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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  May 17, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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whiter teeth in one week. we're tracking aa evelooinn story that could have huge impact on your ater bill. hello, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. nd 'm jennifee gilbt gilbert. more waterrwoes at the baltimore city and tonight city officiill say lazy workers are the blame. blamee &p he departmeet has fired those two water meeer readers for turning in phony numbers.... numbers..... keeth daniels, live in north baatimore where we've learned some cussomers to pay higher water bills...keith. jjff..... we'ree live in the homeland baatimore.... seeeral residents here have been affected by this latess twist in the citt's water billing proolems... men were drastically say the underbilling customers...
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causing billing headaches for customers who have now been hit with their revised higr bills. dpw discovered what thh men werr doing in decembbr.. fired thhm inn now because custooers aae juut receiving their new quarterly they must pay. 3 "i don't really thhnk that's our problem. that's teir problemmfor hhring uhm, those e" employees." "how could they ave let that gg by so long and should i pay for their mistakes.." mistakes... all of this happeningg. as the water bureau wwrks to reform itssoot-dated billing dpp officials say they're still iivestigating to see if otherremployees subbitted fake readings... and if other neiihborhoods are affeeted. ivvein north baltimore, keith daniels, fox 45 news late edition.
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the... two boys ...involved in the ssooting death.../ of.../ monae turnage ...werr sentenced today. last... march.../ ááheráá body.../ hidden... amoogstt.. trash.../áátheáá 13... year old boy... who pulled the ttigger..../ will... be... sent to ...a.. treatment facility...///.áátheáá other boy ...will live pith.... relatives.../ in... harford county.../ tonight, monae's mother taaled with fox45 abbot the inveetigation daughttr's death.coverup of her iq: theetime that they gave phhe kidsoq: like heyywere saying it was ok ok ssill no word on what will happen to the adults connected to the case a baltimore city police officer is indicted after &auth pbtain a search warrant. seegeent dennns workley is charged with one count of peejury and two counts of
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misconduct. police say e provided falss nformation to get a warranttto raid an east baltimore homeelast deceeber. the warrann said the people at the hooe were suspected of selling cocaine and marijuana.. as it turns out, that was a lie. 2448 iifeel better about he wholeesituation becauseei really fell mistreateddand the rest of the family too 56 reginald ooper/home was is. coos dirty. hat's all i can say 188 baltimore policc internal &paffairs actually initiated th sussended. a.../ ccr ...crashes into.../ a... northwest baltimore.... house.../ house.../ááitáá happened around... 3-33 thiss on... mondawmin avenue.../ hilton street.../.- &pbackkd into porch.... / áádamaggngáá.../ a... sttne wall.../// áátheáá driver... was rushed...// to... the hospital.../ áánoáá wwrd... on what caused... the crash. a... 6 year oll boy... is tte hospitall../ after ..being hit... by a odenton..../ ááitáá &p happened... at... blue wate and... "roff point"... drive.../ around... child... is... á at... johns hopkins
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with... ssrioussinjuries.../. &páánooá ord ...o his condition.../ áátteááá driver... of the suv .../ remained... federal charges are filed against a baltimore county couple accused of holding a 15-year-old as a sexxslave. &pslave. pplice say it's part of a sex ring that involved bondage, aad masochism, in this quiet parkville neighborhood. john andrew blaes and marggret ellen jones are aacused of using a camera to document the encounters ooline to recruit therrpeople. 4:34:16 woman moved in withh pennsylvania tags kind of stayed to themselves never bothered anybody but yyu knew something was weird ecause they never saaddhi to anybody. among the charges theetwo face.... theeproduction of 3hild poonography. itt../ was... ááfreeáá ccll - phooes ...giien toopeople.../ &p who ...receive... governnent aid.../ ááánnáá... áálookedáá... like... a...// cell-phone...// s/ sstre...///01:12: 30"eacc and
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everyyne of these phones work, and i know i have about 30 at 01:11:57q: "how long did it take you to get these phones" one, and i walked out with it just now" now"after... our ssory aiied...// ááwordáá the... federal managing.../ the program cracking f-c-c... is... pulling the plug .../ on the ...400-thousand beneficiaries.../ who.../ ot... another... expampll... - of... wasteful... gov't... spending...// lawmakers enacta hikes.income taaes wwll be innreased for individuals making moreethan 100-thousand dollars a year...and married couples making more than 150-thoosand. govvrnor o'mallle says the tax ppckage is necesssryto avoid nearly 500-millioo dollars in budget cuts. but lawmakers sppnt nearly ttree hours debating the issue. (bohanan) "this is bbdget that when taken in total is supporttve of the priorities
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preservinn eeucation." education."(schuuz) "but we all of the business ownnrs acrrss tte country will be attracted to a ppace that continues to tax at the year after year and innrease the speeding year after year." another speccal sessiio in expand gaabling in maryland. 3 lawmakers say the nee tax incre maryland...but there's a tax bombshell that may it nearly everyone.... the bill would shift morr than 130 million ii teacher pension costs next year to local jurisdictions....phaainn inna cost sharing program over he next four years eventually requiring he state's 22 counties and baltimore to pay 3 its puts a huge burddn on everr counny and the city of baltimore's local budget and that revenue comes ffom the same taxpayers. the tax increase will hit
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roughly 300 thousand maryland ttxpayers 3 the.../ white house .../ is... under fire...// online liffing...// of... nearly every - president.../ in... the 20th... century...// century...///// to... ppad"... barack obama's... bio.../// ááteamáá obama.../ ent... nto the pages of u.s. presidents.../ dating... to... calvin coolidge.../ to... addd friendll looking.../ "did you know?" fact bbxes.... too.. the end.../ of... their bios..../// examplee..// the... - following line .../ was... added to.../ ronald reagan's... bio...// ááwhereáá rragaa ...called... for a fairer taa ode,.../ ááoneá(á where... a did... not haae... a looer taa rate.../ than his... secrrtary.../ . president obama... s calling for thh same.... with the... buffett rull.".../ áácriticsáá... say... obama... can't... even use...// hii... áowná... bio.../ áánoáá word..../ if... the white house... claims... obama.../ crisis... with... soviet premiire... nikita khresshee ann.. indiana boy.../ lost his arm.../ &páábbtáá never... his
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rodgers ...loot his left arm .../ in... aa... a-t-v.../ ccash... lastt &pyear....//. áástilláá.. the... twelve year old.../ is... hitting the lanes...///. to amaze .../ his opponeett.../ áheáá hopes... to ne day.../ bowl a perrect game. gaae. markkrodgers saas: "the first day got out of the hospital i was like 'mom, let's go bowling.' "mark rodgers says: then a 135 which that onee oo my oals is to bowl a three hunnred, especially saturday. but you know, you don'ttalways pet what youuwant." want." rodgers //// place.../ in... the indiana... middle school regionals.../ tturnament .../ ááandáá will compete... this weekknd.../ in the... state finals. bad day...// for... sketchers.../ áátheáá... sneaaer... compaay./../// has... aggeed to pay 44-million dollars.../ to... settle charges .../ it.... about tteehealth... and fitness beneffts.../ of... its toning.../ fedd... aanounced.../ the... hefty ffne today...///. áá theáá &p caaifornia--ased... shoemaker .../ made ...unfoonded claims.../
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, like its... "shape-ups" help eople.../ d - lose weight .../ without going... to the gym. 3when comparing it's oning shoes, ssechers puts its foot in its mouth by making unproven claims that its toning footwwar strengthens muscles, increases weightt loss, reduces body fat and improve ccrculation and aerobic conditioning. sales peaked, endorsements ...// kim kardaahian.../ ááwhichhá... should've... been the first phhnii.... and superficial...// a perfect daa for a walk with this beauuiful . peaater. or o prepare forrsaturday's ra.
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let's go to chief mmteorooogiit vytas reid forra look at what's happening now. rrman catholics in maryllnd have a new leader t. &ptonight..... at the cathedrallof ary our queee this afternoon, the reverend the 16th archbishop of led as baatimore.... he replaces cardinal william o'brien who's assuming a roll in rome. the new archbishop is a kentucky natiie, who comes
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from another diocese in brrdgeport, connecticut. at a news conference earliir today, lori vowed toodefend phe churches position agaiist same sex marriage. 3 (12:18:377) "we are interested in defending, what we believe, is a bedrock institution for theecommon good oo society which is marriage between a man and children and it is for the sake of a strong ociety." ssciety." pori becomee the leader of which is ome to more than a -3 george zimmerman's medical reeords from the shooting are released. why it's proof killing ttayvon martin was in self defense. straight from minus the hellfire missiles. how you can own and operate are stay at home moms
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beeng discriminated against? hy they sayycongrrss is putting aapadlock oo tteir purses.
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3 there are ew details on thee exteen of injuries suffered by phe man who fatally shot &pflorida teen trayvonnmarrin.a stake -- whether george zimmerman shot in self-defense and issjustified uuder florida's "stand your ground" l. law. there... was mooe than... a month ago, .../ after ...appeared to be what - ...injuries... to the back... of... zimmermanns head....// we... have ámoreá.../ - information -- / from his doctor. docttr. george zimmerman went to his family doctor the day after sources with detailld led. knowledge of the investigation confirm the doctor wroteea a closed fracture of his nose, the back of his also sayssthe doctor recommended zimmermannfollowwup with an ear, nose and throat
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"a-b-c news" broke the story about the medical attorney for martin's family reacted to the newsswhat we do know is that on feb. 26th, the er person there didn't believe his injurres were significant enough forrhim to go o the hospitaa, they didn't eeee put a band-aid on his head.let's noo forget that trayvonnmartin was fighting a man ith a 9 battle for his life, that a tragically he lost.alss -- autopsy showsshe had knuckle &pinjuries.that innormation could boost zimmerman's claim he was attacked by marrin.the martin family attorney ssad this..trayvon was fightiig for saying that's why he would have injuries on his hanns?) his ground - it was self-defense. so, if sommbody gotta gun i wwnt tt fighh for reportinn. zimmerman s free on a 150-thousand-dollarrbail.he bail hearing nerly a month ago.
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ago. trayvon martin's autopsy results have also been viewed by several nees outlees. the coroner ccncluded he died of an intermmdiate range gunshot wounddto the chest and had aafresh, smmll injury to pis left ringg inger below the knuckle. 3 3 3
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you too can own a drone. why the overnment says you'll be free to fly and spy mmm's need credit cards too. why these stay aa overreached into theii purses.
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common senseesays, let'' just po witt a four point oh.but one high school has a whoppiig 25 valeddctorians. valldictorians.each of the 25 seniors at vanguard high school in florida as a perfect grade point average.
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the principal says hard worr by the students aad aculty in vanguard'ss interrational baccalaureate program was the catalyst. 29-40"they take college level courses. when they finish phose courses there's a test at he end. and if theyyscore thhy receive college credit. so a lot of our ib kids enter college at the junior level." receive valedictorian honors but a committee will decide who will be the one sseech from those submitted by the students.last year, the school had 11 valedictorians. pome stay-atthome moms in virginia are protesting a government rule.. they say.. has sttpped them from getting credit cards. cards.the group held a rally in washington on tuesday and was passed in 2009....makes it harder for them to get approvvd forrcredit ccrds.they to the áconsumer financiall protection bureauá. pit has long-teem immact becauss this means thht a
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person is not building and maantaining credittin their own name. if something were to happen to their spouue - divorce, death oo domestic vvolence,,that would significantly impact a person's abbiity to be out on 1110)acccrding tt protesters.... under the interppetation of the rule... two of the mosttnotable stay-at-home-mothers... rrmney....wwuld not qualifyy 3or a credit card. the possibilities are endless. wwy the government is going to allow americans to own ann fly their own versiins of the predator drone.
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the militaryyuses drones too seek intelligencee but more and more they're showing up innthe ivilian worl. world.a company.../ called parrotá.../ sells.... drones .../ controlled... with a phone.../ mainly isssed... to hobbyists.../ at... two hundred bucks... a pop...//.áánowáá film producers and dirrctors ... are... usiig themm.. to collect beauty shots .../ only once ...achieved... with drone ...weighs only... - a few pounds... / áábutáá it... cann flyyhiiher... than one thousand feet...// &pand... up to ...fifty miles per hour.../.áástilláá it... takes a lot of practice.. to master the aircraff. "eric is probably in the top one hundred flyers in the who is a cameraman, but they 3 don't know how to fly something like his, and people who can fly this, don't know hoo to get shots. it's two discipllnes and it is veer, very difficult to find bbth."if... you want to h." use a drone... as a hobby.../
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you won'' need... a license to do that...////áátheáá f-a-a ppomises... reeaxed guiddliies... by... the end... of the year...//.áábutáá.../ you... will need... about ten thousand dollars... to own one. 3 3 3 3 will we ee a repeat of thee berby thhi saturday at pimlico? petails, oming up on sports l - unlimited that's all for the late
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barnd.n, i'm eff barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. preakness is just days away and ruce unningham has the latest from imlicc, sports unnimited sttrts right noo. the kentucky derby two weeks bodemeister lost his lead in the final sttetch and lost to unheralded i'll have another... after this evening's draw, it petween the two...morgan adsit reports frrm pimlico... pimliioo..
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after closiig out the homestand last night, the pirst place oriooes ow getta bit of a breather...they opened a two game set in kansaa city, where the struggling royals are five games under 500...but they came in having won 4 in a row...making for an pnteressing matccup at kaufman .
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stadium... no score innthe bottom of the fifth...2 out....umberto quintero sendssthis one thhu the left side...two runs score...royals lead by thatt 9th, now 3-2, andd backl....his long lazy ffy e ball that carrries over the wall in right,,his 6th....t was 3-2....later in the inning, jj hardy slaps the single nd here comes ryan plaherty..jarron dyson'ssthrow is on the way and flaherty beats the tag...they're tied at 3 after nine...right now, 3-3 n the 12th calvert hall will face loyola in the miaa lacrosse championship this saturday on our sister station the cw tapeedelay at 8 o'clock...the ggme is riday night at johnny loyola advanced with a 13-7 g, - victory ovvr gilman in the completion of their suspended game from ast night..the pnc only on the cw baltimore... that'll do it for this i'm sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- i'm sure to tune in to there's been a whole lot of talk lately about internet speeds...
1:03 am
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