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tv   Teen Kids News  FOX  September 26, 2015 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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guaranteed for two years. plus get $350 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm livia. let's start with our top story for this week. yoga is more than just a form of exercise. it's popular the world over for its ability to help people relax and find inner peace. and that's why more and more hospitals are turning to yoga to help their patients, especially their young ones. eric tells us more. >> not a lot of things in a hospital bring smiles, but these
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kids are certainly looking forward to their yoga class. it's being held at md anderson cancer center in houston, texas. >> and now reach up high. yoga is a form of exercise that not only exercises your body, but it's also exercising your mind. >> the patients love it. they get to go and meet with other patients, get to know them, do something that makes them feel normal. >> press down on your feet. >> so, some talk about, "hey, i get to go and be physical. i'm so stuck in this bed all day long, and i just want to get out and do something active." and then other kids talk about "i get to be social. i get to meet other kids and be silly with them." and then some people also talk about being able to calm down and relax and just do something that's not cancer-related and put their worries aside. so, there's been so many different things that the kids are getting from this, and it's, luckily, able to help so many kids from all sorts of different
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>> while the kids doing yoga today didn't have to be attached to any medical equipment, that's not always the case. >> people ask me, "how do you help kids deal with being in a wheelchair or being hooked up to an i.v. and still wanting to be active and do yoga?" if they have a pole attached to them, you find a modification. you find a way around it. kids have amazing imaginations, and they want to be a part of something, so they're willing to try things, a lot of times, that adults aren't willing to do. so, it's just a matter of modifying and maneuvering over what's the obstacle, and that's a great life lesson, too, is learning to conquer your obstacles in life, whatever they may be. >> i did yoga before i was diagnosed because i was a dancer, and it was a way to help me with my flexibility and stretching. >> not all the yoga exercises require learning how to master different poses. the instructor shakes up jars filled with sparkles to teach a
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>> you see that all the glitter goes everywhere, and that's representing what our minds look like when we're stressed, anxious, angry, and then you just teach the kids to sit calmly and watch the sparkles fall down, and as those sparkles fall down, it becomes slower and slower and slower and calmer, and that's the same thing that happens to your mind. "the soft dry sand soothes the back of your legs, your feet, and your toes." so it's kind of teaching them to -- when you're confronted with something that's stressful, to take a step back, breathe... relax, and just become calm about it, and everything will fall into place and settle down. >> overall, yoga makes me feel calm and peaceful. >> i guess you could say that yoga is medicine for the mind. for "teen kids news," i'm eric.
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person falls asleep in 7 minutes? if it takes you longer than that to nod off, you may need to trick your body into knowing it's time for sleep. the key is to establish a routine that you can follow each and every night. so, for example, start by turning off your electronics. then brush those teeth, change into jammies, get into bed, and turn out the light. of course, pick whatever routine works best for you. but keep in mind that electronic devices like tvs and cellphones should be turned off at least 15 minutes before bed. whatever order you do things in, be sure to follow that same order every night. that'll condition your body to prepare for sleep -- without having to lie in bed, counting
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>> we often hear about afghanistan.
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it's a country in the middle east that was taken over by an extremist religious group called the taliban. the taliban created harsh laws that greatly restricted the freedom of the people. they also allowed afghanistan to be used as a base for terrorists, especially those terrorists who attacked the u.s. on 9/11. shortly after the attacks in 2001, president bush sent our military to afghanistan. they forced the taliban to flee. under a new, more democratic government, life began to improve for the afghanis. daniella tells us more. [ piano playing ] >> while the taliban ruled afghanistan, a scene like this would have been unthinkable. that's because music was forbidden. >> it was illegal to listen to music, to perform it, to enjoy it. and so that was very discouraging for many musicians. many musicians fled afghanistan. they stopped playing music.
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>> life was even harder for girls like freshta. they couldn't go to school, play sports. they couldn't even go outside unless completely hidden beneath clothes from head to toe. freshta's mother saw music as a way to accomplish that. >> and so since 2001, people have been struggling to find the best way to bring it back. >> the documentary "dr. sarmast's music school" tells the story of bringing music back to afghanistan, and not just traditional music, but all kinds of music. >> bach, beethoven, mozart. it doesn't belong to europe. it doesn't belong to america. they belong to all the world. and i want afghan kids to have access to the musical heritage
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of the world. >> and that's how the afghan youth orchestra was born. kids who never heard music before, or who had to listen to it in secret, are now learning to be musicians. and they're learning to be world travelers, as well. their music program has been so successful that some of the afghani musicians were invited to come to the u.s. to put on a major concert with american students. we'll tell you about that when "teen kids news" returns.
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>> we're continuing our coverage of what may be called a musical miracle -- visiting teens from afghanistan getting the chance to play music side by side with american high-school students. daniella continues her report on these young musicians who started off worlds apart but quickly came together while preparing for a very special
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>> for these afghani kids, coming to america is a dream come true, but the nightmare of those terrible years under the taliban is not easily forgotten. >> both boys and girls who decide to study music or listen to music or enjoy music have often faced discrimination and discouragement. girls, in particular, face a lot of discouragement from even going to any kind of school. so anyone studying music, it's a risk. and for a girl to be studying music, it's a double risk. and so our girls are very courageous, and we're very proud to stand by them and support them and see them breaking barriers day after day. >> teacher and conductor william harvey is breaking other
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barriers, as well. he's created special arrangements that combine our classical instruments with afghan folk instruments. students from new york's scarsdale high school are finding the experience noteworthy on many levels. >> it's a really great opportunity to both learn about each other's cultures and to have both cultures really appreciate how similar we all are and how we can communicate through the universal language of music. >> you do eighth notes. you do quarter notes. you do eighth notes. and i'll do sixteenth. >> well, i've always been told that music is the universal language, and until now, i haven't really been able to experience that. i've learned how similar we are as people. >> while touring the u.s., the afghanis stayed with american kids. they got a taste of our popular foods, as well as a slice of life in america.
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with the americans? during their trip, the afghanis visited washington, d.c. they toured the national museum of natural history, met a senator, dined in a diner, as well as in a typical american home, and even learned to play wii. but no doubt the highlight was a sold-out concert at the world-famous carnegie hall. [ middle eastern folk music plays ] they played traditional folk songs and western classics, ending with a crowd favorite, ravel's "bol\ro."
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the next time you complain about having to practice piano or flute, remember, in some parts music. it's the sound of freedom. [ music ends ] [ cheers and applause ] [ bat cracks, crowd cheers ] >> one of the most influential players in all of baseball history was jackie robinson. robinson, on april 15, 1947, became the first african-american ballplayer to ever appear in a major league baseball game. he has since been inducted into the hall of fame, and his number, 42, has been retired by every single major league baseball team. i'm matt with "teen kid news." >> mother nature may have pulled the greatest prank of all time.
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countless stories of people seeing a huge creature swimming in loch ness. that's a lake in scotland. and for years, people have tried to prove that there really is a loch ness monster. well, one man claims he's discovered "nessie," as she's fondly called, and she's not terrifying but rather a bit shy. steve feltham spent most of his life searching for nessie. based on exhaustive research, feltham claims the fearsome loch ness monster is just an overgrown catfish -- a wels catfish, to be exact. he says the species can grow to be 13 feet long and weigh up to 900 pounds and that it's harmless. if it's that big and it swims in a scottish lake, as far as i'm concerned, it's still a
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there's lots more ahead on "teen kids news," so don't go away.
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>> for many of us, our first job will be babysitting, and, like anything else, the more you know, the better you'll be at it. diyu gets some tips from an expert. >> the book "the teachable minute" was written by dr. connie hebert, and she joins us to talk about what it takes to be a good babysitter. welcome. >> hi. thanks for having me on the show. i'm really excited to give you some tips on how to be a fun babysitter and to catch teachable minutes with kids. >> okay. well, first of all, what do you mean by a teachable minute? >> well, the teachable minute is a golden opportunity. it's something that just comes along, and you grab it. and it helps kids not only to have fun with you, but also to be smarter. and we all want to help kids grow smart, and we want to help kids to learn lots of things
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by catching the teachable minute. >> do we need special training to be able to do this? >> you don't need special training, but you do need to keep three things in mind -- "s," "a," and "t" -- what to show kids, what to ask kids, and what to teach kids, anytime, anywhere. >> how can we tell when a teachable minute is coming up? >> well, you kind of -- you don't plan it. it's just something that comes along, so, like, if you're standing at the microwave and you're waiting for the food to come out, that's a golden opportunity to start playing "simon says do this, simon says do this, simon says do this, do this." it's a really great game. it teaches kids to follow directions. it teaches kids to listen, and kids really like it. >> can you give us other examples of teachable minutes that babysitters can use? >> sure. so, let's just say that you're going up the stairs with the kids that you're babysitting for, and if it's a little one,
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their hand, and the stairs are a great opportunity to count. count by ones, count by twos, count by fives, go backwards on the count. that would be a teachable minute with kids. another one would be, of course, to read a book to kids, and when you do that, you want to go over the title and the cover, have the kids talk about the pictures. all of these things are teachable minutes, and you're really helping kids to -- to get some quality time with you, which all kids want with their babysitters. >> great information. thank you so much, dr. connie. >> you're welcome. thanks for having me on the show, and be a fun babysitter who catches teachable minutes with kids. >> speaking of teachable one. it's actually a quote from anne hathaway. she said... while babysitting might not put us all on the road to an
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academy award, it can help to make us better role models. >> it's getting harder and harder for teens to find jobs in today's economy. that's why many teens are now creating their own businesses. experts suggest that you start by identifying a need for your service or product. then set a price that covers your costs and time. although word of mouth can be effective, you should consider advertising. that can be as simple as putting up notices on local bulletin boards and online, of course. and you need to be organized. that means keeping good financial records, especially if you earn enough to have to pay taxes. starting a viable business not only helps you make money -- you'll gain valuable life experience. and it also looks great on a college application. >> this important message is brought to you by the national road safety foundation.
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engine turns over ] [ horn honks ] [ click ] >> oh, no! >> [ gasps ] oh! [ click ] [ laughs ] [ horn honks ] [ clicking ] >> yogurt and fresh fruit in a popsicle. sound good?
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>> on our menu today is another fun recipe from the culinary institute of america. >> sometimes you're in the mood for a cool, refreshing snack. how about a berry creamsicle? they're a great little pick-me-up for when you're studying. here's what you're gonna need. first you're gonna need a popsicle mold -- this one holds four -- some yogurt... any flavor you'd like. i'm using vanilla greek yogurt. ...fresh blueberries and strawberries. first, with permission, you're gonna cut up some strawberries. just cut the stem off just like that... and then cut them in slices... and just throw them right into a bowl. then we're gonna take a fork... and mash them up until they're just broken up... just like that. perfect. take your molds and pull all of these out.
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and with a spoon, you're going to layer in your yogurt right at the bottom... just like that. and only put a little bit in so you can just layer all the different ingredients in there. okay. after you do the first layer, make sure you... press down like that... so they all flatten out. then add some strawberries... right after that. perfect. and you can use any berries you want to. you can use raspberries, blackberries, blueberries. okay. give that a press. and then i do two blueberries per pop. two. okay. and then we'll start over again
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perfect. and then we'll press down again. okay. some more blueberries. and then we'll finish off with some more yogurt on top. okay. good. we'll give it one last shake. and with a knife, you're gonna
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incorporated, and then put your sticks right back in. freeze these overnight or until they're set. so, you put the last one in, and you put these in the freezer for about four to five hours, until they set, or overnight. okay. so, i have a bowl of warm water and my ice pops that have been in the freezer overnight. so, i'm just going to put them right in the warm water so that it kind of pulls away from the mold. just give them a little twist so they might come out a little easier. okay. let's give it a try. mmm! that's so delicious, you won't have to worry about finishing it before it melts. at the culinary institute of america, for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> that sure looks delicious. for all of us here at "teen kids news," have a great
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