tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW May 15, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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everything o ttem, we went on &pa waiting list to gettthem" ttem" &pthieves stealing metal. etal.the heartless way theyy victimized a dundalk family and how baltimore countyy police are fighting back. 3 hello i'm jennifer gilbert. and i'm jeff barnd.. will be the irst oo &pits kind in the state.a new task force hopes to crack down on etal theives preying on baltimore county residentt. residents.janice park is live in dundalk...where metal thieves stole from thh disabled. janice? janice?jeff and jennifer, &pjennifer,a dundall mother now has to carry her two disabled adult children up hese steps...because metal theives psole their wheelchair rampp pollce say victims like jeanette price are exactly why they're starting this ttskk force.
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police say in the past 33 years...meeal thefts ave alone in baatimore county is responsible for burglarizing metal. memmers of the new task force will work with detectives to cctchtheivvsswho steallcopper wire...metal pipes...and in the case of victim jeanntte price...a wheel chair rrmp. a child, or adull that has rom - disabilittes, you aint worth life"pend the rest of yyur - 3police are still looking for today, one neighboo came up tt us...and offered tt build her a new in dundalk...janice park fox45 &pnews late edition. a wooan is in critical condition tonight after being shot in a ccr while sitting at a red light. light. it happened very early northern parkkay at moyer - avenue.the oman told police a
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off. several bullets hhi her in the upper body. neighbors sayyii's very disturbing. (mr. burton) "it's sad. it's very sad that you caa'ttevvn a stop light and somebody at - comes uppand shoots you.." you.." initially police ttought the woman may have been the viitim of a domestic incident. ut now detectives say they believe it may have beee a random shooting. two .../ concourses bwi.../ are... eeacuated .../ odor... is deteeted ...this morning..../// áácaasingáá... some.../ tts-a... workers .../ to... be hospitalized...////. ááthousandsáá of... travelers..... were... delayed...// at... b-w-i .../// .../// ááa áá strange odor.../ came... from a checkppint...//// ááseveraláá people... were... taken from the airrort.../ on stretchers....//// áá afteráá the... "all and... travelers.../ were... allowwd back.../ came... / the source... was a can.../ 9:36:51 as we were passing thrrugh the securitt again we see bags just siting inside
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the xxray. it was kind oo funny. they just cllared out hey just said drop everything &pwere oing :02 air tran ... and... soothwest .../ áheldá... flights....forr passengers..../// ááanáá saas.../ there's... no reasoo to believe.../ anyone .../ áintentionallyá meantt fox45 mobile news... subscribees... were the first to earn... about... thee evacuation..../// ááaccessáá the... latest áádownloadáá app your droid... or... iiphone..../ ááitáá traffic.. and weather &pconditions.. / finggrtips.../. áágoáá o... foxxaltimore ddt com .../ aadd.. look on... the screee. - 3 state lamakkrs are back in annapolis this week for a speciaa session. session. hey're trying to reacha compromise on tax increeses.democratss..want to "individuals"...makingmore than 100-thousanddollars a year... and couples...who make more than150-thousand. &phikee.but governor o'malley...
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says ithouttthe incceaaes...the state...would be make.. 3pgovernor) "we could instead choose toosimply cut education, cut public safety, cut public health, but i don't &pbesttinterests to the people of our state." state." (pipkin) "what my bbll does is asically keep spending flat with this year and what that avoids is you don't need a tax increase, you don't needdtt shift pensions aad i closes the structural de" deficit."but it's unlikely...thatbill will be & "increase" in the &pincome expectedto be theend...of this special session. 3 it's... happened &pbefore.../ áánowáá one california resident.../ hopes.../ this... will be... the laat time time bad ddy.... suuday .../ ááaáá silver lexus ...ended up beatriz diaz's.../ swimming pool.../ the car's driver.../ wall... and... landed in the pool..../// ááddaaáá says.. .a... big cinder block... broke loose... and.../ barely.../ missed... theedriier's head...///. he caa... crane....// áápoliceáá - are... investigating. 33
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ggeat day...// foo... more than... one- stationary cyclists...// thhir wwy... . rrde into... the reeord books a colombian gym.../// áátheáá... books,.../ saas...// áátheáá combined .../ ooe- thousand.../ p6---riders... at bodytech gym.../ ii bogott .../// ááedgedáá out... the previoos rrcord holders.../ for... thh title... of most people.../ static cyyling -/ orrspinning -/ at.... the ameetime...////. áátheáá previous record .../ was set ...ii minneapolls.... in 2010...///.. áácolombiaáá currently... holds... more than ../ 15---world records. and.../ a... good day ...for sophia and jacob...//.ááthhyáá topp.. the istt.. of.... most popular baby naams.../ by the social security... adminnstration. isabella,.../ which ...had beee... o. 1... for wo years, .../ is... ow... no. 2,.../ ááfollowedáá byy.. emma,.../ olivia...,/ / ava,.../ abigail.../ , madison,.../ mia... and... chloe....// chloe....// for.../ boys.../ áájacobáá is... followed byy.. mmson, .../ william.../
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a... historic... baltimore cemetery .../ is... the benefiiiary... of a... major face lift..../ &plift..../ áááovernoráá o'malleyy...andd.. mayor ssephanie rawlings-blake... re-dedicated.../ thee.. mt. auburn ccmetary south baltimorr...// . áátheeá sscred ggound he final resting place... of... many... promiment.../ affican aaeriian famiilies.../, áábutáá.../ had fallen... into... áátodayáá.../ the govvrnor.../ said...// mt--auburn's...// onn.. the mend, .../ ááaadáá... , a... ppece of african-american history 3:22:05"butuntil now mw mnay of thoseestoriee have been covered and hyiddne by debirs, by stiik bushes, bb weeds, by by our belief in the dinity of life can do better" despitt the ppogress... relatives... of loved ones buriedd here ...saa....
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mt. auburn ...needs a new map ... &p and ttat graves are &pstill beeng displaced. city wide rally was held tonight to support our youth. baltimore education coalition met near city hall to ttlk abouttthh city's udget which includes a 61-million dollar fuuding increase for administrative servvces, marketing, ann ooice. cuts funding from our youth for the second year in a row. "the onddtions of he inadequate funding is after--choollopportuniiy is a problem and we're hear to say & hht inssead of haaing problems lets create solutions pnd fund our kids." payy they are behind the 3-cent bottle tax nneded for and they supporrt nn tax session that'll hell fund pubbic education. 3 3 tte same type of drones that &append very soon.could be in the controversy over a
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a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done... i'm going to read one of these. i'm going to read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 dusters extender gets into hard to reach places so you can get unbelievable dust pick up in less time. i love that book! can you believe the twin did it? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. ♪ aaency began announciig today
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how it will license certainn types of unmanned drones but as catherine herridge reports the possible use of aircraft known or military strikes overseas, is sparking the states. heee in -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------- drrnes likes in yemen....afghanistarations - n.....and iraq..... ut they are being used ámore and moreá for domestic pattolliig the borders. villaseeor sayss "this concern that because it'' going to beccme so easy and inexpensive to obtain overheaddimagery uh that inevitably that ccpability will faal intt many more hands ann not everybody will se that capability reeponsibly."
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advocates for the aircraft call them a áforce multiplierá for lawwenforcement.west says: "it's really to prooide them with aaditional situational awareness, so thhy'll have more eyes in the sky to helpp them assist them when they're volatile situations." peleased a list of á63á -a-a - domestic sites that ill be authorized to launch drone aarcraft... &pnation's capital. but some lawmakers are questioning whether the of public safety. te name barton -- along with democrat last month over their privacy conccrns. the lawmakers citing worries the drone data will be used in conjunntion with ther teehnology... mounting to a total tracking situatioo.barton says: &pnottopposed to the technology and we are nottopposed to its control under proppr protocol, &pwhat we are opposed to is puttiig this ttchnology out in the market place ithhno prrvacy protocols."(on cam
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of a north dakota man, odney brossart, is already testingg phe egal limits of drones and their use in domestic law 16 hour standoff, the local swat team reportedly borrowed a drone from the homeland security department, to make sure it was safe to arreet him. brossart's lawyer reportedly claimed his client was subjected to quote: gorilla like police tactics. in washington, catherine herridge, fox news." 3 a 2-billion dollar mistake at j-p morgan. morgan. a top executiveeis stepping down after her unit mii-managed an investmeet fund. the mistake cost the bank more thaa 2-billion dollars over a six week period. two more executives could be onnthe way out. the c-e-o of jpmorgaa high s 3-billion dollarr. s 3 a new report released by 'human rights watch' aas more han seventy áciviiianná died uring nato airstrikee
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aimmd at taking downnlate libyan leader muammar qaddafi. report 72 civilianss a third oo them under the age of 18, were killed bb nato irstrikes proup wants natoott launcc an abrahams says: "we have questions that nnto has not yet answered and we're calling thorough investigations to understand why these 722 ccvilians died." died." nato has refused to comment on most claims, military. all targets were and royalty got a touch of wax ttddy. the new wax &psculpture of britain's queen elizabeth made its debut at madame tuusauds n london. the sculpture was created for the standing with her grandson prince william aad the queens ssxteenth year on s - theethrone. 3
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now .../ newsweek magazinn.../ which often makes... news.../ withh ...controversiaa covers.../ draws... more attention ...with the debut .. of... itss issue...//.áátheáá cover,... features he president ... annointed with a rainbow halo ...above his head .../ áádeclarinnáá.... him... the first gay because of his... support ....f... ggy marriage... last week. week. ttat brings us to our question of the daa. what do you thhnk of tte latest newsweek president obama. go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you ttink. you can also ound off through
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p warning... use everrday..../ could be poccors...// say... things liie binkies... , bottles and can... pose dangers... to... little kids...///.ááaccordingáá to... a... 10--yearr... study... / &páámoreáá than... 45-thoosand children... in... the u-s .../ caused... by these ueeto - products...///.áámostáá .../ ccurred .../ when fell.../ while using .../ one... &pof the products. 3 3& a 4-year-old is turned over to poliie after failing to return overdueelibrarr books. books. the books were due back to the freeport aaea
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library in pennsylvania back in october. tth fines one owed the libbarr around e 81-dollarss library employees said hey tried they thought it was a good idea to gee police &pinvolved. "we're here to serve the community and we try to do it as best we can, and all we peally want is to have our police maae a courtesy call to " the child's mother mom, and common sense orrnot it got rrsults.... he booos were peturned, the mothhr 3 and how muuh sense doessice hockey in southern californiaa make.plenty if you're a los aagles kings fan. their team is in the running to make the stanley cup finals this year. and the kings are bringing a llttle bit of the beach to the ice riikk 'sandlee cup.' y call - thirtyytonssof ssnd for the
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tall... the kings have been playing ice hockey ii l-a for still it doesnnt seem quite right. 3 a siikkoll nightmare for a florida couple.what they were &pforccd to do afttr they wokk up to this scene. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back.
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you'' wake up tt a giant sinkholl in your backkard. well thaa's exactly what happened to one florida couple. the couple says they eard what they thought wassa thunder but turned out to be a 105- foot long and 80- foot deep sinkhole.....consuming their backyard. ann putttngg their tool shed in a very precarious position. "she pulled open the curtains and there it was. mm first words to hee were, you think its time to move, hahaha." to inspect the area and told - the couple tte hole was moving towards their home. they weree prized ppssessions and ays they'll stay witththeir ssn until they find a permanent place to live.
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1:00 am
that's it for us. &pus. here's bruce cunningham a marathon night t amden yards as the orioles opened up yards aste yankees..the game st pate, hanks to all the rain...a dragged on for 3 who sat thru all 9 onight, deeerves a plaque f some sort.. sort.. first batter for the o's... 22-year-old rookie xavier playyrunning back before the o's draftee him....drills it to the base of he wall...avery's first biggleague hit is a double... &pderek jeter giving the rook a hitter...jj
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hardy singles up the miidle... avery scores his first major peauge run...o's take a 1-0 birds trail 3-2...avery hooks it down the right field line... from ffrst...scores easily... aveey into 3rddwith hhssfirss tie it att3....jjst like in - in...belts it to left...his 9th homer...o's in front 5-3... tied no ore... mounn st. joe's own markkteixeira cranks it onto the flaa court... game one of the 2 gamm series - 8-5...o's now tied wiih tampa bay for the divisson lead... but didn't record an out...he - gaae up 4 earnne onn7 hitt... avery 2-foo-5 with runs scored in his 2nd major league game...wei-yin chen faces cc sabathia on tuesday... &pwith the draw set for wednessay evening, the
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preakness field is beginning to take shape...morr kentuckly derby horses than usual are expected to enter, and thatt inclides the runner up... up... confirms he's bringing ert - bodemeister to baltimore... ovvrtaken during the stretch by winner i'll haae another, bodemeister had leddmost of horse looks goodd,ii eating reason ot to briig him to pimlicoo... for all your preekness news and up tt the miiute informationnbefore saturddy's race.....go to foxbalttmore elsewhere...he led the washington caps in the second hunner will not be returning as head coach...he'll return cooching dutiee f a junior took over from the fired bruce led the caps to a 30-23-7 defending stanl.ey cup the - ccampion booton bruins in the first round f te playoffs another terrific season as donogh...the ggrls lacrosse team completed a third strright undefeated season, outlasting maryvale yesterday in the iaam championship game
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12-111..the eaglls were 19-0 this seasoo, and have won an incredible 69 games in a row... &probinson and his crew on thei continuing excellence... on the oys side...pnn iss proud to ppesent thh miia lacrosse hampionship this saturday on our sister station the cw will air the game is friday night at &pjohnny unitas stadium... semifinals aae tomorrow... boys' latin meets calvert &ppall...gilman battles loyolaa. championnhipponly oo the cw 3&&pthat'll do it for this edit of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tomoorow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnightt 3
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