tv Chasing News FOX August 4, 2016 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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>> now on chasing news. >> young lady whose life of cut short tuesday night in queens. >> her body was found less than a half mile from her home. >> if you are a runner, have you ever felt afraid to run in new york. >> who knew, there was a dress >> what does it say. >> security guard on a power trip. >> on your mark, get set, drone. who will land at finish line first. new york city first ever drone race. >> you are at howard beach, chasing a horrific story, tragic assault and murder of a young woman, just out for a evening
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day and i am here covering this story of a beautiful young lady, whose life of cut short tuesday. police discovered her body, she left for a jog from her home nearby around 5:00 p.m., and 7 p.m., when she could not be reached her father contacted authority, after a search her body was found less than a half mile from her home, cops believe she was sexually assaulted and strangled. i met with nypd detective, his initial thoughts were about her, say we need to be focused on the suspect or suspects, but on the victim's life story. something that detectives term victimology. >> most people are murdered by
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are taking a two prong approach because it happened in a marchi area. they will think maybe a stranger was involved too. they will search to see if they have ex-boyfriends and social media sites. >> we're expecting results, i am told from medical examiner's office in an hour. for now, neighborhood is reacting to the tragedy, i spoke with two young ladies who to check out the scene as a team there this is frightening. >> i am a run are myself, i go for jobs in the same time in new york city daily, i got my speakers oa took a path nearby. this tight knit neighborhood, whereas you recall, was home to the gaudies. >> you said you are a runner, if you felt afraid running through
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>> i don't, bill, but i live in manhattan, there is a bluelight rain along hudson river, this area, we walked across the street, joe noted there was a crime here last year, two bodies were badly burned and thrown into the marsh . this is a dangerous place maybe to be running. >> waking story my heart just fell. here is a beautiful young woman she just celebrated a birthday, had a bright future ahead, her father right now, you can see was a huge part of her life, now has to live with such agony and pain. >> i am a runner, i have been approached by a man in daylight, alone. you know feeling in my gut was horrible, my heart was racing, i
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he said he had seen me run that route several times, asked me on a date and left, but i felt they could not run that route again. >> late-breaking update to this case, medical examine's office confirmed that the cause of death was homicide by strang laying -- stranglation. nicole tried out the fly boards before, on at saturday it came in handy who a boat caught fire in minnesota, jesse, reacted to the boat on fire, he came in from above put out the fire. >> i went to the national night out event at cherry hill apartment, it is used to bridge
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>> everyone in yellow shirt is a police officer. >> it was fun, i got a chance to live my childhood dream a bit. check this out, a s.w.a.t. uniform. >> you look great. >> yeah. >> who knew there was a dress code at six flags great it's venture in new jersey, she went to celebrate her birthday with her boyfriend, she was with this gray v-neck it was deemed inevitable appropriate -- inappropriate, they went out and swap shirts, she wrote on
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i was stopped by security it was considered inaproip yeah, the, apparently whether a boy wears the same shirt is it fine. she tag her boyfriend and also 6 flags in the post, she received a ton of support, she was given a personal apology from six flags great adventure. we're sorry for the experience you had at the for our guests to have a fun visit, we understand this is not the case for you, our team members are trained and asked to their judgment in carrying out our policies be these particular officers did not use good judgment. there is no reason you should have been denied entry, we reached out as well, we apologize for any inconvenient
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environment, we do have a dress code. she is a season pass holder, what do you think, would you she'll your children's eyes for this v-neck. >> without the bigger issue of dress codes and sexism, when i hear things like that, maybe, you know, did she do something on purpose? but, you know, what does this dress code say? she was >> it says nothing about skin, you can't have any gang-related activity on your shirt or racist or disimthatter to or guns. >> this security guard was on a power trip, people are walking in swimsuits in the establishment. >> absolutely, i read that she was quoted in a magazine stating
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a see through tank top is his nipples showing he went in. security said it is different, he is a man, are a woman. >> because he was staring at her cleavage. >> i think, she is making a way bigger deal out of this, everyone has a cause these days. >> thank you rohan. >> chasing a story, a key figure in bridgegate debacle. >> former head of department of transportation, he did the perp walk today. >> the summer of perp walks, talking about people connected with governor chris christie, and bridgegate scandal, today it was jame y fox's turn.
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had little to say, i asked about his feelings regarding david samson, former port authority chairman who implicated fox in the testimony a couple weeks ago. a message for mr. samson who sold you out. >> why -- fox and sampson were close friends accords to team unite airline with a direct flight from newark to south carolina. back and forth between his job at port authority and that summer house twice a week, right around weekend, and prosecutor uncovered ride ranging piano that got picked off in 2013, i asked fox about his health, he seemed fine testimony. -- today. >> how are you feeling? how is your health.
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>> and michael critch klee was not interested in talking either. >> michael. >> hey, bill. golf club in golden, colorado became a boxing ring. two groups of boxers got into after one of them hit up on to the green. 5050 i cuffs -- fist y cuffs were brought out. >> no gambling. >> oh. >> there is one thing i don't like about some breeds of dogs,
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video, owner of sasha just vacuumed their fury friend, you have a clean home and a better dog. >> the dog loves it. >> we should try to with low la -- lola. >> i am changing the saying to a duck is a man's best friend. i caught up with a swarm of ducks taken in by barn sanctuary. >> they are characters they are comedians. >> they are so delicious. >> and -- >> i'm sorry i love duck. >> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down. by logging on to chasing slash i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine.
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treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for
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>> scary wednesday morning here in new jersey, it might could bear country when men lives in home here, was feeding his cat, this morning, when he incounter a black bear he estimated to between 400 to 500 pounds. i went down to the police department to speak to the chief, see if we could get any additional information this is what he told me. >> he stated he stepped out his house to and he encountered the bear, he started the bear, and the bear swat at him and ran away. >> facebook post by police, state that they are not sure whether or not this encounter even happened at all. police did give me this statement. >> we're trying too verify all of the facts he told us, at-this-point we don't was takee hospital.
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scrapes but nothing life-threatening, division of fish and wildlife are tracking the barracker temping to trap and and learn more about it as of now they have not can't -- cd it yet, i want to know if you have ever encountered a bear in new jersey? let me know. >> i'm changing saying to a duck is a man's best friend. i caught up with a swarm of ducks that were illegally released into the hackensack river, taken in by barn yard sanctuary in new jersey. >> they are real characters, they are comedians, they are funny. >> they are so delicious. >> i love duck. >> all right, starting august 8, these quite comical creatures
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and you might want to get one could sanctuary founding director said they need a loving owner and a lot of space. >> we're looking for is not to take them home and turn them loose on to a pond or a lake, there are so many predators, we would like people with a pen or a fenced in yard during the day and lock them up at night. >> i have the information on how you can get a duck on my facebook page, chasing for so many animals, 700. llamas, goats, pigs, you name it, they have adults, and they have little babies. >> they are so little. little goats. you can donate to sanctuary, they say your biggest challenge is fund raising. >> people say how do you take
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it is a labor of love. and it is fun, and we all have a great time doing it. even when it is raining, and it is cold out. that parts of it is great, what is tough is the fundraising. i have to be honest, that is a killer job, i am only one that does it i have to come up with $21,000 every month. >> i am sure they are happy that i am leaving them. >> duck are happy to see me leave could they did not want to about -- >> shy ducks. >> they are very shy or overwhelmed because i heard you know they -- have been quite in high demand right now for the media. >> ducks and pigs, they are not for -- they are being pets.
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>> not a swarm of bees those are high-tech zones. high-tech zones racing around obstacle course around 95 miles per hour or more. i am in jersey city at liberty science center. you can see the together for first ever drone race with skyline of new york city in the back ground. some drones have to go through or over the obstacles or get around. >> this camera, pilot flies from and looks at, this is gopro session recording high quality footage. >> drone companies and pilots come from all over u.s. to compete, that i want to a spot
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races. >> i have been flying for two years. >> he went to national -- he has been going full time trying to turn pro. >> it has grown, now instead of rc and hobby companies come in we have big names come in like gopro and aig and red bull, those companies. >> going forward to national competition, next week on goveor >> all of our pilots up on deck. make sure you have everything you need to go and race today. >> all day long, when they crash, they grab the drone, fix it up, within minutes back on the course. >> it is one of the next mass sports you can -- participate but through first person, goggle. >> this is one thing, you get to see it in real-time.
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racer out there? >> i used to race motorcycles. motorcycles huge rush coming around corners, foot off ground, but, you know you wipe out, you get hurt. this is only thing that i can describe to that, you come around corner fly by a tree at 80 miles an hour, if you hit something, you tumble, pull off your goggles and go pick up some parts instead of your body. >> natio governor's island they are fighting it out. >> freestyle set tone. >> my mother complaints. >> what didn't go up was salaries.
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at subway, you'll love the greek flavors of our mediterranean collection. your choice of delicious chicken or hearty steak. with crumbled feta and cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. try our mediterranean collection today. subway. fresh is what we do. fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently.
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i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. only from fios. >> coming up next, a bear and a garbage truck. >> the bear had a relacking ride. >> see what happens when they [ tires screech ]
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are struggling to reel him in, but after an hourlong battle they were successful, usually there is a rule that bars people from fishing on the beach, lifeguard made an exception to catch it and safely release it. >> they should have left the shark out. >> freestyle in streets now. you get a beat down. >> and i continue our quest in harlem, this time heart beat 125th street. >> look at this. you have matching heads. >> still a huge hip-hop present there. which is known for, but richard was selling his music on the side of the street, we're asking the big word.
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resident. this is known for urban music. biggest -- right now next to america apparel. for us like okay. i want to dress white or i want to dress black. >> to get an idea of harlem back in the day, i sat down with congressman charlie rangel. >> harlem that first went to congress was so many -- buildings with rats, roaches, crime of the high, everyone knew somebody that got mugged. >> overtime rangel said crime has come down, that brought in more developers in the area. >> what did not go up for us was jobs, and salaries. >> you do want to keep the
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you want people who have known harlem for what it is to stay, the area needs subsidies. >> people that are building they want money. so, we have to struggle because affordable housing, education, and jobs, healthcare. and to get make certain our gets are able to going to make it. >> a financial issue. first thing it calls for it can subsidies to pay higher rent that landlord wants, that is what the market demands. like any other neighborhood. >> it is going to happen. people are going to get pushed
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