tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW June 14, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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the late edition, i'm jeff barn. and i'm jennifer gilbertt &pgilbert. a... balttmore baby... found... unconscious in her home.../ is dead.. / / and tonight police belieee she mmy have died underrsuspicious circumstances. ciicumstances. keith &pdaniels, live at police headquarters with a story yyu'rreseeing first on fox.. ke. keith. jennifer.... poliie have not released the little girl's name. the only thing they can tell us for noww. is that homicide detectives are investigating.... investigating..... p baltimore city police are trying to determine
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exactly what took place inside this upstairs apartment... what happened in tte death of a 1-year-old little girl. worse nightmare.." a parent's .......iivestigators say it all began witt a wedneeday morning 9-1-1 call for medical help at the hild's home on north ssricker street near lafayette avenue. parameeics say, when they unresponsive,,in cardiac arrest.(keith) "they also say the hild hhd bruises n her body. doctors pronounced her police have no comment about the bruises.. but they do say for now, it is a suupicious revelation for neighbors, who say they rarely saw the child.. or nyone else who paramedics say, when hey responded, the other was not home.. ooly the boofriend...a fact that's fueling speculation over a chiid's death, that police call, suspect. (mr. man) "he know what happened nd thht's
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the bottom line. ain't nothing suspicious aout it. if he don't know what happened, then it's suspicious. other than that, you already knnw what happened."(ms. to jump to any conclusions because i don't know the parents or anything, but i mean, suspicious death?"(mr. crew) "well, i don't know what heart oes out to the mother cause iiknow what it's ike tt lose a kid or anything. so, i stuff ill work out." - no charges have been filed. police say they're waiting on the autoosy report to learn the xact cause of death. live at police headquarters, keith daniels, fox 45 news at on the heels of a maryland court rrling that declared ppt bblls inherennly dangerrus..../ a ... pit--bull... attack on a german shepherd park.... 3 this is fouu month old p4 along a path inside the y
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park.... aad after 4 e--r visits..... several surgeries.....and thousandssof dolllrs later......its an attack that has sccrred this family for a while....... 3 he had her on the leash and he jumped out of his grip anddhe had er face and them the owner opened her jaws to where she go loose and he got her leg and she started squealinn after that.... that.... this is a picture taken after the attacks as the pptbulls and their owners drove is describbd as a silver f 150 sticker in the window.......if you have any information leading to an arrest.....the family wwll offee a reward... allegations f lies and illegal buys rock city hall tonight.... and the baltimore mayor stephanie rawliigs blake. all unfolded. unfolded.
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where.... some baltimore city firefighters... own... for using baltimoreeácountyá vehicles... to respond to the fire../. the city called the county and other jurisddctions for help during the fire... even though the department s now considering ssutting down three fire ompanies because p921 i understanddwwy emotions are high but we still need to be professional ann need to especially people coming to dy - help us 32 32 fire chief,... jim clack, says the online comments are being investigated, but couldn't say whetter any disciplinary action will be taken. a 22-yeaa-old owings mills man is found shot to death.... inside a car miles from his hom. home. this is apartment complex where dettctives found the body of miguiee bailey. someone had shot him multiple times in the torso. people who live near theescene &pthought at first bailey was asleep. but that wasn't the case . 1:06 it was lights and police tape don't know that waa it they wouldn't lee us get any closer ... ttey had about 3 or 4 apartment buildings blocked off they wouldn't even let the people get in 1:18
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1:18 bailey's parents didn't wanttto speak n camera. ttey did tell us off camera.... that their son was a good &pperson and they didn'' knnw o political consultant... julius henson... is... behind bars... for that... election nightrobo-call. robo-call.henson... left court... in... hhndcuffs... shortly after... a judge... prosecutors.... say... the call as aimed at....keeping... black voters.. from goinn... to the polls..../ henson's... attorney... is upset... with the outcome.../ as.. well as... aacivil finee.. of... one million dollars... for violatinn ...the federaa telephone consumer protection act. (smith) "i haven't seen a case that led to a million dollar fine in the federal court but this is apparently something people want, those people who to send a clear message and henson...worked for the recently... //. paul schurick... got... one mmnth of home detention.. for his...rrle... in the case. 3
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maryland'' highest court says the dream act... can be ppt to a state ide vote. vote. the law gives illegal immigrants in-state puition. a petition drive put the issuee on novemmer's ballot. supporters of the law say it couldn't be challenged.. pecause it's a budget matter. laas involving statee funding cannot be challenged. but.. the court disagreed... clearing tte way po a novembbr vote. the chhllenge in the state. &p fox45 conducted a phone poll of almost 33-thousand people last monthh 66-percent of them said they would vote against the dream act. 16-pprcent say thhy would vote for it.... and 18-perccnt said they were undecided. all eyes were turned tt thh sky during the noon hour at clifton park today. today.a... big crowd gathered watch some... aerr-- batics.../.the.. navy skydiving team put n a big show.../.and.. members of the dive team... were " its a huge honor to perform anywhere..baltimooe.....18 12....ffrrthe kids....personal for e." me." andthe performance... was justt
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another event in the ity's... "sailabration" event. harford county ... sheriff's deputies... aae looking forra man... who held upp. a ...pprn phop... in havre de grace. grace. they'.. released these photos... hoping someone... will recognizz the suspeet..../ it... happened at.. "jacki's intimate boutique"... last thursday night.../. the man .. pulled a gun... and demanded ccsh..../ he's ... p-feet 9-inchhs tall... with a medium build.../. call... harforr ccunty police... if you have any information. 3 great day for those... who... never give up... up.../. a.. senior... defies the odds ... to walk &ppcross the stage... at his graduation.../ 11... year-old ...patrrck ivissn... was paralyzed... by a car accident.../ for.. the past three-years, .. he's... undergone physical training.../ hoping.. to walk
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across the stage.. to receive his diploma...//. tuesday .. , that dreem was fulfilled.../. his.. seevice dog... followed behind.. &p and received... an ward ivison sayss "it was honestly one of the bbst days of my life."ivison says: "maabe like do jumping jacks at collegee graduation or something like phat. i don't know. let's not put that for sure because i can't commit to that one." one." iiison.. will attend... the university of southern california's... film school... in the fall. bad day for a deputy in ohio... caught texting while dr. driving. a driver snapped this picture in columbus. you can see the officer texting with both pands... while he's ddiving on the reewayy 3 majjr geoff stobart,, franklin certainly dont want our officers involved in that. we dont want our officees to be already have o many other phiigs going on in that cruiser" cruiier." no one &pknows who the deputy is.. buu deputies in franklin county are now banned from any personal exting bbhind the wheel.
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3& a great dayybecause of ho very easily been a errible chasing... an s-u-v... capture... a.... terrifying scene .../ the car flips... and... a child's... thrown... from the vehicle.../. before... you áseeá this... ou the... toddler - is okay. okay.police... were chaaing the s-uuv... p following a robbery... / wwen.. it flips... and phe 18 month old girl is ejected..../incredibly... the little girl.... immediately gets up... and starts walking..../another... woman in the vehiile... jumps out... and rescues her..../that... child... uffered miior injuriis.../.her.. father faces... several charges. welllanother beautfiul day in 3paradise. paraddse. weather. taae a looo from at- around sunset this evening. anchoring in the arbor for sai.
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organization, and in 1996 t counted barack bama among its members. author stanley kurtz says there's overwhelming evideece to support obama's ties to the 'new party.' parry.' the 'new party' -- a socialist organization -- endorsed barack obbma duringg senate ii 1996. according to published reports,,obama denies he joined -- let alonn, solicted the 'new party' for an endorsement.but author and commentator stanley kurtz says obamaas denial does nnt hood water.[sot in stanley kurtz]sot in 22:31:07 "it has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt."trt=:02 kurtz recently discovered minutes from a meeting held in 1996 -- and among the notes -- kurtz says here's clear indication -- obama gave a statement, answerrd questionss and signed a "candidate contract." [sot in kuutz]sot in 22:30:25 "to get an endorsement you hhd to sign a contract."trt==03and to sign a contract, kurtz says one had to be a dues paying member. for a young, untested,
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candidate such as obama -- in the mid 1990's -- the "new party" ppovided a foundation and an army of foot soliders -- onniis old ebsite it boasted of having ten-thousand members. the new party dissolvee in 1998. 3& the obama administration declined comment for our story. 3 a lot of great pournalists lost their jobs
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it wasn't a bomb in harford county... but a student is still in big trouble over it. a 17-year old student at &phavre de grace high sccool is facing 4-charges for putting a bottle of urine in the hallway of his school tuesday morning. the teen confessed it was a prank. but it looked enough like an explosive... that it led to a school lockkown aad students during the investigation. could face almost 16-years in prison... and an 18-thousand dollar fine if he's onvicted common sense says the print the dinosaur.oing the waa of - of the nation's oldest daily newspapers is laying off 200 emmloyees .the times- picayuane in new orleans, is shifting it's will also nly publish three 3&common senseesays....the harder the surface, the faster you run.after all, the world's fastest runners compete oo a hard synthetic surface.but,
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are training unconventionally.. . y running on grass. 400-meter sprinttrs kirani james and rondell bartholomew say running on grass maaes thee stronger, and while there's been little research, some experts say runners are less prone to injuries that way. a very rareecatch.the long odds of pulling one of these out of the ocean. 3 the odds of catchiig
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eyes... weee oo thh skies... at clifton park today. watch some aero--batics.the.. navy skydiving team put on a big show.and.. when it was all over.... members of the dive team... said they were happy to erform in baltimore. " its a huge honor to perform 12....ffrrthe kids....personal for me." me." andthe performmnce... was just another event in the ciiy's weeklong "sailabration" . that's alllfor thh late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'' jennifer gilbbrt. here's bruce with sports unlimited tuesday night, brian matusz
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took one off his nose in a bunting drill, and had to be scratched from tonight's start against the pirates..jake arrieta, banished to the bullpen after aadisasterous outing friday,,got the call...the spot start...and man did he respond... respond... and he got some help earlyy.. ...bottom 2nd, already 11 0...wilson betemit doubles to righh center...mark rrynolds ccmes in to score..they get another rri from steve pearce and it was 3-0 after two... ...arietta, as mentioned, was sensational in the spot start...7 innings, scattered 7 hits, allowed just one run and had a career high 99 strikeouts...andrew mc cutheon the victim here......bottom 6th, it's now 4-0 and wilson betemit lifts onn up aad it court...a solop shot...his 8th...5-0 orioles......bottom 7th, it's now 5-1 and chris davis shatters his bat, but he'' so strong it leaves the park anyyay...his 12th of the year...and the birds makes it
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two straight over the bucs about that broken bat homer? game twooof the ravens three day minicamp... all pro ed reed is stiil a no shoo...and he has still not told john harbaugh why..joe flacco was absent too, but he has an excuse...his wife is in laborr..another absense is ray rice, anddas mmrgan adsit reports, that's opened up an opportunnty for the rest of the rrnning backs... backs...
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