tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW July 13, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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statement regarding these accusations or plea deal? go to hell. hhll.and she's going to jail... for an unusual crime. 3 hello i'm jennifer gilbert. jeff barnd is off tonight. a woman who made hundreds of thousands of dollars injecting dancers with silicone... has been sentenced to three years ii prison..federal prosectors say the she actually used super glue..... tookeep the non-mediccl silicone from leaking out out kimberly smedley left court today shielded by family members. overr n 8 year period.....smedley traveled up and own the east coast injecting women who wanted enhance their figures with illegal silicone. records show meet with customer... in hotel rooms. one client hwever from baltimore ended up in the hospital. doctors found
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silicone on the sides and bottom of her lungs. 5:30 bite plus vo f hotel after sot a former d-c copp will be seetenced next week for his role in the scheme. he provided security for smedley in many of the hotels where she gave the injections. maryland, claims the life of a teenager drive.three of his friends are now in the hospittl. happened early this morning - - along columbia road,... near fairway hills.the 17-year-old driver lost control of his car and slaamed into a tree.rescue crews had to cut at least one person out from the wreckage. three passengers were all rushed to shock trauma... where they remain tonight. state police say a traffic stop uucovered more than 00 thousand dollars in suspected happened about 2:30 perryville, whhn a trooper stopped a driver on i-95.the
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trooper called for a drug- sniffing dog, which found 5- containing suspected brown heroin... and more than 78 thousand dollars in cashh pooice arrested the driver ... 37-year-old alterick boyd from north carolina... he's being held tonight on numerous drug charges. two state senators want regulaaors to fineb.g.e. 100-million dollarsfor those lengthy poweroutaaes. outages.more than 700-thousand customers lost electricity after that storm...some...for up to a senator brian froshwants the public service commission to fine b.g.e...and use to createwhatthe calls a additional workersto help - &prestore powerfasterr (frosh) "they've got to provide 1st century seerice if they want to get compensated in 21st century rat" rates."in less than three weeks...b.g.e. will have to submit a detailed report to on how itresponded to the ion storm.
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that brrnns us to our question offthe day.should the state fine b-g-e and put the money in a special storm clean-up fund? p this is our facebbok paae...quite of few you are actually defending b-g-e and some say they trust government even less than the power company. 3baltimore city fire chief &pjames clack says he may donat hii recent pay hike to charity. charity.the two percent raise givennto clacc by the mayor has come under fire---- for it's bad ttming.... while the city closes fire companies and preeiums ffr fire plack says he will donate the raise to the baltimooe firee foundation...... if rank and given the same increase in payy in their next contract.the mayor has dfended the decrease in city fire deaths under lack's leadership. wells fargo has agreed to pay 175 million dollars to settle a pricing discrimination suit. suit.baltimore city sued the mortgage giant for subprime lending practices targeting minority neighborhoods.the
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lawwuit claiis they steered black and hispanic borrowers into bad loans... resulting in mass foreclosures. "iq:people with similar qualifications should be treated similarly.... oo: not the color of their skinn" skin." 3 under the landmark eal, wells fargo will pay the city 7.5 millions dollars. the rest ill go toward compensation for borrowers and direct down payment assistance for discrrmination victims in neighborhoods that were it hard by the hoosing crisis. 3 the supreme court may ave upheld tte presidents health care reform plan, but leaaers of the catholic church say their battle wages on. on. mandate which equires hting a peligious organizations to provide its employees witt health care insurance which covers contraception and birth control. the mandate violates the corr beliefs of the catholic church. (1:44) "to force a religious organization to viollte its teachingg just tt complyywith the law is
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untennable in a country that freedom." the mandate eedo- year. in the meantime, the catholic church has filed a dozen lawsuits in an attempt to stop it. a rough day for two window- washers who dangled 50 feet above new york streets... hanging by one cable cord.the workers were 42 stories up when they got trapped on the broken scaffold.theepolice plosed off the streets as firefighters broke througg glass windows to get to them. the two workers were a little shaken up, but otherwise okay. a good day to break free for some cows in white marsh patti santoni sent us this picture of .about dozenncows getting loose from a farm next to perry hall boulevard and bucks school house road.police were called to the scene but the farmers eventually corralled the cows. and no one was hurt. and bad day for ameeican idol announced today that
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being tossed n the traah! trash!the pitbull terrier, named thor, was broughh in to the baltimore animal rescue and care shelter july 9th. he's severely emaciited and has sores all over his backside!shelter workers saa pnimal control found him in a cole street in south behind baltimore. they're ot sure how longghe'd een in ttere. 2058 we know haa he could not have gotten up in that trash can by himself. he was extremely week, heecould
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barely move barely even lift really heartbreakinn to see that kind of situation 08 08the dog is on medication and under foster care until he's healthy enough to be adoptedd workers are asking anyoneewith information about the case, to call police. 3 33 the report into the penn state sex abuse scaadal. the hhrsh wordssfor universitt leaders and a legendary football coach. cities n the brink of &pbankruptcy.some of the surprising places on he list. and mmking life better for some dairy cows.what one farm is doing and how its even making life easier for tte people who work there. a devastating report n the ç3
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board of ddrectors of penn state university.freeh says e-mails and other evidence show the late football cooch, joe paterno... athletic diiector tim curley...and the graham spanier...all iinored , their obligation to act on about sandusky.evee theethe white house weighed in on the report... state is a reminder that nn &pinstitutions havea"aa&individuals and institutions haveegrave resppnsibilities to make sure that our children are taken care of and protected. anndit is an indication that perhaps thata""a&well it is a clear indication that that responsibility was not taken needs to e taken by that it - instiiutions across the country" leading to the firing of the school's president and hall of fame coach joe ppterno, who
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died two months afttr the prrest. an increasing number of american cities are facing the prospect of bankruptcy. and as peter barnes reports tonight some majorrcities -- are among those on the brink. &pbrink. -------------------------------- &p------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -the otor city may be on the roaa to bankruptcy --in june -- the debt ratinn company moody's downgrrded more than $5 biilion in detroit's ddbt to junk bood status.the city's pinancial problems have been fuuled by years of government corruption aad mismanagement -- the rrcession and bankruptcies of two of its largest emmloyers in 2009 -- generallmotors and chrysler -- only revved up its fiscal problees.frasee says: "there are some parallels between detroit and greece so greece is an aaea where thhy really have no economic activity very very weak structurally they really dont have a lot of options."of the 20 or so 2008 -- most have been smaller communities.but now more
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struggling bigger cities are opting for bankruptcy -- they have bigger expenses - bigger employee salaries and pension obligatioos -- biggee debts -- and bigger holes o dig out california -- with aackton population of nearly 300,000 -- became the largest city ever to ile for a chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy..gerdann says: "that allows the municipal government to attack bankruptcy court has a road authority to undo or otherwise modify collective bargaining agreements."aside from detrrit -- three other cities have earned multiple junk bond ratinns -- littlefield, texas -- and two in rhode island.but another 22 localities have a junk bond rating from attleast one of ratings firm -- jersey--home to nearly 80,000 people.ciccarone says: "they've been getting along, muddling through the last two oo three years to avoid the bankruptcy process, making cuts along the waybarnes says:
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with stronger finances and favorable ratings are on notice.. moody's downgraded chiitown's bond rating earliee this month. n washington, peter barnes, fox business" the money trouble here in maryland was part of town hall meeting in our studios tonight. a panel of experts as we took a closer look at taxes in the state. and it was steaming live on our website but if you missed it you can &pwatch it in its entirety at fox baltimore dot com slash town hall. 3
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changes are rolling out on facebook this week... in an effort to fight cyber-bullying. bullyinggthe social network says it is addiig tools to help victims of harassment and bullying more easily report the problemssalso changing... is how to file complaints about photos and tagging. common sense would tell you that the u-s olympians ould wear clothes that re made in america..... wrong. ( the clothessin question are outfits the americcn athletes will wear at the opening cereeonies in london this summer. these blazers and berets...designed berets...designed by ralph lauren...are alllreportedly made in china. washington lawmakers aa the athletes should be wearing clothes made by american
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workers. and senate majority leader harry reid went one step further. i think the olympic ommittee should bb ashamed f themselves. i think they should be embarrassedd i think they should take all the uniforms, put thee in a big pile and burn them and start all over again again in response, the u-s olympic coomitteeepoinns out that it relies on private funding. ralph lauren is a sponsor......and the committee says it's proud of that relationship. this one seems oomake sense. no more hay ffr some are resting on water beds... that's right water beds. workers at the van loon dairy farm say he cows are happier... there's also a lot less tension on the animals nees anddhips. the stalls are also cooler and the cows can get up more easily it's a win-win because workers are happier too. j. van loon says:: "have to spend ten minutes max scraping next tt the stalls and then flushhng it, (covered by ws and ms, cows nd cow stalls with water beds) whereas bunch two, i spend on bed days it's probably almost an hour of work." so far the dairy owners
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some dramaticcvideo is surfacing on youtube... of a serious car crash in england. england.a security camera outside a home... captures a car plowing through a wall... sending the passenger through theesunroof.amazingly... both he and the driver walk away's unclear whht caused the crash.... but one thing is for certain.the couple knows how lucky they after the crash... they weee spotted hugging each other. heat and humidity on the way way
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louis freeh released his report on the penn state abuse scandal...and it is a scathing indicttent of what freeh conceel the actions of former - assistant coach jerry sandusky.. sanddsky.. the 266 page report alleges former head coach joe paterno was acttvely iinolved in a cover-up of san dusky's activities,,,stating that for 14 years exhibited quote a total disregard for the victims of andusky and, quoting again epeatedly concealed critical facts tto avoid bad publicitt for the pennsylvania attorney general if the report will lead to new charges against sandusky, whh cculd be facing over 400 years in prison after his conviction on 44 counts of child sexuaa abuse. tonight normally would be the beginning of the second half in major llague baseball...but not this year...under the new cba, an extra day has been addeddto the all star after it tomorrow... tomorrow... and speaking of tomorrow...that's the deadline for the orioles to sign their number one draft pick, pitcher
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kevin gausman of lsu...4:59pm to be exact...and there has been movement todaa....scouting director ggry rajsich said they were puote making progress at &pmidday, adding they were waiting for a proposal from gausman's agent...both sides know what the dollars wiil be...the 4th overall pick is plotted for around 4.2 milllon...if gausman opts to return to lsu for his senior season, the o's would get a compennstory pick in next year's draft. elsewhere...aaother second baseman brian roberts is reportedly still considering his oppions after receiving a second pinion on his injured hip....which landed him back on the disabled list...reportedly, roberts is trying to deccde hii own, or opt for surgery, least two months..roberts has played in ust 115 games since the beginning of the 2010 season. across town...the ravens ppn weeks...and they have no idea whhther one of their legends will be there.. there.. ed reed guested on 105.7 the fan last night...and he didn't exactly show his
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hand, but he did admit that holding outttends to gets players what they want...reed is heading into the final year of his 6 year extension, aad wants a new deal..problem is, he's 3rd in line behind joe flacco and ray rice..reed ssipppd ota's and the mandatory mini-camp, and could hold out of training camp, too...reed says he's quote thinking things thrrugh...stay tunnd. the browns surrender their 2nd round pick in next year's draft because they used it today...cleveland selected baylor receiver josh gorron in the 2nd round of the supplemental draft...gordon is a 6-3, 224-pound speedster who caught 422passes for 714 yards and 7 t-d's inn2010 for the bears...he did not play last year after beiig dismissed from the university for violation of team rules... goodon was the only player to the colllge game...and what could be a very bnig year for a marylanddterp...defensive tackle joe vellano has bben placed on the watch list for two more posty-season awwrds, the bronko nagursky award, which goes to the nation's top defensive player ann the
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outland trophy, which goes to the top lineman...a pre-season all america, vellano's average of 7.8 tackles per game was the best in the nation. ...and more pre-season accooades for towson's resident superstar...terrance west as been named to the watch list for the walter payton award, which if the fcs was a finalist last a freshman, west ushed for over 12-hundred yards and 29 touchdown, leading towson to the biggest turnaround in thee nation...1-10 in 2010, 9-3 and aa ncaa tounammnt team last season. that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow --
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