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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  June 16, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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[ malat mcdonald's, one taste of the new mccafé cherry berry chiller and you won't be able to pull yourself away. made with 100% fruit juice with natural flavors, blended with ice. the simple joy of keepin' it cool. hello i'm karen parks. and i'm jeff barnd.president obama makes a major change in the enfoocement of our immigration . llws. and as ed henry reports it comes as the president is scrambling for an election year advantage with a major ethnic voting block... block... script:( exactly one week before president obama delivers a key speech to a major latino group in the battleground of florida his administration issued a
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&pthousands oo young illegal f immigrants to get work ermits says: "they pledge allegiance to ouu flag. they are pmericans in their heart, in their miids, in every single way but one: on paper." presumptive republicaa nominee speaking to the latino rrup sentiment -- but slammed it as a half-measurr romney ays: "if i'm president we'll do our very best to ave that kind of long term solution that provides certainty and clarity for thh people who ccme intt this country through no fault of their own." the presidenn nooed he has beee pushing a solution with the dream act -- providing conditionaa permaaent residencc to immiiraats in good standiig -- but republicans blocked it today various republicans ripped the exxeutive move as a have reservations tooobama says: "the notion that i can just suspend deportations thrrugh executive order,
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that's just not the caae, because there are laws n tte books that congress has passed." a sign for republicans this decision is more aboutt ecuring otes in swing states like colorado, florida, nevada and new mexico mccaul says: "i think polittcally paadering in an election year because he and all of us know how importaat homellnd security secretary janet napolitano, who crafted the policy, tolddfox politics was not involvednapolitano says: ""t was the product of really looking at what the oogoing reviews were of the ongoing review of pending our resources for now and for the coming year." it affects about 800-hundrrd- thousand people who can apply action" they have to be no criminal ecord ... earned aahigh school diplomm and pontinuing their education or aareporter from the conservative daily caller
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rankled the president by interrupting his statement. obama says: "the answer to your question, sir -- and the next time i'd ppefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question -- is this is the right hinn to o for the american eople."(on cam tag)henry says: "the question was leggi. what's the iipact on uneeployment when you give illegal immigrants wookers permits and you already have millions of typically though, reporters wait until the presideet is finished sppaking out of respect foo the oofice beforee shouuing a question. at the white governor martin o'malley praised the prrsident's decision... calling it an pmportant step towards immigration reform. but late this evening... maryland mcdonough issuedda statement calling for the impeachment of presiddet obama ... nd a &pfederal llwsuit to stop what president's illegal immigration olicies. 3 thht brings us to our question of the day. dooyou agree with president obama's plan to stop deportiig youuger illegal immig? immigrants? go to fox- baltimore dot com and tell us what you think. youucan also
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send us a tweet.. at ebook. foxbalttmore. and you can text your answer to 45203.. enter foxx5aafor yes.. or fox45b for no. 3 it's a story you saw first on fox... a one year old found unconsciiuss it's later ruled a murder. now, tte boyfriend offthe child's mother stands ac. accused. ... 14 month old desmare braxton was left with sharmell thomas oo sunday. it pas the last time .... the child's other would see the toddler alive. thomas first told paramedics the ccild suffered from a seizure. 19:59:45 homicide deteetives came involved at that point and questioned the mother's bbyfriendsharmell thomasat that ppint duuing the interview hh admitted to shaking thh baby aad was subsquentlyychargeddwith second degree murder and is in custody 56 56 sharmell thomas also had annopen warrant that steemed back in april involving the child's mother. we are learning more tonight about a group busted by a-t-f ageets in north baltiiooe.keith daniels ii
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ssrraming live outside federal court downttwn...with the alarming information he found in the harggng documents . . ///////////////////vo/////////// the six men face federal 3 drug and weaponn charges after a raid yesterday. ccording to jjst released court documents, the sspects, are a killiig an undercover atf agent and taking his share of planned robbery of a fake drug stash house. but a-t-ff police moved in yeeterday beffre the menncould commit that robbery.. aad possible murdee. federal agents had the men under nvestigation for aaout a mooth. the p c in yesterday's shooting.- (ms. byers/resiient) "i just
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heaad boomss. i thouuht it was actually from tte inner harror cause the neighbor was alking about the sailabration then you peak throughhthe woods p there and you could just see the swats..." the suspect shot in the raid ii n the hospital ttnight. doctors say he'll bee o-k...... meantime, the other suspectt are back in court next week for bail hearings. p a pilot is dead after a plane crash in the carroll county regional airporr this mo. investigaaors say it happened pt the end of the runwayy.. they're not sure if the pilot was landing or taking off. and tonight he old henry judkins from rockville. convicted for his role in a - fatal shoottng atta pizzz shop two years ago. shawn johnson was convicted of first degree murder after he and ttree ámr. wingssand pizzaá wheee a
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female employee waa fatally shot. johnnon was also found guilty offatttmpted robbery with a dangerruu weappn. he faces life in prissn without parole. one of the country'sbiggest casino companiesstriies a deal to builda resort casino in maryland. theec.eeo. of m.g.m.met with governor o'malley today...about the prospect of ringinn gambling to natiinallarbor ii prince george's's exppcted to bethe center of &pconvene a specialsession next month.. (murren) "we could do great things ffr the state of maryland, we could generate thousands of jobs, we coold playing field."and ffir - field."but that propooal dependson passage of a bill yy state lawmakkrs...tooexpand special session next mooth. & a bad day for a family in long island, new york.they
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right into their homee. the car hit with such fooce... pt pushed part of the chimney through a wall and into thh backyard. ttree peeple &pwere sleeping oo the second floor at the time and had to be helped out of the house. all are said tt be o-k. villegas says: "all i heard i guess ffom the guy iiside g thhy're gonna be able to save the house?) it's ssill in tact, ww'll see what happens whennthey move the car, hopefully it's still ii tact point." the driver had nt" to be pulled rom the s-u-v and sent to the hospital. pnd a good day or a good samaritanthe mmn who saved a woman from a fiery crash at a toll plaza in texas is getting some well deserved recognition. scene, but affer several days he's come forwardd &p decker says: "he's my uardian angellhe really s."decker saas: "god putthim there" corbin says: "i figured out there was a big problm andd took the steps to fix it"
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corbin says: "i was just happy that everything turned out alright and everyone was saff" safe" nancy decker is now recovering from herr injuries at home... anddhopes corbin to thhnk him in person 3
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3 3 3 a major change at the pentagon. the preperations for a gay pride day. &pa deeth defying across one of americas iconic landmarks. and thh search for the next american idol is already underway. who will be the new judges.and will -lo return for another season?
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itts a remarkable siin of a cultural change in the u-s military. the gay and lesbian milittry members...and as jennifer griffin reports it comes as the pentagon prepares to mark june as gay pride month with an official sslute. salute. =panetta: "diversity is one
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of our greatest trrngths" defense secretary leon panetta -- thanking gay and lesbian military members for their a video essage... ssthe pentagon joins thh rest of the u-s government... forr he áfirstá time ...recogniziig june as gay pride month. panetta: "you faithfully served your country with professionnlism and courage. &pand just ike your fellow service members, you put your pountry before yourself.""this comes nine months after thh "doo'' askk don't tell" policy - took effect. under don't ask, don't tell"... gay and lesbian troops could not reveal their orientation. ii they dii... they faced ischarge. the ttousand service members out of the u-s military. ppnetta: "the successful repeel of "don't ass, don't tell" proved to the nation that just like the country we defend, we differeet values, nd ounds, &pdifferent beliefs." according to the secretary ... military
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lladers have concluded... thh repeal is ánntá affecting morale or readiness. anetta: "i remain committed o possible to maae america's s military a model oo equal are qualified can serve in america's milittry."((on cam tag)) meanwhile the pentagoo has announced... the &pdepartment's áfirstá gay prid event will be held on june -&2 jennifer grifffn, fox news. 3 he's back and this time he really outtdid himself.. daredevil nik wallenda walked niagara falls tonight with only a two-inch diameter wire under him. . wallenda began his walk onnthe u-s side then make the 15-hundred foot journey to the caaadiannside. just last month walldena walked a high wire strung 3
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3 phillip ppillips was crowned the nee american idol less than a month ago.. but the search for theenext idol is already underway. underray.áácheeringáá áácheeringáá idol hopefuls inn san antonio, texas.. cheeeed as produccrs and photographers for the upcoming season. thousands of singers lined up for a ccance to audition. all
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the tryouts this week are in front of prrducers... performing n front of judges those judges will be remains a mystery. we don't know yet whether jenniffr lopez will return. season twelve of american january of two thousanddand thirteen. "hello 9-1-1" 9--11" call to 9-1-1 that llckee all common sense.why it came from a dell shop. ♪
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♪ call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v. ♪ ♪ the cost of raising a child...
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reaches an all-tiie high. high.that's according to a new government report... which finds middll-income pareets... can expeet to pay nearly 235- thousand dollars... over the next 17 years.that's 3-and-a-half percent higher than in 20-10. mong other includes housing, child are, doesn't includd post-high school ducation. 3
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common sense sayssthe est way to get to know someone is to alking to them. but according to one ssudy anothee a study from the university of kansas sayy people can accurately judge 90-percenttof a stranger's personality by simply looking at what's on &ptheii feet. experts say shoes give away things like a political affiliation and ven their emotional stability. 3"i can tell alot about ou by your shoes youuprobably have a pair of heels in the car and once yyu leave you are going to take off those flats and put on your heels that's just it..the study suggests that flashhyshoes mean you're an extrovert,wwile praccical and functional shoes mean you're and common sense aaso ays sandwich order? laii aaouu a - rother mclennon placed a phone
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order for more than aadozen sandwiches. but when he arrived to pick up the food he didn't want to pay full price because he says even though he wanted extra cheese and mayo, he reqqested less meat. mclennon even asked to use the company's phooe so that he could call pplice. operator sayy: "you're calling 9---1 because you don't likk the way that thhy're making your sandwich?" (covered by graphic)caller says: "exactly." ((overed by graphic)operator says: "then don't buy ii!" (covered by grap) 1-1 operator hhd someecommon - sense. she did send police who told rother o do the same thing....just dont buy it. 3 3 and an out of this world a wild flight is connectee toobalttmore's big sailla-bration. ♪
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behind the wheel, there is no such thing as a small distraction. a public service reminder from the american academy of orthopaedic surgeons, who would rather help keep your bones strong than put them back together. speak out against distracted driving at civilians getta
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military experience in the skies above baltimore today. today.ááscreamingáá those screams came from a group aboard the blue angels c-130 transport plane today. the "fat albert" as it's called did combat maneuvers. as it dove... everyone inssde experiencee weightlessness.
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you can be inncharge of yoor own personalized forecast. i-radar is now available at se the interactive tools to trrck coming storms down to your street. and click on i-radar orioles in search of their 6th straight win...see if they could add to their streak in in sports unlimited... 3
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that's it for us...thankk here's morgan adsit with sports umnlimited. the orioles just won't go of 5 straight... now just a half game bbhind the yaakees for first in the a-l east. east.oos takinn their iiterleague play show on the road... at of the 4th...birds trail 110...wilson bourn can't get there...ael - misplays the bounce....ark reynolds scores from 1st... betemit in at tied at batter...sseve pearce lifts it tooright... betemit ags...jason heyward throws rocket to the plate... tag...oriolesstake the lead 2-1....bottom of the 6th... chipper jones sends it to
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right...chris davis making his majorrleague debut in the outfield...diving catch...not bad for his first time in right.....ater in the inning... it a ride tt left...2-run homer...2nd oo his career...braves lead 3-2... &pthey end theeo's 5 game win streak...4-2 the final. 3 yoo can see the o's try to get back in the win column pomorrow night right here on fox 2 betweee the o's and bbaves at 7 only on fox 45... the ravens have never had three solid receivers.think about it... since the start in's been a stretch at timessto even have two solid wi. producer for the ofense..then - last season we got a taste of how expposive the offense can pe when joe flacco's cllcking with two receivers... anquan
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boldin and torree smmth.. baltimore triid for another with lee evans... that diin't &pwork..o this off seassn they added former texan jacoby jones....drafted iami's ttmmy undrafted rookie free agentt. thhse all added tt the mix of and david reed....that's why q's calllng this thh best group he's seen in a ravens uniform since he arrived, two years ago. 33 in tiger woods' last outting... pe won and tied jack nicklas at 73 p-g-a tour wins... that's sscond in all time.he hasn't won a mmjor sinne the u- s open in 2008... tiger putting hhmself in contention to get u-s open, san francisco..on &p11...woods putting for birdie...on a line...drops in theecuu....teeing off n 13...
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fantastic shot...sets him up for birdie...moving to 1- under....on 18...tiger from the bunker...rolll it to within a few feet from the pin....the sinks the par putt ttofiniss even on the day... 1-under going into saturday. 3&david toms and jim furyk tied with tiger at 1-under...phii mickelson arely made the cut at 7-over....2 of golf's biggest names missed the cut... last year's u-s open champ rorr mcilroy out after shooting a 3-over 73 today... he finished 10-over....and the world's number one luke donall did not make it tt saturday... &pthat'll do it for this of sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsit...


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