tv Teen Kids News FOX March 26, 2016 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm livia. let's start with our top story for this week. yoga is more than just a form of exercise. it's popular the world over for its ability to help people relax and find inner peace. and that's why more and more hospitals are turning to yoga to help their patients, especially their young ones. eric tells us more. >> not a lot of things in a hospital bring smiles, but these kids are certainly looking
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it's being held at md anderson cancer center in houston, texas. >> and now reach up high. yoga is a form of exercise that not only exercises your body, but it's also exercising your mind. >> the patients love it. they get to go and meet with other patients, get to know them, do something that makes them feel normal. >> press down on your feet. >> so, some talk about, "hey, i get to go and be physical. i'm so stuck in this bed all day long, and i just want to get out and do something active." and then other kids talk about "i get to be social. i get to meet other kids and be silly with them." and then some people also talk about being able to calm down and relax and just do something that's not cancer-related and put their worries aside. so, there's been so many different things that the kids are getting from this, and it's, luckily, able to help so many kids from all sorts of different ages. >> while the kids doing yoga
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to any medical equipment, that's not always the case. >> people ask me, "how do you help kids deal with being in a wheelchair or being hooked up to an i.v. and still wanting to be active and do yoga?" if they have a pole attached to them, you find a modification. you find a way around it. kids have amazing imaginations, and they want to be a part of something, so they're willing to try things, a lot of times, that adults aren't willing to do. so, it's just a matter of modifying and maneuvering over what's the obstacle, and that's a great life lesson, too, is learning to conquer your obstacles in life, whatever they may be. >> i did yoga before i was diagnosed because i was a dancer, and it was a way to help me with my flexibility and stretching. >> not all the yoga exercises require learning how to master different poses. the instructor shakes up jars filled with sparkles to teach a simple relaxation technique. >> you see that all the glitter
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representing what our minds look like when we're stressed, anxious, angry, and then you just teach the kids to sit calmly and watch the sparkles fall down, and as those sparkles fall down, it becomes slower and slower and slower and calmer, and that's the same thing that happens to your mind. "the soft dry sand soothes the back of your legs, your feet, and your toes." so it's kind of teaching them to -- when you're confronted with something that's stressful, to take a step back, breathe... relax, and just become calm about it, and everything will fall into place and settle down. >> overall, yoga makes me feel calm and peaceful. >> i guess you could say that yoga is medicine for the mind.
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>> this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. every year, we tell you about the contests to come up with creative ways to alert teens to various driving risks, especially distracted driving. these contests are sponsored by the national road safety foundation. this week, we are reporting on two contests. the first one was drive safe los angeles and was shot in a studio in california. >> come on in. this is our studio right over here, guys. >> these students volunteered to participate in the psa. that's short for "public service announcement." as part of the prize, they got to work with an award-winning production company to bring their idea for a psa to life. >> so, what you'll do is, one at a time, we'll bring you out. you'll stand on the mark. and you'll talk directly to camera. we may want you to speed it up, slow it down, give a little bit
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>> the concept of the psa is to point out important things you might miss while driving distracted. >> i was texting and driving and just didn't see the bus. >> you know, student participation, doing the psa, you know, collaborating with one another, and sending out a message. i think that's really great. >> i think the message is that teens definitely have an impact, like, in our community. and i feel by us, like, delivering a message, it will help influence them to do right. >> what you don't see when you look down to text could change your life and the life of others forever. >> so, did the students think their psa will have an impact on their peers? >> i think it will because it's kind of really eye-opening, and, like, it shows them all the effects it could have just by text while driving. >> well, that it can be really dangerous even though, like, you don't think it is to just, like, be texting and driving at the same time. a lot of people do it 'cause they think it's just, like, not -- there's no threat. but, like, there is.
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>> standing by. and "the stop sign." you ready? go ahead. >> the stop sign. >> good. >> actually, it was pretty cool. it was definitely a different experience, and i really enjoyed being part, and seeing how everything works behind the scenes and being a part of this was pretty amazing. >> the completed psa had its world debut at the l.a. auto show. >> i was texting and driving and just didn't see the bus. [ tires screech, crash ] >> there was a stop sign. [ tires screech, crash ] >> the light was red. [ crash ] >> the boy riding his bike. [ tires screech, thud ] >> the car in front of me had suddenly stopped. [ tires screech ] >> there was a mom with a stroller crossing the street. [ siren wails ] >> what you don't see when you look down to text... >> the stop sign. >> the red light. >> the boy. >> the car. >> the mom and stroller. >> ...could change your life and the lives of others forever. >> the next contest took place in the chicago area, and there was a pretty amazing connection among the three finalists. we'll tell you about that when "teen kids news" returns.
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>> we're continuing our report on the drive safe psa contests sponsored by the national road safety foundation. >> drive safe chicago was open to students in four midwestern states -- illinois, indiana, wisconsin, and iowa. but this contest was a bit different. rather than just one winner, the top three psa ideas were chosen as finalists. as with l.a., these students got to work with tv professionals to produce their psas. the completed spots were shown at the chicago auto show, and the public was invited to vote for the winner. but before we tell you who took first place along with the $2,000 cash prize, let me introduce you to the finalists. there's high school senior paige ruesch. >> well, when i read about it and, like, the psa and how i could be in a psa, i thought it was really cool, a great experience.
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>> so, we had to make either a storyboard or a 30-second script with, like, actions and audio and things like that for a psa, which is a public service announcement. >> the third student is also a senior, dustin payne. like the other two, he was surprised when he got the phone call that he was a finalist. >> i had no idea, and i was kind of shocked. and i was excited to start the psa. >> there's one pretty amazing connection the three share. they all come from the same high school -- washington township in indiana. >> it was crazy. you know, i thought it was a joke, and i thought, "okay. wait. this isn't a joke." >> and not just the same school, but from the same class -- a class taught by mr. simms. >> when you look at the four-state area, that was all the people that were allowed to participate. that's pretty cool that not only did they come from this school, but they came from the same classroom within the school. >> yeah, when i heard, like, the top three were all from the same econ class, i was like, "no way.
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like, i could not wait to, like, film with them and, like, everything. >> so, for our last shot, i want to try and mount the action camera either on the hood or on the windshield to try and get a >> okay. my idea is a girl -- she's in the car, so i was the girl, and i'm driving, and as my phone's going off and, like, text messages are coming, they appear on my windshield. and, at first, it's not so distracting, but then, like, as more text messages keep coming, it's, like, more distracting, and i can't see things. and then, all of a sudden, my windshield's full with text messages and i'm just in an accident, and, like, that's what happens when you text and drive. so, it's pretty sad. >> after working with the tv crew, here's how paige's psa, called "shut it down," turned out. [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ] [ beeps ]
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[ beeps ] >> next is dustin's concept, "how would you feel?" >> my idea was to switch the role of a teen and a parent, so rather than a teen getting in an accident or a crash and them having the tragedy, i tried to switch the position to make it where the teen is in the position of the parent -- how they would feel if it was their parent getting in a crash. [ suspenseful music plays ] [ thuds ] [ cellphone vibrates ] >> what if your mom or dad texted while driving and got hurt or worse? imagine how you would feel. >> is everything all right?
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>> that's why they don't want you to text and drive. >> abigail's psa is called "don't be just another number." >> action! >> it starts off with me and a few of my friends in the car, and we're just having a conversation about where we're going. and, um, we're kind of being a little obnoxious, talking to each other, and i'm paying more attention to them than i am on the road. and at the end, i start texting one of my friends, letting her know, like, "hey, do you want to meet us for wherever we're going?" and, like, "you can bring this" or whatever. and then my friend yells out like, "abby, look out!" and we get into a car accident. >> abby, i'm so glad you finally us. before. i'm gonna fall. i'm gonna make an idiot out of myself. >> you'll be fine. >> we won't make fun of you. invite? should we invite paige? [ all talking ] >> okay. i'll test mattie. >> text her. tell her. abby, i'm so glad you finally
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>> i'm really excited. >> abby, watch out! [ tires screech ] [ crash ] [ siren wails ] >> the kids say they learned a lot from the experience. >> yeah, like -- well, not to chew gum when i'm getting taped and stuff. but, um, yeah, it was fun. i guess -- everything was just awesome. yeah. >> it was cool getting to see, like the different cameras and how much you have to actually prepare for it. >> i didn't know how hard it actually was, like, through all the angles, how big of a perfectionist they have to be. everything has to be perfect. retakes. but it was a learning experience, and i had a lot of fun with it. >> any advice for students thinking of entering this year's drive safe contests? >> well, i'd tell them to be creative and think outside the box, 'cause these all three -- all top three finalists were all three very good ideas, so you just have to think outside the box. >> more than 5,000 votes were cast, and the winning psa was... abigail's "don't be just another number." congratulations.
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>> for many of us, our first job will be babysitting, and, like anything else, the more you know, the better you'll be at it. diyu gets some tips from an expert. >> the book "the teachable minute" was written by dr. connie hebert, and she joins us to talk about what it takes to be a good babysitter. welcome. >> hi. thanks for having me on the show. i'm really excited to give you some tips on how to be a fun babysitter and to catch teachable minutes with kids. >> okay. well, first of all, what do you
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>> well, the teachable minute is a golden opportunity. it's something that just comes along, and you grab it. and it helps kids not only to have fun with you, but also to be smarter. and we all want to help kids grow smart, and we want to help kids to learn lots of things about the world, and we do that by catching the teachable minute. >> do we need special training to be able to do this? >> you don't need special training, but you do need to keep three things in mind -- "s," "a," and "t" -- what to show kids, what to ask kids, and what to teach kids, anytime, anywhere. >> how can we tell when a teachable minute is coming up? >> well, you kind of -- you don't plan it. it's just something that comes along, so, like, if you're standing at the microwave and you're waiting for the food to come out, that's a golden opportunity to start playing "simon says do this, simon says do this, simon says do this, do this."
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it teaches kids to follow directions. it teaches kids to listen, and kids really like it. >> can you give us other examples of teachable minutes that babysitters can use? >> sure. so, let's just say that you're going up the stairs with the kids that you're babysitting for, and if it's a little one, of course, you want to take their hand, and the stairs are a great opportunity to count. count by ones, count by twos, count by fives, go backwards on the count. that would be a teachable minute with kids. another one would be, of course, to read a book to kids, and when you do that, you want to go over the title and the cover, have the kids talk about the pictures. all of these things are teachable minutes, and you're really helping kids to -- to get some quality time with you, which all kids want with their babysitters. >> great information. thank you so much, dr. connie. >> you're welcome. thanks for having me on the
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who catches teachable minutes with kids. >> speaking of teachable minutes, i'll leave you with one. it's actually a quote from anne hathaway. she said... while babysitting might not put us all on the road to an academy award, it can help to make us better role models. >> it's getting harder and harder for teens to find jobs in today's economy. that's why many teens are now creating their own businesses. experts suggest that you start by identifying a need for your service or product. then set a price that covers your costs and time. although word of mouth can be effective, you should consider advertising. that can be as simple as putting up notices on local bulletin boards and online, of course. and you need to be organized. that means keeping good financial records, especially if you earn enough to have to pay taxes.
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only helps you make money -- you'll gain valuable life experience. and it also looks great on a college application. [ cheers and applause ] >> one of the most influential players in all of baseball history was jackie robinson. robinson, on april 15, 1947, became the first african-american ballplayer to ever appear in a major league baseball game. he has since been inducted into the hall of fame, and his number, 42, has been retired by every single major league baseball team. i'm matt with "teen kids news." >> yogurt and fresh fruit in a popsicle. sound good? i'll show you how to make it. stick around. "teen kids news" will be right
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they're a great little pick-me-up for when you're studying. here's what you're gonna need. first you're gonna need a popsicle mold -- this one holds four -- some yogurt... any flavor you'd like. i'm using vanilla greek yogurt. ...fresh blueberries and strawberries. first, with permission, you're gonna cut up some strawberries. just cut the stem off just like that... and then cut them in slices... and just throw them right into a bowl. then we're gonna take a fork... and mash them up until they're just broken up... just like that. perfect. take your molds and pull all of these out. and with a spoon, you're going to layer in your yogurt right at the bottom... just like that.
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different ingredients in there. okay. after you do the first layer, make sure you... press down like that... so they all flatten out. then add some strawberries... right after that. perfect. and you can use any berries you want to. you can use raspberries, blackberries, blueberries. okay. give that a press. and then i do two blueberries per pop. two. okay. and then we'll start over again with more yogurt. perfect.
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you put these in the freezer for about four to five hours, until they set, or overnight. okay. so, i have a bowl of warm water and my ice pops that have been in the freezer overnight. so, i'm just going to put them right in the warm water so that it kind of pulls away from the mold. just give them a little twist so they might come out a little easier. okay. let's give it a try. mmm! that's so delicious, you won't have to worry about finishing it before it melts. at the culinary institute of america, for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> that sure looks delicious. for all of us here at "teen kids news," have a great
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for cize, brought to you by beachbody. this is the end of exercise. >> get ready to cize it up. [ beat drops ] [ people cheering ] are you ready to dance? 5, 6, 7, 8! >> on my way in i'ma take it >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> announcer: cize is the all-new dance workout program that's gonna make losing weight fun and easy. >> to me, it's not even exercise because i don't want to stop. >> announcer: it's simple -- dance, have fun, and get awesome results. >> it's just like one big party turns on. it's so empowering. >> i spent many years of torturous exercises. cize, 45 pounds down easy. >> it's just fun.
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