tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW September 6, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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ncy while using mirena can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. less than ... a... ...deaddy... train deeailment... in... ellicott city -/ the... n-t---b... is... peleasiig its... early fiidings... of the accident! welcome ... to... the late edition.../, i'm jeff barnd.../, jennifee's... off.../. off.../.myrandaastephens... live.../ near... where it happened / - with... more... on today's... report. 3
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jeff, investigators with the national transportation safety board have officially rulld out weather nd speed as 3 factors in last month's train derailment here in historic the official cause of the s crash ... is still a mystery. the c-s-x train was traveling august 20th... when it came off the traaks - sending several cars loaded with coal onto the road anddalong the track. two teenagers - 19- year-olds elizabeth nass and rose mayr ... were killed when they were toppled by some coal ...while sitting on the railroaa bridge. according to the n-t-s-b's preliminnry report, the weather attthe time oo the accident was 65- degrees with calm winds and no rain. the report also shows the train was traveling att 25-mills per hour - which is the maximum authorized speed. n-t-s-b investigators also reviewed track maintenance records and railroad equipment - but so far... haven't reported anything out of the
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ordinary. 327 i'm sure they're going to give it, you know,,turn over all the leaves they have and look at everything because it certainly seems like uh, you know it's definitelty an unusual occurence 37 the report shhws the inntial damage is about 2-point-2 million dollars. investigators did take rail samples from the accident scene that will be sent to a lab for analysis. the final report could take more than a year. myranda stephens, fox45 news late editiin. a... baltimore county jury... with... guilty verdicts ... against... the... two men... police say... orchestrated... the... towson town murder ... last decembee. frank williams andd william waad... are... found guilty of first degree pre-meditated murder....// 19 year old... rodney pridget , was killed...//. prosecutors... say... their strongest evidence... was... the... videotape rom the cameras....// prosecutors... plan... to seek life.. without parole... for williams and ward. (shellenberger)"although ttey did not pull the trigger we feel llke if your an individual that has enough else do a killing then you are obviously a very dangerous
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person should never be free to walk maryland streets again" again" sennencing... is... lattd for... october 12th.... the owners... of... majestic auto repair shop... are... sentenced... for a towing extortion scheme... involving... more than ...50... baltimore police officers.../. her--nan ... moreno... was given 33 months in prison,.../ his... brother serve... two years..../the... two... to tow cars... from... accident scenes... to... their business.../. they've ... .been ordered pay... nearly... in... restitutiin... to... victim's... iisurance companies. another... anne arundel county... worker ... comes....forward ... claiming... she... and other women.../ were... subjected... o... a... hostile ... work environment... under... county executive, johh leopold. leopold. in... the... affidavit../ . the... worker... medical... leave.../.. writes... how... she had... first hand... knowledge... of... workers ... being fired... for... providing information.... on... a lawsuit... áfiledá... against
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leopold...///. joan ... &p harris... was... one of two workers ... fired.../. she... discussed... the... recent document... that was filed. 12:59:59 (harris) there are really many things that happened in that office that &pare wrong that are immoral an people need to be held accountable for it :10 suit,.../ leopold's... pacing... a... ácriminalá case... involving... aleeged... misconduct ... leopold... spokesman... won't... comment ...// a... child... is recovering../ after... getting into ..his father's ... p illegal methadone... last night...//.police... and... firefighterr... revived the boy...// paul ... gessler thee... learned... dad... had... ámuchá... ...methadone ... ii... his house. house. tuesday, at this severn home on the easttside of forr meade---nats)a five- yearr old boy drrnk from a bottle of pink liquid.turned out, it was unconsious.firefighters came s boy.d revived the boy. justin mulcahy, anne arundel co. police: "it's my understanding the methodone was purchased illegally."but,
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the investigation showed paul brooks, the boy's dad had much more than methadone.cocaine, marijuana,heroin,and methamphetamine was also found. justin mulcahy, aane arundel co. police: "experienced deteccives believed, based on the amount of drugssthat were in that house, that ttere was inteet to distribute these narc" narcotics." reporter: "is the boy ok?" [woman nods]two women came bbck to the reece road home ttis afterroon, but weren't talkative. talkative. woman: "i'd raahee not comment, really." really." justin mulcahy, nne arundel co. police: "it's extremely disturbing and, again, the narcotics chhrges arr only the beginning in this. we're looking into the possibility there could be some child neglect charges here, and certainly that's an angle we're gonna look at."anne arundel county police say they may file charges on another person in the home. home. [reporter knocks on door]we knocked on the next- door neighbor's door, but no one was home. justin mulcahy,,anne arundel co. police: "certainly disturbing all the way around. fortunately, this child was revived. kudds to the fire department and the officers on scene."the boy was takennto baltimore- washinggon hospital, where we are told he will fully ssvern, paul gessler, fox45 news at ten. police... siezed... two guus ...from the home, .../ one... was... apparently... accessible to the child. 3
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leeves them... scrambling ... to ...explain.../ iff.. god... still has a place... in their party. party. the... new... democraticcparty platform ...has replaced... the word "god"... with... a... broader reference faith.../, a... move ...that's... sparkedd outrage...//. republicans ... say... this proves... a... cooodinated liberal assault n religion...//. senate... majority whip ...dick ddrbin... fired back... at... republicans and ox -&ne a false narrative... that democrats... are... godless people. 33 3& left... the word "god"... from the... official pprty... that... led... to... a series... of votes... / to... try... to... get god... back in opposed say nooq: as shown on the creen
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were... also of... rsement... jerusalem... as... he capital of israel.../ it... ttok... á3á votes... to... make the chaages with... extra police... in charlotte... for... the democrattc national conventiin../ . some officers... are... really standing out out (whistleenats) "great fun thing to watch." (whistll 33 a group of swat team guys from georgia decided to make the post boring assignment... a little more interesting... with a few dance moves... the cops, directing traffic also manage to make everybody smile.
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"yeaa..." (nats) "it's really great...hilarious." (reporter): "you're gonna be youtube sensations,,do youu pealize that?" "we'reekind of already on youtube." "you're already kind of a big deall" "it's a kind offthing." 3 the guys are so good... some to do it. 7 people... are injured.../ after... their boat... hits... a... large wake... in... missouri.../. it's... caught oo camera..../ before... you... see it...// a... warning../ you... can... the boaters... shifting ...back and forth ... as....the boat... starts... shaking...// seconds... later... rough waters ... cauue... the captain... to... lose control.../ knocking... everyone.... off... their feet.../. some... people... hit their heads... against... the side... of... were... hospitalized...// o... worr... on their conditions.../// 3the... new... hagerstown almanac ...has been released... / and's alling... for a snowy winter... in maryland! the... past ccuple... years...
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just... 3 years ago ... 3 we... dug... out snowfalls...///. weather ... predictors... &p use... water temperature the pacific... to... determine... weather atterns... midatlantic..../ they... foreccst... 15 days of heavy snow... / falling in... late november..../ snow is the furthest &pthing from our minds ith these soaring september tempera. temperatures. let's go to ccief meteorologist vytas reid for look at what's happening now.
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term in the oval office. the former president fired up the crowd after a day filled withhreligious controoersy and democratic dissension saying that democrats and president obama are thee eal job creators. creators. 222200 since 1961 for 52 years now, the republicans have heed the whiteehouse for 28 years... so what the score? republicans 26 million democrats 42... cheer roar. 222937
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president also slammed repuulican nominee mitt romney and thh tea party for hate and embracing raddcal right wing ideologies. there... are... a... lot... more stories... about the ace... our... websitee./.at... com../.clickk.. on... "vote 2012"... n the hoo topics seccion... at... the top of the weesite 3 common sense says child stars need to chill
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since then, there's been one wedding, 2 kids, and 43 bottles of olay total effects. so in spite of 185 tantrums 378 pre-dawn starts and a lot of birthdays, caroline still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay you can challenge what's possible. 60 years, millions of women, real results. common sense ...
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&p says,.../ just... pushhthe ...power button, .../ but... it... turns out; if... you know... someone ... addicted... to the internet... / it... could be... ágeneticá. that... according... to research... out of germany..../whill... scientists... haven't found... an... "innernet... addiction gene"... / they... áhaveá founn... the same ...genetic mutation... linked to...
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turns... out... áwomená... are... more likely... to be addicts. 3 speakinggof addictions,.../ a,,, nickelodeon... child star... is in... big trouble... for... a... double ...hit and run..../ run..../common ... sense says ... if... you love your kkds,.../ don't... &p let them... be... child stars,.../ okay... honey boo - boo.? boo.?amanda bynes wws involved in another hit and run incident last prosecutors have reopened bynns hit and run case from april.tmz reported that an l.a. city attorney has taken the next step in charging bynes ith two counts of misdemeanor hit-and-run. detectives discovered that the dammge to the victim's car car.if convicted bynes faces up to a year in jail. common sense... says... we're already... packed in... like sardines...///. just .. when... you thought ... flying coach... couldn't... get... more...
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craaped..."/ united... airliies"... install... slimmer seats... to... fit... more passengers. the... airline says... it'll... retro--fit... 152... lanes... with... "ssim line seats"../ . reducing... eat sizes... from... 18... to... 17 inches...///. that... allows... for... --more... seats...///. united... says... passengers ...shouldn't &pnotice... thee change.../ especially... since... leg room .... wonnt... be affected..../// 31-43"no, that's not going to work at all." (reporter: "why is that?") "it's already too tight...i mean, you caa't move, you have back aches, you already have no leg room so i can't imagine it smaller." smaller."changes... will be 3 a bbd decision by two boys leaves one clinging for life. hoo rescuers saved a boy trapped uuder a floooed street. ohio firefighterss..
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fear the worst... / when... a... teen... &pfalls into... a storm drain. drain.two boys about 13 were pedaaing thrrugh deep lot..... unaware of the creek and aa2 foot wide drain pipe hidden beneatt the water..when ... his friend ran to get help. firefighters began lifting manhole covers... scrambling to find the boy... attffrst there was no response... but 3 turner: "the followed the pipe as best the could as about 15 hundred feet down to the sunoco station pulled cover off and yelled and the kid answered him." him." higgiibotham: "he was holding the concreteeat theetop water just rushing by and i said
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hold on the best you can weúrr coming to gettyou." crews used speeial ropes and water rescce gear to free the teen... who suffered nly cutt and bruises. a warm start to september. september. let's go cool off in our extended s any - forecast. 3 the orioles went in tonight trying to hang on to a share of irst place.did they do it? bruce cunningham has the answer next in sports unlimited. 3 3 3 when you first got internet at home
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1:01 am of the second, no score and adam jones unloads on this one to left...a solo shot..his career high &p27th..and the birds have the lead..,,but not for davis does likewise...a soloo shot to lefttthat tied it at 2......bottom 7...and davis strikes again...this time come in...they try to get the - runner at 3rd, but jonns' throw is wild...a third run scores...toronto led 6-2... ...the birds did make some noise late...mark reynolds with a 9th inning 2 run shot...his 6th in the last 6 6-4...te, as the birds fell 3 (adlib) to the ravens now.. 3 while we're all waiting for
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the season opener monnay night, you can believv bryant mc &pkinnie is really looking forward to it..he missed training camp time,,and learned yesserday he might not have a team.the left tackll is ready for the drama to end.with more on mckinnie staying put, here's morgan adsit. adsit. it's now time too announce the candidates in
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baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the week. week... here's this week's slate of games for friday september 7th....iver hill hosts broadneck in volleyball... patterson mill and c. milton wright meet in football... catonsville travels to perry hall in football...and mount de sales hosts atholton in field hockey... that'll do t foo this edition of sports unlimited...thanks for joining us.i'' bcbe sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow --
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