tv Good Day Wake Up FOX October 8, 2015 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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p we've compiled a whole list at r >> from fox 5 news this is "good day wake-up". >> it is going to be a pleasant day outside. a little chilly in a studios. ben: only because he returned. >> there's some rain heading our way on this three year anniversary of someone very special, an employee will know and love hopefully. >> mike woods? juliet: no. we will tell you. of the day the beating of fran iphone, a paramedic, and camera punching a man he says stole his phone. there were some police officers involved in this. juliet: the new jersey turnpike is up and after a tractor-trailer crashed and went up in flames.
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we will have the latest on what might have caused the accident. >> get ready for some crazy looking characters. con get started today. we need to quiz teresa priolo once again. she is out there. and she is woefully inadequate when it comes to her knowledge of science fiction. >> he was doing a little eye rolling about whether i was legitimately sick on my extended vacation. we are going to -- >> everyone was doing and i roll. juliet: up by wanted to stay on longer why not just -- i do have that time. that is my question the judgment to understand this. all. juliet: thank you for being here, thank myself for being anniversary. ben: you leave and it is your
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now she wants to celebrate her anniversary. she couldn't just be making it up. juliet: start samantha has kept track, she knows all, she is a wizard. >> meteorologist: i marked the occasion as well and guess what? it came up on my time hop, you know what that apps is? i am thinking about it. it had a picture. >> no one cares about your birthday, two weeks ago this point. >> meteorologist: i believe it was three years. it might have been yesterday. ben: i was here two years ago. >> meteorologist: you don't think it actually happened. >> meteorologist: we will do some investigating.
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juliet: 9 get your nothing. >> meteorologist: 60 degrees, clouds around the tristate region but nothing producing any rainfall and clouds will be breaking up, northeast winds at 5 miles an hour. might be a little cooler but not crazy cold at all, 55 in boston, 41 in burlington, 52 in syracuse, might as well take an expanded view since there's not much happening, we have partly cloudy to mainly clear sky around the tristate region, a lot of sunshine as high pressure rebuilds into the tristate region, years the cold front that came through more or less a notice, we had a bump up in temperatures but it is now back down since we were on the cold front and this is where cooler air is for the day but tomorrow this area of low pressure, warm front and cold front working through tomorrow and that will bring a huge changes at that time. today is mainly clear, a few high clouds, tomorrow the warm front brings in cloud cover in mornings, slightly warmer
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squeeze through as a cold front passes by, that is happening mainly during the evening and after that we will see drier skies as we head into saturday, also looking nice and sunny. temperature makes up to 69 for high at 3:00 in the afternoon and we drop back to a low tonight of 60. tomorrow you increase those clouds through the day and shower chance passes through in the evening, high temperatures 75 to mao, 65 saturday, back up to 68 sunday, a fairly reasonable temperatures and another small chance of rain tuesday next week. mets bring in ines rosales to see where the problems are and see if they have gotten better before everyone goes out the door. ines: if you are head richard chang out from brooklyn on to the guana side have something to tell you but the stand on an expressway traffic moving fine for the verrazano bridge, new jersey looks good, 78, 280 no issues, let's look at the long island expressway by willis
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avenue, west bound and these down, smooth sailing. there is an accident westbound by 39th street, they're holding up traffic and letting some cars through affecting west bound and east bound, west bound traffic back to the prospect, he's down to the marriage, a couple lanes closed because of this accident west bound, you see how that lane is getting through. trains running on or close to schedule street cleaning rules in effect city-wide. >> of fiery crash on the new jersey turnpike kill the driver of a tanker truck engines down a highway. >> all the northbound lanes are back open after being shut down for hours yesterday. the intense flames and heavy black smoke burned for nearly an hour and a half. officials say apparently some matterses put on top of a van came loose. the driver of the tanker truck swerved to avoid cars slowing down in front of him, he flipped over a guardrail and burst into flames. and suv was also involved in that crash. is driver was not hurt.
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ben: an investigation is underway into the beating of a suspect iphone. >> tracked down at a brooklyn bodega where the owner of the phone, a paramedic started to beat on him. robert moses joins us live from sunset park brooklyn where the incident was caught on a security camera. it is pretty violent. >> reporter: it sure was. the beat down took place at this 24-hour but they get, and the video recently surfaced. let's see that video and on it the suspect and being leaning on the freezer on the night of september 11th. cops identify him as 21y daniel chec vchenko chevchenko, he still a cellphone from the paramedics vehicle which was parked a short distance away at 55th street and second avenue. contract him down using the find
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my iphone apps. entered and so did that enraged e n t who's starts beating him up with the officer standing right there. the nypd will only tell me this incident is under internal review. i also spoke to the fire department, then tell me the emt is not employed by the department. also he was arrested for stealing the cellphone and he is no stranger to the law. a source tells us he has been arrested at least 18 times previously. we live in an age where cameras are on the present and record everything but that didn't seem to deter either the cops or this emt. that is the latest from sunset park this morning. welcome back. juliet: thank you, appreciate in. it is 5:07. the civilian complaint review board says excessive force was used in the mistaken arrest of james blake.
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he was tackled by officers outside the grand hyatt hotel on september 9th. he had been mistaken for a suspect and a credit card fraud case, the mayor and police commissioner apologize. blake wants the officer to lose his job. his lawyer told us his client also wants to be a voice for those who don't have one. >> what james blake has said is i don't want a penny from my own pocket. i am not looking to enrich myself but i can see opportunity when and knocks and this is an opportunity for me to be a catalyst for change. juliet: patrick lynch wrote in part it is no surprise that the cc r b which is nothing more than a cop hating branch of the new york civil liberties union would substantiate the use of force complained in such a questionably public manner. clearly the officer did not strike individual or seek to harm him in any way. ben: in connecticut woman tried to of the teenage girl.
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this woman did this is video of the 17-year-old girl jumping out of the car as it was going down boston afternoon, she was walking to school the teenager says the woman assaulted her and that is when she jumped out. the victims as the suspect has freckles, black hair and is in her 40s. if you have any information, call 203-581-5293. ben: a police dog named after an officer shot in a line of duty helped get two guns off the streets. this is emergency services unit k-9, he uncovered a stolen block and a smith and wesson pistols stashed in the driver's side door panel of the suspect's vehicle, the dog was named after an officer who was gunned down during a traffic stop in july of 2007. the officer was killed two
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yesterday's car was stopped. >> we will see some strange looking people throughout the day. >> people like him, probably here for comiccon. it begins today, 1,000 people are expected to attend the event, teresa priolo gets the lucky assignment once again outside the javits center, woefully inadequate. and she studied up as a good reporter does. >> i'm the least qualified person in this city to filed this report. >> a quince coming up later. >> a way person's view of what is happening. >> i will fail that quiz
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actually i think i'm a have semi past. i remember hiding behind a guy that was dressed up. that is love memory that i have. good morning, we will give it a shot. if you are into comicon, if this world is not new to you than you know how big a deal this is. i speaking to all those people who might be trying to figure out what the hype is about. so you can see what is happening at this early hour, people are lining up this morning, you see a few people in front but then the line seems to wrap around this verizon building here. and go in front of the part of the building back here. 1 dressed up at this time that that will change as the morning progresses, this is a fantasy world come alive, 150 people
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expected to attend comicon, running october 8th to the eleventh and is so big they won't be able to fit everyone and everything inside the javits center so they will be spreading across the city using hammers of this kind ballrooms, what they're trying to do is give more people access to these higher profile events. that is one of the major differences you will see this year over next year. let me give you a few quick highlights, you might remember the x files, there will be a revival, david duchovny will be here and they will premiere the u.s. premiere at that panel. the editing people looking forward to, walking dead, they will be playing episodes coming up two days early, they have the show creator and big stars there, we're hearing there may be an appearance by adam west, batman, that is a big deal, hope to talk to people here, see what
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this and i will bring the latest from here. >> are you john snow fan? >> i hear you talk about game of thrones all the time. my husband, my father, everybody i know watches that, don't need another tv show to add to the good. is not fantasy. ben: a quince coming up in 25 minutes. she doesn't know anything about it. you know nothing, john snow. mike is checking the forecast for us. >> i know nothing about what you
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>> and plenty of sun up there. and download the weather apps and google play store, is free. we hand-crafted...layer by layer. the new macchiato from dunkin' donuts. experience the flavor of fall with a new hot or iced pumpkin macchiato. discover the latest from the amop\ premium foot care line, to see why women are admiring their beautiful nails. they have good reason... introducing the latest innovation from amop\, the new electronic nail care system specially designed for your toenails and finger nails with 3 heads for filling, buffing and shinning. an easy way to have natural looking shiny wow nails. wow! the new electronic nail care system from amop\.
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summer and then a blast of cold air, no more. it is illegal. starting next summer if they have air-conditioning running their doors must remain closed. bill deblasio says businesses leaving their doors open with that ac on has always than a pet peeve of is. it is a waste of energy and impact global warming. violators face fines of $250 up to $1,000 but there are exceptions out there. juliet: maybe we will do you what they are coming up. coin. it is very helpful when you are struggling out there. >> there are times going down
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bursts for you. just saying. on a treadmill or not at all. >> nice picture behind you. a lot of folks ready for fall thank you for sitting this sin from oakdale kidding in, even in parts of long island but for the most part thing the going to take awhile for most of is in the tristate, starting to happen near binghamton and weigh up to date. and fall, peeking out. for us, the majority of the tristate will be a little while. the ted purdy reflection of those clouds off of that sky blue water. and what we have out there, it will be a pretty nice one, cooler than what we had but still not bad, clouds coming to the bus stop or train stop for whatever you have to do,
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hair cooler, and later on in the afternoon. 54 in bridgeport, 48 degrees in monticello. not much happening with cloud cover but there are still things in the tristate, cold front passed by but it was moisture stock of. and cooler temperatures, and three to five degrees, just be ready for that. high pressure in control, a pretty decent day coming at us, i pressure in control warm front, cold front, area of low pressure swinging in, clouds increase in the morning and in the afternoon some showers come by mainly in the evening. and sunny and dry, in terms of
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rain deficit, decent weekend weatherwise, 69 degrees later this afternoon, mainly sunny skies. some showers in the evening, and saturday nights and senate, high temperatures in the 60s, 70s next week and there you have it. let's see what is going on with the commute situation. ines: not bad, problem and the oneness, checking in on you. 684, no problems here, in the greenwich area, led the the the guana. this is by the prospect. these downside, and the problem is an accident from early this morning. the accidents on the west bound side letting a lane through,
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39th street on the east downside. traffic jams in down toward the prospect, the delay goes to the dallas merge. no delays crossing the bridge, lincoln and holland looks good. street cleaning rules in effect city-wide. >> the coast guard has ended its search for survivors from the missing cargo ship. we have been following this story, is a terrible story, the ntsb, vanished near hurricane joaquin claiming the lives of all 33 on board. category 4 conditions at the time with waves as high as 50 feet and water depth in the search area 1,515,000 feet. we have a lot more coming up including the real-estate market booming in brooklyn. shocker, home prices in a new
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and is the lifting the cap on street vendors, the institute for justice, food and merchandise, and $71 million in taxes, street vendors responsible for $290 million in economic activity in this day. and fishing members to lift the cap on permits. permits the limited to 4,000. >> a new record high, about report says medium prices rose 15% in the third quarter compared to the same time year-ago even outpacing gains. selling fast average interest 50 days, 40% from last year.
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>> miller rejected a takeover bid by anheuser-busch, the $104 billion bid would have combined, at the global market. miller said the offer was, quote, substantially undervaluing the company. >> the odds of winning power ball change, if you were power ball numbers, but sounds like good news. and it jumps to 1 in 75 to one in $300 million. it would cause more jackpot rollovers meaning not too far off.
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you see this look on my face? sfx: growling that's not anger, that's hunger. so i'm gonna have a snack to make me feel better and once i do you will see a look of satisfaction and contentment blossom across my face. see, now i feel better. make your tummy happy mmm yoplait so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit
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ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery.
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>> from fox 5 news this is "good day wake-up". ben: looking at a cooler day, temperatures in the 60s today. a pretty nice week so far. can't really complain, could be a spot of rain. mike woods has the forecasts. juliet: a neck apparently beating up a man who stole his iphone and please get involved and there is -- what is the story here? >> call at the triangle effect, it is not about that. instead it is about derek fisher involved another triangle, a
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comicon. it sold out. and is such a fun time. >> we are also making fun of teresa priolo's lack of knowledge of anything science fiction. >> you know nothing. ben: we have two quizes, five second. juliet: star wars versus star trek. ben: identify which franchise. juliet: game of thrones versus word of the rings. ben: should we give you one of the questions the >> meteorologist: you guys are kind of reminding me of mean girls over is there. juliet: welcome to 2015. it is what we do here. i heard what you did when i was away. >> meteorologist: what happened? juliet: questioning my sickness. >> meteorologist: i never said the thing. i have sympathy pains. juliet: i heard you say things.
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ma bell's mom saw you and also teresa priolo rolling her eyes. game on, kids. use the up for me though. >> completely wrong. ti-hua: must not paying attention. >> meteorologist: 46 in monticello, winds from the northeast at 3 to 6 miles per hour if you got wind at all but another mild morning kind of boring with the weather front, not much to talk about, but few clouds in the tristate region in tomorrow, you see this area of low pressure coming in here giving us some showers tomorrow, doesn't look like a lot of a little bit. today that is not happening, some clouds in the morning, more sun in the afternoon, dry and pleasant, temperatures to 694 high later on an 64 for the ride home and for the next five days
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kind of a high of 75 tomorrow, cloudy skies coming to as making a come back, showers after room quickly tomorrow and drying out for the weekend. let's go to ines rosales, doesn't look like problems. ines: starting in brooklyn and queens, let's start with long island, saluda county checking in final why, and the southern state parkway, new jersey no issues especially on 80, 287. let's look at the bqe, low report westbound, let's show you the police activity going on, a little bit of a delay west bound, east bound you are fine. let's go to the oneness camera, issue is both ways. 39th street all lanes closed, traffic moving again west bound as well as eastbound two lanes were closed but you will still sit in a delay of traffic. as far as trains those are doing great, everything on or close. ben: the nypd is investigating
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after several officers and a theft victim are seen on video apparently pummeling a suspect. juliet: we always have surveillance video. this is from brooklyn on september 11th and joe's what went on. robert moses joining us live from sunset park with more on the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is fourth avenue, where the beat down took place. we are just now seeing this video from last month and you conceive the suspect inside they're leaning against the freezer on the night of september 11th. cops identify him as daniel chev chevchenko who is accused of stealing a cellphone from the paramedics vehicle which was parked a short distance away at 55th story.
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apps to track him down. the paramedic starts beating him with the officers. the nypd would only tell me this incident is under internal review. that he and he does not work for the fire department. chevchenko was arrested for stealing the paramedics phone. he is no stranger to the law. a source tells us he had been arrested at least 18 times before. as you alluded to at the top we live in an age with cameras all around and those cameras record our every move but clearly that did not deter these cops or the emergency medical technician from taking matters into his own hands. i went in there earlier this morning, the clerk who was there at the time of the incident is due later this morning and we will speak to him when he gets to work. that is the latest from sunset
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park this morning. >> a show of support for charter schools, thousands marched from brooklyn to man and to end what they call education in the quality. jennifer hudson let her star power, she is saying the couple things, organizers say thousands of city school kids are trapped in underperforming schools and they want bill deblasio to support the growth of charter schools as an alternative. >> every school should be the same across the board. we are here today to write what has been wrong for so many years. >> what has been wrong? >> it has not been the same playing ground for everybody. juliet: bill deblasio is not at the rally but he released a statement saying in part this is why he wasn't there the majority of kids are in traditional public schools, that is where the resources are and he is going to try to turn failing schools around. ben: are you ready for new york comicon?
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it is such the great event, you go outside the jacob javits center and check it out, so while. teresa priolo joining us live from the west side outside that javits center. apologize you were not questioning my sickness, use that we will deal with that later. we have a quiz for you because she is woefully inadequate when it comes to -- i love you but when it comes -- >> reporter: i am a disaster. ben: we're two quizes, you have to pick the franchise as the first is star wars versus star trek, we did this last year, we won name something and you tell us which franchise it is from. the second quiz is game of thrones versus lord of the rings. >> reporter: my heart is starting to raise. ben: we are going to keep it going.
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and the appearance on? reaching star trek. juliet: that is correct. it >> reporter: marketing score. ben: the millennium falcon. >> reporter: i am going to say star wars. juliet: the millennium falcon with star wars as well. which show uses transborders? >> reporter: i don't know. i know it starts with stock. star trek. i have no idea. >> got it right again. ben: boba feet is a character in which franchise? >> reporter: i am going to say star wars. ben: we should not have gone
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ask me about enterprise. it is expected to be huge, 150 one thousand people expected between now and october 11th, so big they won't fit everything inside the jacob javits center. they will be spreading across the city adopted what they call a campus like experience a you will see some of this happen at madison square garden, others that hammerstein ballroom. that gives them the option of being able to have more fans attend these events than they could at the jacob javits center. you will see people dressed up, there will be so much to see, so much to do, not just movies but comic books, video games, lots and lots going on. coming up through the morning we will tell you the highlights of this year's convention.
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wrong calm convention i call did done that job. ben: 59 impressed. ben: the next is coming up next hour, thank you. juliet: let's get a check of the weather with mike woods. >> meteorologist: she got one hundred% on her quiz. ben: she guessed. juliet: by osmosis. >> meteorologist: maybe she is margaret and we think. 60 degrees right now, your temperatures central park, same in the work, 49 in poughkeepsie, 41 in monticello, mainly clear sky, not much happening, cold front slide by and that left us with slightly cooler temperatures, plenty of sun, high-temperature 69, know whether action, tomorrow another cold front coming in bringing clouds and showers in the evening, high temperatures 75, it goes back into the 60s with a weekend, 72 monday which is columbus day. looks good here. daily and hourly forecasts are
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weather apps, apple itunes store and google play store, free to download for free. let's bring in ines and see what is happening. >> reporter: take a look, staten island express we doing fine, residual delays from an earlier accident, 38th street, let's take a look at the commute on both were way, no problems through the tappan zee bridge south bound to northbound, towards the lincoln tunnel let's go to a camera shot. so far so good, no delays around
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juliet: checking headlines the red carpet protest at london premier of sector just about the fight for equal rights for women. cold water day separatists' demand an end to domestic violence, then kerri out the red carpet by security. ben: the mta one dad say the muslims are coming, advertisements for a new film by islamic comedy group, federal report said the are not the kind of radical political message the mta is allowed to ban. juliet: cheating on government emissions tests.
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to date volkswagen's american ceo michael warren will be grilled by a house committee. have a million cars in the u.s. have been recalled. ben: university of connecticut student caught on camera demanding macaroni and cheese from a campus cafeteria and bacon has left the school. >> jalapeno and bacon. ben: bar stools or scuttled of a picture showing loop got the lulling his belongings into a car yesterday but the 19-year-old freshman from abill long island is enrolled at uconn. he is charged with breach of peace and criminal trespass and is due on court october 13th. juliet: there have been open container situations. in 2 sports. >> hockey is back. juliet: seems like a month ago. >> meteorologist: baseball season ends.
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after up wang the summer the rangers are in chicago, hockey is back opening their season on a road for the its 3-year, they held the twinkie ceremony and when the puck dropped the rangers got off to a quick start, nice passing here. his first career goal on the first shot of the season, the perfect one timer beat corey crawford. then tied at one, going to slide over to kevin kline for another pretty one timer and into the back of the net, rangers off to a good start, they won 3-2. home opener saturday at the garden. can you imagine if this happens? fans don't want to see this happen, the movie back to the future part 2, marty mcflyer travels to a future 2015, october of 2015 and one of the pressing
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>> is a billboard congratulating the chicago cubs for winning the world series. we may not have a real hover board yet but we have those little bored greg always uses. ben: they play miami, which is not going to happen. duke: maybe the cubs win in 2015 because they rolled to a 4 nivens 0 win over the pirates, the wild card games in drama in the seventh, pittsburgh's tony watson is going to hit the pitcher who doesn't like it, the two teams don't like each other, sean rodriguez angry at the water cooler, i hate you, water cooler. ben: what did the water cooler do? >> just four hits and an 11 strikeout, the cubs to the nl division series. as for the other national league, that would be your very and new york metropolitan against los angeles dodgers' starting tomorrow out west east
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coast, west coast, should be great and at city field yesterday morning before flying to the west coast according to two of the vets that key to the post-season is not letting teams get too big. >> i was expecting to feel different or have this overwhelming feeling going out for my first playoff game and it wasn't. >> no matter what time you need to have fun with it. a lot of guys joking around, staying listed. is key for us moving forward and is a big sign of things to come. duke: first pitch tomorrow at 9:45. soap opera drama start going on about the knicks's head coach barry fisher got into a fight with matt barnes because fisher is involved in the romantic relationship with barnes's estranged wife. fisher traveled to los angeles
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the fight happen while fisher was at the home of gloria at the strange -- it was for personal reasons. issue said before last night's exhibition game he had not distracted, completely focused and committed to the team. i am sure this is not the last -- the knicks drama continues. can you imagine if the mets beat the dodgers, the cubs beat the cardinals and the cubs -- juliet: that would be unbelievable. juliet: not a last time we will see the coin lip . duke: imagine if that is true. mets fans don't want to see it.
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juliet: time for mike woods to advise us with the weather. >> meteorologist: let you know what is happening out there. information, high temperature for this date, high temperatures forecast to go up to 69 degrees, 67, record high is 87 degrees, not going to the record but it is going to be a little warmer than normal, 60 at central park, partly to mostly cloudy skies, high pressure in control, mainly clear skies right now but a few clouds are in the area. here is what is going to come in to town and change things up, an area of low pressure warm from cold front bringing us more clouds and showers by tomorrow evening. sunny skies, back to 60 for a low and you see temperaturess jumping up pretty quickly to 70 for a high tomorrow, mostly cloudy and some showers in the area but after that friday, saturday and sunday licking dry for this upcoming columbus day
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weekend. let's bring in ines rosales. ines: here's what is going on, no problems on 78 or 280, 287 coming in with no issues, conn. you are okay, a delay northbound i-95, not a major issue, construction causing slow downs. let's look at the long island expressway by willis avenue no problems with boundaries down. as for the trains metro-north long island rail road new jersey transit and pass trains running on or close to schedule. juliet, guess who will be at comicon on sunday? tom bison from your other favorite show, sleepy hollow. ask about the fox show, sleepy hollow, gotham, questions were a little hard. she is leaving, she will kick teresa allen. no john snow.
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enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly. so why choose anything
5:53 am
juliet: anna gilligan is here. anna: got some news about proper $0.50. he is blaming his lawyers for his many problems with his real name is curtis jackson, he filed for bankruptcy protection in july. now he says his lawyers gave him the wrong advice about head phone deal with the company calls leak. the company got an $18 million judgment against the rapper. he is suing his lawyers for $75 million. the firm says it counts with the rapper. boiler alert, i will talk about empire, if you miss a turn away for just 20 to 30 seconds. it is called fires of heaven and lucius is out of prison. the battle between empire and lion dynasty is on. there's a great dinner theme here where lucius' gives a >> cookie yanks the tablecloth getting it clear, back in full effect in this episode. i love it not the she went anywhere but got some good lines and the songs are great especially when jamal is
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the i hope you do, we will talk about it all morning. daniel craig's last bond film, that is what you wants. it hasn't opened and craig is talking about moving on. he has been doing it for awhile. he told time out lunch and he would rather cut his wrists than speculate about the next bond movie. he says he has done it all and doesn't know what he would do in another. if he did another one it would be for the money. this is his fourth time as 007 and he is under contract to a fifth. they may not make him do that because he doesn't seem into it. the film is set to open nov. 6. not everyone from the original cast of ghostbusters is on board for redo. bill murray, dan aykroyd and sigourney weaver have committed to rock on roles, but not wreck more rain is wishy played a quirky accountant in the original. he said, quote, it made no sense. she did say he hopes the movie
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is terrific, ghostbusters opens next july. juliet: did he ask to be in it? anna: he said why do ahh... yeah! ahh... ahh... ah. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. maxx your thing at t.j.maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you.
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