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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  July 26, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT

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3 cal ripken's... mother kidnapped.../ and... the suspect... is still... on the loose... at this hour..../ hello... i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert.fox45 news has brought you every twist in this story since we got a copy of the missing person's report early this morn. morning. vy ripken... was missing... 12 hours.../ before... áanyoneá realized.../ she... was in trouble....// a stranger... who spotted ripken... and her kidnapper ... at... this royal farms ... spoke up... after seeing... something suspicious.../. someone... got... a license plate number... and called police...//. police... say... the man... did not produce... a... formal ransom demand....// they... say... he's out... there tonight,... armed and dangerous. 10:20:58 so he waited for her studk a gun in her
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back he had a mask on and glove. gloves.(gus) 10:20:33 i missed the whole thing here by about 5 minutes so i was lucky i would probably be laying n the lawn with a bullet in my ba. back.(joe) 10:45:09 she does a be a random act it had to be o someone had to be a random act it a lot in the community it (joe) 10:45:09 she does bullet in my back. back.laying in the lawn with a lucky i would probably be about 5 minutes so i was the whole thing here by (gus) 10:20:33 i missed and gloves. gloves.back he had a mask on for her studk a gun in her 10:20:58 so he waited for her studk a gun in her back he had a mask on and gloves. gloves.(gus) 10:20:33 i missed the whole thing here by about 5 minutes so i was lucky i would probably be laying in the lawn with a bullet in my ba. back.(joe) 10:45:09 she does a lot in the community it had to be a random act it had to be someone crazy i doubt if that person knows her the fbi... is... also hunting down... the kidnapper../.. he's... believed... to be white.../ in... his late 30's... early 40's... with glasses..../ he... was ...last seen... wearing ...a light colored shirt... and... camouflage pants. police... are... asking anyone... with... information... on... the abduction.../ or... if... you think... you saw ...that silver lincoln continental... driving around..../.call... 410 272-2121. the ripken name carries alot of weight in maryland... maryland... especially in aberdeen where cal ripken's
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aberdeen iron-birds were playing a home game tonight. the people we talked to at the game tonight expressed shock and sympathy for vi and the ripken family tonight. 3 3 3 the ripkens have lived in aberdeen for more than 50 years. and you can be the first to know about breaking news by signing up for fox45's "news on the go".text wbff to 45203 to sign up for text can also download the fox45 app on to your smartphone.go to your app store and enter "wbff" to download our app. a... huge
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sinkhole... in... east baltimore ... led... to... rising tempers today..../// traffic... was... jammed ... and... more than... a dozen businesses... evacuated.../.janice park... live... at... east monument street, street.../, where... she... was... next... to crews today.../ quickly trying... to... fix... a gas leak. jani? janice?jeff,businesses line each side of this street...and all of them had to be owners say about 130 pm...police saying they needed to get out...lots of problems...all caused by a 15 foot sinkhole. vorq: killer for businesses "with all the money we pay in taxes to baltimore and the state of md this is ridiculous, ridiculous" ridiculous"that was just one of the many frustrated voices today...the city was forced to close 4 blocks from e. monument to milton street and more than a dozen businesses. you could really smell the odor of gas today, because the 15 foot sinkhole led to a broken gas line.the department of public works says this sinkhole was caused by a storm drain culvert...that acted like a washing machine...underneath the road, swirliig tons of water
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and trash. the culvert was installed all the way back in 1930. and this rood closure today obviously caused quite a bit of traffic...and anger: "the police open door and said ...everyone get out of neighbor" neighborhood""losing their damn mind, people pay taxes, i got to go shopping!" plan to open sidewalks up tomorrow...when its safe, the city will take cameras and crews underground to see how bad the damage for this could be closed for in east baltimore, janice park fox45 news late edition. angry... residents... who... were overcharged... for water use.../ finally... get... relief. a... city audit... revealed... that customers... have been oveecharged... by... nine million dollars.../.the... city... cites many... problems.../ including... faulty meters.../ and...human error.../.but... the... head of baltimore's... bureau of waterr../ is... telling the mayor.../ the... problem...
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is,...being corrected. (mayor) "these problems did not develop overnight and therefore we all know it will take time to correct, however this administration, my administration is committed to invest in improving this vital resource." customers... have received... more than... four million dollars in refunds..../but ...many other residents... are... still extra... five million.../ school's out for summer, but but theives are hard at work. from classrooms to stadiums... paul gessler reports the thieves are targeting schools. schools. it looks like business as usual for the broadneck bruins. (nats: "lawnmowers")workers are getting the field ready for the 20-12 season.high above, though, the friday night lights need some work... work... "they're inoperable until we can get those lights working for the evenings."copper: stolen from three anne arundel county high school stadiums.. stadiums.. "a 2 to 3 week turnaround to get the equipment replaced." replaced." "obviously, any ttpe of metal is gonna be a target to people."the thefts started july 7th... and have stretched more than two weeks. weeks.
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"this seems to me to be a very organized crime wave, if you will." will." "now, these thefts don't just span a long period of time, but also all across anne arundel county, all the way from here at broadneck senior high school, as far as 20 miles up the road, to north county high school. and, you know what, high schools are not alone in this."a pair of elementary schools were hit... wiring to portable classrooms was stolen. stolen. "we have to replace it. that's funds out of our pocket to replace it so that our facilities are running the way they're supposed to. they're intended for our community, for our students, for young people and for this to happen is very unfortunate."all told, the district will have to spend 20 thousand dollars repair the damage and replace the stolen wiring. wiring. "they're stealing from all of us, whether it's stealing from the kids or stealing from the parents who pay for their kids to go to school, maybe it's a sign of the times."in anne arundel county, paul gessler, fox45 news late edition. police do have some surveillance video, but did not release it. 3 one gunman... could... be responsible... for... 4...
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armed robberies... catonsville area.../ e tonight.... police... warn customers... to... be... on... full alert. the... latest robbery... happened ... att.. the... m-&t... bank... at the ingle-side shopping center,.../ police... say... there... have been... 4 armed robberies... at... atms... in... the catonsville area.../. in... all... cases,.../ the... armed gunman ...wore a mask..../ it... happened... on weekends../. late... at night. (pernell mcfadden)"the most sensible thing is just to give it to em.. i wouldnt like to be robbed at gun point"( timothy kuchar)"do you think that some of that might have to do with the economy.. when the economy gets tougher people have less money and theyre willing to.. theyre hung" hungrier" police say... no one... has been hurt.../ but... police... fear... the gunman's becoming bolder... and... his actions... may escalate. the... baltimore... police department... needs your help... identifying... this... man...//he's... wanted ... for an assault... that occurred last week ... near... aiken street ...and darley avenue... in... northeast baltimore.../.he's... in... his... mid twenties, ... around 5- feet, 6 - inches.../ and... weighs... about 150 pounds...///.his... hair... is cut short... and... he... was earing... a... black hooded
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sweatshirt... and... khaki pants....//anyone... with information .../ call police. 3 ((?) a bad hair day for michael phelps((?) phelps((?)what do you think?? maybe just a littll jet lag. under his interests he put, playing video games and watching television.... he left off setting the all-time medal record.we hope hh gets some rest.....and nobody's gonna remember this picture. good day for ed st. john..... and a lot of people who the baltimore area real estate tycoon....named maryland's "outstanding philanthropist"... of the year. year. st. john... was chosen ... for... the award... by the association... of... fundraising professionals...//. he's ... the... president and chairman... of... st. john properties.../ and... founder ...of the ... edward st. john foundation.../ which... has... donated ... nearly... 50--million dollars...
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to... education programs..../ "iq: there's other ways of giving..... oo: not just money." money." 3 st. john was selected by a... committee of... philanthropists,... business leaders... and... non-profits.../. 3 this... next story... is... a... big steaming pile of,.../ well... i... can't... say it... your language./ it... could... cost you a promotion .. . or... your job.../ job.../ a... new... survey... finds... four-letter words ...could impact ... your professional image.../ big--time...// more... than... half of employers ...surveyed.../ said... they'd be... less likely... to promote someone ... who uses ...salty language..../ 104-118"we're all stressed, it's leaner workforces, we're doing more work, our workloads are increasing. but keep that level of professionalism. because what you think might be an ok word in the office, your co-worker might not, or your manager might not. " " by... the
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way... the... survey ...also found workers... in... d--c.../ are... the... most likely... to curse in the office. 3 is it going to be bleepin hot t? tomorrow? let's go to the family friendly vytas reid for a look at your skywatch 3forecast. forecast. 3 a driver opens fire from
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his bmw. who he was targeting with this hail of lead. common sense says, this is a preveetable problem. how america is setting a new standard for unplanned pregnancies. and nailing down the true cost of health care. why the white house is claiming victory with a new budget report.
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when ... the... supreme court... voted... to uphold ... the... "affordable care act" - / they... made... only... one change,, / but ... it's... an... important one. affects how many people individual states are required to put on medicaid- health care for the poor.melinda roeder explains how this changes the original projections for obamacare - in terms of cost and coverage. coverage. fewer americans ill be insured. but the government will save money... if several states choose not to extend medicaid. and it's likely many will not. holtz-eakin says: "the cbo does not say how many states, it does not say which states."so the congressional
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budget office expects more people will obtain health insurance through newly created exchanges.... heavily subsidized by federal taxpayers.... goodman says: "all of those people can go over into a new health insurance exchange and the federal government will pay almost all of their premium and that will be private insurancee"republicans have argued for repealiig and replacing the health care law. but the c-b-o report claims that would actually add 109 billion dollars to the deficit over a decade ... leading democrats to issue a challenge: andrews says: "so those who want to do that have responsibility of offsetting and keeping it down." of course, they can only compute what congress says it will do... and the law said it will raise revenue ii part by cutting medicare for seniors by 500 billion dollars. goodman says: " that means the senior citizen will be less to doctors from a financial point of view than welfare mothers. how long do you think that can go on before seniors start complaining to their members of congress? over the next en years, obamacare is expected to cost taxpayers about one
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trillion dollars....and businesses - about 4 billion. the group - americans for tax reform - believes it'll cost consumers a lot of money too. ellis says: "one of the things obamacare does is - it makes the cost of insurance more expensive, it drives up health insurance premiums because you are required to purchase gold-plated, top dollar health care plans but another new study by deloitte says about 10 percent of big employers plan to drop health coverage as the law takes hold...i'm melinda roeder reporting 3 3
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3 a driver opens fire on another car. why the shooter's target didn't even know bulletsswere flying. coomon sense says, take precautions. how unintended births are costing you 11 billion dollars. &p 3
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common sense... says,... wear... a condom...//.more... than... a third... of births the u-s.. . are... unintended ...//. that... according... to a new report... by the centers for disease control.../ in... recent years... the... make-up ...of women ...having these babies... shifted... from white... to hispanic...//. researchers ... findd.. that... unintended births... cost... about ...11-billion dollars a year....///much... of... the money... comes from... medicaid dollars. fort lauuerdale police ... investigate...
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a... possible case... of road rage... caught on camera.../ june 20--th.../ , surveillance cameras... capture a man... getting out... of his... bmw with a gun..../ he... then fires... several shots... at.. .a... passing... pickup truck.../ before... getting back in hii car.../ and... speeding off...///. the... driver... in the said... he... never did anything... to... provoke... this attack....// police... still... don't know... who ...pulled... into the driveway... of a home, ... got out... of his vehicle... and... fired shots... at the truck.../, so... they're... releasing the video.../ hoping... the public... can help 3 common sense says if you mess with the bull, you'll get the unusual scene ...tuesday evening california../ . as... a dozen rescue crews... rushed to a well... in folsom ... to rescue ...a.. 22-hundred pound... rodeo bull..../the... animal... somehow fell into the well... around eight o'clock..../veterinarians... sedated ...the animal to calm him down.../ then... crews ...strapped him to a harness ../ . and... gently ...lifted him... out of the well.../.the... bull... is expected... to make a full recovery. 3 a deadly chase at niagara falls. ow one officer almost died along with his suspect.
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. a stunning end to a police
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chase when an officer and the man he was chasing fall into a gorge at niagara falls. falls.crews... extended... a firetruck ladder over the gorge... / and... lowered ... a stretcher... to rescue the officer...//. police... say... the officer and..... the man he was chasing... went over... a... retaining wall..../the... officer... was airlifted to the hospital... with a broken leg.../.the... other man... was ... dead at the scene. what's the rest of our
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week loking like? like? let's go to vytas for the extended forecast. 3 the veterans arrive at ravens training camp...bruce cunningham has full details next in sports unlimited
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thaa's all for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. it's 11:30 so here's bruce cunningham and sports unlimited. starting tomorrow, things get wound a little tighter out in owings mills...the veterans will be on the field, and it'll be the first full squad workout of training camp... they all arrived today, and morgan adsit was in owings mills to see it... it... 3
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meanwhile...the man who runs the ravens biggest rival is not going anywhere for a while...mike tomlin has signed an extention as head coach of the pittsburgh steelers...the new deal runs thru the 2016 seasonstill just 40 years old, tomlin is entering his 6th season with the steelers...he's l;ed them to 4 playoff berths and 2 super bowls... back here in baltimore, the orioles and the rays continued their series...and if you root for the o's, this was a very bad night at camden yards... for both the orioles as a whol;e, and individually for their sad sack starting pitcher, who realized every pitcher's nightmare as soon as the game got underway... underway... miguel gonzales on the hill...and watch this...very
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first pitch of the game is knocked out of the park...desmond jennings with the solo shot and the rays are off and running......gonzales continued to struggle...hitting jose of three hbp's on the night for gonzales...that'll force in a run...tampa bay led 5-0 after to the third...gonzales still in there...but this was it for him...newly acquured ryan roberts jerks this one over the wall in left-center...his first home run as a ray...that made it 7-1......and now to the 5th...lobatone facing matt lindstrom and he wins that battle...yet another home run...this off of matt lindstrom...lobatone with 4 rbi as the rays pound the orioles 10-1...the two teams wrap up the series tomorrow afternoon.... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bc.. and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3
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