tv Chasing News FOX January 16, 2016 1:00am-1:30am EST
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>> now on chasing news. >> i have been chasing a concert in tulsa and up in new jersey river and was later killed. it raises questions as to how this dolphin diet animal who killed it. >> i was leaked much better knowing how the dolphin diet craze u the majority of us learning we did not win the coveted powerball prize but imagine thinking you did win. >> i smell something here but i think there's something funny about this. they did on purpose for publicity. >> why would they go public? >> the vampire spatial -- facial is a beauty treatment that uses your own blood on your face.
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that's pretty good. i've been chasing the controversy over whether or not a dolphin that was swimming up in new jersey river and then was later killed had medical privacy rights. here's what i found out about the story so far. carly citroen who lives near the south river in middlesex county she filed a request to the state for the necropsy -- necropsy report after the dolphin was killed in august. and necropsy is basically an autopsy for animals. the department of agriculture got that to her denying the request on the ground of medical privacy rights. the idea of the dolphin having privacy rights seems absurd that it raise questions as to how it. i was at the marine mammal center in brigantine new jersey to talk to bob shell top who is the founder of the training
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i actually have a copy of the necropsy reportedly goes over all the reasons that this animal died but far broke it down for me. >> vienna was extremely emaciated. it had no body fat whatsoever. you could see the bones from the ribs and the dorsal area showing through the skin. >> the dolphin had a virus in the virus killed hundreds of dolphins previously so they didn't want it to continue spreading. because of all those reasons he told me they humanely used. >> let me recap. so what you are saying is the dolphin that was killed was actually killed by the doctor with a needle. >> that's what i found out. >> we are talking about stuff like monkeys having the right to their own selfies and clinically depressed elephant and hip of
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problems. this is insane to me. >> why is the department of agriculture thought it was inappropriate delaying tactic or response to say the dolphin is privacy rights. >> that's what i'm ticked off about him because of all of the story coverage we have given it as well as other agencies the attorney general is looking at it now. >> does not work extensively work with the public records act in new jersey? is hide first review later and sometimes state aircraft err on the side of not releasing things because they are concerned about how it will look when it comes out in that looks like a cover-up but a lot of people are really cautious. >> i for one will sleep better knowing how the dolphin died. >> and we are out. >> high-speed chase. jessica. >> video really shows police responding to the sound of gunshots ringing out in the
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a man holding a gun to suspect toss a weapon to the ground and two officers arrested edward chapman in charge of felony weapon possession and reckless endangerment. what you see is a group of juvenile black males wearing backpacks and hoodies and sweatshirts and basically they tried to get into a residence. they run off so if you recognize them but know. they were caught on tape. >> you are standing in front of a pretty nice house, one from $.3 million and comes with a washer. >> the $1.3 million house of horrors or is it? in june of 2014 the house behind me in westfield new jersey sold for that $1.3 million to a family with three kids who were hoping to expand.
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in the neighborhood who is sending a letter to this house. the family once they bought the house after closing received three letters saying things like which bedrooms -- creepy things like that. chiron jesus lynn set up a lawn chair and had done with it in the loss was watching for the watcher. a lawsuit was brought into this house because they believed the family that lived here before them and sold in the house knew about the watcher. they got a letter before they sold the house and they knowingly sold the house to the new family without disclosing the information. what's happening today is there's a new lawsuit out. the first family of the woods family is suing the new family who never got to move in and for libel against the russell family. >> i'm still following.
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against the sellers, my clients without probable cause not based on objectives provable facts and are false. >> there are rumblings in the neighborhood of the watcher someone who lives in a house nearby. he is a grown adult. he's doing to stir up the pot but i beg to differ. i think it might be part of a new trend we are seeing called compromised real estate and what that means is that the house is is -- for the wrong reasons. that is the amityville horror house where the father murdered his whole family. that house has not been able to sell since it was built. >> nothing happened in the house. first of all i don't know why a judge didn't drop the first watcher in by the first family the woods would have had to it disclose if that happened to
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motive of the second coming to make it up. all it's going to do is fight them. >> because they're having trouble selling the house it has a black mark on it raise. >> was a truly a watcher issue or maybe they had wires or morris. >> the original family their lawyer said they were not responsible for showing them. they didn't have to in court and that's what he maintains to this day. this new family ruined their lives so. >> eventually that will be a great deal. >> what the hell? >> that does not look good.
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>> the vampire racial is a beauty treatment that uses your own blood on your face. to learn more about the treatment i headed to the doctor's office on park avenue in new york city. he is double board-certified and specializes in regenerative medicine. >> it helps the body heal. >> what the heck is a vampire facial? as a treatment for your face is supposed to naturally help with wrinkles and improve your skin tone and texture. prp or platelet rich plasma is taken from your own blood and microneedled into your face. >> it will stimulate collagen and connective tissue of the skin naturally. you don't have to use a harsh laser or toxic chemicals. >> you get the blood taken from your arm. i had these cds are two ounces
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after that your blood is separated using a machine twice. the first time around it separates the red led cells from the plasma. the second time around it separates the platelet rich plasma from the rest of the plasma. after all that blood is taken you are only using one tenth of that for the facial. now that your platelets are ready the facial begins. by famous clinton the microneedling started. microneedling is a procedure where a bunch of teeny tiny needles repeatedly your face in different places. the most painful part of that was i would say definitely my forehead because there's not a lot of flesh there. this goes on for probably less than 10 minutes. now i just have to sit for three minutes. so in that three minutes i obviously had to take my own bloody selfie. >> that does not look good.
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seen within three to six weeks and the cost, $650. >> what are the results? >> it helps with the skins tone and texture and will fluff up your skin with the collagen production. >> still a little rosie. we will see how it works in a few weeks. >> it looks like he got into a fight with the catchup in the catch up one. >> you look like sissy spacek and kerry. >> it looks good. >> after 50 days in the family prosecutors charged david with first-degree murder of his son. >> arrows are pointing in that direction but what does that >> the bottom line is nobody
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>> another day in the life of a chaser. >> we report the news. when it comes down to it it's not just about the story, it's about the chase. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you' re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit it's not about hugging trees. it's not about being wasteful either. you just gotta
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where taking care of yourself takes care of more than just yourself. lease a 2016 lincoln mkz for $289 a month only at your lincoln dealer. here. it's so nice to have everyone over. hi mmm. i just laid an egg. does anybody want it? joey, you want some gasoline? yes, please. mom, guess what? i married a clown and we're having tiny little clown babies. mhm. i just bought a hammer. with internet fast enough for everyone, your guests might get a bit carried away. get out of the past. get fios. here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it
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make it up and since we could make up anything better yesterday that says we came up with. we are a tv show that hasn't had an internet since yesterday, hashtag can't make it up. spirit i was searching for my talk for 15 minutes before i realized he had gotten back the house. >> is a woman that started the go fund me page yesterday. she reimbursed her bank account or spending all her money and powerbook tickets. >> oh my god. >> you can't make it up. what is our hot hashtag for next week lacks. >> did i just say that? prosecutors have charged david with first-degree murder of his son. during his arraignment this week
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called compelling circumstantial evidence that the defense called the evidence and a response to eyes spent the day with attorney criminal defense lawyer. he grew up from where brandon's body was found. >> i growth in this area. >> 911 what is your emergency? >> you didn't hear anything or see anything? >> i just woke up. he wandered out, don't know what happened. >> he seemed calm and quiet. the initial theory was that he
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down there by himself and the prosecution looked at his clothing. he was muddy. many autopsies later the death ended up being violent homicide by exclusion. i asked frank what that meant. >> they ruled out all other causes of death. i know deprivation of oxygen is what they were dealing with but it could have been from natural causes. they had to prove that it purposefully and knowingly caused the death. >> david had been dating a 17-year-old girl he met on line. prosecution said and text messages the girl had researchers named and since they could only spend time on
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had -- and i put a lot of strain on their relationship. the prosecution found out he was up at 2:00 in the morning hacking into his girlfriend snapchat account. he said he went to bed at 10:00. >> people i think you pulled into the csi shows on tv and they pull out of computer and they have evidence and then reenact the whole thing. he has a 3-year-old boy whose dad and all the circumstantial evidence and i can't tell you exactly how he died. >> as far as what i've seen indirect evidence i haven't seen it yet. >> imagine you did win. that's what happened here at the restaurant fla worker saying get your own car because i'm rich.
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hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's getting more. more what? more than 25,000 movies and shows on demand, most for free. look, he's dvr-ing like 6 shows at once. let's go. ah, this grass is so much greener than on our tv. why are your shoes off? because i'm on their bed. i don't want to be rude. discover how much more is included. are those meatballs still circulating? get tv, internet and phone for $89.99 per month. only from time warner cable. you okay? i just wish we didn't have to sell mom's piano. i know, but we need to pay for her funeral, the medical bills ... i'm a little worried i'll leave my kids in
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>> what a weak bill. we did not win the coveted powerball prize but imagine thinking you did win only to realize it was a big mistake. that's what happened here at christine the restaurant in inglewood new jersey. surveillance video capturing the scene of workers cheering, workers quitting and my personal favorite fla worker throwing the keys at the diner singing get your own car because i'm rich. it. it was quite the celebration lasting a total of 20 minutes good when they'll realize they didn't have the winning ticket from that lottery, but they had the winning numbers to the
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>> only two days a week. anthony delgado is senator russ andre tells me this hits you where it hurts but he tells me the viral attention he's getting now makes it all worth it. >> it's unbelievable. monday night on fox and today channel 2, channel 4 and channel 7. jimmy kimmel show. ellen degeneres. >> really? >> you might see me again. >> it was in the quick pick. the machine didn't pick that, they pick the numbers. i smell something here. i think there's something funny about this. i think they did it on purpose for publicity. >> everybody loves a lovable loser and misery loves company. we are all in it together. >> this restaurant obviously the
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and the winners hailing from tennessee florida and california. >> how do we know they actually one? >> they haven't claimed their prize yet. we believe they have the winners but we are not sure so why would you go on air before you claim your prize. a lawyer is the one who said that would be a good idea. >> there are some money off of stories of winners. i saw two rats in the story. >> this is the sexiest congregation at nyc. it's a big opportunity. everything is a big opportunity here. if it was a younger crowd i'd be there a lot more often.
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