tv FOX 5 News at 10 FOX August 8, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers! lease an mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months and just announced $1,000 dollars summer invitation bonus. [ grinding metal ] whoa, that doesn't look good. ordinary fuels can clog your engine with dirt. it's like lugging this around- it's dragging down your fuel economy. but over time, using new and improved bp gasoline with invigorate helps clean up that dirt, like hundreds of scrubbing brushes. so that means a cleaner engine, which helps you get more miles per tank. i'll be here if you need me. new bp gasoline with invigorate.
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announcer: at 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are? happening right now on the "fox 5 news" at 10:00 p.m. steve: the hunt for a killer. a shocked community gathers after days following a young woman is murdered, karina vetrano. people gather in the church where she was buried over the weekend. dari: the nypd is briefing us on the lidia curanaj has more. reporter: that's right, it ended a short time ago. there were plenty of people outside the church. i spoke to a few of the people. many family and friends. reporter: hundreds of people packed into st. helena church in howard beach. so many people showed up that
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>> i have no words for what happened. it never should've should have happened in our neighborhood ever. any neighborhood. >> it's so random. reporter: michael kemper is heading the investigation and says that hundreds of people have been interviewed, a dozen surveillance videos have been collected. he would not reveal whether or not the killer's dna was collected at the scene. >> so far we have collected several pieces of evidence that are being processed. we hope to have all the results back very soon. reporter: during her evening jog, 30-year-old karina vetrano was viciously beaten, strangled and sexily assaulted in this murky area of howard beach. a federally owned recreation park. the high weeds are a concern for many here. it is said that mowing the weeds down is not an easy or cheap
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reporter: another concern from residents is the lack of cameras on the furniture of the park. the queensboro president says that the funds have now been allocated. >> the police have been out there surveying the property. reporter: the assistant district attorney says that every resource is being used to catch the killer. shown will reward itself with an apprehension. one woman asked investigators should she be you be worried for the safety of her children. investigators said the this is something that should remind women to keep their eyes open. steve: so upsetting. a new york city woman visiting
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vanessa marcotte who work for google in manhattan was driving in a central town area of princeton. her death appears to be a homicide, her body was found in a wooded area about half mile from the mother's home. >> we don't know if this is a random act that we are asking you to be careful. right now we have an active homicide investigation going on. you can never be too careful. steve: at this point no suspects have been identified. dari: a to have died of a neck injury, caleb schwab was killed yesterday when writing a 168-foot tall waterslide in kansas city. the police say that he was writing in a vote to women who suffered facial injuries. emergency responders arrived to find the boy dead in the pool at the end of the ride. the park was closed today as authorities investigated.
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canceled stranding passengers and many are still stranded tonight. this couple was on their way back home to tennessee. >> we were at the gate for probably one hour. we found out that this was canceled. >> i have been waiting an hour to get my luggage back. >> they didn't offer to compensate for cost reporter: the delta ceo posted a video apologizing to passengers. >> i apologize for the challenges this has created. the we're working very hard to store and get the assistance back as quickly as possible tour.this is a power outage caused the meltdown. but utility company says that it did not have any electrical problems and it was built as
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bumper-to-bumper traffic getting in and out of the airport everywhere you go because of the 4billion-dollar renovation project that is now underway. delta airlines is also telling passengers before you come to the airport tomorrow, make sure the check their website, go online and check your flight before you get in the car and come here. that's the latest from here. vacuum in the steve: cross your fingers and toes. thank you, linda. all sorts of backups for the budweiser trucks that were heading north wentzville near cans all over the road. all northbound lanes were closed as well as one southbound lane. the driver was hospitalized but is now in stable condition. dari: the race for the white house. candidates traded jabs over who
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donald trump laying out his economic plan and hillary clinton gaining in the polls. jennifer has more. reporter: that's right, donald trump once again has to do some damage control because if the republican national security officials signed a letter that reads as a warning to americans that if donald trump is elected he would be the most reckless president in american history. they cite this as his lack of knowledge, control and understanding, this as economic policies today. >> we are ready to show the world that america is back? on the heels of bad press and poll numbers, donald trump hoped to refocus attention on a major economic address from detroit. >> i am proposing an across the board income tax reduction especially for middle income americans. this will lead to millions of
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the estate tax, imposed a 15% corporate tax and a full deduction of childcare expenses. the gop nominee talking about a city plagued by unemployment. >> she supports the high taxes and radical regulations that force jobs out of the community. as well as the crime policies that have made you far less safe. >> do not let a friend vote for donald trump. reporter: clinton firing back at a campaign rally in florida where the polls are tight. >> economists write in the middle of say the same thing. that donald trump's policies would throw us into a recession. in the first 100 days i will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new jobs and world war ii.
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energy and technology and innovation. jobs and infrastructure. reporter: she also laid out her plan to help recent college graduates with debt start small businesses. >> i'm going to make it possible for everyone to pay their college down and then the payment after 10 years. but if you want to start a business, we are going to put a moratorium or payments you can borrow the money to get a business started. reporter: clinton is not with our own problems, she is being sued by the parents of two americans that died in the benghazi attacks. they allege it was clinton's handling of classified information that contributed to their deaths. voters now have a third party option. evan mcmullen announced that he's running for president as a conservative alternative to
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dari: definitely interesting. thank you. another case of the whopper-rito is most likely contracted in the united states, it was diagnosed in palm beach county. the patient had recently traveled to miami where more than a dozen nontravel related cases have been discovered. particularly last week. new billboard suggesting that condoms are a method of of preventing the virus and they are being installed throughout south steve: a rapper is now suing. dari: and what your love of cheese he films will reveal abot your iq. steve: we will be right back. ? ?
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently, thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. only from fios.
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steve: a rapper charged in connection with a deadly shooting at a manhattan nightclub says that he is actually the victim. >> he is the victim here. he did not bring a gun into this place. we are seeking redress for the negligence. reporter: flanked by his lawyers, he announced he suing the owners of this plasmid. reporter: he has kept a low profile since this concert on may 25 when gunfire broke out at the club. his bodyguard in friend was killed. this lawyer jockey for control today and said poor security was to blame for what happened. >> i don't have to address anything i don't want to.
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and they did not pat down anyone who came in the back door. reporter: he says that collins was at the club as a special guest to perform. this video shows collins shooting and he has been charged with attempted murder and weapons charges and he is now out on bail. >> there's a lot of things that he's lost. he shot, he's walking on crutches. that's a lot. reporter: security guards for the club owned by live nation did not agree. >> from what we have learned no one who came through the in through the backdoor was patted down and. reporter: essentially troy avenue and his team are saying that he was not somebody who brought a got into the club that night. and if security had been tighter none of this would've happened. no trial date has been set.
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september. dari: people in long island are not so happy with a commotion that was caused when 50-cent gave a surprise concert over the weekend. his performance resulted in chaos and congestion on the streets. video shows a fight taking place outside of a restaurant where this is built into the kitchen. other business owne well. >> we only had three or four months to make this work. we are friends. this is not a friend speak to the police insist that the area known as the novel mile is safe and secure. steve: the owners of this
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a 150% increase in rent without warning. for 39 years they've survived on a month-to-month lease. following the wake of verse one sandy. >> the state doesn't seem to understand that i can't exist. if they want to force me out, that's what'll happen. >> forcing out a small business that has served generations of children -- i remember b small -- it makes no sense. steve: they are asking for the governor's office to get involved. we reach out for comment but did not hear back. dari: are you looking for one of the biggest fashion trends of the summer? look no further than the political conventions. from hillary clinton's white pantsuit at the dnc to mrs. tom's wedding dress that sold out only hours after she addressed at the rnc.
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summer. dari: proposals may never be the same again. a new perspective to popping the question called a ring camera. it is equipped with a tiny camera to capture the reaction from your one and only from the ring's point of view. the video can be uploaded instantly, the box has a built-in microphone to capture what hopefully is a yes. it cost about $100 if you want to dari: we have all gotten sucked into watching a really bad movie. steve: a new study says you actually should not feel too bad about it. dari: as kids get ready to go back to school, an excuse for it could boost grades into key subjects next. ? ?
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? ? ? isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. when we became teachers, the state made a commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution from every paycheck we ever earned. they've been negligent in their responsibility
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reporter: ?quetta is is a good example of a movie that is silly. but a study found that viewers of trash films tend to be well educated and possess a healthy sense of irony. here stands waiting online screening seemed to support the hypothesis. >> it forces you to think hard. >> when you think that's the case? >> because they understand humor and they can laugh at instead of take it seriously. >> these people have some sense of the artistic value in something that is so truly awful
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them. >> of course there's bad there is bad movies. is there ever really a bad movie. [laughter] reporter: these movies offer something that a more high budget film may not. >> you will see a lot more creativity in these small low-budget films because there's more drive on the part of the filmmakers. it's interesting to see how they overcome not having the money to pull off the big fancy digital effects or work this way. reporter: it may take a deeper level of understanding you appreciate a movie like this. >> it involves paying closer attention and be more perceptive to the more subtle side of things. >> the next time you pull the movie is bad, take the time to judge it for yourself. and if you're smart enough, you
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steve: tracy morgan returning to the comedy festivals and 2011. the comedian recovering from the 2014 car crash will appear in carnegie hall. the festival runs from november 1 through the sixth, it recently received an emmy nod. great seeing them backed out and about. dari: big news for mariah carey will play kitty. she will team up with jamaal for an explosive new song. the episode will air on wednesday, october 5. you can catch it on wednesday, september 21. unfortunately that'll be here in like five minutes. we just don't want a summer to end. steve: it's hard to believe, but tomorrow marks 21 years since
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? ? ? steve: backed by a symphony orchestra it was a perfect night in the to see his guitar back and use. >> i have been watching the grateful dead since about 1987. it's been a big part of my life growing up. it is just going to be an unbelievable experience and i'm so excited to watch it. >> i've seen every iteration sends. when i heard that would be here,
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well. steve: it's really crazy thing that in person. it is owned by the owner of the indianapolis colts that bought at an auction in 2002 for $850,000. he does a pretty good job. a lot of fox 5 yours will enjoy it. dari: falling behind in the polls. steve: how donald trump is changing his could the reset button actually work? dari: a game changer from people that suffer from asthma. at the the lincoln summer invitation sales event, it's time to relax. from the moment you take your foot off the brake, the brake stays engaged and you stay put. taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. and even hills.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good.
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dari: for donald trump is eager to put these incidents behind them and. steve: what it takes for any political campaign to successfully hit the reset button. reporter: the past two weeks have been a tough stretch. even though the billionaire disagrees. >> the campaign is doing really well. it has never been well united like this. reporter: a streak of gaps
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others like rudy giuliani last week was reportedly part of an intervention hoping to get donald trump to change things up, say the reset is not necessary. >> everyone should calm down. certainly every opportunity for him to win this election. reporter: what is a campaign reset? what would it look like for donald trump? >> it's focusing on the economy, immigration and terrorism. that is what is going to bring it home for him. reporter: were starting to happening already using more teleprompters and over the weekend sticking to script in an attempt to repair party relations when endorsing john mccain and paul ryan. >> i support and endorse the speaker of the house, paul ryan. while i'm at it, i hold in highest esteem senator john mccain.
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hillary clinton has got in hot water over comments about her use of a private e-mail server. >> director james comey said that my answers were truthful and what i said is consistent with what i have told the american people. reporter: and then there's, the democratic nominee not doing any favors while getting an assist from her opponent. >> we have seen a little bit of a rise for her in danger maddock dropped for him. it's more him doing a bad job and candidates have come back from much larger deficits than donald trump has in the past. so it's not yet terminable but his campaign is likely paying attention. dari: students at rutgers paying hefty bills but it's not tuition. a report found that students pay a whopping $5 million in parking tickets in 2014 and 2015.
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tickets per year which works out to more than five per driver on campus. the majority of the tickets were given to drivers who didn't have the proper permits to park in campus lots. dari: columbia university teaming up with goldman sachs to get women interested in studying science and math and technology. reporter: these three young women are among 20 high school students that are honored by their high schools or local nonprofit to become part of the school of professional studies girls in stem initiative. >> they are taking classes in math, hearing from a host of
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what this really looks like and then they are taking classes also in building college skills like reading and writing and research. >> did you guys see this pattern is going to continue? >> it is underrepresented by a lot of women, especially young ladies of color. we want them to know that to dream big, be bold, we want them to know that this is a field they can get into. reporter: some of these young women careers in science and math. >> i'm about to move to tallahassee to go to community college. i am definitely excited about studying forensic studies. >> opossum. >> definitely. this is a spam program.
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introduction about different engineering jobs and it's giving me more opportunities. reporter: colombia also posted stem weeks to teach women to dream big. the girl started working on a research paper that they will have to turn in by the end of the week. later this week they will be heading up to colombia and diversity to take classes dari: it turns out that some say that video games are actually good for teenagers according to australian researchers have found that students are frequently play video games have above average scores in math and science and teenagers who use social media or 4% lower in math. the experts say that kids playing video games tend to which helps him with their schoolwork.
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almost two decades shows promise to treat asthma. researchers say it could be a game changer for people with severe symptoms. those that took the pill showed less inflammation in their airways. dari: an alarming study says that botox injections may not be so good after all. researchers suggest that the age defying medicine can other parts of the body. it was approved by the fda in 2002 on the grounds that the paralyzing chemicas would not from the injection site. so we asked our medical contributor for her opinion. >> i think that people should be cautious now that they see the study about botox spreading.
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muscle to another. it's always possible for it to move and those hitting the injections to be aware of the risk. steve: we reached out to the maker or a comment but so far we haven't heard back just yet. steve: it might sound ironic, but there is a new app that can help the ease your screen addiction and chipped credit card they are supposed to be. how hackers are taking advantage of a flaw in the system. first, here's tonight's new york minute. ? ? ? reporter: kids got free tennis lessons in queens today. it was part of a summerlong instructional tennis program run by the city park foundation and 38 different parks throughout
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throughout new york than any other city in the country. we try to keep them active, getting kids to learn a great game. reporter: there is still time to get the free lessons. kids can get an up close look at the world vibe visiting the biobus. it is the world's only state-of-the-art microscope facility. >> we tried to inspire kids to get interested in science. if we can inspire one kids day, that would be great. we expect the volume to keep going. reporter: can learn more online at and that is your new york minute. ? ?
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where a consumer would find themselves liable for any more than the dollars, which is i believe the way the law is written. >> credit card companies began issuing cards consumers last fall. the one wal-mart buying further $2 billion. online purchases only make up a small portion of the revenue. wal-mart says it will use their software to help used old purchasing to lower retail prices. dari: if you include your phone wherever you go, every minute of the day, whether in a conversation or not, and you are not really listening, maybe it's time to look up. he won a unique way that a new
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td bank's new intern, bart, is one of those robots from an other bank, we're training him to bank human. uh-uh, bart? why are you winding the clock back? the clock is fine. our live customer service is available all night, and all day for that matter. he's learning. at td bank we do things differently, like live customer service 24/7. bart: hello? hello!
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dari: city sidewalks packed with people glued to their phones. steve: the new application wants us to start having us look up again. how to curb your addiction. >> i was snapchatting and i walked into a glass door. >> i ran into a street lamp. reporter: the number frequency can render the most mundane features of the city is bustling as new york into treacherous obstacles. >> i have seen people walk into a wall. >> if anything i tripped over some unevenness in the sidewalk or 2 this man decided he needed
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yorkers and watching people move around without moving their eyes from their screens. reporter: google created labs. empathy between all races and genders and creeds. the app only available in new york city. but it is said to be a laudable one. sending all that uses the physical and emotional harm caused by running into someone or something while staring at once phone. >> i was embarrassed. >> it was the most stupid thing
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reporter: mac king for "fox 5 news". steve: i think that we are all guilty for doing that. audrey: take a chance to look up from your phone and see a beautiful day out there. clouds rolling in for a period of time. the part of the system is actually sitting to the south i will show you in a moment. we saw some sunshine warm us up to 86 degrees in central park and we hit that number at about 1:00 o'clock earlier this afternoon. then we started off with a comfortable 71 degrees which is about post average for this time of year. areawide we were mostly in the 80s. it was 81 and montauk, 82 down the shore.
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poughkeepsie and monticello. seventy-five is the current reading in the park and a very comfortable 72 out towards montauk point. the dew point is very nice. mostly in the 50s and 60s and slowly starting to rise across the oceans of long island. we could be in store for another comfortable day before things get uncomfortable for the second half of the week. the winds are relatively what i just mentioned earlier has just sent to the south and we are left with mainly clear skies will pretty much be this way for the evening with high pressure in control. and it's helping to suppress everything down to miss out. on the backside of this high we are going to be a shift in wind direction slightly used as we go through the next couple of days. on the backside we will get a southwest wind flow starting on
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tri-state area which is when it's going to start bit uncomfortable cross region. the heat is starting to build and we are going to high readings in the middle to upper '80s out towards the mid-atlantic. 90-degree readings can be found in memphis, new orleans, same thing in vegas with the west coast looking pretty comfortable. the future tester showing that were going mainly clear tonight. a few clouds in the afternoon and that is about it. then starting off with a lot of crowds, scattered showers and maybe the threat will continue for the better part of the week as we go into the weekend as well. clear and mild and dry. temperatures in the 50s north and west. tomorrow mostly sunny, warm and breezy with temperatures going to about 90 degrees and the humidity begins to build tomorrow night and you'll feel a difference on wednesday. break out the umbrella with scattered showers and storms. thursday it will just be in the afternoon.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? ht. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone.
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like michael phelps. >> i just saw michael phelps with them last night, he turned around and i saw all the brown spots. reporter: the marks are caused by cupping, in ancient chinese practice. i stopped by the nova center for a few answers reporter: it can treat everything from respiratory disorders to asthma. >> what is happening is that it is forcing blood circulation to the contracted muscles which is allowing calcium to get in and get the muscles to release. >> it looks painful. how do you feel the mac's.
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than it is. >> i decided to give it a try. >> this is really not that bad. i can handle it. reporter: the cubs stay on for 315 minutes and the marks they create usually lasts anywhere from four to 10 days. the national institute of health says that cupping shows, sir pain management but more study needs to be done in order to draw firm conclusions. what started out as an ancient therapy is now firmly in the 21st back over to you guys in the studio. steve: i am already dreading everyone in their school cycle h their cupping scars speak. dari: my husband has done it before. old is new.
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yeah, i miss you, too, sweetie. listen, i got to go, but i'll see you tonight? okay. bye-bye. bye-bye. no, you hang up first. hello? dude, i'm glad you finally got a girlfriend, but do you have to do all that lovey-dovey stuff in front of those of us who don't? actually, he might have to. there's an economic concept known as a positional good because it's not possessed by others. the term was coined in 1976 by economist fred hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise "neener-neener." that's not true. my happiness is not dependent on my best friend being miserable and alone. thank you. although i'd be lying if i said it wasn't a little bit of a perk. who's miserable and alone? me. oh. i used to be like that. then i got a girlfriend.
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