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tv   Chasing News  FOX  August 9, 2016 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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>> now on chasing news. the whole world knows what a pathetic, puny, piece of felt that you are. >> who killed karina pastrana? i cannot even wrap my head around what the families going through. >> the state banned the jammer swimsuit requiring all lifeguards to wear speedo's her boxers. >> at a certain age you do not want to wear a speedo anymore. >> is 2016,. >> us small neighborhood bakery has been robbed three times. >> we went right to the register so we knew it was the exact same guy. >> did you bring any cupcakes westmark. >> will i was hungry when i came back. >> the whole entire world knows what a pathetic, puny, weak,
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>> alex you are in howard beach in front of the police command post, as they search for evidence and clues to track down a killer of a jogger who was murdered last week. what he got question marks speemac's day six of the investigation. who killed carino petrone oh? nypd is still trying to find out. no suspect announced as of right now. if you remember katrina karina was the jogger who went missing in these high brush lands behind me. those in the neighborhood of howard beach and found a few hours later, dad, strangle. please are try to solve her murder. on sunday her family spoke out and brought forth two different ideas of justice. blessed with a said. >> myself and my they said. >> myself and my family oh everything to the nypd. it can only ever hope to bring justice to my daughter karina through them in their hard work. >> philippa toronto, talking
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about earthly justice. talking about the dedicated cop and his prayer that they find what is responsible. but karina's mother, kathy mothe3 w kathy a different sense of justice, saying that the person who is behind this will get his in the end, a profanity laden tirade in which she calls out the killer and says you can burn in hell. >> you know that my daughter was a force to be reckoned with. i guarantee you, i gaugrantee yu you will be recknow ned with that force. not only for the rest of your pathetic life, but for the rest of eternity as you burn in helrd >> i not been able to chase the story last week so i came up your monday morning for the
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the scene, what degree missy and what did her killer see when they went into this marsh. >> it gives you an idea of how high the brushes and how difficult it would be to see someone from the road or have someone see you. i also heard there is a homeless encampment somewhere back in the area were karina was one running. i wondered wondered if there could be a possible connection. >> i talked him and he was fishing and gave me some information as for the homeless people hang out. >> usually they're okay and they don't bother buddy. they actually clean up the beach a li cans and botabout es to make inr back or so. >> under the cross bay bridge i took a look a round to see if there's anything there. instead i ran into a guy. >> what's it like down here? is a quiet. >> it's peace and quiet. i got a ticket, was it your. >> mohammed said he was in ozone
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and let him go. i have to tell you, i looked into into this angle and there's two things that stood out to me. fiy lt, the homeless encamne ene both the area by the bridge in the and the larger structure that has been talked about being back in the brush i couldn't find are in the opposite direction from where karina was running, and quite a big distance away, secondly, the people who l her keablnder that bridge general want to keep a low point profile. their tendencies to withdraw and stay away from people and not draw attention to them so. please have not put forward any leads. this not said specifically if they have a suspecgle who that is. we know they're probably testing dna and we know there's a heavy police presence run here. you can barely go across the street without see him nypd car. you see white rhisbons to see hw the community stealing for their loved ones lost. >> i cannot even imagine around my head around what families going through.
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she did not surompve cancer to have her daughter be sexauglly assaulted and struggle to death. >> what a beeabout e day to be t the beach. i'm really more of a pool person and believe it or not, i'm here for the lifegaugrd. i'm here to see roy lester. a bght lifegaugrd and long islad since 1968. >> i like it. it's almost forced relaxation. forced meditation. you. you're sitting on the stands, watching the ocean, watching the people, nobody is bothering you. for years you can find this
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jammer swimsuit and now this lifeguard is pushing back. >> a jammers are like biking shorts. it's at a certain age you donopl want to wear speedo anymore. it's just, eat when you have a six pack in your in your twenties, you you look decent in the speedo. after certain point iyths just not the appropriate attire. >> it in 2007 lester was turned recay r swiyeuit and requires all lifeguards to wear speedo's, briefs her boxers and makes it easier for lifeguards to swim the speed test. but lester doesnopl agreed. >> they said will the jammer are fast, they were faster than other seatke i there's no evidence, no data wha morifeguvr anywhere in the world that that
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on long island. and once again long island happens to emeonloy 90% of the lifeguar lik over 50. so it was completely aimed at the older guys. there is no question about it. >> lester's case was initially dismissed but it may reverse the deo.sion in the case will go to trial. i reach reach out to the new york parks department and i have not heard back an,t. how often do you go out? >> twice a week, otherwise we >> but don't worry, this lifeguard is that without a jax. he is a full-time a ful& time lawyer and as of now he is also working the weekend at a private beach club. i asked, where you why are you fighting this if you already are lifegaugrd? you're still doing your passion. >> that beach was special. i spent over half my life, more
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, i wanted that job. >> so let meablnderstand this. the jammey l according to the state said they gave the lifeguar lik andablnfair advante in the speed test. >> yes, they say the jammers allow for lifegaugrds to swim faster and so lester said donopl you want to tell lifeguard to >> i donopl even need to state the obvious here. >> i know i would wanna lifeguard to get to me slower by were drowning . >> i don't even understand this. >> if borney l are loud like trun ab, they are a have more
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biker pants. >> yes thayths what they look like. >> and the fact that they wind up in court, honesb.y the whole lifeguard stmore.f are to be thn into the ocean. this is a waste of time. >> this is what the sitaugtion s about. he's in his 60s and they donopl think the bxay is appropriate for wearing the speedo. but he talked about but you talk about the beach, ptanpe and also hang out. [inaudible] i can't even follow that up. it's all good. >> ptanple are insane. >> welcome to washington square park, home to playgroun lik, dog parkke i glorious fountain in te most colorful of new yorkers. it's athe oo home to crackheadki bondke i and hookey l? from the hunt for bombs, hookers and crackheads. i chased washino. on square park where i found exactly what is looking for. the picjammerre from the pt and the two genb. foren that wee in it. >> they come into this park and the writing inappropryou hte stories. it's not right. you know nothing about me. >> me jean, he's feajammerred ie
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general picture probl for ptanpe in the park. >> you see three african-americans, what are we doing, there's nothing were doing o wonnot r were talking ad networking. we talk about different types of current eventke i jean says he s in dealing drugs are thieving, he was simply sleepinjamme >> there's an ns hed camera we t next to. >> right why would we sit there for selling drugs. >> the other man of fitch identified himself as john doe and sayke i he has nothing to do with the dru di and prostitutio, his game is chess. >> you are a chess plaan,gr3 crashed. >> yes. >> i see what you did there, that's very goxa. >> athe oo not to nine there isa problem in the park, the nypd telling me their narcotics diompsion may 32 ao today. they have stepped up their patrols in the park due to comeonlain mor and that is evidt here today.
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my business. i see i donopl see, here i donol hear, it's not my business. >> aside from those that to make tha br park home for at least a couple of hours for a nap under the sun, i do not personally see any bon lik, crackheadke i or hookers. but in a new york minute, anything can hb.ype& h and everbushing ca washington square park, as always, park, as alwayke i if yu see something, say something.
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[ bell rings ] oh, hey, jamie, can you hang back a sec? ?? you wanna tell me about the boy in this painting? i dunno...maybe nobody understands him. well, if he were here, i'd say that being different is what makes him special. just like our discounts -- each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. okay. gwen? yeah! it's gwen. yeah, gwen's the best.
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so just in case if you forgot that grizzly bears are super dangerous, check out this video from wyoming. it was uploaded on august fourth. not a lot of information but, oh my god watch the mayor chase down this cow, tackle it to the ground and basically tear it to shreds while some guy videotaped it. he's going vision vision and have a good presence of mind to stay in his car. >> here chasing news we love our coffee, but maybe not as much as these people that the tv station interviewed. >> i'm gonna miss that place if they don't open go in there and get that cold coffee, that ice coffee i guess it's called. >> there entire lives are flipped upside down when duncan donuts -- so i grab the donuts at dunkin' donuts and i'm kinda dealing with it but i really miss dunkin' donuts. >> while another man is unsure
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work. >> i meet with my attorneys there,. >> , staten island new york outside the home of an active fire investigation. all because of the sign. a giant donald trump statute now burnt to a crisp. the home owners tells me it went up in flames early sunday morning and he only found out because he got a knock on his door around 1:00 a.m. >> my daughter was knocking on the doorbell. i want to take the trivet in the first thing that came to my mind was this is like the kkk putting across him along telling me that i have to shut up. >> the sign was on display here about two months prior to being burned down. it was greeted by local artist scott -- who shaped it as the
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didn't have to show the trot name to show his support. he also thought he wouldn't face retaliation. as you can see, backlashes what he got. >> to have any inkling on who could of done something like this question. >> hour, moron. >> the other signs are in a plastic bag and it's all over this. >> okay i came home from work saturday with my son and i set all the cannot have my first amendment right of speech can kiss my [expletive]. >> now the please tell me they're investigating the matter and if there any updates will be sure to bring them to. >> the point is this is much more serious than some volunteer from the other side taking down
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night, it's crazy. >> but this guys taking this out of proportion. i mean nobody die, just nobody die, just a trump sign got burnt. get over. >> please have a lot of other priorities right now. they will investigate it back, calm down. >> new jersey has a man massive pension problem. where short $43.8 billion in future benefits for a pension that supports the retirement of 800,000 current workers and retired workers. the latest saga started with governor c he tried to push for a gas tax. he actually got other legislators to act as vampires with pens and they pushed around midnight, through the assembly, a bill to raise our gas tax for 22 cents per gallon. the plan was for that to go to the senate become law. but in large part, thanks to you, bill taken i bill taken a governor christie on the radio, i believe he called you your math skills
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>> governor, it's real, listen. >> you sound like a fourth grader. >> will are right, won't boy a lot of hits today, i'm in governor really. >> and the governor christie actually went after me, quizzing me of wanting to pass sensational video. >> i understand what you want for your sensational bitty video. >> i don't want anything,. >> long story short, governor christie's effort was kill the that researchers. the senate president steve sweeney tried to get the tax bill pushed through the senate and also a pension bill. >> is the gas tax plan really a monograph for a big fat pension payment? >> with that being said, no no
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>> the gas tax was to fund her pension, this bombshell action by president sweeney actually wrote this letter. and i seen it he has the u.s. attorney to investigate the unions, quote dear mr. fishman, a u.s. attorney, we have specifically threatened to withhold political contributions unless by next week the state up tension payments. this letter, this call for investigation was a shocker from president sweeney because he has been a union man his whole career. monday was the deadline to get this constitutional moment passed by the senate. now now it is dead. we are joined now to talk about this.
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allegation. >> maybe got up on the round side of the bed, had bad pork roll, who knows. who knows. you certainly angry when it came to the gas tax. it's clear that the guest tax was there to short the pensions because the senate president, if they weren't, why when he just past the pension bill and let it go to the voters. >> i have no idea, nobody has any idea. >> there is a deal going on with governor christie. agree or disagree with the plan, he's really, really got his traditional allies up hopping mad. minute, does i know you made nothing. but between murphy and sweeney who came out of this mess look in the worst? >> i don't know about looking the worst, but i know feeling the worst in -- okay, i
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>> look at what happens here in virginia on saturday. this this woman was in a mercedes benz convertible and it look like she was with her family. she backed up in reverse and backed up on top of of harare. a car that is worth about $300,000. both cars were damaged. >> that's rough. >> recent claims that your cat sees you as just another big cat. that was one of the fund faqs i found i found out today on international cat day. enjoy their cats. the cat is most popular pet on the planet. >> more than dogs? >> this neighborhood has been robbed three times. >> all the money hooting the change in pennies were gone. >> shabbat security cameras.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. only from fios. >> coming up next. >> coming up next. the viral i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo.
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with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for
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not only is the u.s. olympic swimming team winning a single metals in rio, they are also killing it a karaoke. there spoofing late-night host, the viral video features america's best swimmers jamming out to different songs. you guys keep bringing home the gold medals.
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the small neighborhood not was rob not once, twice but three times. >> it's weird because we really didn't know how he broke inches we had just noticed that there was all the money, including the change, coins, pennies, everything was gone. we are shocked because we cannot figure out what happened. i thought my production manager took it, he thought i took it. we were and then all of a sudden -- the that was the first of three robbers that start on july 10. they cameras inside but not hooked up. >> we have been here five years, and you get complacent. >> since the robbery happened they did wind up putting the
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bolted. and then two weeks later, amid six days later. she did not bother to call the police the first time. she thought her troubles were over until the guy came back a second and third time. and through the same window. >> i happen to look at the camera sent i see him at 1:00 o'clock in the morning with a motion to hector so it detected him walking through the place. we walked in and he walked right to the register so we knew it was the exact same guy. he did not hesitate, he just walked right through. he took the money out and left. it was maybe minutes the whole >> she posted it on social media and then called the police. i stop at the police department and see had any leads. fortunately the chief to not interview but the detective that's working on the case told me that they have no leads. if if you recognize this man call the police department at -- >> will me once shame on you,
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call the cops right away. >> i have to ask, did you try the cupcakes? >> of course i did, let me tell you. >> did you bring in a quiet cupcakes? >> i got hungry in my way back. >> wait a minute, you got us cupcakes and then you ate the cupcakes question marks how many cupcakes did you have. >> i had six. >> you had six cupcakes of the way home. the same can you at the the lincoln summer invitation sales event, it's time to relax. from the moment you take your foot off the brake, the brake stays engaged and you stay put. taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. and even hills. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers. lease a lincoln mkx for $349 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months
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gary, what's going on with your girl here? >> getting ready to help. come on! porsha, i want to win the olympics! >> no. >> yeah. love! [ scream ] >> bure. >> looks like your feet are dying. >> yes, dying of lotion. yes. >> oh, hell yeah. >> you have ganggray. >> you've seen enough. no. ny hey, y'all, welcome to "dish nation." at it all day long. keep it going. >> all: usa! usa! usa! usa! >> we are straight olympic mode here in the studio, all sorts of funny olympic moments to talk about, plus last week orlando bloom competed in the qualifying rounds of the naked below the belt competition and he got his javelin out. >> yes, he did. >> does he have the power?


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