tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW September 14, 2012 12:30am-1:05am EDT
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across the middle east are threatening american inteeests and lives. welcome to the barnd.dition, i'm jeff barnd..- and i'm jennifer gilbert. one person in under arrest in connection to the attack that killed .s. ambassador to libya christopher stevens. libya's prime minister said authoritiee are still looking for 3 or 4 more people. this news comes as a youtube film clip mocking islam sparks more anti-american violence across the middle east. emily schmidt explains thht tonight, the u-s is tightening security at embassies worldwide. 3 the anger directed towards america spread across orders-- and closer to u.s. embassy walls thursday: demonstrators in yemen tried to break through the embassy gate--- police fired warning hots and tear gas in egypt -- and iraaians shouted "death to america" outside of the swiss embassy ii tehran since there are no official diplomatic relations with washhngton.
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it's anti-american fury fueled by a 14-minute anti-islamic film clip on youtube that the american government denounces. let me state very clearly and i hope it is obvious that the united states government had pbsolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject its content and message. secretary of statt hillary clinton rejected the video--but called upon governments to called upoo the video--but called upon violence resulting from it. any responsible leader should that line. secrettry of state clinton's words came less than a day afterru.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens and three others were killed by the violence. no act of violeece shakes the resolve of the united states of america the is sending two warrhips toward libya in case theyyre needed, as the government tries to figure out if the attaak was planned. us
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intelligence officials believes it is very unlikely it was core al qaeda behind in libya showing support for - the slain ambassador. but overshadowed y violence from -3 crowds who believe a video speaks not just for itself--but for a country. in washington, i'm emily schmidt. &p meanwhile, there are more that's prompted this violence. the filmmaker behind it used a falle name, and the cast aad crew members say in a statement they were "grossly misled" about the film's intent. city police say they've made an arrest in a double shooting that outraged the community of mount vernon. vernon.janice park is streamiig live in mount vernon to tell us how police finally found quintin bass. janice? janice? we are live here at mt vernon park. two rookie cops were patrolling here and arrested a man on a gun charge only finding out later it was their prime suspect in a shooting that left a local artist dead and a comm
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hospitaa. till in the police say quintin bass is homeless aad had only been living in bmore since this year. they say robbery was the motive when he allegdedly shot and killed artist alex ulrich and critically shot larry peterson the man called the mayor of mt vernon. police say intelligence from the community helped them realize bass was the shooter. "oh a huue relief this is what we've been waiting for since the night of the incident" incident""what i can tell you what's behind this henous incident is robbery, and that it still remains an active investigation" janice park, fox45 nnws late edition. 3 3 attorneys ... want the ...15 year old...
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perry hall... high shooting... suspect... triedd.. as an juvenile. juvenile.robert gladden's... attorneys ...made the request today... in court.../.both ... sides... gathered... for a bail review hearing.../.that ... hearing.. was postponed..../ defense... needs additional timee.. to review... some medical records. 13 seconds same super from 5 sot 22:25:35 at that don't throw somebody away at &page 15 for a bad act act .gladddn remains at the county detention center tonighh 3 of the perry hall school rage shooting, including an entire interview with daniel's parents, plus watch daniel leave the hospital. it's onnfox baltimore dot com slash perry hall. during the evening commute, a man was struck and killed by a metro train at the west coldspring metro station. station.the accident happened on an elevated part of the tracks.passengers were taken off the back offthe train and transported away. all trains were shut down for a few hours as they cleared the scenee
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investigators say they're tryiig to figure out how the man ended up in the ressricted area. pmta officials say there's no rrason anyone should ever be on the tracks. more obstacles ... for the city... ethics boaad... investigation... into... theemayor's use... of... free tickets... to... concerts ... at... 1st... mariner arena. .../ .../ this... time... in the form ...of a turns out... the city's... law department... can't find... the original copy of the contract ... between the firm... that runs... first mariner arena .../ and... the city..../ it's... a... key piece of evidence... thh boarr requested lasttmonth.../ so... it... could determine... if the tickkt... give-aways ... didn't... jibe... with city's ehtics code..../ at... tuesday's... boarr delayed... it's probe.../ because ... other information they needed... had... just been... turned over the day before. 21:25:54"we as a board re not in a position to make aby sort of decision...have any sort of disucssion until we look at the documents" documents"the city soliciter... sayss.. the law deeartment ... has supplied the board... with dozens of supporting documents ... relating to the original contract. some... of...
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the... sparrows point... steelworkers ... who ... accepted their employer's... offer... to... retire in august .../ and... et a... $10,000 bonus.../ are... told... they won't receive... the money after all. all.that... their union president ... who says ...between... 100... to 200 workers... retired last month.../ with... the understanding... that they... were eligible... or the bonus.... / and... have ...since been told... they retired too late... to... get it..../many... are... now árescindingá... their retirement..../ but... the company... will likely... claim the bonus... wasn't guaranteed.../. r---g... in may. baltimore... raven... ray rice.... launching... a campaign... to... support the ellicott city community... in... the wake... of.. a... deadly... train derailment. derailment. 3rice... has partneeed ... with the ellicott citt business association... to... set up ... a ...facebook auction... of... donated ravens items.../.and... beginning tomorrow,.../ llcal... merchants and restaurants ...will offer... themed specials... around... rice's ... jersey number... 27...//. the... specials... run thru... october 10th.../ that's... 27 days..... and... 27 percent... of sales ... will... be donated ... to... community recovery efforts
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eeforts for... a... list of restaurants... and... items... for auction,.../ go... to... fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. america... says... goodbye... to a homegrown hero... who... inspired the world... to... reach for... the moon. moon. dignitaries/// lawmakers, ... and ...nasa's hall of famees.... were on hand... for the natiooal memorial service for astronaut... neil armstrong...//. the... washington national at the - cathedral...///. musician... diana krall... performed a moving rendition... oo... "fly me to the moon".../ and... gene cernan,.../ who... followed in... arrstrong's steps.../ &pas... the twelfth ...and... last american stand... on the lunar surface... spoke at the event. 3cernan says: "neel armstrong was sincerely humble man of impeccable integrity who reluctantly accepted his role &pas the first uman being to walk on another world and when he did he became a testament, a testament to all americans about what can be achieved through visionnand dedicatton." dedication." armstrong died august twenty- fifth following complications
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resulttng from heart surgery. armstrong was eighty-twoo years old. armstrong's buriaa at sea will be conducted by the navy on friday this year's... west... nile virus outbreak ... is... on track ... to... be the eadliest ever.../. ever.../.so far ... there have been ...more than ... 26-hundred cases... of... west nile... in... the u-s.../ and... 118 deaths../ maryland.../.luckily../ the worst... f the west nile season... is... behind us.../.cases... typically peak... in... august. 3 a bad day or blissful ignorance - mcdonald's... is... letting you know..../ how many ...calories... you're eating.../ eating.../ the... fast food chain... says... on... its menus -- / in... the restaurant.../ and... drive- change... was expected... to happen ...anyway.../ but...
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not... this soon...//. that's... becausee... the... health care... reform law... requires... chain restaurants... to... post calorie counts -/- there's... no time-line - a really bad day for some airline security workers who got caught red handed. investigators say... they've cracked open ...a major liquor smuggling ring... out... of... j- f-k airport in new york city...//. more than... a... dozen airport staff... were arrested... durinig the bust.../. fifteen suspects... are accused... of stealing... 20-milliin dollars worth of alcohol.../. &pthey... were reportedly... swiping an average... of... seven-and-a-half thousann... mini bottles... from... american airlinee planes a day. say good-bye sugary sodd in new york city...//. new york city's... board of health ...voted today... to ban the sale of sugary drinks.../.the ban applies... to... containers ...larger than 16 ounces... in ressaurants and other venues....// the move... &pis meant to combat obesity... and... encourage residents... to live healthier liffstyles...//. critiis... , including... mcdonald's and ccca-cola, .. have assailed the ban as "misguided" and "arbitrary."the ban will not apply to grocery stores.
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responders quickly took the two victims to trauma centers. they're both expected to live. police say they shooter or shooters. the amazing spiderman streaks through a football field. the once piece of evidence that stopped him from 3 the fed announces that they'll keep printing money unnil the this historic annoucement had on the markets. is dating outdated? the new way wooen can simply buy a boyfriend. 3
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another very expensive shot -- at trying to jump-start the ailing economy. the fed says it will keep trying -- until it gets the job done. done. what does the action ssy about the state of the recovery? and... what... does t ean... for the election - - less ttan... two months before... election day.? peter baanes ... explains why... the move ...caused the markets... to... surge...
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more than 200 points. points. with election day just eight weeks away - the federal reserve moveddagressively to make it cheaper for consumers and businesses to borrow more -- it wants people to buy more cars, houses, applianaces and gadgets - and companies to invest more in plant and equipment -- to booss economic growth --and job creation. bernanke says: "this is a main street policy,because what we're about here s trying to get jobs going.we're trying to create more employment."the fed has been frustrated with current slow economic growth-- stuck at about 2% -- not enough to get the unemployment rate -- stuck above 8%-- down ffscal cliff in washington -- and the debt crisis in europe could hurt the economy. so it announced that -- in effect -- that it will start printing money -- aaain -- by buying $40 billion of bonds each month from banks and inveetors -- to flood the financial system with even more cash. bernanke says: "we're not promising, you know, a cure to
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all these ills, but what we can do is provide some support."the fed done this twice before -- buying $2 trillion in bonds since 2008 - - and claims tte moves may have cut longer term interest &prates by as much as a full percentage point. it claims that may have added an xtra 3% to economic growth-- and an extra 2 million jobs.savers have complained they're earning next to nothing--and critics worry the fed's money printing may evevtallly led to more inflation. they also say lower rates won't help.beach says: "job creation is largely a function of what businesses think the future holds for them. and they then expand their plant and equipment and respond to that vision of the future. that vision of the future is murky right now because of tax increases, the melt down inneurope."but any pew economic juice could help president obama over mitt romney ahead of the election-- political motives. bernanke says: " we've been successful &pat the federal reserve to be nonpartisaa and apolitical. we make our decisions based entirely on the state of the
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when picking a partner. single... women france... now... havv options.../ when ... it... comes to dating. dating.a... new boutique... called.../ "adopt a guy"... is now open..../ eligible... bachelors... posing in... mock toy boxes... stann around... / waiting... for women... to... pick them... as their date.../. women... can then ..."purchase" the men... inn...what's called... a... "market of love."...// the... 'adopt-a-guy' shop... only... has a short-ttrm... lease.../ it's... only... days... / before heading... to other cities around the world. common sense says sitting in front of a computer isn't good for your waistline. but is facebook actually making you fatter? faater?that's... the... topic of one ssudy.../.
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results.... say... spending time... on the social networking websiie.../ takes away time from physical activities.../. on... average... most studentss...spent an hour a day... on... various... sites.../. researchers... found... that this... much time... spent online... cut... into time... they....ácouldá... have spent... being active. common sense says, you should keep a low profile if you're on the run from the law. a... maryland fugitive... is... in... custody today.. / thanks... to... facebook..../ police... say... 29-year-old... dylan otto naecker... afterr.. his girlfriend... clicked... "like"... n... a... virginia sheriff's... facebook page..../naeccer... is... a... regissered ....ex offender.../ who... allegedly... fled the area... both ... he... and his girlffiend... face... chargee. the spiderman streakerr nearly got away with it. the small mistake ttat led police to his doorstep. 3 3 called... the...
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perfect streakk.../ but... it... ended with... exposure charges....////a... teenager... wearing nothing ... but... a... spider-man mask.../ pulls off... a... daring stunt. stunt. it happened... &p at... a... florida high school... homecoming game...//.here ... you ...see him... running buck-naked... across the field... before ...jumping a fence..../security guards... chase after him.../ but... quickly... lose him... as he jumps... another fence... and ... hops... into a getaway car..../but... glimpse... of the license plate.../ leading to an arrest. 1:31-1:36"2 charges--he's been
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&pcharged against--for exposure of sexual organs and the obstruction of justice." the teen's identity will not be released because he is under age. what's our weekend weather looking like? like? let's... go to ...vytas... for a look... at the extended forecast. 3 the magic is back at camden yards...another dramatic victory...see if the orioles are in sole possession of first in
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cunningham with the first place orioles. orioles.the first place cunningham with here's bruce gilbert. and i'm jennifer jeff barnd. barnd.the late edition, i'm that's all for 3 33 3 that's all for the ate edition, i'm jeff barrd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. here's bruce cunningham with the first place orioles. orioles. 3 hhgh drama this afternoon at camden yards..the orioles 3 going for the three game sweep
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against the rays....lso looking for win number 81, which would ensure their first season..oh yeah, they were 97 also looking to hang into a share of firsttplace... place... bottom 7...orioles down 1-0... taylor teagarden has 5 hits on the year.... of them for extra bases....llces it to the gap innright center...manny machado scores...robert andino give the orioles a 2-1 lead on teagarden's rbi 8...wei-yin chen strikes ouu bj upton but desmond jennings swipes 3rd...90 feet from batter...ben zobrist swinging bunt to 3rd... jennings scores the tying run...chen goes and a third strong innings....bottom 8...1 out...go ahead run on 3rd... joel peralta strikes out manny man up... peralta fans reynolds tt end the inning...this game heads to extras....bottom 13..runner on 1st...machado bunts...throw to first bounces..machado's safe...2 on, nobody out.... it's reynolds' turn...bloop to shallow center..endy chavez has to hold at 2nd...ball drops...stationnto station... o's have bases loaded with nobody out....robert andino can win grounder to 2nd...rays get the out at out..winning run still at 3rd....matt wieters
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pinch hitting for teagarden... chris archer fell behind 3-oh...but comes back to strike out the o's catcher... now 2 outs with the bases loaded....last night's hero nate mclouth...a chance to do it again...but he strikes out...o's had the bases loaded and no outs and do not score... .bottom 14...machhdo hits a flare to left...matt joyce dives...but can't make the grab...adam jones scores the game-winning run...oriiles sweep the rays in 14... 3-2.. 13 straight extra inning's their 81st win... snapping theirrlong streak of 14 year consecutive losing seasons...machado the hero... 3 bill cosby throwing out the first pitch at fenway park as
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the red sox host the yankees... .top of the 7th...yankees up 1-0...the captain, derek jeter, bloop to center...falls for a hit...former oriole grrat steve pearce scores... new york leads 2-0....bottom rafael soriano gets the ground out to 2nd...yankees blank the red sox 2-0... with the yankees victory, they move back into a tie with the o's....orioles head out west for 3 with the a's starting tomorrow night... amidst all the oriole hoopla, it's important tooremember the city's other franchisehas a very big game this week... freeh off their dismantlinggof cincinnation monday night, they head up i-95to take on the eagles... eagles... and that means they go head to head with michael vick...and that's a daunting task...he's got a lot of ways to beat
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you...but he's also coming off a 4 interception performance against the browns last weekend...but he's still know they need to be ready... 3 it's now time to announce the winner of our high school game of the week contest...brought to you by varsity sports network dot com.. com... you picked franklin at hereford in football..thanks to everyoneewho voted this week... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited..i'm bruce cunningham...goodnight... goodnight... 3
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