredjurors a political insiddr'sview...of running campaigns. but he spent much of his time respooding to allegationn... that his election night robo-call...waa prevent...african-americans from voting. ((robo-caal)) the automated call wassent to in baltimore ccty andpriice george's suggested....hat overnor o'malley had already won... even though the polls...hhd not yet closed. hensonncalls the messagereverse pyschology... and he says...thaa's... not illlggl. (henson) "we just like my guy, so wwy don't you -
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stay home and let my guy go to the polls and voteeand basically that's all it is." (rydell) "jurors diddnot hear testimony from paul schurck, ehrlich's former ampaign electrion ffaud lasttyear. but lawyers told juroos thaa if he hha testiiied, he would have admitted he authhrized thh eleciton night robocall."and henson blames schurick for...not incluuing what'' called....n uthoriiy line... it's requured by law...tolet l.3 voters know...who paid ffr the messagg. (henson) it as puthority lineeii that call, i - recommended that they do so, i wwnt around thee to get him to do so, they refused, it was not my responsiblity." closing rguments in the henson robo-call trial...are expected to begin oo edition. &p3phenson says he does notthhn bob ehrlich knewannthing about theeelectionnight roboccll. a... bomb shell... todayy.. at... the... john edwwrds triil...///. -ááedward
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aatually... eing considered.../ as.../ pressdent obamm's ...running mate .../ ááaáá.... witness says.../ hh....told &p...the obama camp.... ánotá.../ to... pickkedwards .../ skeletonns.../ in... his... loset. áátimáá toben.../// felt.../ edwardssaffair... phile... hii own wife.../ was dying of cancer,.../// were... goinggto become .../ public....///// áátobenáá told... the couut .../ he... was shocked.../ áconsideredá... - &ptalking.../ witt....thee bama camp.../ his....ecrets...// could create... a... lawyer's...// are... trying to show ../ he... only used... campaign money.../ wife.../ ánotáá... the... publii.../// which... is... morally prong...// áábutáá not... a crime. not.../ exactly... a resounding vote.../ of confidence,.../ áábutáá rick santorum... tool people.../ who p..he'll.../ vote... for... ttis fall. ffll. santorum ... gives... his support... for... one-time rivaa,... mitt &prommey..../áá monday.áá.. / romney .../ e--mail...///.ááináá it.../ he said... above all else.../ agree .../ president obama... must go...// á andáá alllhands... are needed... on deck..../
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áásantorumáá in... april, 3 a baadday for an american laadmark that's as faaous as he white housee house. today, a top un human rights official is urging theeu.s. to return control of hugeeparts mount rrshmore to the native the land was taken unjustly and actually belongs to he sioux indians accordinn to an rushmore is in the middle of the black hills, a geographical reeion that's sacred to the sioux. a bad day for the health of americans. about.... 42-percent... of wiil be... obess .../ by ... 20-30.that's &paccording a new reportt .../ in... the... "aaerican journal .../ of... preventive medicine".../// ááátáá says ../ áá11áá -percent... of the population... will be áseverelyá.../ obese.../ &pááwhicháá/.... is... about... 100 pounds overweight.../.áárightáá 1... in --children .../ overweight or obese. 3pbaa day for john travolta ... the actor
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&pbeing sued.../ for... sexual battery.../ by a mysteey... masseur..../ the maa claims... travolta nitiate.../ during ...a private massagee the beverly hilll hotel.../ in january..../// ááttavolta'sáá millioo dollaa suit.../ calling it- quote.../ a... "baseless liee.../// . áátteyáá p say... travoltt as not... in califfrnia... on the date.../ in puestion...////. áátrrvoltaáá prommses... to sue ...the masseur .../ and... his lawyer .../ onne... thii is all over. 3pwe've been dealing wiih rainnhowers throughoot the day. day. but areethe going to continue . commute. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid wiih &pa look at what's happening no. 3
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nightt f the living tanned. how you can own a piece of america's most notorious fake bakknn mom. slaamed by aa speeddng sedan. why could be spendinn years in en jail. another terrorist plot that starts with an underwear bomb. how the cia stopppd the attack and took ut an al qaeda leader at the same time. 3 victory in the war on terror,
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but the new unddrwear bombing plot may be much larger than any onn terrorist cell. the lateet plan tt blow up an airplane would likely have been successful, but the cia had an agent working with the terrorist group. cathhrine herridge explains why this new type of bomb may be ble to security.ort security..- fox news istold that aa al qaeda cell as infiltrated and this led to the seizure of the device - similar to the underwear bomb worn by nigerian abdulmutullab that targeted flight 253 on christmas day in 2009. at least hree ounnrres arr iivolvvd in this ongoingg inteeligencc operation and there is reason to believe more bombs maybe out there.. the drone strike sunday in yemen that targeted al qaeda operrtive fahd alquso -- who mett ith abdulmutullab -- is the arabian ppninsula.king in says: "for insttnce the killing of the aqap leader
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over the weekend was tied to this operation. so thissis operation" the device, now being analyzed y the fbi lab in quantico virginia, is a goldmine of information. investigators aae assessing al-asiri haa overccme the technical problems that led the fiirt underwear bomm and a middle east l in 20099 intelligence source tells fox that thhre is reason to believe the bomb maker is actively training aaprenttces -- because the al qaeda networr knows he issa tier ne parget. schiff says: "well specifics what we have ssen withhal-qaeda in the ast that they do train otherssto take pp where they leave off because they have seen the leaddrship attackkd battle field for good."while tte white house confirms the president knew innearly april, the homeland security maaking one yyar -- since the seall aid.napplitano says: "thh statement was ttat there
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tied to anniversary of bin laden's ddath. [camera zooms into napolitano] 10010:46 um so that is and an accurate statemenn."on capitol hill, there are suggestions that homelanddsecurity and the fbi were undercut, because on the eve f the anniversary they issued a bulletin saying there waa no creeible plot whennthe adminissration knee a device had een picked up. collins says: "ittdoos not ake pense tt me that that bulletin was put out. if in fact he president has been aware of thhs plot since last month. so there does aapear to be an inconsistency there, but perhaps there's a good reason for it.""erridge says: "the chair and ranking member of he intelligence committee &psays the leak abbut the cia operaaion ii regarded as very serious. at least one lead investigation. innfor a - washhngton, catherine herridgee fox news." a .../ car... slams into.../ several... teeeagerss..// in buffalo... new york...// ááaáá... warning.../ is graphic.áá video... graphic. you.../ &p can see ...tte boys.../ fromm.. the headlights....//. áátheááá sedan ... then slams... into... 18 year
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&pjerez.../ ááwhoáá... fliess.. towards .../ p driver... didn't even slow down ... after hitting the teen..../// the... 19 year old suspect.../ rightt.. after.../ ááchaaggngáá him... with assault,.... reckless driving.../ and... fleeiig .../ the scene...// áápoliceáá...//. was intentional...// jerez as treeted and released from a hospital. 33 3
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12:49 am
she's got more eather than a shoe factory. how ou can briig america's unofficial melanoma spokesperssn -3& 33& [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios.
12:50 am
12:52 am
creepy...// koreans say ... south -3 ... these pills... contain tissue.../ from... dead babies -/ -áá aadáá , are made... in china...////. áákoreanáá customs experts.../ are... certain... they contain... human tissue....//// áábutáá... they're... not sayinn... wwere the infants .../ were from.../ or... who... the.../ believe... these pills.../ 3 pllnesses..../// áátheáá chinese... are prommsing.../ their own. ppiladelphia... phillies... pitchhr... cole haaels.../ suspension.../ for... hitting.../ washington nat'ls... phenomm.. bryce.../ ] harper .../// 2208... world series mvp - for... áintentionallyá / throwing.../ aat.. harper....../ ááhamelsáá... áadmittedá... he... hit him...// to weeccme.... harper... into the big... leagues...// áácoleáá... first... of all,.../ idiot...// ááandáá... you''e.../ lost... a...
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lot offrespect.../ from... many many... fans...// includiig...// this ooe...// ááyouáá... may be a winner.../ pn theemound...// áábutáá... p you're... a loser.../ when comes... to... integrity ááandáá... yyu.../ ssould've.../ been suspended .../ for... áwayá... more.../ than.... 5--games... a.../ couple... in... indiana.../ arrested ...for strapping to... the... hood of a car... drunken run .../ to... the liquor store.../. ááwitnessesáá called police... after seeiig ...the man .../ ddive... 3---blocks...///. driving.../ and... mother ... was ...questioned ./- also calledd.. the department ...of.../ child services..../ áátheáá kids.../ ages four... / five... six and seven .../ were... not hurt...///áhoweveráá... ááthhiráá - what's lefttof them...// - hurt.../ dont believe.../ everything... youu reea...// about.../ mcdonalds....// áátheáá fast food chain... is accused of .../ bribbng... hundreed of write... posiiive reviews.../. ámcdonaldsáá apparently... thrrw parties... for about ... 400... frieedly and... showered them
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....ith... free ggfts...//. áátheáá cooppny ...also flew ...15 bloggers... to its illinois headquarters... last year - / putting... them up a ...fancc chicago hotee .../ and... iving them a tour.... ááexpertssá say...// they're... not lovinn... it.../// 3 3p buy stook in aloe and sunscrren then pickup he must a.../ nnw
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jersey woman .../ into.../ pop culture... notori. notoriety.the so-called "tanooexic mom".... nnw has her own action figure. patricia krentcil.... made headlines when she was accused of taking her 6-year-old daughter to tanning booth. she denies the allegations..... buu her ttn has people talking.... in just one week.... that disturbiig hue... has made her a preporter: "do you recognize this woman?") "it's thh taaning lady." "this actually looks beeter than she does."" "oh boy. that's brutal." tte doll sellssfor aboutt 00 herobuilders.commeanwhhle, the real tanning mom told reporters her evolving shadess and sprry-ons than repeat visiis to the tanning salon. 3
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1:00 am
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the orioles learned a valuble lesson...while they are the bbg dogs...the texass rangers are promineet ammng that groupp and again tonight why.. and did so right frommthe st, josh haailton takes jake arrieta deep to center field...adam jones climbs the ladder, but he's not gonna get to this one...not even close...and texas grabs the early lead... ...later, he does it again,, and agaan off arrieta...this major league record with, count ''m four home runs in theeballgame...8 rbi....and the rangers are rolling... ...later in the 3rd, adrian beltre does likewise...deep to pight,m an d behind hamilton,the rangers roll over the birds 10-3... across town...thh ravens got better tonight...signing tto players...first, they signed safety bernard pollard to a three year ccntract extension...and they got another burner...another eep threat whoocan also ssrve as a badly need.. need.. they signed veteran receiver
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jacoby jones to a 2 year, 7 million dollar deal...a former houston texan, jonesswas released laat week in a salary dump..he was to have been paid 3 million this season..he caught 31 passes for over 500 yards...he has averaged over 10 yards per punt rrturn with 3 ttuchdowns...and also averaged over 23 yards per kickoff return... elsewhere...ravens liiebackkr terrell suggs went under the knife today to repair his torn aahillies...dr bob aadrews performed the surgery in charlotte..innicctions are it all went well...ozzii newsome said oniggt the ravens are conffdenn he will make a full recovery... it's another tuesday night, pnd around here that means another edition of our prep player of the week honored the aree's finest high school athletes since way back in 1991...this week, we're back on tte lacrosse field... that'll do it for pnlimited..i'm bc...ann be -
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