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tv   Good Day 5am  FOX  March 3, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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here is a look at this morning's top stories. first... a sanford man is due in court today... after police say his 6-year-old neice kills herself.. with his gun. details on why the weapon should not have been in the home in the first place. plus an 8-year-old boy rjua canal.. to save his friend from drowning. now... the young hero is talking to fox 35... about the daring rescue. plus-- new from overnight-- an explosion at an orlando speedway. what witnesses say happened... that sent a person to the hospital. but first, let's get
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sheriff's office is investigating.. after reports of an explosion at a speedway. this all happening... at "orlando speedworld"... off east colonial drive in bithlo. here is video from the scene.. where witnesses reported seeing a motorcycle explode. right now... we're being told that one person was taken to the hospital... but no word on their condition. officials have not said what the victim was doing at the time of the explosion.. or what caused it. in seminole county-- a man will be in court today... after police say his 6- year-old neice shot and killed herself... with his gun. fox 35's andrea jackson is live at the "seminole county jail" with the story. andrea... police say this guy should not
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the first place. here in sanford... a family member facing charges for a hearing from the young boy... who rescued his 8 -year- old friend from a
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tuesday-- close to "riverside elementary school" -- in orlando. investigators say-- shamore franklin was walking home from school with friends... when he decided to walk on a pipe... across a canal that's when he fell 10 feet-- into the water. 8-year-old "malachi jenkins"... jumped in to save his friend. police say... jenkins and the victim's brother did c-p-r on franklin until emergency crews arrived. right now, franklin remains in critical condition. his family says they are just holding out hope their son will recover. in volusia county... the father accused of shooting his own son.. won't be getting out of jail any time soon. grady edmondson senior... went before a judge yesterday... who denied him bond. deputies say he shot his adult son at his deland home tuesday afternoon.
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two men were arguing in the driveway when things got heated. friends say the son is expected to make a full recovery. he has three children who are now staying with relatives. new this morning.... details are emerging in the case of a 3-year-old boy who was injured after falling out of a moving s-u-v in ormond beach. police say the boy was trying to drive the car... when it rolled into traffic. it happened tuesday afternoon... on granada boulevard. polce say the boy's mother... went inside a store... leaving the keys and her 3- year-old inside the s-u-v. the daytona beach news journal reports-- the boy told police he was playing with the keys... and pulled down of the shifter... and the car started rolling. the boy says he got out of the car-- to try and stop it-- and that is when he was injured. the case is still under investigation. a deland man will spend the next seven years behind bars
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kill the president. 24-year-old jeremy addison was sentenced yesterday in federal court. he pleaded guilty back in october to mailing a letter to president obama... calling the president a "dead man". officials also say the letter referenced anthrax. the u-c-f downtown campus is one step closer to reality this morning. the florida board of governors have given their approval for plans to build the campus in downtown orlando. *rd voted "14 to 2" in favor of approving 20-million dollars for the new campus. it will sit just west of i-4... and east of parramore boulevard... near the site of the old amway center. the university is also chipping in 20 million dollars, and raising another 20 million privately. the legislature --and the governor-- still need to approve the plan. the campus would
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a third of those would be on-line only. the campus would also have colleges for health administration, digital media, and government. happening now... it's deadline day in daytona beach. the city and county are looking to reach an agreement on how to handle the area's homeless problem. the two sides are looking to agree to terms on how to finance a new homeless shelter in the area. the daytona beach news journal reports that city commissions agreed last night to pay 400-thousand- dollars a year for that shelter. that's as long as the county... sticks to it's pledge to give 4-million-dollars for construction. back in january... county council memebers issued a deadline of today... for the city to find a way to cover the cost of running a 250-bed shelter.... or risk losing county funding. county commissioners are scheduled to meet today... to discuss the city's proposal. health alert... help is on the way... .when it comes fighting the zika virus in flordia.
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more zika test kits. governor rick scott asked for them last week. right now, doctors can test more than 46-hundred people for active zika virus. there are 44 confirmed cases in florida so far. all of them travel- related. super tuesday is in the rearview mirrow. now --the presidential hopefulls have their eyes set on the debate stage. coming up... we look at the republican party heading into tonight's showdown. and find out which former candidate is gearing up for a big
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some people don't like to share their wifi,
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we do. login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. its free for 30 days. welcome aboard my starship.
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it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. one of the coolpperks of this place is you can eat as muchpcereal as you want. it' s like i' m going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it. (laughing)
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that's because ben carson says.. he won't participate in tonight's fox news debate. carson made the decision yesterday.. after he said that there was quote -- "no path forward" in his bid for the white house. the retired neurosurgeon stopped short of
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meanwhile -- during tonight's debate-- the remaining candidates are expected to team-up against donald trump once again... and they're not alone. here in florida... the conservative advocacy group "club for growth" backing a 1.5-million dollar anti-trump ad. u-s-a today reports several-dozen prominent g-o-p businessmen... are also planning to join forces and fund an anti-trump super pac. democrats are piling on as well. later today... former presidential candidate mitt romney is planning to speak on the "state of the 20-16 presidential race". romney has attacked trump in recent weeks... saying the front- runner's unreleased tax returns might be full of "bombshells". meanwhile... trump's rival, marco rubio, is counting on florida to propel him to the head of the pack.
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florida primary yesterday in west miami... before continuing his campaign in south florida. the florida primary is on march 15th. on the democratic side... hillary clinton... has more support this morning.. getting a major endorsement right here in florida. yesterday... a handful of democratic uakers announced their support for clinton.. including state representative ed narain. the chairman of the florida legislative black caucus says clinton is the best person for the job. right now.. clinton has nearly triple the delegates that rival... bernie sanders has. rner of "good morning orlando" on "w-f-l-a" joins us live to talk about it. bud.. let's get back to the gop...
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news conference this morning. no details are being released of what he's going to say.. but this is certainly unprecedented. bud.. are the alarms sounding for the g- o-p? take a look at this -- vo several papers... reporting the republican party is in crisis mode.. following donald trump's rise on super tuesday. the huffington post reads... "the g-o-p implosion over donald trump's
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arrived.." ..other headlines include... "donald trump's victories point to a g-o-p crisis..." and "inside the g-o-p implosion and the war to stop trump. so bud, what can gop do to stop trump???? you can listen to
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"good morning orlando" --every morning from 6 a.m.
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ing you money on the fox 35 pump patrol-- t\*r gas is 1-62 at the circke-k on cypress parkway and north doverplum drive in kissimmee. d 1-65 at the "gas and go" on west colonial drive and north hart boulevard in orlando. you can also check out gas saving tips any time. just go to "fox 35 orlando dot com"
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some big additions are coming to the regular gas is 1-62 at the circke-k on cypress parkway and north doverplum drive in kissimmee. you can also check out gas saving tips any time. just go to "fox 35 orlando dot com" and click on traffic. some big additions are coming to the happiest place on earth. find out when you can take a trip to a galaxy-- not so far away-- and take a frozen boat ride. plus... americans are known for working hard... and florida is no exception. find out where orlando ranks when
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cities in the u-s. on the business look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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several major airlines are gettting ready to fly havana. last night was the deadline... for airlines to apply with the "department of transportation" for the right to fly to cuba. there will be a limited number of routes-- including to cuba's capital-- "havana"-- which is a big vacation spot. commercial airlines can fly openly between our countries now-- following a february agreement. but tourists still have to fit into certain categories to travel to cuba. some big new attractions are coming to disney world. starting on april 4th-- "hollywood studios" is doing a new live "star wars" show. "animal kingdom" is starting a new nightly show on "earth day"-- which is april 22nd. the popular ride "soarin" at epcot will re-open soon... after getting a big update. and the much- awaited "frozen" boat ride is coming to epcot's "norway pavilion." those are just a few of the updates coming this year. you can find the rest on our website-- "fox 35
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jnjz "employee appreciation day" tomorrow-- a list by "wallet- hub" shows which of america's biggest cities work the hardest. orlando ranked 28th on the list. jacksonville was 44th.... and tampa was 61st. number-1 on the list was anchorage, alaska. the findings are based on factors like "weekly work- hours," and "worker participation." it's a problem facing police in central florida. heroin making it's way onto our streets. and officers are looking to do something about it. *.jn up... the new tool -- one force has-- in the war
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again! r again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal...
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i'm luanne sorrell. here are the stories we are working on this morning.
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yesterday. it requires rape kits to be submitted within 30 days after an agency collects evidence. the bill was proposed-- after it was discovered that thousands of rape kits had never been tested statewide. big night on the hardwood for the orlando magic. the team welcoming the chicago bulls to the amway center. the magic lead by big man nikola vucevic. he scored 24 points in the big win. victor oladipo added 17 points of his own..... and aaron gordon finished with 13 points and 15 rebounds. magic get the big win at home 102-89. orlando's next game is friday... when they
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the university of florida announcing... making a big announcement when it comes to consessions. the school says it will start selling alcohol at sporting events. visitors can look for beer and wine in premium seats at ben hill griffins stadium- and at men's basketball games in the o'connell center this fall. for the first time in 12 years... michael phelps will be in an orlando pool today. our news partners at the orlando sentinel are reporting phelps is scheduled to at an arena pro series meet at the y-m-c-a aquatic center on i- drive. today he will swim the 100-meter butterfly...100 meter ackstroke.... and 200 breaststroke. tomorrow he swims the 100 meter freestyle. preliminaries are scheduled to begin at 9 a-m... with the finals at 6 p-m each day. she is only 10- years-old... but she is giving florida lawmakers a piece of
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still ahead-- a look at one orange county girl's cross-state mission to protect black bears in the state of
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some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots.
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kelly.... returned to earth a taller man... . nasa reports.. kelly grew 2 inches while living on the space station for a year. that means he's now taller than his identical twin brother mark...
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earth yesterday. he says that he "feels pretty good." he now begins what may be a year-long project to monitor his health. the heroin epidemic is growing in orlando-- including at u-c-f. but now... university police say they have a new weapon in the battle against the deadly drug. in the past month-- police say at least 8 people have died in orange county from overdoses. it is also an issue for u-c-f police. officers say they have dealt with two cases of suspects high on heroin in the last 2 months. that is why they are now using a new weapon... called naloxone. officers say it's like an epi-pen for
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officers say the heroin danger is not %9g away. but... the new drug gives them a way to save lives. heroin danger is not going away. but... the new drug gives them a way to save lives. developing at this ... the u-s supreme court is "deeply split" over a controversial abortion case... that could impact every state in the country. texas argues it is trying to protect women with strict regulation that would close 75- percent of its abortion clinics. but opponents argue the requirements... which would force clinics to meet hospital-like standards... are not necessary. they say the rules are designed to make it impossible for women to get an abortion. a decision in this case is expected in june. hours after the united nations approved its toughest sanctions on north korea in decades... the
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"projectiles". each of them landed in the sea according to south korea's defense ministry. it's believed the launches were in response to these new sanctions that were put into place over north korea's latest nuclear test. right now the ministry is still working to confirm what was fired. debris-- that may finally reveal what happened to missing malaysia airlines flight 370... is heading to australia for examination. it washed up in the african country of "mozambique" over the weekend... and it appears to be part of the tail of a boeing 7-77. m-h-370 disappeared 2 years ago... with all 239 people aboard. a central florida girl... giving elected officials an earfull. she's traveling the state... encouraging them to protect florida's black bears. ten year old megan sorbo is from orange county. but... last night... she caught the attention of leaders in tampa. that's where she spoke before hillsborough county commissioners, urging them to pass a resolution against future bear hunts in our state. she also says bears
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aggressive and development is reducing their habitat. megan says people who want the state to do more to protect bears should take action. sorbo hopes to take her message to seminole, orange and pasco county commissioners later this month.... if she can get put on their agendas for the
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jeff -- orlando
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the first headline comes from the new york times. it reads... "white house is said to be vetting iowa judge for supreme court seat." that judge is jane kelly. the fbi has been conducting background check on her.. according to inside sources. the president is expected to make a selection in the next couple of weeks. but this could get awkward... because her home state senator.. chuck grassley... is the chairman of the senate judiciary committee... and has pledged to block the president from filling the vacancy. and grassley has praised the judge in the past.. calling her a woman of high
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next up.. from the it reads... "texas trooper who arrested sandra bland officially fired." as you likely remember.. sandra bland was the black woman who was arrested.. and then later found dead in her jail cell. that led to numerous protests. trooper brian encina was indicted in the case.. on perjury charges... accused of lying about the arrest and the confrontation. so he was offically fired this week... after being on paid desk duty. he can appeal the decision. your final headline comes from "fox news." it reads-- "flight attendant accused of starting fire on american airlines plane." the suspect came forward this week-- a month after this all took place. the flight was on february first... out of dallas. the f-b-i says... a flight attendant was using a lighter to set bathroom paper-towels on fire. but then-- he reportedly put the fire out himself... with a fire extinguisher. the flight landed safely in detroit, with no injuries. the attendant is charged for setting
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a florida family is enjoying some fun in the sun... when they come across a shocking discovery. coming up... find out what they found swimming in their backyard. if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful
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than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec . muddle no more . i get out of workpand i go to the store, and somebody' s,psmellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that' s honey bunches of oats, that' s all." and now in delicious chocolate. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even
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in south florida-- a teen-- previously charged with posing as a doctor-- is facing even more charges! 18-year-old "malachi love-robinson" was arrested on tuesday, and released yesterday afternoon. he is facing charges of larceny-- and "using another person's i-d without their consent." according to detectives in palm beach county-- he cashed checks worth nearly 35- thousand dollars. police say they were stolenstolen during house calls he made to an elderly woman. the judge allowed his release-- as long as he undergoes a mental health evaluation.
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already faces charges of fraud, and practicing medicine without a license. f-b-i detectives arrest a man in miami-- linked to a gold heist in north carolina! last year-- investigators say thieves intercepted a truck-- as it was carrying gold bars along i-95. the haul was worth about 4-point-8 million dollars. authorities say the men robbed the guards at gunpoint, forced them into the woods, and then drove away. agents arrested that suspect yesterday, another suspect recently pleaded guilty to extortion-- after trying to sell one gold bar. a polk county family makes a shocking discovery-- when they find a huge alligator in their pool. the 9-foot-gator broke through the family's screened porched in lakeland-- and made himself at home. they called in a trapper.. who had to wrangle the gator out of the pool. the gator was not hurt. john and amy are
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the stories we're working on for you in our next hour of good day. u %yed brand new details on an explosion at "orlando speed world". what investigators say the victim was doing... before the motorcycle blew-up. plus... the uncle of a young girl who police say shot herself while he was supposed to be watching her... is heading to court. what he faces when he steps before a judge today. then all new: the department of transportation is banning e-cigs on planes. but there's a lot more to these changes that impact users... before they ever step on-board. plus your weather and traffic updates.
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lemme get a mcpick 2 check out the brand new mix on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu! lemme get a mcpick 2. now, choose any 2 delicious mickey d's classics for just $5 bucks. mix n match share n savor 2 for $5 name your flavor pick any 2 iconic tastes- a big mac made with 100% beef, flaky filet-o-fish, seared on the grill quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. grab your crew today. hurry in and say - lemme get a mcpick 2
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. >> john: it's thursday, march 3. "good day orlando." i'm john brown. >> amy: i'm amy kaufeldt. so glad you're with us.


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