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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  June 28, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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p welcome to thelate
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edition, i'm jennifer gilbert, jeff barnd is off tonight. thh ballimore countyolice officer accused of chasing and killing aarandallstown teenagee has been indicted in case....e.... karen parks is live at the courthouse with the details of the officer's bail hearing... hearing...... 3 3 2717 --- oc: no matter how ou slice it. aprox karen parks, fox45 news late
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thht brings us to ouu question of the day. do you agree with the prosecutors' decision to chargg the baltimore county officer with m? manslaughter? here's our facebook page...and your one...some say the officer was far.join the discussion by to - going to facebook doo com slash fox-baltimore an edgewood mannsays he'ss still shaken what happened between him aad
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an off duty altimoreecity police officer last night.he &pclaams the officer pointed a gun at his head...and threw him tt the ground. ground.janice park is streaming live at pollce headquarters...with a story tonight... janiceirst on ffxx janicethe incident happened in harford county...but innolves a baltimore city police officer.a 21 year old edgewood maa says the olice officee who lives near him thought he deal...but the man says in reality, he and his friends wereeon their way to getting a milkshake. carson hutton walks wwth aa limp today...partly because he was in a car accident in 2010...but also because he says an offfduty baltimorr pim to the ground around 7:30 -3 yesterday eeening.witnessess say the officer thought he was witnessing a drug deal...when he onfronted hutton wwo was in a car with friends.huuton pas no criminial record...and says the officer pointed his gun at him as he sat in his friend's car...then alleges
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the officee in a rage...thhew hii against theecar aad to thh grounddhe says the officer never identified himself as police.tonight, the hhrford county sheriff's office has applied to ccarge the officer with 2nd deeree assault...which is a misdemeanorr 3 "he was pointed it like any other gun, olding it right at the window right at my face really...he grabbed my throat i was shocked thii was happening at the time" 3&we contacted thh baltimore city police department, but they still havee't gotten back to s to &c for the off duty officer's was seezed by the harford ccunty sheriff's in downtown news late edition. also today...a balttiore ccty homicide detective who said he was shot in a downtown parking garage has been charged with scene in january of last year...when aathony fata saadd p gunman shot him in the leg.
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he gave only a e dessription of that gunman. fata told the storyyto the workers compensation commission.......but prosecuuors say he lied about it... trying to get bennfits. &pfata also faces 2 charges of &ppolice are investigating afte baltimore county. happened around 5--0 this morning at a home on responded to a call for gunfire, anddfound the woman shotttoodeath. the victim has nnt been word on a suspect or motivee a homicide in norttwest baltimore remains under investigation tonight. it happened onnnnrfolk avenue p0 o'clock last night. oo the scene where a man was e - hasn't been suspects of motives in this case either. an ellicott city man is speed cammra. "bruce may" as charged with destruction of propprty and reckless endangermeet after he
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fired glass marbles with aa sling shot... at this speed was still inside it... last night.the operator of the van called police... who "maa" had receiieddtwo speed 3 camerr violations in the last few weeks.he was released onna 3-thousand dollar bond. "itssnot omethhng thaa i aaree with ad i had no idea pomeone was inside the van i mean that wasn't my inttntion mm intention waa really i wasn't really intending i was haddenough."nd i guess i just enough."this is the third incident this monnh iivolving attacks on speed camera vans &pand their operators. police three incidents are relatee. we first told you in mmrchhabout thh city's plaa to shutdown part of charles street for two ears. project was slated to begin in the spring. but spring has come and gone..... and as jjff abell shhws uss
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little has changed on charles... along this ten block stretch of charles ptreet.....the warnings went up monnhs ago..... constrrction and disruptton is on the way.... &p(13:50:40) "the traffic is going to be a mess...." (14:28:33) "if i can't even ride my bike that's gonna make a bigger headache." the city started more than &pdecade ago....drawing up plan university. the city -3 laid out its plans at a neeghborhood meeting earlier this year....which call for charles street to be shhtdown....for two years. (13:45:35)) (gerard kane) "its going to be a real inconvenience. parking is hard to come by in ttis area as it is...." already, budget constrrints had dellyed the project..... but earlier this ear, the city announced the project would finally begin ttis spring.... bbu spring has come and gone.....and little has changed on charles street.. (13:46:42) "i thought the project was already completed." (14:43:29) (abell) "the city blames this latest since state and feddral tax
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agenciis must sign off on the project and that has taken much longer than anticipated." (13:51:35) "you gotta remember tteee's a lot going on down there in the mayors" for now, commuters get another six weeks to brreze down thh old yearr of workk n the new charles gets underway peff abell, fox 45 news llte city officials say the project is designed to improve both thh traffic patterns and pedestrran safety... &pa pit bull is blamed for northwest baltimore. happened last night on cottageeavenue.a ten- year- old girl was walking her &ppomeraniin puppyywhen the pit bull escaped its yard and attacked.the pit bull was impounded this afternoon by trol.the victim's owner wants pit bullss regulated even more. tasha montgomery, pomeranian but gov't needs to punish owners) "but, i think it's how they're training these animalss.they're training them themmto taste the tasse of bloo" blood."the pit bull is undergoing rabiee testing, while its fate will lie in the hands of a vicious dog hearing.
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3 the american red cross is reporting a desperate shortage of blood sspply. supply.the agency says it's reached mergency levels... with 50-thousand fewer blood donations than xpected so far welcome....but there's a particular need for "o positive"... "o negative"... "b negative"... and "a negative" to meett xpectedd demand this summer. a special needs child in anne &parundel county got some big help from volunteer construction workers today. they spent the day building a wheelchair ramp for leroy windsor who has muscular dystrophy. the 11-yeaa- old had trouble getting into his home in glln burnie. p3&(rene burton)"" drive him ho and i see this little boy knew he was going to have a ramp one way or anotherr(nats: &p) many of theeood job kkee - volunteers workers are
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employees off'home depot', which also donated the supplies. a major warmup heading our way tonnght. tonight. look aa what's happening now. - now. 3 neighboos atch as a crazed what police sayypushed the man to eat a family pet alive.
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a viral ad campaign that says you deserve toodie. why it's creating more &pbacklass than buzz. less than 12 hours from now, obamacare could be history. what democrats are planning to do if theesupreme court strikks down health care reform. we're less than 2
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hours away from the most court cass of the obama pdministration -- on the shannon bream shows you why - the health of the entire country is at stake. stake. on the eve of what is certain tt be a ahead of tomoorow's landmark opinion from the supreme court - brand new fox news polling shows ammricans remain opposed to what is aaguaaly the president's top phile 39 ercent favorrit - 49 opposed o the law. when it comes to how they view the presiddnt's handling offhealth care - 43% say they approve, while 1% disapprove.
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thh decision now restt with the nine justices - who will maadate at the heart of the l law - whichhwill require ameeicans to buy healtt inssrance or payya penalty is constitutional. during he march oral arguments, justice elena kagan responded to assertions that the manddte represents an unconstitutionnl over-reach by regulate commerce.kagan ssys: "theeaggregate of all these uninsured people are increasing the normal family premium, conggess says, by a phousand dollars a year. those people areein commercc." theeman many view assthe swing vote - justice anthony kennedy - appeared to grapple with the lonngterm impllcations.kennedy says: "here the government is paying that the federal gooernment has a duty to tell the individual citizen that it must act, and that is different from what we have in previous cases. and that changes the relationship of the federal governneet to the individual in theevery fundamental way." in our new poll, 55 percenttsaid ttey
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believe part or alllof the law should be struck down by the court - while 30 perceet say it should all of it be upheld. but if the mmndate goes - the court will have the task of figuring out which parts dd survive. ustice ruth bader ginsburg said a precise salvage ob would be the more cooservative way to go - versus a áquoteá "wrecking antonin scalia sounded doubtfullthat could be possible.scalia says: "have we ever - most of our severability cases, you know, involve one little asppct of the act. the queetioo is ever really struck ddwn what was the main purpose of the act, and left the rest in effectt" regardless of tte outcomee- both the law's supporters and opponnnns havv been preparing for the fallout. senior white house advisor david plouffe - &pwhile maantininggthe law's that contingency plans have
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been mapped out. capitol hill democrats say they're strategizing as well.becerra says::"one way or the other, i think, on the democratic side we're prrpared to build onnthe landmark health reform to make sure more and more we ave affordable, uality care for warned republicans not to - - ááuoteá "spike the ball" should the court's opinion go in their favor. - and if it doesnnt?boohner says: down the entire laa, the hhuse - will move to repeal whaa's lefttof it. obama are is driving up the cost of health care and making it harddr for small businesses to hireenew workers. our focus haa been continue to be the economyy" i will be at he ssprrme court tomorrow.... covering the decision.when the rulinggcomes down --which &pwe're expecting at 10 a-m... you can have it sent to your cell phoon. ssgn up for fox45 mobill news alerts. text poxbaltimore dot com. and o upper right hand cooner of the scrren.
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3 aaman eats his neighbor's dog alive.
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what detectives in texaa say drove the suspect o kill. does anyone really deserve to die? why these pooters controversy than customers.
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sense says, stop smoking these crazy chemical cocktails. policeein waco, texas say synthetii marijuuna caused a eat someone's pet alive.hen alive.21-year-old mmchael daniel is chhrged with felony cruelty to animals after police say he took one family's pet, began strangling it, then ate ii alive. police say they've never seen anything this extreme and are &p3-3&"the suspect got n his h crawling, barking and acting like a dog." dog." "he had blood on his mouth, fur on his mouth, and his hands also had blood and fur on them and there was also lap."d dog on his lap.""- 3 "a little chill to my back knowinn that this happened o
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happened to a kid, at an - adult, to your neighbor." synthetic marijuana hass been banned in several states maryland. a thiif in massachusetts lackeddcommon seese....when he used his head... to rob a store. store.this picture is worth a thousand words.the suspect... 54-yearrold manuel fernandes... tried breaaing in to a rent-a-center sttrage bay... and foond himself trapped. the owner of the store found im... and taped the whhle rdeal using his cell phone. pnats)) tore worker: how long have you been in there? fernandes: ah, since this porning. store worker: what pime this morning? fernandes: 12 o'clock. store worker: aree you ok? fernandes: yeaa i'm fine. when pollce arrivedd.. he had been stuck there for neaall á9 hours.áthe burglar ended up with a large bruise on the baak of his head from the pressure of the door... and was sent oothe hospital. police plan to charge him with breaking and
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eetering and malicious damage to property. 3 do you deserve to die? find out who mmy be behind ttissviral campaign that's pngering a lot of people.
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a provocative aavertising declares people die.and it doesn't stop g to di-
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there... if you havv a tattoo... rock the hhpster generaa...or even big smug overall...then aacording to die as online search finds this web sitt, no- one- deservess to- die- dot- rg... with the same posters tomorrow.the web site reeds - that: every year 160--hoosand liiee are losttto a deadly it, but many seem to hink for they deeerved it. there are speculative repoots that the ampaignnis tied to lung cancee. 3
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it's ne of he best lineups in the american league... the los angelessangels.orioless starter jason hammel seeing that first hann.the ace's early exit in sports unlimited.
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thatts aal for the late edition, i'm jennifer gilbert. let's hand it off to morgan adsit, sports unlimiieddstarts right now. ace against'' a pitching matchup dream at pamden yards tonight....o's ace jason hammel... 8-and-2... 2-611e-r-a.against 7-and-1 jared weaver... who's got the 3rd lowest e-r-a in the americaa league. league.and right off the bat... jason hammel never &prea batter offthe gamm... torii hunter rips a olo shot to left... it gets out in a -&hur june slump... an opportuniiy to knot this up with his own shot... to center... mike trout, other plans... the 20 year old witt some hops... just saying..o's get another chance in the first....thanks to chris davis' slump buster... his oh-for-22
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hitless streak snapped with the single..adam jones going tt bring him oo down... jonesy hard base hit down the left field line with two outs... roles around in left withh enough time for davis to beat the throw... 1-1 all game.. enter the hammel struggle... 4th inning... 4-1 l-a... runners on the cornerr... trout swinging bunt... erik aybar's going... and hammel doesn't have a plaa. ... 5-1 angels..very next batter... hunter... base hit... soft liner to center....adam jones miss plays the throw... that's scores.what can i say, when it'ssbad... it's bad... hammel done... matt lindstrom in off as an oriole... 3-and-one- third... crazy 8's... 8 hits, 8 runs... all earnee.angels wor. 3 & o's... how about this break...
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no pn intended... in the a-l east.the new york yankees lost today andy pettitte..ccc. d &pplaced on the d-l with a two does not look - his ankle today against cturr - cleveeand... when he took that one hop courtesy of casey kotchman off it..pettitte will miss at least 6 weeks.... no surgery required.bad luck for closer mariano rivera wi th bllwn out kneemay. michaephelps and ryan lochte already have one ticket to the london games...the 400 individual medley.lochte beat olymps on nday during c trai really matter here...the st king to qualify.200 ld are freeyll fitonight pirst 100.... it's phelps, lochte... one, tto... at e &psignature move... stays under water just a little bit longer than phelps... and it looks
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phelpp in fiist... over lochte by two, one-hundreths of a and sis are happy... phelps aad lochte botthqualify n london's 00 hundred eter free. that's it for sports unlimited. thanks for watching, i'm morgan fox45


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