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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 6, 2016 1:00am-1:30am EST

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your new york city there's a huge crane collapsed and killed a man. >> that crane that you see behind me it is a remnant of a roller coaster on the ground. it takes up to city blocks it is 500 feet long. what happened this morning was surreal. around 8:30 a.m. the crane fell. while it was falling someone caught it live on camera. they were looking out the window with the iphone and caught the whole thing. take a look at the video. it is a nightmare in real life. over life. over 100 members of the fdny responded and they are
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which actually i smell now as i'm standing here. as you can see behind me there's a few cars, there are six cars altogether that were hit by the crane. please have identified the man that died in the claps as 38-year-old david wick. originally originally from prague he was a harvard graduate and was at the tower research capital. he was in the street at the time of the claps. our thoughts and prayers go out. winds were over 20 miles per hour. this is not a working scene. crews had to come in so they are actually lowering the crane to a more stable position when it hit the ground. the crazy thing is that it unfolded live on social media. people sharing what they were seen right in front of their eyes. it was unbelievable. when i got down here the conditions were pretty bad, the
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freedom tower. it turned out to be a nice day and behind me is the remnants of a true nightmare. >> i don't see a lot of people other than first responders out there. have people been evacuated? i know you said you smell gas and they turned off the gas main as a precaution. what is happening. >> it's eerie. the streets or entity, it's quiet. it feels like a nightmare came to life. >> i don't want to do anything that would stand in the way construction moving for. of construction moving forward. however the consequences of something like this you get mayor diblasio who wants to talk about inspection and government bureaucrat, i wonder if there's a balance if you make that decision where you're not quite to be working on it that you lower it in anticipation. clearly something happen and it's too late. >> well those are the question we need to be asking. were just not sure how were going to go about doing that. >> be safe.
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way to describe governor chris christie's presidential hope. what is your opinion. >> christie is burnt toast. in fact he is so burnt that no one is coming into the kitchen to put out the fire. >> this is a diet i can get on board with, the pizza die. pizza type. the new york city chef lost 94 pounds from eating pizza every day. >> diana you are chasing a long story about bridge gates. you caught caught up with a couple of folks involved. they are at the new york courthouse. >> we are going to get them, i promise. >> it was a good day for bill and bridget, two former of chris christie now facing charges of the infamous bridge gate case. inside a federal courtroom
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defendants had the right to subpoena the governor's office for texan emails during the the week of the land closure. that means defenses being looking at a private closing. into the headline just days before christie make or break moment in new hampshire. this news could be damaging. one is an e-mail written during the will week of the lane closures between governor christie's former spokeswoman and the port authority of new york and new jersey official. the same person who ordered the lane closure. there. there are also techs from the governor cell phone and his high-level staff. these documents were private for the defense on the basis of attorney, client privilege. the lawyers say why didn't hold up.
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judge and they don't believe they're entitled to that we want to see the documents. >> so these documents both lawyers feel will tell the full picture into what happened. i guess we'll have to wait and see if that is true. >> keep us posted. >> high-speed chase. it's friday, every friday on my morning radio show we honor a new jersey law-enforcement officer or officers, called # blue friday. today today we honor to state troopers, corey smith and -- they got called for a fire at a barn and two cops rushed in and saved every animal in the barn. they penned him so they did not get away and then barricaded the barness to make sure they didn't run back in. >> sit up.
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it's not safe, you cannot sit that way. we are going going to be in the car for a while. we have a job to do. >> did it clear out the driveway? you can shovel the driveway. buckle up. >> chasing an odd start to heavier in the east, we live north of philly and we just got a little bit of a dusting. were talking about three or 6 inches. [inaudible] >> okay throwing caution to the
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into the belly of the beast. >> it's going to be next to no snow in trenton, very clean roads to be in near blizzard -like condition all over the course of about 45 minutes. it change. >> what's going on? everybody else got off light but belmar skin socked. >> they said the whole coastline is getting hit. >> it seems like they were right. >> they were. >> it's not that bad, we can deal with it. then a few blocks south. >> can you say hi to everybody? [inaudible]
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>> you are good ambassadors. >> she said it's no it's not the first is not the last. >> the guys are doing a good job, the roads roads are a little wet and slushy but not bad. >> not only do we stop a few minutes ago, so where do you live and what did you get? the stay climatologist tells me this year of el nio has been interesting so weather watch her stay on point. go place your bets come are we done with the snow? are we going to get a few more storms? tweet me a tweet me at chasing hank or as a chasing news. >> there doing something many of us can ever pull off. mothering mothering 18 newborns in just over four years. baby a and she is about three and half weeks old. >> and has not given birth to all of these newborns know how she officially adopted them
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a volunteer for the new york city-based agency, a noun prophet giving birth mothers a chance make an adoption plan as their children get cared for by an interim volunteer. >> it's a whenever your ready if you're ready to have your child back you can come and get your child. >> more often than not, that happens. the birthmothers do want their children back with 65% of of the women deciding to parent. the agency describes the program as a pressure release valve. make letting the mother take a step back and think about things. it's a treasure to be here for just a short short amount of time, i have experience and i help that helps >> there on the hunt for new volunteers just like and. volunteers must be older than 25, be a resident new york city or the metropolitan area or new
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they go home. and there's always another baby coming soon. >> if you like to do this volunteers do have the benefit just as much is newborn. >> maybe once or twice. >> what's really evil in 2014 there was 1,000,000 abortions. it's nice that women can go to where they don't have to make that choice immediately. they can have that child and decide in the light before it's too life. >> i guess you could support pro-life, guess there is more options than just eliminating pregnant. >> and has to help with the abandoning parents. >> having physical contact, beloved and cuddle this crucial horrible side effects down the
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you have to be loved. >> were not apparent, what was it like request mark. >> i knew i wasn't went to be taking one home with me. i did feel out of my element. i did not even do not even know the words to the lullabies. it was a strange experience. >> when the wind blows, the credo will rock. >> do or die for chris christie. >> why would senator rubio be
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>> ch i always heard fios was a lot faster. but i thought it would be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop, my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. it's february curtis. pmaybe i should change some otherr things around here. only fios has the fastest internet available with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus, tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at
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>> you are now just a few days away from the voters in new hampshire making a decision that could change the republican race for the presidency. chris christie has decided that it's a two-man race between him and marco rubio. >> do or die? that is the only way to this crime governor chris christie's presidential hopes that hinge on the new hampshire primary that will take place on tuesday. after a brief surge in the polls in january where one point he was in second place, he has fallen to sixth in the most recent polls. nbc poll has him in a tie with ben carson with 4% of the vote, and six place in new hampshire. what happened? chris christie sent one of his trusted aide to new hampshire
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a republican party and briefly christie was a favorite in new hampshire. it looks like a state state that could appeal to his governing philosophy and his position. now christie feels that his best way to surges to attack marco rubio. >> we elected a first-term united states senator seven years ago, republicans, republicans has watched as he is made our government a train wreck. why would anyone think that senator rubio would be any different? >> is christie's campaign over? were talking to jim about that. >> welcome back jim, it's good to see you. what is your opinion on how christie is going to do on tuesday, does the debate matter of sending a? >> christie is burnt toast. in fact he is so burnt that nobody is coming into the kitchen to put out the fire. he is done. >> he was running second for a
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an eye, that went away, with the storm that hit us last weekend he give the press conference in new hampshire on thursday and said no not a big deal, i'm not even coming back. i think at that moment the campaign completely unraveled because he lost the one narrative that was working for him. that was a guy, hands-on, in charge charge capitalize from sandy. now it's gone. >> i think he has violated ronald reagan's command of that shall not speak ill about a republican. if he talked about that early in the race he was a distinctive candidate was i going to go out criticizing other republicans. what is he doing now? he is attacking rubio as the bubble boy. when he himself now is the gargling boy. >> does he drop out once they were in? >> he will drop out shortly, he can't go to south carolina and he can't go further there's
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>> thank you jim. >> hi garland, welcome back. >> thanks it's good to be back. >> sanders is up by 15 points, i've seen them up as much as 20, dissenters when the new hampshire primary? >> hillary's a's firewall is the black vote. here's what i hear in the community. the reason hillary has the black vote which is what is going to carry a democrat through the south is because most black people are fairly pragmatic in their concern as they do not think bernie can win. recently bernie was endorsed so if she loses the black vote her vote is correct. >> do you think they're actually going to nominate bernie sanders or joe biden comes in? >> i think the winner between hillary and bernie gets it. here's the thing, there's a lot of people in the democratic party who felt so strongly that
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in 2008 that once barack obama won it's hard to say that anybody can win now. i think that the feeling of the democratic party. also the other point of perspective is who is he running against her she running against? what is the other side look like? if it's trump, then democrats probably feel better about bernier hillary winning. >> i think every republican in the country is rooting for bernie right now. >> do think this is can be a situation where the hillary camp rights of the votes of new hampshire. bernie is a senator from a neighboring state, he is well known, do you think they'll just move on to sell carolina say that was a fluke. >> i think they will write it up. i think they would be wise to. they've been down down for a while, is made his move there. i think they will write it often
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is that hillary can't deal with that and she's strong with the african-americans in the south and that's were she will. >> okay we'll see. we'll talk after the votes are in a tuesday. >> of course i will be rooting for bernie. >> you in every republican. >> now this is a diet i can get on board with. new york city man said he lost 94 pounds by eating pizza every behave for uncle pete. bye, see you guys later. [boys screaming] now time warner cable makes your internet go faster. up to 300 megs. are you having fun? yeah it's ok. it's good. in-home wifi powered by the latest equipment available to cover all your devices. internet, it's there for you.
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>> coming up next, you still need super bowl snack ideas? we got you covered. did someone say (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. p head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales p and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... p change your thinking about buying your next one. we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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>> i want to be a racecar driver >> now this is a diet i can get on board with and probably will start it tonight. the pizza diet. the new york city chef said he
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every day. but, there's a big thing here it was margarita pizza. fresh basil, little mozzarella, something tells me it was not much of a pizza but the fact that he cut out sweets and also an entirely. >> this morning i had a great conversation with jersey zone gianna isabella. >> someone 15 years old she is now in the top 24 on american idol. >> it was amazing, such a good experience. whether i made it or not i did the best i could. if i do get there i know i left in i left doing the best i could. >> next week they vote again. she's 15.
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friday i went to one of the top barbecue spots to find out what i was going to make for my super bowl party. ribs. i met with anthony, he is the owner and pit master of hot rods a barbecue. they they make some delicious rib. >> must barbecue is about process and equipment. we have the processes down and this is a supreme piece of equipment. he creep it, but a 17,000 a piece of equipment. it's the heart and soul of our barbecued. >> he has a giant smoker, the reason we're doing the seven style is that anyone can do this. if you don't have a smoker and you're making some ribs for super bowl this is the way you can do it and make it nice and juicy, and delicious. so i wrote my sleep and i dug into figure figure out how to make some super bowl rub. >> the first step is removing the membrane off the back of the baby back ribs.
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you take a wet cloth, grab it, pull it off. >> put some dry rub on that. >> he would not tell me what it was. >> he said if you don't have your recipe you you can go to store and grab seasoning there. roads in the pan. in a concave shape, they all have an angle to them and that support because if you they them together like that the heat is not going to get around them. >> and then you put foil over and put it in the oven and let it bake for about four hours. the reason -- put that in the oven and you let it bake for about four hours. now the reason i was.
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>> four hours. >> we took it out and put them on the grill for about one minunute on each side to add extra flavor. if you want to try you can go to hot rods or if you want to make your own super bowl treat this is the way to do it. i will post what i did. >> he didn't tell you what temperature? >> i was eating while i would ask. >> the key and greedy and of how long is gone because you are eating the ribs. >> men living on the st i always heard fios was a lot faster. but i thought it would be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop, my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. it's february curtis. pmaybe i should change some otherr things around here. only fios has the fastest internet available with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus, tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at
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