tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW July 12, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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ian italian dinner for 2r $25. where choice is on the menu. start with all the fresh salad and warm breadsticks you want. choose 2 appetizers made for sharing. then 2 entrées from 6 of our favorites. classics like eggplant parmigiana and new favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken and spaghetti with four cheese meat sauce & meatballs. 3 courses, 2 people, just $25. but only for a limited time, at olive garden. welcome to theelate editioo,
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&pi'm jennifer giibert.there'ss change tonight at the top at the anne arundel county police departmmntt the poliie chief is tepping down.. invessigation into possibleemis. daniels is live at anne arundel county police headquarttrs where state chief james teare has been under sccutiny for months.. for his suspected roleeii the case against county executive john leopoldd but tonight.. teare avoids any ossible criminal 3 //butt to//
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just as the city is shuttering fire commaniee. ittssa fatter paycheck for the chief duriig cutbacks innservice.and it's not siiting well with the rank and file.the mayor today given to chief clack s parr of a contract extension. she cited a deccease in fire peaths under his leadeeship aad his rising naitonal profile profilebuttunions representing city firefighters told a ddfferent story... asking how a chief could beef uu his paycheck while asking fire fighters to do more with less. 320:41:07 20:41:07 pthis truly is kick in the stomaah of each of my memebrs, anddwill not be soonn forgotten. chief clack should refusing the raise unnil tte pank and file rceieve one" one"union officials sayy he raise also ccmes as thhir members are being asked to pay hiiher premiums for health insurance. the city ápoliceá union has aater spenning a year getting feedback from the department's rank and file. as crrme and justice reporter joy lepola and its people.rotect the ity - people.
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((pkg)) in an effort to lower the crime rate ... altimore city's ffaternal order of police released report . in it.... the fop layouts how the city caa improve policing without raisinggtaxes.(union) p0;41:20 we would challenge the mayor and will challenge anyone who syas that you nned &pmore bodies to make baltimore a safer city. no you need to adust our game plan instead of hirinn ore officers... the union suugesss better pay for thooe lready on theeforce. pnthony 14:00:09 for five consscutive years in a row we've reduced crrme to decade success ii working and it for to tinner with that straggy role education.... or lack there of can play in ii..... has also become a poinn of contention... the unnin wants ooly college educated recruuts. stand up12:19:10 another area the union brings is redrawiig the police bourndaries. the
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where the union argues is too crimm riden and tooobig for the numberrof officers assigned tt patrol it..union) 10:41:06 so you have an ffp that's here saying you don't need more police what e need issbetter policing better deployment of our ersources and taking better care of the phat got the job done for you. whether .... any of the unions sweeping reformssare applied will eeup to the mayor and new policc commissioner whoever that may be to lepola fox 5 newssat ten. the mayor'ssofficc issued a statement saying she would take the eport under consideration. a promising, young swimmer is being remembered tonighh at school.allc cosgarea (cos- accident monday night.he hadd just left a ddnner with his swim team when he lost control of his car onngreenspring avenue near hii owings mills hhme.cosgarea was an incoming senior at the mcconough school, where his teachers
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erik posegay, swim coach: "you can't replace an alec cosgarea...because of all the the times. we're gonna mmss his enthusiism day in and ay o" o'clook attthe cathedral of - mary or queen on north after what a lot of people went through the last two weekk......this is the last thing b-g-e customers want to hear.....thattthey could ndd up paying more. utility officials planno ask maryland'spublic service commisssonfor a rate hike. a spokesman says b.g...will seek the incrrase before tte end of the year.but there's no wood on muchof an increase they're (gould) "whether or not his storm would be in the rate adjustment request, can't tell you for sure at thiispoint, more thannlikely it wwuld be, but it's blended in with all other operations of the utilitt" utility."if a rate hiie is eventually approved... it would bee nlythe secondd
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increase in 20-years. more speed cameras are ccming to baltimore county! county!starting tomorrow - will have new speed cameras. fifth is still pending approval. nd it doesn't end announced today they've also ideetified another five looations for future speed cameras --bringing the total number to 27. the county iniiially ad a cap on the number of speed cameras it could have - but later repealed the decision. driver: 52522sometimes it's not even a long enougg ddstance before therees another camera, so there yes 58 elise armacost: 5115 if you're not speeding the really irrelevant 00 camera ii - 00 the speed cameras will tarret drivers going 12-miles per hour over the limit. drivers will be issuud warnings the after that. 3 mitt romney made a personal appeal to africaa-american voters today. today.hh spoke at the n- double-aac-p national &pconvennion in houston thhi
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afteenooo.romney sked for support and explained wwy he thinks he is better or america han pressdent obama. but when he mentioned his plans for president baaack &pobama's signature health care reform aw... the crowd was not iipressed. "i'm going to ellminateeevery non essential expensive non-essential prooram i can find. aad that includes obamacare- (nat bbos) and i'm going to work to reform and save (boos))" (boos)."a recent gallup tracking poll showed just five percent of african-americans supported romney, compared with 87 perceet for thee president.still, romney's to competing in the ommitted - africannamerican community. hyundai rolled into johns hopki the "hyundai hope on wheels" teaa stopped by the hospital, where some young patientss decooating their ar with . by - colorful handprints.the more than 880 dealers across the u.s. to raiseeawareness
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pbout, they handed over a check for 75-thousand dollars.... bringing their total donaaionn to 57 million nationwide ... the money will suuport the research of dr. eric raabe "ii: my particular grrnt is studying pediatric brain tumors.... oq: to iiprove our therapies for theee type of tum. tumors. hopp on wheels has donated 560 thousaad dollars to opkins since 2005. crews in columbus, ohio battled a massive fire aboard a derailed freight train early this morning. morning.the train jumped its tracks juss befooe two.four áde- natured alcooolá and e - fire crews attacked the flames - &pthey knewwwhat was burning. people living withii a one evacuated, but hazmat crews say thereeis nn risk of coottmination.theecause of the
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"make that booty pop..." pop..." common sense says, this iss't for six year olds. why this boys parents are under pnvestigation tonight. theehouse takee a swing at obamacare. how democrats are killing any efforts to overturn health care reform. and the titte of father of the year is safe from this mmn. whyyhe's in jail tonight afttr a run to the local pub. 3
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as expected, house reeublicans and a few of their emocratic polleagues voted to repeal president obama's health care law. ahead of the vote, invitation to democrats. boehner says, "for hooe who still support repealing this harmful healthcare law, we're giving our colleagues in the the will of the american people. and foo thooe whoodid not support repeal the lastt time, it's a chance for our colleagues to reconsider." more than thirty ttmes the defund, or dismantle mister obamaas signaturr legislative accomplishment. democrrts exxressed tteir &plauro says, "repealing the it was wwong first time, it is wrong the 33rd time. welcome to grouud hog day in the ouse of reps. thhs majority needs to stop workiig to put american families at risk start working toomake healtty." the supreme court's rrling that the law's individual mandate is a tax provided a new opportunity for republicann to go on the record with repeal. dozens of new members elected in 2010 ran on promises to remove
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pbamacare, and leaders used this vote as a rallying cry. sessions says, "today it's a policy issue; tommrrow it'll be a political issuu. when we move past this ppase, we will &phold people accountable." speaking f the election, jim matheson of utah, llrry north caroliia inntough re-election fightsswere among the five democrats who voted forrrepeal. in many dissricts where this law ii unpopular, ttis vote may likely have political consequencessfor those who defenned it. today, the ouse democratii leader dismissed election concerns. pelosi says, "the polittcs be damned, we came to do a job, proud of what we did. of course we are thrilled ith theedecision of the court, handed down by the court, and uh i think the election will be about jobs, this bill creates four million joos." in the senate, republican leader mitch mcconnell has filed an vote. his aides admit it is hiihhy unlikely majority leader harry reid will alloo a vote on it..but mcconnell says
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repeal will be the first order of bbsiness if he becomes majority leader. on capitol hill, mike emanuel, fox news. 3 head to fox baltimore dot coo and click on health are peform under the hot topics section at the top of theepage. asswith all ouu online content, it's totalll free to fox45 viewerss 3 3 3 3 &p pop that booty pow...
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in the video, which has since been pullee from youtube, the &pboy standd between tto bikini-covered backsides as he sings.and we're only showing you part of it. the director claims it was just a joke, bbt 3ecent ameriicnn witt common common sense says it's no lonner the learning channel. channel. ttc, formerly a learning network is oing for television with their new show, . they have chosen to do a new show on an arlington, virginia woman who &pclaims to have the largest natural breasts in the world. pcommon sense says, people shouldn't beeable to buy cyanide, but somehow, a man pommits suicide in open court andditts all caught on camera. &p defendant michael marin to r - kill himself. police say they found an emaillsent to his son thaa led deputies to marin's car. inside they found a canister of sodium cyanide, whhch even in small elephant. it takes just minutes to shut down all the
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organs in a human being. p3 jjst before ttey die and just before they die they have ggoss dysfunction u cant breathe right u cant think right your nerres cant work your heart cant work." dr. brooks says cyanide is tyyically what was used in gas chamberssback in the day.. a single pellet dropped in acid..could kill someone very quickly. amazingly, there is no law deputies do poinn out that - email marin sent to his son foreshadowed what happeeed - he wrote if things dont go well in couut.. his will is in place. a motter and father are accused of putting their baby pnside a carry-on bag. bag.the baby boy was discovered by an x-ray scanner at annairport in the united arab emirates.police say the couple didn't have a visaafor the boy to enter the u-a-e.... so they ried to seak the five-month-old in.... by &pputting himmin a small handba. the parents are charged with child enddngerment and
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talk about father of the year... a california man is behind bars today... he's accused of leaving his 11- year- old son innthe car for 5 hours.... while he was drinking inside a can see officers entering the bar..... fter they were tipped off by a woman.....they coofronted 46-year-old jose ramon hernandez. brown says: "he had been there for a littleeover two hours. that his dad was insideea nearry bar, and thatthe really needed to use the restroom and he wassscared." scared..the father said that the boy wasn't in the car forr very long... so he diin't think it was a big deal.but the womannwho called.... told police she first saw the boy in the car fiveehouus earlier. will this cooler air heat wave oo thee ay? way? let's go to meteorologist tony pagnotti. 3
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edition, i'm jennifer ilbert. sports unlimited starts right now, here's bruce cunninnham. ravens fans, your long way is widning down...exactly two weeks from today, they open training camp in owings mills...and the clock is too...this one involving ray ri. rice.. afternoon to sign rice to a long term contract, otherwise he will play the upcoming season under the franchise tag, which will earn him 7.7 pillion this seaaon...if and &pwhen a deal is struck, it's expected rice will get somewhere in the mid-40 million's not - known what the snag in about..headingginto hhss4th year, rice led the entire nfl scrimmage last season. 3 to thge college game...and some pre-season recognitiio for a maryland terrapin... tight end matt furstenburg has been named to the pre-season watch list for the john mackey award, which goes to the nation's best at that posstion...a consennus pre-
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for 348 yaads and two on, - touuhdowns...furstenberg is one of 33 playersson the watch list..the award will be presented december 6th. the noo-waiver trading deedline is just a couple weeks away, and the orioles would ike to be players...tonight, dan duquutte put his cardsson the table...he wants a leadofff man...a tabll setter...that position is batting just .246...the lowest oo any position in theirt lineup... lineup... 3 with the all star game now behind them, the orioles, like every other major league team, are now pointing tt friday nighh, when the regular season resumes...for the orioles in particular, friday marks a 4:59 pm tt sign their number one draft pick, righthanded pitcher kevin gausman... earlier ttis week came news that gausmmn was connidering returning to lsu for his senior year, but yesterday, o's gm dan duquette told repooters that he was confident a deal would get done...ttey've made a new offer...the amound ii unknoon, but the bonus for the 4th
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overall pick is set at 4.2 million three orioles took parttin last night'' all star game.. aaam jones aaddmatt wietees were both hitless, but jim johnson had a nice night...he faced, aad even struckkout michael bouun...a starter turned closer, johnson's 26 saves at the break leads all of baseball... and in case you idn't hear, veteran outfielder nick markakis has beee activated and will presumably be in then lineup friday night when the o's begin the second half oo the season...and he'll have some company..the club also plans to activate outfuielder endy chavez and catcher taylor teagarden from the dl as well...look for catchee ronny either xavier very, steve peaace or steve tolleson to go to create the pot for chaaez. that'll do it for this edition oo sports unlimited...i'm bc... and be sure to tune in to starting at 55am.goodnight. goodnight.
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