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tv   Chasing News  FOX  August 6, 2016 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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now, on teasing news. >> right outside the funeral home where the wake is being held. here is what we know. the body was recovered 20 feet off the path. they had illuminated anyone close to her as a suspect. if you and your guard because you don't know. >> thsa $2,000. with to enjoy ourselves. >> they let you on. this is the view here and overland park on rockland boulevard and 89th street. outside the funeral home
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last seen leaving her home for a run on tuesday and then a couple hours later she was found dead in the march land area right by a jogging dirt path that she ran on. her body was facedown reportedly black and blue sexually assaulted and strangled to death. i am here at the wake. i spoke to marge a family friend as she was leaving the was holding up. >> i can't believe how he is holding up right now. >> it was her father that reported her missing on tuesday evening around 7:00 and he was the one who unfortunately found her dead body as he was leading the search for police officers trying to find clues as to what happened to his daughter. i ask marge what asked marge what kind of person she was.
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i ask her about karina's family. and how they are holding up inside the funeral home. this is a very private thing. everybody is okay. she was an writer and have an online diary. i'm going to read to you a passage that she wrote. >> you, at 35. i'm wearing glasses we look older than i ever thought we could. you see 35. her life was cut short at 30. i'm going to keep chasing this murder mystery follow me on twitter. >> as part of our ongoing coverage of a young woman jogging in queens ashley you saw this unbelievable social media post by the grandson of none other than john gotti
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the grandson said that she would have never been murdered at the mob was still running in the street. there's a money morning just one day after his post. they busted him with 500 oxycodone tablets and $40,000 in cash. >> he makes an interesting point. it's an urban 11 -- legend of the mob. they weren't going after people that were outside of the network but he violated the rule by conducting mob business inside his own home. you have a map, you can walk us through what happened. >> here's what we know. she left her house at 84th and 150 fifth in the
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they moved north along the pathway. her body was recovered roughly 20 feet off of the path. her supplement was found roughly 50 feet from the body. a condom in a rapper was found here. it's not understood if it's connected at all. >> alex you caught up with your detective friend what do did they have to say about this. >> we ask what our police doing now, now that they have eliminated anyone close to karina as a suspect and he said one of the most important things is going to be the dna. they will swap some of that evidence. they will preserve it.
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they might be able to match the profile. it's going to the lab right away and it's getting fast tracked. they will check it against anybody who has ever been arrested and provided a sample. the lesson to the public is when something like this happens you have to be on your guard. until they give you a conclusive point. >> no one is waiting for the police to tell them whether there is a killer on the loose or not. there are numerous posses roaming the streets i hear. and understandably so. thank you guys. >> get a load of this crazy pigeon flying roughly 50 miles per hour along the highway. this pigeon managed to fly
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they have some real speed. >> what can i say. a girl loves a deal which is why not too long ago you can find me here. i am hunting for trash but not just any trash luxury trash, garbage from designer row. you can sell for 1000 even thousands of dollars on ebay. so on tuesday night i gave it a try. i put on my best dressed and i have my fair share of the copy. and i headed to fifth avenue. it was just after 9:00 p.m. magazines you name it it was
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all laid out for the taking. >> you can sell it on ebay. $2,000 for one piece. wow. they just throw it away. fashion is about $20 billion. in designer labels appear to be taking note. look at the way they ripped up their trash. hopefully you bought us a gift bag. now wasn't going to stop me. i grabbed what i could. it's one day later and they
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it's 99 cents is that really the question. not exactly what i was expecting but for a first-time luxury dumpster diver i can't explain. i would think that the best deal people make artwork out of this. it's not ripped. so you pull the bag out of the dumpster. it's just laying on the sidewalk. i was thinking about ironing it to make it look better. so is just a bag? i actually came walking in here and people thought i went shopping. it would actually do pretty well. the can be worth anything.
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people will spend on this box. i listed it for 99 cents. but i have heard of people's spending $30. right in that area. >> you were not allowed to give out bags unless they purchase something because a lot of people would come and say can i just had a box or a bag for security purposes e can you can just let them have that. if someone is moving that type of box around you know that it was properly disposed of. >> does the high-end designer trash smell better? >> it was better than jumping into a dumpster. i say usually beautiful because right now it's downright scary out here. about 11 miles of wooded trails. they take their kids but
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carefully place dangerous booby-traps to seriously injure elders. it seems like they are out of the movie. a wooden plank with the nails going out. she was working -- looking around a lot. and i caught up with her and we have a little chat. >> i've heard of it before but i think most people are educated you have a basic knowledge of right and wrong. i wonder why there is not more people out here. because there is a sicko on the loose leaving traps in the woods. >> if anybody sees anything or
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911 immediately. i don't know what to say about this. the barbed wire across the tree that could kill someone. it is vicious and evil. the battle between hikers it's completely out of hand. we don't know if it's anybody that even uses the park regularly and could be some sick prank. i have to say crazy because it is so much space out here space for everybody and everybody just need to chill out a little bit. at least i was.
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aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares.
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>> take a look at this video. it was caught inside the living room. it does not go down without a fight. they are chasing to the house a little bit. once he does finally make his way in its free outside. the individual drivers you can see their name stuck on the side of i won't be writing in one of these. >> i hope i don't crash. i've a real treat the other day. don't fall off. it took me for a spin around the one-mile meadowlands.
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nominate. i just finished a workout. a good chance for alex to run me through some of the gear. >> you use it to to steer it. that's no good. they have more to show me but it was time to mount up practical education. i thought he was just can hand me the ring. we have to enjoy ourselves. past than brand-new grandstand.
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we were just strolling along. this is maybe a third to half as fast as you might go. he did hand me the ring's for a while. he pulled back a little bit. we get a real sense of what the drivers go through. why a person might want to make a life out of this. it's easy to catch the free ?-dash fever. they will be in the big race on saturday and she alsoun there is another huge race called the u.s. pacing championship. they are going to be racing in. we will expect a very fast race. he sounds like a mobster. five dollars to get in.
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they let you on hank. >> even in that segment you take a shot. it's like you're constantly there. that's the only human contact you have. a former punishment they have booed them forever. it's so loud. it's about two or 300 people in every floor. you have security lock boxes inside of there. you could never open your window.
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that helped open the door the notable story is a teen who spent two of his three years inside of rikers in solitary confinement locked up 23 hours a day. they exhibit the same behaviors that he did he would set up on his windowsill in the house and talk to it. i would say 100 percent of his suicide was due to the torture that happened there. they put forth a series to improve rikers island. he promised to end solitary confinement for those 21 and under. that promise has yet fully
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the department of correction said it corrections said it actually has taken action already there. in the statement it's committed to ending solitary come find me. it is an age-appropriate alternative too solitary confinement. they gave himself a new deadline of october to get it altogether. it's not the answer. they often tell me they don't think it's ever going to end. >> we have concerns about the way it has been set up physically that it's basically a cage with plexi glass and it will accommodate about eight people but it's a very small space and were concerned that they will instead wind up staying in their cell all day and it won't be any different from solitary.
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because they are separated from the general population. prisons can be very scary situations. it's actually a well documented case. i think he is the one that was arrested for stealing a backpack. three years later he still hadn't been tried yet. stopped committing crimes. a separate issue. if that's a punishment that keep them separate i have no issue with that.
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the backyard scientist who is a youtube champion is determined to show you his liquid nitrogen the canon can versus engine starter also in a can. the most flammable thing. i have to be honest i would be so mad if i was his neighbor. >> we need to have a movement for justice. because of you token moved forward.
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again! again! again! again! again? again! again! artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! ?? sfx: crowd cheering sfx: crowd booing
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sfx: crowd cheering ?? sc johnson, a family company coming up next. what could possibly go wrong. one i will jumps onto a kids had sitting next to him which
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only in russia would someone go on a train with their pet i will it wasn't just one pet i will it was a five people with five owls in hand. one actually jumped on his head. i would've have would have a much bigger reaction to that. comedian. talking about his career after performing on national television shows. >> i just shot something for mtv as a pilot. i have a cameo in the movie.
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they sat down with the minister leading the nation he spoke to the outrage we have seen after two black men were killed by cops. was their black there black lives matter movement or would there be one if there was not the senseless killing of innocent, unarmed black men and women in the streets of america in the near 50 states of america? there would be no need for such a movement. why would we need to have a movement for justice if we were getting justice. now he said the nation of islam backs the movement but the one thing they do not condone is what we saw play out in dallas with cops being
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>> do you feel like were taking a step back in american history? >> who said we ever moved forward. i don't mean that disrespectfully who said we moved forward no one leader can rise above the condition of the leader. many of us respectively we began to rise with the condition. we think our people arrived. unfortunately every time i ask is there a solution to calm down the hostility we have seen in this country the nation of islam doesn't seem to have an answer obviously we have our first black president. it is still a very challenging economically. there are so many people who live this day-to-day wake up and are afraid that they are black they are a target in this country and it's one of the hardest positions to be
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>> were having conversations every single day. that's a copout. people could be doing a lot more. it's more profitable to hear about bracts being killed than whites. they banned this swimsuit. this lifeguard is fighting back. they say that they allow f
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