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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  May 24, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

12:30 am
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a suspected mob robberyyturns into a wiinesses say aagroup of teenaggrs is responsible for & he violence. welcome to thh late edition, gilbert. p33and i'm jeff baand. it appened at thee7-11.../ - oo liiht street.../ street.../ eith daniels s there phere the store ... pas... shuu downn. keith. -3 keith. jeff..... stooe empllyeee ayythe incideettwas caught on tape.. aad tonight, we're -3 told deteccives are reviewing that tape.. tryyng to identify - suspects. this pncidenttat the 7711 comms at
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&pon-going debate overryouth &pcrime in downtown baltimore..... 3 poliie re calling thiss event.. a shoplifting incident that possiily urned into a fight bbtween clerks anddthe about 20 students from nnarby school..walked into he sttreeat about 2 o'clock todayy &pit's a day when the store is & offering free slurpees. bbt witnesses say the studentt startee grabbinggchipss sodaa &pand other itees without -3 ppying. theyyran for the ddor. they had difficulty leaving. the storr's staaf was waiting for them. p3 (mr..watkinn) "the owners tried, weel, thh employyes in paad got into a little altercation with thh owners. a few of tte sttdents ann stuff llke that and basically busted their way out and basically ran down the street &pmore or less." 3 -3 3 thh incident teeporarily shut ddwn the tore. but it's reopened or business
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now. meanniie, so far word of arrestt. live in downtown bbltimore, keith daniels, fox -45 news, late edition. pleeping on the job.. is never a good idda# but imagine callinn 911 tt reporr an pmergency# only to hear ssoring on the othhr end#. -3 endd."but right now he'ssall blue (snore) 3 3 3 a woman is reeorttng her hhsband s unconssious to --3 montgomery county fire and rescue....... that nore youujust from he dispatcher...... in fact 3 18 imes... during the course of the 9111call..... call..... 3 "ii my 24 years here this is ever fallennasleep on a 911 call..... calll.... p3 it turrs ut.../ tth firefighher taking the call... was 17 hours... into his 24 3 paid administrative leave# he paaient wass treatee and -3 peleaaed... 3 supporters of & paryland's drram ct... are ppeparing ffr a politiccl fight. at a ilver ssring church this morning to shoo their support
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-3 ffr the law that allows illegal immigrants in maryland ssates cclleges and univeesities.. last successffl petition drive to get tte question placeedon the november baalot. today, several religious leaders pledged to support it. 3 (11:34:14) (rev. peteer ssheel)"reelly what we're working n ii not channing -3 hearts but to strengghn the & people who undersstnd that this issin the best interest of young ppoppe." people." p33 opponents say the measure woull be a financial bbrden on the ttte and even if immigrrnts diddggaduate, thee could never legally be employed in maryllnd. supporters off the maryland dream acc could have an uphill battle ahhaddof -them. &p fox45 polled thoosands of &&pviewers this eek n several issues.. including whhther you will vvte for or againsttthe -& dream act. 66-percent of ppoppe say they would vote against it. just 16-percent would vote for it... and 18-percent are undecided.
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3 water rates.../ - areeset o rise again hiss -3 yeaa,. if a gees final appprval..../ &paaprovall.../ - balttmore... city's -3 ...board of public works ... 3&ppreliminary... approoal...// p to... a plan.../ increasing the priceeof watee ... by... % this as... the city struggles... to... fix... which overrilled áthousandsááof... ressdents. sttll... officials say the hike is needed .../ to... pay for... infraatructure.../ &p3p06:33::1"we also faced a lot of mandates thht are unnunddd. these are reeuirrments that come oww frommthe federal government tootake care of siutatiins succ as protecting -ouu drinking water" wwter"kkcher says... theeincrease ....ill cost the average famly..../ of fouu extra 7-dollars... per year. .../ ....uppliis water to & pn... howardd anne arundel, carroll and baltimore counties. a public hearing on the ratt &ppncrease .../ is scheduled foo june 27th. p3 & 3 three years ago... the ggneeal motors anddchrrsler to
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keep them frommgoing undde. the govvrnment investtd 50 has paid ucc of that money back. but, nnw a viral video is attaccing g-m... claimiig theecompany, escued by taxppyers is moving overseas. parrn baskkrville is diigingg deeper into claims that g-m is - takkng your oney.. and mmoing &pjobs to china. china. 3video...00::0:06 - 00:00:200> " the american taxpayyer 3 ruun..80 billion tax dollars saved gm and chryslee from going uuder...did we bailouu & it coull be chinesee company..."bbogger vince waae goinngoo the ttack...accuuing -3& general motors of beinn china potors...questioninn the & bailout and what thattmeant forrtaxpayers...(pre-prr in)in a statement.... gm spokeswomann saass" g-m did not use u-s governmenn baalout money o build iissmanufacturing footprinttin cchna. siice tte bankruptcy, gm as announced facilities tttaling mre than -
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7.1 illion dollars."(pre-pro & out)auto nalyst mike wall...of autommtive forecasting firm will double in 100 yearss..making it thhebiggest car market n the world...< -3 mikk wwll...autoo analyst....0:00:46 - 00:04:00 > " the biggest issuu we have -33 issthere is a chunk of ownership the uu owns in gm..and it's goinggtoo e a while bbfore we probably unnindd..and gge out of that...but areewe etter off now looking back...than we &pwould have beee...i dd think so..."(pre-pro in)lass - sales in & hina rose 18 percent too2226 & milllon rose seven percent to more thaa 519- china increased by 9 percent last more thha 2.4 - million vehicles...(preepro out)the gm ssokeswwman also told us...(preepro in)"other &pauto manufacttrers like ford, vw, aad bmw are now racing to &the hiia market in order to play caach up to gm's sales success."(pre-pro out)< 3& " since theebailout, 0 - percent of tte cars and trucks outssde the u-s, more and more that ppace ii china..."gm ays
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pt has a global policy of "build where thhy sell.. they believe it lowers the ccst for the ustomer...(ppe-pro in))- rrughly 70 percent offits pales aae geneeated ouuside of the u-s...doing business in pore thhn 120 ountries...more than 7-thhusand people work -3 for the company nnthe u- s...205--housand globally (pre-prooouu)< video...00000:00 - 00:09:11 > " akerson calls chiia the crown jewel innthe gm taxpayers may --3 wonder here that leeves the us f america..."< wall...0:01:55 - 00:02:11 > " 3 hhppening...they'reebuilding vehhclee here...for pprchase here...expanding hhre...aree they expanding at the same clii they are in hina....o..." 3 more than 18- 3 milliin vehiclee were sold in chinaalast year...compared to -3 144millionnin thh u-s....all
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pt makes...which means generrl &pinvestments in products here in the u-s... 3 new deeeeopmeett... pn... the trayvvn marrii ase case the .... orlando - sentinel reports.../ 4 witnesses... áchhngedá... noo hurt... accused killer... george zimmerman's initially... said... she saw ...two peoppl ...on tte grrund ...// 3shooting.../ and.../ - didn't... know... whh... days later.../ she... said.../ it... was... zimmerman..../ zimmerman claiim... he acted./../ in.... eef-defense.../ when... he shot martin.../ pin... ebruary... &&pat this poinnt.. ww knowwabout driving.a couple whh were crittcclly injured in crashh by a driver whh was teeting 3 driver... buttalso the person -wwo sent the ext. & happpned ii new jersee... david and lindaa kuberttwent around a curve and saw a truck coming right at & thhm..avvd sayy the drivvr was &ppsing his elbows tt teer, had his hhad down and was texting. cell phone recorddsshow the driver was teettng his
12:40 am a pottnnially precedent sstting ase... the 3 saying tte girllknew her friend wws likely driving home. p3&p""f shannon colonna new hat pyle best was leaaing work and i believe she did, and she as texting him, tten i beliive responsible."47-59kyle beet plead guilty to charges but lawyer argue, he suit ssooll bb dismiised becaase a message sender" has oo ay to controo whhn, where or how a - "message receiverr aats after the message is rrnsmitted. a - whether tte kuberts cannmove forward and sse both texters. 3 3 a ... maryland -3 woman... has waited... á70 yearsá... for she's ffund him. him.this weekeedd.. / -3&p barbbraashultze... will... walkkdown he aisle.../ for... the -3first time...///.she mee... her... soon-to-be husbbad ... on... a... dating sste for seniors. ssultze sayy.... & she haa to kiss a lot of frogss
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3righttone.. but rather bb alone.... haa... marry the wroog fiially proposed to hhr in... front of her entire pamily. 3 "he goo down onnhis knee nd pulleddthe chhir close just inn -&pcass he couldn't get back up." plaughss"and-i usee it too." too."the ccupll... wiil marry more han... 100---friinds and family../ . - pnnluding shultzees... parentt. &p3 bad day... - foo parents ...travvling ... with... small childrrn.../. united 3 thhm board aaly.../ if thee're... flyinggcoacc.../. hee- airlinn... made the change... last -3 pontt,.../ jooninn several.. other &p american airlines...///. united sayss... & the boardinng... -3 process....//// if... - first class.../ oo... & businnss class.../ yyu -3 can still... boord 3 3& a... game of a family in new jersey.and -3 it's all caughh on ttpe. &tape.. you... can see... a father, ... playing... &pthe aae ... wwth... his hhld...
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3 the id... in the washing machine... the... doors lock... 3 ssarts..sending... dad and mom into a ppnic.a 3& rushes... to... - the rescue,, and... movee ttbles away... tt... reveaalthh backk.. oo the machiins.. and cuus off the - power ... anddunlocks mos: "i thiin e'ssa hero , he's a hero you know heessved 3& the kid diee you know and phee when i pull the id out . i am reelly happy thhn.." then...tte father ... says he didn't know someone already put money in the machine. police -33 are tryynn to identify tte family to see if tte child is - pkayy nd... to slap daddy uu--sideethe hhad 3 some rain 3 moving through aaaai tonight. tonight. p3 let's go to chieff meteorollgist vytts reid or a 3 look at what's happeniiggnow..- now.
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- ,3 suing facebook after only fourrdays on wall street. why innestors say the ech &pompany nd nasdaa costtthem 3 3 he should be an - ammrican hero,,but he's rotting in a pakistani prison. hy one of the keyy en wwo hheped us get bin llden is
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3& ids ring pot to school every aa, but not like this. how a kiidergartnerr ound up 3 time. & 3 p faceeook makee some
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ggins... while ssme say the new york stock exchange 3&p'friendd.' but somm off its innestorr are saying 33 truthful before it went public. ... andra arr now uing facebook and &pipo. 3 facebook's 'timeline' as a public companyy as beenn &&procky... on the fourth day of tradiig he stock rosee share... reports are swirling hat theenew york stock exchangeewants to list the stock on thhir eechange. but the compaay also founndout it will have to face several sharehollers' llwwuits. & kessler says, "facebook really haasan obligationnto - do anything that theey
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&pshouldd't have donn." the impeeding lawwuits are -3 againsttfacebook ann organ stanley, he i-p-o's lead underwriter. rudman pays, "what we allege is ttat the registration statement prepared in coonection withh the ipo was materiallyyfaase and misleading because it failed to disclose a slowwown - in revenue growth." the - bottom line s whetter ffcebook or the unnerwriter had nformation abouttthe not disccooed. morgan facebook says the lawsuit is without meritt the two could be looking at damages worth somewhere around two point ffve billion dollars. rudman says, "ii will cover anyone who bbught stock in the facebook ipo r traceabll to the ipo." a source says facebook xxcctives have exchanged everal calls and emailsswith new york stock exchange ooficiall. thee new york stock exchange, however, says there haven't been any discussioos, and it wouldn't be aapropriate at "this as theesenate banking committee is doinn essarch into issuessregarding the - i-p-o to determineeif a
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heering i necessary. in new nnws." p3 3 p the man who helped america - theeman who 3 3 &
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3 he man who helleedammrica kill bin laden is rotting in a -3 pakastani prison. why he's pbeen convicted f treassn nd what ameriia is doing to get & him ut. &3 pot inn chools isn''t &pshocking, bbt ii a -3 kindergarttn classroom? why teaccer his fouu ounce stash and sccle. & 3 -3
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[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great
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low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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says.... this guy shoulddbe - caaled a hero..ut instead... a ppkistani doctoo who helped phe u.s. trrckkdown ooama bin ladee-- was convicted of high & treason today.....and sentenced to 33years in prisoo. vaccination program for the - i-a.he actually vaccinaaed bin laden's fammlyymembers, and collected d-n-a... to help verify bin laaenns presence at
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the ompound in tte town of abbottabad whhre navy seals operation utraged paaistani 3 not told abbut it bbforehand.. senior u.s. officials have called for afridi to be releassd.... saying is work servee pakistani ann american 3 33 a flooidd fathhr is back behiid bars tonight after his son wenn tooschool with 3 is in kindergarten. the sii-yeaa-old showed his teaccee what he had in hiss bag, four ounces of marijuana and a scale. y the time dad rushed back to school to tty to get theebag back, the police. now, laary &pstephens is goong back to prison.he was just releaaed a few months ago and has a lengthy criminal record. & 3 - 3 it's very sad to think thht a child grows up in environnmnt like this. and how does that affect he child, weereally &p pplice are still sorting
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&ttrough all the chhrges he &pmannis faccng for sending his stash with his son to school. 3 traaped on the rrof of p burning buulding. the pilots when there was no ,3& p
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a... catchee.. fire.. and... here's no where... to go.... por at least... a ddzen people. people. daring helicopter
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pilots risk their lives to rescue thoss people trapped in mexico city. city. 3 takeea lookkat the blue - helicopper. it has to hover 3 buulding beccuseethe roof can't support it's weight. -ptheepilot has to make tiny adjustments to keep ii steady & as people cliib in.. aaoutta dozen people were trapped on 3 3 moot of he ravens.....were who was in
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sports unlimited.
1:00 am
1:01 am
thh ate edition, i'' jeff barnd. barnd. 3 and i'm jennifer giibert. herres bruce cunningham with sports unllmited.. 3 we got our firrt look at thee their first ota of the sprinng..theefirst tiieewe'' seen them since that awful pight in fooborough...oif the 90 players o he roster... all but 7 there...morgan adsii has more ffom owings mills... mmlls....-
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3 the oriole's woond uppthhir this fternoon....nd they hhve been very successful in them .. in fact, they were going for 15 this season...that's how gooo they've been going... 3 ...tied at onn bbtttm seccnn &pand niik johnson gets a hold &pof this one...the first o two 66and the red sox scooe threee times...two of thhm hereeoff - thh baat of kelly phoppach...that made it 5-2.....- ...and then in the top of the 8th...anotherrlong ball. this - from scott osednik...and the &pree ox hand the orioles a
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finaa... 3 meanwhile... 3 itts aaout to get easier ffr prospectt..19 year old phenom 3 from delmarvv anddffederick... the o'' top draat pick lass year, the young rrghthander deemarva.. in 8 games there, - bbndy was -0 with an eerned run average of 30 pnnings, heeallowed just 2 - walks and 55 its to go with 40 striieoutss..he will pitth this saturddy night in 3&pthht'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...ann be sure to tune in to fox45


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