tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW May 19, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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hhard of that tyyp of crime bef" before...." a hundreds of gallons for free. hello i'm eff arnddkaren parks is off tonight. piiched... at the pumps.../ worth ...more than ...1000-dollars.../ áástolenáá... from... a baltimore... gas-- ptttion...// ááitáá happened... at the b-p.../ in... the remington neighborhood. daniels,.../ has the... story ...youure seeing.../ first on fox.. keith. keith. 3 news.../ from.../
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owings mills.../. ááppliceáá say... a father and son.../ hospital. intt.../ a... -- it.../ happened... on melissa court.../ around 6--30...//. áápoliceáá ssy... the 23 yeaa old son... stabbing... his... 50 year old father.../ during an argument..../ áátheáá father's... at shock trauma...// with....stab wounds his eyes...///.
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áátheáá... at... ssnai.../ áápooiceáá saa... the son...// will be... charged .../ pending his... releasse.. from the hospital. late word tonight that a jury has convicted a queen anne's coonty man in the shhoting death of his neighbor. neighbor. retired police officer charles "pete" richher was found guiity of second-degree murder innthe shooting of mark xander one disaareements that dated ack 14-years. richter could face a paximum oo 50-years in prisioo....sentencing is june 26. &pbc-md--formmr officer charged,80ex-police offfcer connicted of 2nd- %reldate(2012-05-19t00:21:59 eds: apnewsnow. cnetreville, second-degree muuder in the shooting of his neighbor in queen sixty-seven-year-old charles edward "petee richter wws convicted thursday in the april 2011 death of 55-year- old mark xander in families richher had cllimed he shot xander in self-plans to file a htels ... and... phe... inner harror ../ are packed wiih tourists ...this weekknd.../ for... preaknesss..///. and áátooightááá.. thee.. city... sheriff's department ... is... increasing patrols... around ...the courthouse..../ pollce... say...// the beating... of a ourist.../ on... st. patrick's day.../ &p really oppned... their eyes...//. ááthere'ssá p now... a... foot patrol thursday .../ thru... sunday...///.. áátheáá sheriff's depaatmentt../ popes... the presence... of deputies.../ outside &pthe ccurthouse .../ will... reduce fears.../ and... deter crime...////. áádeputiesáá say... they've.../ already peen, .../ ositive changes .../ since...
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pthere's numerous clubs here, hooels that are here, there there are people driving to this area ttoget out of their the street"ink liqour ut oo - strret" we also notiied an increesed policc presence at the inner harbor tonight. 3& two conspiracies.../ ááonnáá murder .../ áátheáá ooher ... drugs.../. áábotháá enn.../ following... a... year long investigation.../. áá14áá... people... indicted.../// ááandáá federal ...and statee charges... filed. fiied. initially,.../ the cass .../ began... with the murder.... of... 27 year old ... dariann kess..../// áá threeáá men... stormed... his house... p and... stabbed him.../. ááoveráá the... next 9 months.... / family members... of kess.../ are accused ...of... avenging.../ thh killing.../. áátheáá first person... killed... was.../ alex venable..../ áátheáá man... prosecuttrs believe... stabbed kess...////. &p(rod) 10:49:40 when a shootin occurs over heee it spaans one viitti was even allegedly shot twice as part of this cycle of retaliation.(carl) 10:51:20 of the 14 individual indicted all 14 violent repeat . offenders. prosecutors say.... /
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this case... is a ggod exxmple ... of... how criminals ...opprateein the city. maryland's highest court .../ has weighed.../ on... the issue....of... recognizzng divorce .../ who were... married... in states..../ss...//- &peven though.../ stat recently gavv same ex couples the right to marry.... it has not been clear on whether same sex couples who are not marrreddin maryland....have the right to ádivooceá in maryland's court of appeals made it clear...... he that judges must recognize - same-sex marriages that are performeddelsewhere....// theeefore, musttalso consider tteir etitions forr divorce a leading baltimore ... civil rights leaderr../ has died.. reverend.... marion... curtis bas-coo.../ was... known for ...his pelp ... in... the... / in.../ gwynn oak ...// and... fighting for equality... for americans aaso served as baltimore's ...first black... fire commissioner....// ááheáá died thursday... at... the age of 87...//. ááaáá memorial service.../ will bee.. held.../ at... dduglas memooial ... community church.../ where he .../ pastored.../// 3
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3 bad day... for some college athleees athletes head injuries... ay reduce... learning athletes.... at... division onn... schools .../ took thhnking and memory... teets ../// before... and after ...thhir seasons..../ pontacttsport athletes.../ performeddworse ...than expected.../ on... the ácooparedáá to... 4%... of the... non-contact sport aahletts...//. good day for those of ou who study shows that youumay ew actually feel less pain if you donnt watch the needle pierce your skin. during a study, volunteers watched viieo clips of a cotton swab touching aahand and a hand by it self..many repprted mooe inttnse pain when they saw the needle sttck the hann compared to a hand alonee he study suggest you time you're in the doctor's office, assa way to ease the and good news at the los angeles of the largest
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chimpanzee families in the uus just got a liitle biggee. the zzo welcomed its llteet chimpanzee whose yet to be named. its theezoo's first pincee1999. the little one wass born in maach to chimp mother pracie whose proven to be l-a zoo is ccrrently hooe to - fifteen chimpanzees. 3 horse racing fans... today... for thh start of ico - preakness ... wwekend. weekend. several stakes... races ../ took place today - / ááwhicháá brought in crowds. .../ ááálso,áá the track... was able to increase the pize mooey...// ffr... many races, .../ ááwhicháá boosted compeeition...///. áátheyá also... hope.../ ii'll... boost business... / &p by... attracting... more fans... / ááeepeciallyáá younger fans. great they come.">
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3this... is the first year.../ the...race track .../ benefitted financially.../ from ...slot machines..../// áátheyáá gee... a share in maryland. .../ ááthatáá reveeue ...ssoold incrrase... next year.../ as... more casinos we..../ .. are .../ you need to know... about preakness.../. áágoáá to... fox- baltimoreedot com.../ 3 3
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says: "... you've done amazing things that we never would have reamed of ann i &pcan't wait to see whaa you l do going forward." tte ee challenges the ompany could faceenow. &pquestions about where have caused a lot of the may problemss hhndreds of astroids near parth... howwclose they are hhndreds of astroids near p[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. the giant social nntworking -
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facebookkdevelopers are heading all the way to the bank. bank. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------- within 30 secondssof it's $38 dollar a share iiitial &ppublii offering,,82 million facebook shares had changed hands. facebook had become the moss valuable u-s company at he time of its i-p-o, making its founder mark zuckerberg wortt 19.1 billion dollars, and making millionaires of hundreds of othhr early investors. sot - zuckerberg says: "... you've never would have dreamed of - and i can't waii to see what you all dd going orrarr." facebook jumped 11-percent before slidinn back down, the fall, cushioned by underwriterss who bought he stock as it dropped, aaerttng potential embarrassment. it closed the day at 38.23. the key question now: can faaebook maintain its alue as a publicly traded scrutinized byydemanding - ssareholders and goverrment says: "... ou caat just say, 'hey, were going to decide to do x, y, z...'you need to going to view that?' sot there aae going to be other ffderal government implications such as tte security & exchange commission
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and financial reportings therr, the federal trade commiision and other government entiiies now have here with facebook." the ipo comes at a time of deep sooereign debt, unccrtain markets, and finicky public tastes foo new technology.sot internet is oving o quickly today innterms of informaaion - data shaaiig, might be totally irrelevant a year or two yeaas frrm now." one warning sign for facebook - general motors pulled a reporttd 10-million dollars of finddng that it's investment had little eefect on sales. ccngressionaa overseers, &pprivacy, preeent another obstacle - one of the and contributtd heavily to tee - bbth political parties. sot -- almacy says: "...i think facebook has actually taken privacy very seriously. this &pissone of their core success measures, is that if they don't get this right, people will ccase to use it." experts say it's succcss willl be judged over the long term, not by today's ipo.sot - polcari says: "... certainly, the excitement about it will just get people talking, but
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it doesn't necessarily solve the economic proolees of pconomy here in the states or anywhere lse." stilll thh tremendous wealth createdd by facebook's ipo ann mark remiider thh american ddeem still works. it's aaso a gift to the state f california , where facebook is headquartered. that deeply indebted state is expecting a taxxwindfall of $$.1 billioo dolllrs from facebook's earnings ovvr the next 1 months. in washington, doug mckelway, fox 3&woold leadees ...join... president obbma ... at... camp david today ... for... their... annual g-- summit...///. áátheáá group of eight... is gattering... at the cabin... to... set policy... for the world economy ../ and... global security...//. ááalláá eyes... are... on the neely elected president... of franne... / who... will be he only socialist leader.../ at... the meetiig...//.áátopiisáá include... world hunggr.../ and... the crisis... in the eurozone. word toniggttabout what might hhve fueeed some of the quustions aboutt president obama's birrtplace. the
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agency mis-identified his y - birthplaceeas kenya while trying to promote him as an author more ttan 20 years promotional booklet produced by the agency, barack obama in indonesia and hawaii.. the woman who edited the biography pow cclls it a imple fact checking error. 3 3 3a warninggfrom nasa...tonightt/
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an... estimated... 47-hundred asteroids... are plose enough pose a risk... to earth.....// astronomers ssy... 5-million miles.../ - and... biggenough... to pass ttru.../ and... cause major damaae...///.áánasaáá is... keeping an eye... on the sittatioo... and says theres no rrason to ppnic. a woman decides to get revenge on her ex-husband by selling all his things... find ouu how her yard sale was a bit ann flipping coin for a seat in city council....find out why one community used heads or tails to choose the winner.
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to take her husband's tuff.../ ii the yard..../// ááthisáá... is no...// garage... sale...// ááeverythingáá was free! ááthereáá is ...writing on a truck.../ and... several signs.../ made....//// ááafteráá claims her... ex.../ cheated on ...her..../ when... voters ...can't decide.../ on... a... new... city counnil texas town... turrs to an agee old... tie bbeeker. 3 with... twoo candidates... tied t the polls..../ . the city offwoll--forth... seat...//. ááit'sáá a... 55-50 chance... for bruce mcnair... or... bryan studer..../ áábecauseáá of... its... &psmall opulation,.../ wolfforth ... is a...."general law"... city.../ ááandáá thh... city's attorney ... has... writtee up ...a ...three-page agreement ... dtailing.../ exactly the toss... will transsire. &piiwill actually write 'heads' and 'taiis' on wo equal ssze pieces f paper and then we'll put thhmmintt a hat. then they'll ott open them at the same time.///butt to///then
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we'll do it just like a footbaal game. we'll flip it in tte air and let it land on the ground. and tten deterrine whether it's heads or tails. the mayor will flip the coin..../ ááwhicháá... will... be,, a silver dollar.... say... coin tosss.. seems... like a better solution... than wasting taxpayerssmoney ...on and a marathon master.the unbellevable milestone he is aboot to reaah. 3 &p milestone is in the cards for
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his eight-huudrreth marathon... henry rueden began rrnniig in iraq after the military called the army reservist to active duty in 2004. with pre-race meals of bananas and mountain went on to run in greece, australia, brazil, china, even antarctica sunday's green bay marathon will mark number eight-hundrrd and rueden says after each trip, he comes hooe with a meeorable stooy. reuden says: "i've run all tte states and dc ten times so eleventh. (covered by a cu on a medal) i've done all seven continents already (on camera) and picked up a few odds ann enns in a few other
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places. 've got abbut, ii think, thirteen countries." countties." innreuden's twenty-four years f racing, he's logggd more han twenty-one thousand miles. a hall of fame jockey will not run in the preakness because he failee a breathalyzer test...the new jockey and the horse that's thanks for joiniig watching.
1:00 am
now here's morgan adsit with the orioles re the best in the american league...but not the best in baseball... the dodggrs can say that for now. inttrleague play tarts tonight for the o's....three games down tte road in d-c. d-c.orioles, naaionals. top of the 1st...2 on for adam jones...right offfedwin into the air....xavier avery scores from 3rd...o'' ead 1-0....bottom f the 6th... nats get that run back....ian desmond cranks it to llft... pies the game...nn more runn &pscored...goes to of the 11th...nick markakis getss ll of that one....ff the 2nd deck...his 7th of the year breaks the 1-1 tie...o's uu 2-1.....bottom of the 11th... tying run on 2nd...winning run on 1st...but pedro strop gets & 1-33put out...his 3rd save... o's win thhir 8th traight on
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you can see the o's try to win the seriis in d-c tooorrow rightthereeonnfox 45....irst pitch set for 7-15...o's seen jason hammel to the mound.o's and natt tomorrow night at 7 only on fox 45... &ptoniiht the females take the sttge at thh 89th runnnng of the black-eyed susan.all phillies... 300- thoussnn dollar the preakness..hre's mounn st. joe grad larry collmus with the caa. call. p3 3 3 3 &pdisposable pleasure for her shh stuubled out of the gate - but jockey john velazquez kept her oo her feet... velaaquez wins his 4th black-eyee susan stakes...he'll ride went the day well in tomorrow's
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preakness...trainee todd pletcher finished -2 with disposable pleasure in 2nd ffolowed by wildcat's smile... now to thh preakness...where as if beiig a 30-tt-1 longshot... and riding tte ne sagamore faam's tiger walk.... tiger walk's jockey kent ddsor-mo will not ride ttger walk tommrrrw...before his race today at beemont, test..tiger walk's team says tiger walk.desorm-mo is hall of fame jockey who has the most wins in a single peason... he did that in 19-89. desor-mo best known for preakness in 19-98 on real and - quiet... heedid the same thing . thhem-i-a-a lacrosse season ends a triple header.the championship hhadliner... top ranked &pcalvert hall... against number two loyola. loyola.cardinals took care of them in the regular season... can they repeat in title time???.yes...3rd quarter... rippsit in for the score...
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quarter...more from rown... 11-2 hall....laaer i the's brown again.. calvvrt hall with a 100goal &pm-i-a-a conference title sinc p003... watch thh m-i-a-a lacrosse championship or the second staaion the c-w bbltimore.... that's it ffr sports unlimittdd..i'm morgan adsit.. thanks for watching...have a great night... niihh... niihh... ,
1:04 am
♪explosion i love telling big stories about big heroes: people we admire and look up to. but, at the end of the day, real life is better than any story. our service men and women are the real heroes. every day they make the sacrifices for their country; for my country; for my son's country. my dad was a marine and a navy historian. he was the first one to show me just how much these men and women give up. they leave their families and their homes. they train, they fight, they struggle for us, and so much of the time it goes unnoticed and un-thanked. and that is what i love so much about the uso. it gives us real ways to support our real heroes. the uso lifts the spirits of america's troops
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