tv Chasing News FOX August 19, 2015 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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coolatta and iced coffees. classic cookie flavor in every sip. america runs on dunkin'. now on "chasing news." >> times square is new york where women feel demonized for asking tourist to give them tips why they are and then it traded. >> people who were offended, i'm just saying. >> long beach island, what's the next best thing in this viking village. >> that's what it looks like without cutting it open.
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>> that's radical. >> i'm chasing times square in new york where women feel demonized for joining the hustle and asking tourist for tips while they are in the news. the costumes don't leave a lot to the imagination. they are very patriotic and the women are only wearing thongs but all they have is his pain. >> nypd is fine with this. >> i is the woman on the right of the picture does she feel there's competition in times square because there are can do -- cartoon characters and a lot of people asking people for money. do you feel that there's a lot of competition? >> i'm confident in myself. seatac oh no yup -- they have nothing on you. see if the person leading the charge against these women as borough president gale brewer. >> i find personally offensive that they are out there soliciting money for children in
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new yorkers and the question is can they do something in terms of zoning, can we work towards other kinds of legal efforts because we have the cast of characters and there's quite a lot of activity in times square. >> i spoke to a guy who is a friend of the women/security guard. he says what's happening in times square right now is absolutely sexist. >> this is between us and them bleeped out. >> he says it's not a new former prostitution at all. >> young people looking for a better opportunity.
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[inaudible] >> you know what all of the stories that the ladies have brought to us from times square are the exact reason why you don't want to take your children there. >> you go back to when rudy was mayor rudy giuliani cleaned it up. there used to be workshops in sex shops and it was a place you wouldn't bring the kids and then you have this wave of this disney, the disney expectation of times square which brought a lot of tours that which made a great place to bring your kids. i think people are upset because they are reacting to the fact that it seems to be slipping very at. >> there's a lot more things that i could be personally offended by. >> honestly people who are offended aren't they once -- i'm just saying. >> they got to be a very contentious meeting and business at minister john bennett and i had an exchange of words which led to a bigger exchange of words which led to the point
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john sitting -- putting may be or may not his middle finger out. >> john bennett is the poster there and joe is a councilman. getting to the bottom of this i met with jim the alleged man flipping the bird to. >> i don't know necessarily whether he was giving the bird. we did both stand up. i stormed out of the room at one point and came back. >> he did say was a little bit out of line and he can't comment. why can't he comment on john bennett specifically because john bennett invokes his right to privacy. oceanport is a important part of new jersey including -- which brings in a lot of people in money and they get together each session to make sure they are running things properly. when i asked joe if he had given the finger.
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>> i lived in new jersey so maybe on a roadway or turnpike but it's not something i do very often. >> i love an honest politician. >> in the future of some and give somebody the middle finger should they be punished? >> i believe so if that was the case i believe so. >> i called him after so this picture and it clearly looks like he is giving someone the finger at least in my estimation. he said he can clearly set the second bigger and i have never in my decades of public service ever done that anybody circling not in a public forum but john bennett did say -- >> begin laughs a lot very at. >> i don't want to laugh but i'm going to keep laughing because i'm nervous. >> she laughs so she doesn't cry. >> is the laughter defense mechanism? >> yeah. >> megan is legally blind.
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she lost her left eye and her right i has to present vision so i went to talk to her at her house where she spent some of her time caring for her pets. she has two pigs who stood on the couch and watch tv. >> hey guys. two weeks ago she went to the ivy tavern and megan doesn't go out a lot this is hard for her specially dashed when she went to the ivy tavern that night the owner there assumed when she walked in clutching the arm of another person that she was drunk. and tonight her service. >> the bartender came up to me and she said this is awful because we all know you can see. i have been in there about three times i want to say in the last two months, three months. >> why in the world but the manager think you were drunk ex- megan said this was where the evening ended to. >> we were talking back and
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forth with the [bleep] gentlemen and all i know is that he was tall and thin. >> later she was offered a drink after the owner was told by several people that she has been in there before. she is legally blind and not a to take it. she just left and went home. i decided to get her out of the house and take her to the ivy tavern and try to get her an i would never say or wasn't there but his wife was there and she explained to me what happened. >> the guy comes us and says excuse me she is legally blind and my husband said i'm so sorry i had no idea. she had a drink and a laugh. >> we went back and forth i brought a laying out cybermegan was sitting in my truck. >> this is elaine russo. she wanted to apologize. >> whoever your significant other was when you walked in the door you have to look at my end of it he.
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>> your husband was ignorant. >> everybody at the bar royce in comments about me and you know how uncomfortable i felt? i have to live this way everyday. >> again megan did get an apology. >> i'm so sorry you had to go through this because you try to get through life and do a positive thing and i understand you were embarrassed. i don't know what else i can say. >> itself like a mixed reaction. some people made fun of her and some can be cruel and the other side came to her defense. >> i think what upset megan when she realized that the nidetch they didn't come to her face to face and say i'm sorry about that. there was a reporter during into the establishment to get that. >> no better place to start.
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top of the world. >> i hope i make somebody happy tonight because you are awesome. i asked jill who seems in order thing what's the next best thing to do after going to your house and she said visit viking village or the fishing boats come in. >> these boys brought in a couple of tunas 100 pounds each. they will put them up on the scale and find out what they are worth and paid the man. how about that? >> holy mackerel. 193. >> we will cut the tail off so we couldn't look inside the fish
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to see what it's all about. we go into the center of the fish and pull it out and we get to see what it looks like without cutting it open. >> that's radical. you guys do it every day. it's just fishing but this is awesome. >> that looks like a great fish. >> there is good consisting color with some skin sat alone here. it's a nice-looking fish. >> how does that sound to you? >> a little bit of fat to the meat. >> he took the tail off in his grading the fish. looking good so far. one of the prettiest ones he has seen the light and caught so far
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this year. >> the best one i've seen all week thus far. >> i feel like an 8-year-old. you guys are radical fishermen. >> i don't want to get ahead of myself but i'm going to ask anyway give me a loose evaluation of what these two fish are worth. >> a 189-pound fish. i have to but let you know i will be heading south out of our degette through harvey cedars all the way down to be cheybenne. what are your favorite stops along the way on lbi? hit me up on twitter and chasing hank @chasingnj is. >> he's passionate for politics and if he wins he will become on her one of the youngest elected
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better? to be honest, i thought a lot of toothpastes were pretty much the same. but then my husband started getting better dental checkups than me, so i did what he did crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. crest pro-health advanced gives you a healthier mouth, and is superior in these key 5 areas. this is going to go well. i know it. i guess all toothpastes aren't the same.
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she bit his hand and she ended up losing to teeth. the suspect is still at large. police described him as a large black man in his late 30s possibly with bite marks on his hands. >> selfie takers beware. there's a lot of new york city and the nypd would get you. david was arrested in his home state on monday after posting this selfie on the brooklyn bridge. for a selfie. >> when i was 17 fun, cars, girls. >> that's a far cry from west windsor high school jordan to growth. education. >> he is passionate for politics and that's why he's running for a seat on the board of education. if he wins he will be one of the youngest elected officials in america. i talked about as president future i asked jordan why he's
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running. >> all it takes is a way to really help people. the idea being a politician isn't to be someone who is glamorized but truly a public servant. >> i asked him what he thinks is important what he can bring to the table. there's one thing i want to see within the board of ed and that any might -- anyone my one-two in their structure better transparency and a better idea what's going on in the meeting room. you want to understand where zero compromise. >> one idea that is televised before the meeting so people can watch to know what goes on inside the room. the kid has the right answers so i threw them a curve ball and asked amaury seasons up in 20 years. he was calm and confident in his response. >> there's a future that we don't know much about. i know i will be eligible to run for president. you are as want to see where the future takes you. you don't want to plan out your
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own fate because there are so many variables. >> a seat on the board of vacation -- education is not a foregone conclusion. i'm proud to serve an district that can develop strong classroom extracurricular experiences to students desire for service. i'm running for re-election to the school boards i can continue giving the best opportunities for students. i sat down and gave jordan 30 seconds. the board of education ultimate goal is to provide quality education. that is what we look for her school's's administrators imported's administrators imported that members and my hope is that my experience with how the students react to policies will bridge the gap between theoretical education and actual education. how can we translate that policy into change? >> running against her, how long has she been on the board? >> i was two years old when she
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started on the board of education. >> he may have a good perspective but none of them are old enough to vote so how is he going to do it? >> is going to be tough to get people to vote for board of education so he's turning to social media to get his name out there. >> westwinds isis one of the top-rated schools in the state. how is he going to make it better than it is? it sells me like the border that is doing a great job. >> he wants to make sure that students are heard more and that will help them. >> our fearless leader bill spadea out of his climate controlled studio and into the field today. >> here it is, so i turn and i
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formation but vladimir putin's permission? carol captured the massive flocks of birds forming in the russian leader space. many believe it's an edited piece of propaganda. >> i think it looks like l. spadea. [laughter] >> autocorrect you are fickle and quite frankly a birthday cake burner. check out the kay and birotte after a mother ordered it for her daughter's 21st birthday sitting atop the confectionery confectionery -- the only problem is she was supposed to be a lead blonde girl. the family said they took it in stride and shared on twitter. >> they didn't know what tim named their baby that they were expecting. the father wanted to name it -- there was a whole debate i'm happy to announce the book on the girl.
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she has been named a lane and we are very happy for the couple. >> you continue to chase the story of 14-year-olds were dawes kurds who were shot by police. according to police he had a firearm and he turned -- a turn at a shootout. >> i figured the best way to find that we need to know about things like this is to go out so i decided to take our fearless leader bill spadea out of his climate controlled studio and into the field today and this is what we found. >> the attorney general's office direction over there. uber go down to that side street in a housing project where the shots fired came from the officers were in unmarked van on the street here. they stopped and him and two the street and that is where were dawes took off. this is louise lane. that direction is calhoun street
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and this is not a short walk. >> said this is a bit of a -- it behind us is where he was found on the grass. he was seen on the grass. you can see there's a bullet hole in this car and it has an evidence marker on it. we are going to put a twig in there to see if we can find the direction of the bullet. that is the trajectory. in that direction. >> the attorney general's office said the weapon was under a vehicle on calhoun street paid there are no parked cars out there now. were their cars here that might? they are saying their word. so where would the firearm have been recovered under a parked car on the street?
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we are going to put down roughly where he fell so we will walk this out to approximately where the closest spot the weapon could have been recovered. i'm on calhoun street and we are out of tape. you are talking 60 feet plus another 1.5 feet. he's reaching to the right side of his waistband and he turns. let's say is right-handed and he has the firearm. let's say at right here so i turn and i throw. "her right? a week and a half after he was shot via state trooper and a sheriff's officer on this grasp radaz hearns is facing weapons charges. the attorney general's office
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agrees with the story representing the sheriff sheriff's officer told us yesterday and is filed under lawful possession of a weapon and aggravated assault charges saying he pointed a weapon at officers before they shot him. radaz is being charged as a juvenile. >> does the mailman a make over? >> he wants to kick the old uniforms to the curb. >> why he is taking on the post office in the name of fashion. >> what's your sign? >> take a tour of new york city based on their soviet. astrologer take you?
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>> next on "chasing news" is my name is amanda and i smoked while i was pregnant. my baby was born two months early and weighed only three pounds. this is the view i had of her in the nicu. my tip to you is speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. you can quit. talk with your doctor. for more help call 1-866-ny-quits [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! aww...your mom liked my post. you're friends with my mother? whoa. another episode? definitely. we all use it differently. so why should we get it all the same way? call time warner cable to get the internet speed you need. are you guys texting each other? whether it's 3 megs or 300 megs. yeah. for the right price. from $14.99 everyday low price internet, to 300 meg ultra-fast internet, we have you covered. even with wifi at home and on the go.
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