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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  May 12, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

12:30 am
"if anybody feels that they were offended by that, i certaiily apologize for thatt" accused of bullying a gay classl arise... about the story... ...ann why the story was prrnted right now pello, i'm jeff barnd barnd...and i'm kkren parks it's a story about a candiiate's pastthat made headlines todaa. republican presidential nominee miit romney accused of bullying a gay studdnt......nnarly 50 years ago. but.../ there's.../ also critciss... toniggt.../ that.... the allegations.../ could be... a distraction,.../ ááandáá a... sign.../ that....the upcoming .../ presidential campaign.../ could... et ugly. ugll. it's a potentially damaging
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story... released in a week where gay rights ii takingg center stage."well i think i &prepublican presidential - candidate mitt romney... the focus of a washington post story that claims he bullied a classmate... 47 years ago. the story says romney cuttoof the hair of the student... a studenttwho was also gaa. ii's puu the presumptive nominee.. on the defensive.""f anybody feels thaa they weree offended by that, i certainly apolooizeefor that." but now the washingttn post itself &pitself. one of the originally quoted as actually saw it. it's r - started a conservative backlash... and the washington post is rewording its story. the fact, for after - professor f rhhtoric riccard story s curious.((obama gay sot clip)) the post story waa possed tte same week president obama announced his
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support foo same-sex marriage. 2;21:03"the critical issues of our time ii not wether mitt romney at the age of 18 tackled a studeet and cuu his hair" vatz says the issue of gay rights is more abbut gaining a few extra votes.. in a race that's already inna dead heat. 2:23;05"there is a consistent effort by the democracts to try to replace th economy as an issue and to replaae foreigh policy as aa issue, probably, and they'll choose any social issue they possibly if... there was .../// about the .../ - ámoneyá.../ involvvd... in... he presiient's.../ announcement.../ ááhere'sáá yourr answer...//.ááit'sáá a ...section... of the president's.../ re-election... webbite... / dedicated... too../ "l-g-b-t"...// swag....///// áápricesáá range... from 5 40 dollars.../ááandáá includee.. onesies.../ for... the really.../ young fans about.../ - the... race ...for the white house.../ on... our website../. áágoáá to... foo- baltimore dot com.../ and... click on.../ the... vote... 2012... icon.../ in... the news features .../ sectionn..//// ááalláá of... the stories... on our pebsite.../ are free
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a baltimore defense attorney plans to fight for the release of one of the men arrested n the beating of a baltimore toorist on saint patrick's day. this is the video that landed aron parsoos behind bars. it shows a maa being attacked, obbed and stripped on the streets ff baatimore out of the 22 charges filed against 4 suspeccs... more than half have been droppedd but there's been no hange in bail. &pexpects.... his client will b indicteddnext week onnthe charges that remain and a judge wwll reconsider the high bail. 13:31::2 attthat time we suspect the 5-hundred ttousand dolllr bail will be rrduced. i &pdon't thinn the state will be argue that it reeain the same - beeause the charges hhy themselves have reduced maay of the charges against aaron aad the other individuals :57 :57 brown says this is a primm example of a case that wassovercharged. the state's attorney office says ... the charges wwrr odified aftee
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they reassessed the ase. 3 nee tonight... a... arford county ...mother .../ is.../ in... jail.../ ááaccusedáá of... fracturing... her own baby's.../ skull...//. 23 year old taylor barker faces irst degree chiid abuse and first degree assault charges.auuhorities invvstigators say ttat barker pas in a room at her home in aberdeen with her baby lastt month... when herrboyfriend heard several thumpslater at the hospitaa......she claiied she didn't kkow how the child was urtbut alert docttrs called policeand tonight neighbors are talking about the disturbbng allegaaions incue: why wouud a mother outcue::the one that got hurt hhrt & according to thh boyyriendboth he and the mother are heroin addictsand there are reports would sedate the baby with also new toniggt.../ááaaá -
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offfcer.../ was... sentenced .../ in... thhtt... towing extortioo ...scheme..../ááleoneláá rodriiuez... was sentenced... to.../ 30 months... in prison.../ for... his role...//. áátheáá ownerr .../ of..../ majestic towing... paid officers.../ owed their business...//.ááináá... wanted .../ of... his... own car.../áásoáá he worked .../ to... send it.../ - "chop shop".../áábutáá told... the... pnsurance company .../ it... was stolen. police... make aa arrest a triple shooting... in... harford county....//áá28 jamar jeffersoo... is charged... with attempted... second degreeemurder ... and assault...///.áápollceáá say... jefferson... shot...// p 3---people... tuusday night.../ on... edgewaterrdrive... in edgewood...//.áájefffesonáá is... held without bail. a split verdict tonightin the robo-call caseinvolviig politicalconsuutant julius hens. threeccunts...of election fraud.but henson as convicted of a fourth count...for failing to puu an authority
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line attthe end oo that rooo-call. itts required to let voterrknow who paid for callwas aimed at supppessing blackkvvter turnout. but henson...deniesthat charge. (henson) "you got to recall, when i wrote that call, less than 50 words, a 25 second good call with or without an puthoritt line. the client chose not to put an authooity line on that call." call."henson will be sentenced on june 13th.he faces up to one year in prison. pt's the maggzine cover that has peoppe buzzing this week.a young mother breast feeding her son on the cover of time. janice park tells us,,the photo highlights the phenomenon caaled attachmmnt parenning. janice? janice?jeff,this phott shows jamii lynne grumet, breast feeding her 3 year old soo. she's aamom who admits she was &pbreast fed until she wws six. in towsonn parents had mixed reaction to the cover.we aaked &phow old ii too oldd..when it
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comms to breast feeding....nd letting your kids sleep in your towson pediattician we spoke tootodayy pays it's all aboot common sense...when it comes to determining if extreme are looked down upon and hidden but i think it's very naturaa, that's what a hild should haveein their body and pt's made for them" phe magazine went on sale today...aad eveeyone from cellbrities to conggesswomen &phave chimed in on the subject. panice park...fox45 news latee editioo. here's our question of the day...when should children breastfeeddng?here's a look at our facebook page...a lot of people are talking about this one tonight...go to facebook we are now a week and a day
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preakness......and kentucky derby winnne "i'll have another" has gotten used to his surroundings at pimlico today was his first full workout...and his trainer says... winning the derby helped bring new fans into the sport iq: what's been cool abouuoq: fun it is is porgan adsit will have much pore with ddug ooneill in sports unlimited in just 30 minutes...and get all the informaaion you need about this yeaa'ssracc on our dot com slash preakness 3 3 a bad day for jp morgan chase........reports are surfacing that the securities and exchange commission has opened a preliminary
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investigation into the financial repprting practices &pof the largest bank in the u.s.... the bank now admits to a two billioo dollar loss.....due to a risky &phhdge against risks the to - company takes wiih its own mone. money...... 3 3 if jamie imon who was shrewdest ceo of the biggest - bank is flummoxed by this kind of trading what's happening in shops... wall street analysts say losses provide ammunition for supporters of increased bank regulation.... just in time for mother's pay... we find baltimore's best moo.lynna liitle's mother prote us letter about her daughter that we just couldn't lynda he winner of our "best mmm" contest on fox45 morninggn. news.comiig up after the break... we just wannaasay goohlynda was diagnosed with goh
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breast cancer during the third trimester oo herrpregnancy with little erenity... who also joined us in studio this morninn.lynda made the decision to delayychemo treatment until her daughter coull e safely delivered early at 35's that sacrifice that inspired her mother to wriie us. we've haddan incredible tough ten years and watching her touched us and heed us together ái seeá and....held us ttgether." together."lynda and a guest win a free 4 ddy- night trip poogrand bahama islandd perfect weather today todaywwll t last through the weekend?here's meteorologist emiiy gracey with your first look at your kywatch forecast
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even ore relief at he gas a time when wee usualll don't get it itthe... average cost...// of... aa.. gallon oo gas in maryland.../ &p s.,,. 3-69.../ áádownáá 9 cents... from this tiie... last wwek../.áá30áá cents... from this time... last month.../ááandáá down... even more.../ from ...// this time... last year 3 and... you can... fill- up... for free...// ááit'sáá the... fox45 ...royal farms... fill-up contest..../ ááyooáá coold win... a... 100--dollar... gift card...///. ááttáá
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enter.. / go... to our... facebook page.../ facebook dot om slash.../ foxbaltimore.../. click on... ... / - "innide fox 45".../.ááthenáá morning news tomorrow... toosee if you're a winner. 3 look at that...a small child... falls right out of next on the late edition... trying to ban átanningá...the group of people thee want to protect...after he breakoooooo3
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3 a... nightmare... on the streets... of chiia.... a... four year old giir.../ tumbles... righttout of the dark vehicle... turring... at... the short ...of... hitting her..../// dad... jjmps out... of his car....and... grabs his daughter...///. no word ...if... he was seriouuly... hurt..../// the ffther... was in suchha panic.../ , his caa... pit a tree... as he jumped out
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.../ to... save hiss child...//. áátheáá dad says... while he was daughter ...crawled from the the front.../ and... opened the door. tanning for teens may soon be banned. skin doctors say thhy're seeing younger and younger patients... seeking melanoma treatment. thats why tte pushing for a ban on letting 144to 17-year-olls use indoor the ban will keep teens from down the road.and most of all tannnng... the tan-mom in new jersey. "there's not a day thht goes don't see someone who had melanoma revioussy and who for possible recuurence or - sommone who was just recently d" &pdiagnosed.""elanoma is the most dangerouu of three main forms of skin cancer.
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3. . 3
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good news for taaii drivers and riders. today wass the aunch of baltimorees first propane taxi fleet. propane gas is the most wwdely averrges a dollar less per gallon than regular "this project does that. it gets the vehicles out it gets the infrastruccure and it helps to create jobs, lesson our dependents on foreign oil and clean the air". air". by the end of this year we'll ave 50 checker yellow taais runninggon propane uel in our city. 3 3 no dogs allowed.the cafe catering to cat lovers. 3
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you.../ know...// ááyouáá...// áreallyá.... don't... problems...// in... - life...// ááwhenáá... yoo... do something.../ as... bone-headed.../ as... this...// this...// philadelphia police.../ are... looking for ... this.../ man.../ who... threw coffee.../ at... a.../ store clerk..../// ááyouáá can... see the man.../ aaguing... with the ccerk.... and... throwing the coffee,,../ áácausingáá the... cllrk tt scream....////
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ááitáá happened... at a ...donut ssop .../ wednesday, .../ ááwitnessesáá say...// the man p..diin't pay.../ áábutáá claamed... he . did...///. "a guy come in here and orderr aasandwich, and when the saadwich was done, and then sse asked foo the money and he claimed thatthe paii for it already but he didn't payyfor ittyet. i don't know &pwhat else happened and next thhng you kkow she was serving other customees, and he just grabbed it from her hand and just threw it at her." her." the../ shop clerk... had .../ severe burns her arm..../// áámayybeáá the... clerk...// will... get lucky...// ááandáá... p the suupect.../ choked... on his coffee...// p ááoneáá... can only hope.../// &p3 on a beeter ccffee... note...// ááaáá new cafe... in austria.../ catering.../ to... that... ccoss section of java junkies.../ who aree ...also... crazy for cats...///. ááatáá vienna's... cafe neko,.../ áácustomers áá
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can....ordee up ...a cappuccino,.../ áthen áá settle doww... for a snuggge .../ with... cats...///. áátheáá... - ownnr... ssooked.../ with... 5---friendly feeiies.../ who... pisit with.../ &pcustomers..../// áátheá cats,.../ as... well as....the idea,.../ is... imported from .../ asia --/ ááwhereáá p cat cafes... are common. .../// áánekoáá word for cat..../// 3 wwodford says: "it's fantastic. it's great to bring the son aloog as well. this is really exiting for him to have a look and see the cats lying great." it's great.""- dogs,... hhwevvr, .../ arr... not welcome cafe.../ neko...// ááandáá... neko... doesn't... serve cats...//. add ...é another person tte ... "dumb priminal"... list. list.this.../ is... kenny smith...//.ááwhoááá hought... it would be... a good idea.../ coonterfeet money... / and... the machine.../ he... uses to... a... paww ssop..... ...ááand á not ááheáá was... trying to sell... the stuff.../ to.../ loan"...//ááthat'sáá in... the show .../ "hard-core pawn"
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iq: you've seen the showoq: telephone number number weel, ... the... behind../.áálesáá of his... information.../ to them../.ááandáá áeverythingá.../ they recorded p..forrthe show. 3 3 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo3
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oriolls and rays in a battle for irst pace...the nlikely in ssorts unlimited...3
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and that's it for us. sports unliiited. rule number one in baseball... have a short term memory.the o's looking to get past their series lost with the rangers... and move on to the next...a 3 game serres with ampa pig deal about this's only for first place in the a-l east... the top.dana eveland etting -
1:00 am
the call uppfrom triple-a... inn is orioles debut today.. top of the 4th..tiid t one... elliottjohnson sends it to right with the bases loaded... run scores...seen rodriguez going for another... plows ooer matt wieter.but the o's catcher holds on... rodriguez owers the shoulder on wiettrs...wieters suffered p cut on his mouth and ear but stayed in the game....bottom of the 6th...o's trail 3-1... markakis cuts thh lead in half...solo shot intt thh bleachers...his 6th...o's down 3-22...bootom of the 7tt... nick johnson lifts it to right-center...coull it go?.... pes...johnson's first home run 4-3 lead....e gets well deserved shaving cream pie in thh tte o's move takinnggame one over thheast - rays... 3
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ravens safety ed reed is back in town...reed was he o's &pguest today for some batting prrctice, fly balls and firrt pitch.and we had a chance to ask him about football. football.reed said has no plays to visit the castle or meetingssset up ith ozzie newsome.ozzie aid before the draff his last contact with reed was after the a-f-c title game loss tt new england..reed also spoke about terrell suggs' torn aahilles.reed says anymore...the team has to get used to not seeing him this season...the focus should be pn his recoveryy former ravens receiver derrick mmson waats to retire a baltimmoe raven.he announced his retirement in january... it's not officiallyet..but when it happens, he hopes it's with the purple and black.
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mason tweeted today that's what he wants... ut it's up to the ravens..mason spent 6 seasons wiih baatimore...and issthe franchise leader inn receptions and receiviig yards. he spent last season with the jets and ttxans.and mason spent his firstt8 seasons with tennessee. kentucky derby winner i'll have another is more than settled at pimlicoothe cclts has been in town ssnce monday morring....taking it easy for the most part befooe the saturday..oday the colt had it's first full workout on the track.trainer doug o'neill scheduled a gallop this morning. and is confidenn he has the right kind of horse to make a run at the triple crown. p3 for all your preakness news anddup to the minute information before next week's race.....go to foxbaltimore dot com slash preakness. boys' latin hosting mcdonogh
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in the m-i-a-a lax playoffs.... 1st quarttr...b-l up 3-2... tally bruno finds the twine... lakers in frontt4-2....later... greg pyke scores while he's &ppushed from behind...lakers o top 5-2...they beat mcdonogh 7-3 advancing to the &psemifinals aaainsttcalvert hall. thattll do it for this edition of sports unlimited..i'm watching...t.thanks for -
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