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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  July 7, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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♪ ♪ looking for someone you can trust? with ase certified technicians and the latest technology, this is the exception to the rule. this is sears auto center. ...and it may soondd
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impossible...but tomorrow will
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llkely be worse... hello, i'm karen parks...jeff barnd issoff tonight...a hot blannet of heat smottered baltimore today......and its effects have been deaddl.state health officials say another man is dead tonight of heat-related causes in maryland. the latest victim, a baltimore cconty man believed to be at least 65-years-old. old. keith daniels is streaming liveeat the inner harbor where temperatures have dropped a bit since the sun went down... keitt. keith. 3 3 at least 9 deaths the heat. to help keep people safe.. city officials have extended the code red heat alert through sunday... thaa meanssall 21-coooing centers will remain open all weekeed. triple digit temperatures are triple diggt all weekend.will remain pen cooling centers that means all 21-throogh sunday... red heat alert extended the code officials have people safe.. city officials ave exttnded the code red heat alert through sunday... that means all 21- cooling centersswill rrmain open all weekend. in the fooecaat.. witt some days expected to feel like 110 degrees or higher... there's relief at the cooling centers.. if you come inside during he heattof the day, you can cool down in the air conditioninggand grab some free water. relief, from the extreme heat. heat. (mr. morgaa) " i know a lot of imes they talk about a dry heat versus a humid heat. heat is hhat! and you will a hhmid heat. heat is aboutta
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dry heat versus lot of times they alk (mr. morgan) " i know a (mr. morgan) " i know a lot heat versus a humid heat. heat is heat! and you will &pdehydrate iffyou don't make sure you drink enough fluids..." the cooling centers p-m. to find a location near yyu.. just go to our website at foxbaltimore-dot- comm...slash.. newslinks. livv in north baltimooe, keith daniels, ffx 45 news, late edition. todayyit was áreallyá hot... ...ann tomorrow... will probably be worse... worse...meteorologist emily look aa your skywatch your firs-
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forecast... emily emily there's real concern tonight that many pettswill be forgotten in this heat wave... wave... expertsssay pets humaas..... especially - ttoss with short snouts like pugs and boston terriers. with little heat relief in
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sight, experts are warning pet owners tonight to keep close watch forrsigns of trouble.... (2:38:30) "certainly a warm pet will pant. if therr's excessive breathing or signs of weakness, lethargy, tale signs that something is wrong. youuwanna call a pet your pet cooled quuckly, thats great, bbt you'll probably haveeto go to emergency." emergency." experts advise walling your dog in the early or late hours of he day.... and dont forget the -&sunscr pets burn too. &pa little more than 10-thousan people are trying to deal with electricity...and these last 3 to solve solveabout 5-thousand customers remain without power in balttmore county...about 4-thhusand in bbltimore city... ...and less than a thousandd n frustrations grow with each day 47:26 and every day you wake up you say tomorrow is the day. e are going to get it
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tomorrow 32butt bites!!!4734 maybe tomorrow will be day? 37 i hope. i hope so. 41 41nearly 2-thousand workers canada are working o get customers back online the heat idn't stop people summer tradition. a big crowd showed up tonight little italy film festival. people brought tteir lawnchairs to enjoy aashhwing of theemovie "moonstruck" nd they didn't eem tt mind tte warm temperaauress incue: "the heat has been ad" outcue: worth coming out for." 3 3 &p3 coming out for." 3 3 this mark the 15th year for the outdoor film festival. 3we all kkow it waa really hot emily gracey saidd.. the thermometer hit 99 here in . baltimore...but take a look at could cool joing tt jackson mississippi, or orrando florida today...
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they only hit 93 deggees. ...and in was a cool 91 today and that brings us to our question of the day.would you rather deal with extreme heat or bitter cold.? cold.? this is our facebook page... and this question started a big debate...more in......and many of you are - lot of you want the cold weather right now...but a few of you like it hot.join the discussion by going to facebook dot commslash fox- baltimore police need yyur help fighting back help a family, searching for the man who killed 11 year old terrence andersoo in may. may.police are looking for the man you see here in black. investigators say this is the suspect they're looking for...a man seen buying snacks before he shot annerson in the happpeed at the 600 blook of north euttw street. the victim's family says the teen was working two jjbs, in college:s of paying for - "i know if he was here riggt
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now, we'd be going through the goals we said we would do, wish he waa here,,wish he was here" 3 hhre"metro crimestoppers is offering a tww thousand dollar fox45 has teamed up with the most popular crime mapping website on the internet "spotcrime" tracks crimmnal activity in your neighborhood. yoo an also ggt emails when crrme happens.sign up by going to our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "spotcrime" in the "hot topics""section at the top of tte creen. george zimmerman is out on bail again. phil keating tells us about the new conditions he faces.. 3 &pgeorge zimmerman -- released from aaflorida jaillfor a ásecondá time. this comes just a day after a judge set his bond at one million dollars. the is awaiting hii second-degree murder trial for killing trayvon martin... an uuarmed black teenager. his
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defense attorney says zimmerran is not a threat. west: "there's no concern in the community. // george to zimmermaa will be in court there." the victim's parrnts and the reverend al sharpton -- olding a press confereece... expressing their disappointment. fulton: "i usually get emotional juss thinking about the situation that has happened and just to know that the killer of my son may walk free some ime one day .. ii really hurts." martin: "as a fathhr it's difficult as we sit through these proceeeings you feel powerless when you hear things know is not true" at you - zimmmrman's previous bond was set at 150-thousand dollars... but the judge revoked that last month... after prosecuuors aid the man nd his wife misled the court about how much money they had. p this ttme, the judge has hhm on a very tight leash. he is wearing a g-p-s tracking ankle bracelet.
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and he s forbidden from leaving seminole county, flooida. zimmerman's attorney ays he's now living in an undisclosed "safe house..." and he also cannot ssep foot on airport property, cannot apply for a new passport... and cannot have a bank account.((on am tag)) the iitim's family acceets the reelity thaat justice for them could take up to anothee year... as no trial date has yet been mmami, phil keating, fox news. one of the firr companies hat was supposed to close... will stay open just aalittle bit longer.this is video of truck in west baltimore on wedneeday - nighttthe firefighter union prrsident says ruck 10 will not close until october.the other 2 companies will close monday 3 a bad day for some drivers in ohio. a wwman causes a three car accident after an unwanted passenger enters her cr caran suv flipppd upside down,
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two other vehicles areecrushee ann a enced destroyed after a a wasp landed on her arm esays - causing her to lose control. six people were injured in the accident, two f them children.. "she claiis she had a wasp or something on her arm she lost control went over correctee went off the right side of the road over corrected ann then went ugh leet o centtr and hit two vehicles coming west bo" bound." amazingly no one was hurt....but police are was a ffctor. good day for whiikey lovers. a man finds 13 bottles of centtry-old whiskey whhle working on his attic. ábryan fiteá says he was pryinggup floorboards when heefound the whiskey stash.... belonging to the homes previous owners. áfiteá ssys he believes the bbotles belonned to someone hiding an alcohol habit. "the original owner lost the house and was put in a sanitarium for aacoholism. so, perhaps, the, perhaps that might be a story behind ii
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too that that was his secret stash in the attic." attic." in 20--7 when the bottles turn 100.... fite and his friends will pop them open. 3 "got some action! got some some fists!" fists!" coming up on the late edition...toddlerss.. encouraged to fight ...and how this suspect... ended up ánakedáafter the break
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a diiappointing jobs report outttodayy... today....the labor deeartment says employers added only leavinggthe overall unemplooment rate "unchhnged" at 8-point-2 percent. it is the "third" strright month of weak hiring.the dismal report comes on the final day of president obama's bus tour through ohio and pennsylvaaia... and just four months before the election. obama says: "whether you're punching a clock, or starting a business, you got a chance to move this country forward.
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bbt youure going to have to make a choicc about which //butt to//romney says: "the &ppresidenn's pplices have clearly not been succeesful." successful." there are 4 more jobs reports until the november election. today's numbers could prompt the federal reserve to take action in an pttempt to boost the economy. presidential candidate mittt romney hassvowed to repeal and republican lawmakers - are already coming up with their own ideas on hho to help the uninsured buy insurance -- without using a mandate.some analystsspropose tax credits to help people bby insurance: if we actually use carrots and proviie the right incentives for people who want to buy insurance and actuully health care coverage that they one hope is to eliminate a 3 bias in the tax code.... because now everyone who gets health insurance through their employer gets it tax free... while individuals and small busineses get no tax help.. a tragic accident at a race
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&ptracc in california... ...and its all caught on tape ... ...looo closely...the accident that killed jockey jorge herrera happened during the day, about as far away from the crowd as you can get. track officials believe marito's hooves clipped the his ead tilt down and forcing herrera to the track below where it's believeehe was picked by another orse most what they were seeing. alize - when i was walking down from the press box toothe paddock area, ittseemed like everyone day at the races. they were - leaving. they were having fun. i'd say probably 99.9 percent of the peoole had absolutely no idea what had happened. plans for aamemorral race are in the works. he's ighting again. he's biting us. us.look at this..oliceein portland oregon...trying to arrest a man.... ann he
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man fighting with officers-- several of whom were injured --one had to be taken to thh hospital.the man they arr trying to arrest is was released from the hospital thhy found frreman urinating in the bushesthats when he took off and headed straight for a local business. obviously if you're wearing a sheet there's something wrong, but i ouldn't tell if he was just drunk or challenged. officers ordered freeman to leave the business, at wwich point he naked, freeman went on a rammage. investigators say he ttied to steal a vvn and mess with a transient.all while fficerr unsuccessfully tased him. 3 toss tt wx 3
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coming up oo the late edition...the unique sport you might want to try this 3&""ot some action! got some action! yúall better all up fists!"a woman... encouraging toddlers to fight...the other thing that makes this video very disturbing...but next...
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yoo need to knowwthat the paryland transit lifting its ban on beverages. beverages.the mta announced todayythat dueeto severe heat...passengers will be aalowed to bring nnnnalcoholic drinks on metro subways, mobility carss the árelaxed in effect through wednesday july 11.
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crews are set to begin construction on this years baltimore grand prix racetrack. he new organnzers plan to start construction mill circuit will be built in throught the night. last g year's race went right through scheduled to run over laborr daa eekend. its a video on facebook... as it sounds...a woman... encouraging 2 toddlers... to fit fighh"got some action! got some action! yúall better ball up some fists!" fists!"it apparently happened in missourithe mother...egginn on her daughter...who isn't even out of diaperssthis woman &palerted a local t-v station to the video she knows the mothee of the little girl in theee pictures, and fears sheús putting that child in danger. "who allows that? and there were other adults in the room and they let her get off with that and it'' sickening." thh t-v station alerted the
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services..the department said it could not comment on specific cases -3 3 3 here's one activity a lot of
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people might think about trying tomorrow... tomorrow...welcome to the cardboard boat races in grass
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lake, michiian... one of the few water challenges -- where speed. the rules are fairly ssmple, no styrofoam, no motors - just creativity aad a paddle.. it keeps up for a minute, and then it just disintegrates, the winner is the firss tt the finish line,,but getting across attall issthe real game. ...many ended up swimming to the finish line pere's emily graaey with the 7 emily
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brian roberts injury might be worse than originally thought...why his season may be over...
1:00 am
[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day.
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get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. thats all for the late edition i'm karen parksmorgan adsit is here with sports unlimited... morgan after spending 13 months awaa from baltimore with a concussion...the injury bug, once again strikes brian hip lay-brum tear. tear.that's basically the
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cartilage that surrounds the hip.buck showalter confirmedd today fromml-a...roberts wwll get a second opinion..roberts misssd two games in seattle with what the orioles thought require surgery... and roberts could be out tt 8 weeks.. roberts played in just 17 games this seaaon... he's batting 1-82. tonight's game...miguel gonzalez making his first major leaguu start...his family in attendance at angel stadium....bottommof the 1st... mike trout foul tips it into the mitttfor strike three.... later in the frame...gonzzlez gets the strike three call...2 punch outs in the ffrst.... bottom of the 3rd...gonzzlez gets trout swinging in the -&d gonzalez...'.in the 4th... gonzalez makes a mistake...on &pa 3-1 count to mark trumbo... this is why he's in thh home run derby...smashes it o right center...his 21st... fastest angel to reach 50 career home runs...angels take a 1-0 lead...that's the score in the 5th...
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it's not evvn the alllstar break...and 3 of the orioles starters, who were on the active roster on opening day... are nnw in triple-a norfolk.tommy hunttr, brian matusz ... and last night jakk arrieta joined them. . miguel gonzalez's ebut... the orioles will be workinn on a two-man rotation... jason hammel and wei yin chin.majorr decisions have to be made about o's starters during next wwek's all-star break.because theeorioles are still in 2nd place behind the ankees... that will not last with 2 starters... rrieea has the worst e---a of tte group at 6-13... he's only lasted 3-and-22 thirds in each of his last 2 starts...matusz has the most losses ith 10 and hasn't had aaquality start sinceejune 2nd...tommy hunttr had a trip to the bullpen before he was sent to the minors...hunter gave up 8 hiis and 5 runs in an inning and 2 thirdd in his last outting with the oos... yankees visting the red sox... david ortiz honored before the game or reaching the 440 home run of the 11t... bases loaded for mark
1:04 am into center...2 runs score... yankees up 3-0...they score 5 the bottom half...5-2 yanks... jarrod saltalamacchia hammers it to right...gone for the 3-run shot...ties it at 5.... top of the 5th...tied att6... 2nd...alex rodriguezzheading home...thhown out at the plate...but he annees come out on top...10-8...taking game one of the series... wimbledon...roger federer takes down novak djokkvic 6-3, semifinals to advance to his mondern-era the other semi...andy murray becomes the first ritish man to reach wimbledon's final since 19-38...he defeated jo- wilfreed songa in search oo his first rand slam title... that's it for this edition of adsit..thanks for watching... have a great night...


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