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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  June 26, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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&p"i see some activity going on
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in a car and i don't think its " proper."i have enormous confidance in our side of the sy storya case involving sex and politics... why prosecutors may be forced to throw ouu charges against county executive john leopold. good evening, i'm jennifer tonnght.a judge could rull this week whether charges should e dropped against anne arundel ccunty executive john leopoll. he's accused of misconduct in office... among tte charges.... ordering his security team to drive him to area parking lots where he engaged in sex with a county employee.but as crime and justice reporter joy lepola found out... out....prosecutors may have trouble proving that aacrime oc. oocurred. 3 some --- maybe all--- of the state's charges against anne leopold may be dropped. and,
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we will likely find that out this week. 3 in court, leopold's attorney argued... the county executive did not break any laws... when he ussd his taxpayer-funded security detail tt help in his campaigning efforts. lass peek judge dennis sweeney.... told prosecutors he found parts of the indictment troubling. 13:14:47 you can &ppot prosecute people for matters that are political. political.13:16614 and what saying is what is the law you say lepold has violated. if he hasn't violated a law don't prosecute him :23 if judge sweeny decides to allow the charges to tand.... leopold's trial will be begin in september. joy lepola fox 44 news late pdition. the mother of a baltimore county teen killld during a fight with an off duty officer is demanding the cop be arrested. the browns living room as been transformed into a memorial for christopher. the 17-year-old died during a
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confrontation with an off duty officer in randallstown. the cause of death: asphyxiation. it's been ten days aad no arrest. christopher's other says investigators are giving their fellow officer.. special trrattent. (mom)"if it was the averaae killed that policeeofficer.. he would actualll be behind bars right now..(police response)"the investigatioo for this case is still in oo it...weve made a lot of progress." the officer is on paid administrative leave as the investigation into the police are on the hunt tonight suspects... in a very unusual getaway car. car. paul gessler streaming live of the crime. paul? a burgandy conveesion van, jennifer..t shouldn't be hard to has white lettering on the side of it reading, ""ount pleasant a.m.e church." that's right.a church van,
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reported stolen an hour earlier, was used to drive away from this mcdonalds on reisterstown road in ppkesville.baltimmre countyy police say one of the men followed someone into the bathroom, stole theirrwallett and ran weapons were used, but church leaders ant to see this crime spree end... and their van bacc in time ffr this sunday's service. &p19.56.24 tom cuttino, mt. pleasant ame churrh trustee: "why? hy would you want to steel a van from a church and use it to do something like that? both of them was wrong, wrong, wrong. two wrongs don't make a right." right."20.05.05 rev. clifton sparrow, mt. pleasant ame church: "we just praa that phose (who) did it, god will bring them justice." baltimore county police are pelliig us the sussects are two black the lower to mid 20s...with similar builds... betwwen 5'6'' and 5'8'' and 165 pounds.there was no sign of a break-in at the churcc.we areetold one of the trustees' homes was
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burglarized earlier this month. streaming live in pikesville, paul gessler, fox45 news t ten. a man is dead after being shot to death during a birthday party early sunday. a pollce officer found antonio guilford avenue in hagerstown. pollce said at least 20 people had been at the home for a party whee a fight broke out. during that fight joyner was shot in the upper torso. a woman who lives across from the houss said there has been a problem with partying attthe house for years. "i just heard get help or sommthing like that and thee like i know a guy wws over top of the body trying to get him to get up." up."the officer administered police are pursuing leads, but don't have a suspect in custody yet.
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a follow up to a story you saww first on fox - new concerns about the city's dealings with " "diggcon."the company is billing the city millions of dollars for i-t services and consulting fees.and they recently struck a lucrative deal to help overhaul the city's phone system... now, fox 45 has learned the inspector general began investigating the mayor's i-t office back in may... reviewing ethics disclosure forms filed by department heads.... including the chieff of staff... who used to work directly for digicon.questions have also been raised about why the purchase f telephones was not put out or competitve bids. p3 publicly."" 3 no word on when the inspector general will complete his investtgation.
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theebaltiiore city council gives final approval to the mayor's 2.3 billion dollar spending plan. council memberssrejected 6 million dollars in cuts.... proposed by council president jack young... as part of a plan to redirect funds toward rec centers and ffre companies. that means three city fire companies remain on tth chopping block ttnight.the mayor wants to eliminate them to help close a 35 million dollar gap in the ccty budget but the fire union says ii "iq: i would have cut every ty.- pime i could..... oq: that's a crap plan." plan." the city had also considered demotions as a way toohold budgee... buu that plan '' appears to be off the table. still no consensusamong state
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lawmakersto hold aaspecial sessionon gambling. but some union leadersare not iving up. up. they gathered in annapolis urging lawmakers toreconsiderr gambling totable games like bllck-jack.but they'' also like tosee a new casino built at the national harborin prince george's counny. (ayres) "we came so close last out positive....two thousand construction jobs for years, five thousand permanent obs.. joos."governor o'malley sayy there will be no special session...unless house and senate leaders canreach an agreementtn gambling bills. opponents of same-sex &pmarriage...ddliver another batch of signatures tostate voters decide theissue this e - fall. opponents dropped off24 more boxes of signaturesfrom all maryland counties.that's nearly 40-thousandadditional signatures..... on top of 113- thousandalready submitted.the
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general assemblyyassed a bill legalizingsame sex marriage. but opponents aretrying to block the measurefroo becomiig law. (mccoy) "we'reenot against any group of people, we're not tte very fabric of our society." society." the state board of elections is still reviewinggthousands of other signatures already submitted.the board is eepected tocertify the ballot questionsometime next month. 3 3 great day for the new miss mary. maryland.20-yeer-old joanna guy was crowned miss maryyand yesterday and will now go on to represent our state in the miss america pageant next year. guy, who is from arrett coonty, beat out 23 other cootestants... winning the swimsuit, talent, and interview preliminary competitions. bad day for drivers inn china... where a flock of 5-
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thousanddducks brought traffic to a staadstill.a locallfarmer herded the massive flock pcross the street... armed with nothing more than a simple cane. he does this rouuinely... taking the ducks to a water source about a mile &pfrom his home.none of the ducks was fact, the farmerr laims that he hasn't lost one yet. bad day ffr a teen who gets pteal a soda... the 7-year old stuck his hand too far into a vending machinn in san diego saturday... and it became seriously wedged. firefighters ... police... and parammdics came to the rescue... and after sawing teen was freed.he now faces some great weather this evening... but the heat could be making a come back... chief meteorologisttvytas reid is here with your skywatch forecast... vytas
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3 3 the suprrme court rules on arizona's iimigration law... which parts were struck down... and tte reason both sides are declaring a win.
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child sexxabuse ... and not f - lead prosecutor did that could help the defense get an &pappeal.... "he said, 'we weren't screwing out f my hand when i threwwit k backa lawsuit against a little league player ... how a bad throw could lann him in court.
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it's one of the most awaited supreme court decisions of twenty twelve -- arizonn's crackdown on illegal immigration. s shannon bream reports.... the high court struck down key provisions of the law -- but uphhld the most controversial requirement. 33 opponents and supporters of arizona's controversial immigration law - sb 1070 - today got heesupreme ccurr opinion they've been waiting for. it was a split decision - with justice anthony kennedy writing that áquuteá "...preempted by federal law." wwile one critical provision áwas uppeld. brewer says:
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"today is a day hen the key components of our efforts too protect theecitizens of arizona, to take up the fight against illegal immigration in a balanced and ccnstitutional way has unanimously been vindicated by the highess court in thh laad." the law's surviving provision directs policeeto inquirr into the immigration status of someone stopped under state or local law - if the officer has "reasonable suspicion" to belleve the person is in the u-s illegally - or for anyone placed under arrest - regardless of whether there are any suspicions bout that person's legal statuss arizona shouldn't expect help from the eds, though, in many of these cases - ffllowing word today that immigration and customs enforcement is rescinding its agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies in arizona with respect to some enforcement of federal president obama and homellnd security secretary janet napolltano issued statements saying they are "pleased" with the decision - which strikes down proviiions which includiig: one which complete paperwork for - or
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carry - an alien registration document - and another that would have criminalized solicitation or performance of any work in arizona - by someone not authorized to work in the u-s. the court also blocked a third provision which would have allowed state law enforcement officers to make some arrests without a peneral eric holder said - today's opinioo áquoteá "confirms the federrl government's exclusive auuhority to regulate in the but - in his opinion - justice antooin scalia said that'ss exactly what the feds are ánot doing. he specifically mentioned the president's recent policy directive halting ddportation proceedings against hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants - and askeddáquoteá "are the sovereign states at the mercy of the federal executive's refusal to enforce thh nation's immigration laws?" &p(on cam tag)bream says: "toda - governor brewer said sse &pbelieves the remainiig portio of sb 1070 can legally go into effect immediately...while also acknowledging there are lawsuits waiting in the wings to be filed against it. at the supreme court, shannoo bream, fox ews." you agree with tte supreee do court's ruling on arizona's
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illegal immigration law? law? a lot offyou sounding off on our facebook page.. and most of yyu do ánotá agree with the courtts decision.join the disccssion at faaebook dot com slash fox- baltimorr jerry sandusky mantains his innocence and plans to appeal ... ...accorddng to one of his defense attorneys who visited him in jjil. jail.a jury found the former penn tate football coach guilty on 5 counts related to child sexxabuse. his attorney, ponviction... because of sky - ineffective counsel.rominger believes the conviction should be thrown out bbsed on the the media. the appeal can't be - filed until afttr sentencing... which will probably happen in about 90 days. much of florida underwater tonnght... after tropical storm debby dumped massive amounts of rain across the stat. stateeyou see here many abanddned cars left in the middle of the roadways where the water was just too high. some residents had to
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northern parts of the state could get 10 to 15 inches of gettinn as much as 25 inches. "at the end of the ddy, if you
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you could remove them from the source of danger." danger." hospital with severe sunburns ... why a school policy barred teachers from giving them a school policy on ssnscreen
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that some parents say.... defies common sense... a washington state mother was outraged when her two daughters were sent to the hospital with severe sunburns from a school field ddy. wwen she called to complain... she was told a district policy reqqires students to have a doctor's note to apply &psunscrren at school. "wow,,that is remarkable that your staff is not empowered to make a common sense decision abouttmy child's safety."/buut to//"at the end of the day, f you cant put sunscreen on a &pkid, you couud remove them from the source of danger." danger."the mother says she would have put sunscreen on it was raining when they left... and she was unaware of the áno sunscreená policy. another exaaple of a lawsuit, that lacks common sense. a woman is suing a little league playerr..
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claiming he intentionally hit her with a baseeall. 13-year-old matthew migliaccio was warming up his pitcher in the bullpen when the ball slipped out of his hands and sailed over the feece..... hitting elizabeth lloyd in the side of her face. matthew immediately apologized to the woman, who said she was fine.... but now, a yearrand a half later she's suing him for acting reccless. matthew's &pfather says his son did nothing wrong. "he saidd we weren't screwing out of my hand when i threw it bbck and went over his head. liie to him this happens everyday in little league." the woman says she suffered a broken bonn in her face.. she's seeking 153- thousand dollars to cover medical costs. her son s on tte same team as matthew. 3 3 p bear cub caaght inside a garage.... the incredible way it's mother came to the rescue.
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get this... an amazing rescue caught on camera after a bear cub get stuck in a garage... a woman recorded the cub as it climbed up the track of her gargage door... calling out for its mother.
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and pulled open the arage ls, door herself. the cuu was able to get a footholddon a ladder and climb down to its mooher.... 3 the baltimore bullet doess something for he first ttme in olympic history...michael phelps' major accomplishment... next in sports unlimited...
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thanks for joining us for the late edition tonight. i'm jennifer gglbert. up next is morgan adsit, sports unlimited starts right now. 27th.for athletes dreaming to's already the 20- 12 olympics.michael phelps and phe rest of the pool opens up qualifying tonight n omaha, ne. nebraska.we know the stories ttat will follow...phelps
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plans to retire....can he tp his eight-ffr-eight all gold performaace from beijing...and can he hold off u-s-a teammate rran lochhe..aa they finish the buuterfly stroke...phelps has a slight lead over lochtt going into the back stroke.... that's when tyler clary takks the edge...only the top 2 finishers qualify for the olympics....breast stroke... lochte begins to pull away... phelps gaining ground on clary....freestyle...lochte keeps the lead...finishes in first...phelps comes in 2nd... pe's the first american male swimmer to make 4 olmpic teams as they both qualify for the 400 i-m at the olympics in london... heads or tails?that 50--0 answers could determine the &polympic fate for two runners.. during the 100-meter trials finnle.... en-ah-ma tar-moe and allyson felix tied or 3rd &pwith a photo finish.problem is... only 3 will go in this event representing team u-s-a in was unfamiliar terriotry for the u-s olympic committee... so the
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decision... pick a winner from one of the following options.. runners ccn choooe a coin toss or run off.if they pick different options... it wiil be a run off.if they decide to noo pick an option... it will be a coin toss..the sprinters are training partners... if there's aarun-off... it will hhppen after all olympic trails sunday. buck showalter's probably spendinggthe orioles off day thinking about one thinn, and one thhng only.getting his team ut of it's offensive slum. slump.there's no need to panic... o's are in 2nd... 3 games beeind the yankees in pffense is the last 7 games... they've scored just 10 runs....the problem... not producing with runners in scoring position... at one point in yesterday's pin with the nats... the o's were 1--or-33 in those pituations.... dating back o last boils down to great opposing pitching... something that will never go away.
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a third time will not be in the charm city...miguel tejada asked ffr and was granted his releaseefrom the orroles organization..tejada signed a minor league deal in may aad has been in triple-a norfoll. batting 2-59 with zero homeruns..before the 2004 season... tejada signed with thh o's and played 4 seasons... the 38-year old left and then pame back for part off he that'll do it for this edition of sports nliiited...i'm morgan adsit...goodnight. goodnight.


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