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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  March 7, 2016 1:35am-2:05am EST

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jack. one word, next week the rapture! we're going to miss all of this stuff. god has given me a newf the rapture and i've never used it until next week. father, pray it with me, i'm a the world is in such a mess. soon armageddon will be here.ill be flying. but even sooner, we're going to be taken away in the rapture if we're christians., i want to be ready. lord jesus i love you for dying on that cross. thank you for that precious, holy, shed blood and thed in shedding it for my sins. jesus, i trust in you. come into my heart now.ay as my own
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amen. did you accept the lord as your savior? you know the alcohol, the drugs;things have been forgiven by the blood of christ. will you let me know? there is my address. little booklet, first steps in a new direction. i'd love for you to walk with the lord every day and you can if he's in your heart. and now whoo, not only are we winding it up, we only have twois wonderful video: islam exposed. here's our announcer to tell you how you can receive it. chuck.a. my friend, to order islam exposed, have your credit card ready and call toll-free 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777. in the u.s., send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries,
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in canada, send your donation ofk van impe ministries of canada, box 1717, postal station a, 6y1. now back to rexella! thank you so much chuck! most of what we've said today is on here, but so much more and you need to have it islamined. you need to have it so that you can explain it to others also. order a couple so you give it to your neighbor. you're walking in a very dark world? i want to leave you with this wonderful thought: you won't stumble in the dark if you walk in the light of god's word.ward to being in your home again next week and until then please remember god cares for you, so do we so very much.
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continue our conversation with ted cruz. conservatives used to talk a l about thull th tougher t job oonservati politics t stand up say, no moremprove t culture or made i worse wel liste there n doubt that there a aspects o this campaign th hav gon into t gutte we s momenith donalrco rubi engagin i
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jocks, jus gti nasti a master and throwing mud. approac j i not goine. not going t eag i t i subtle, i don't really ha a views on the sizes o a par of donal trump anatomy i not interested i talki abo thatted talking about i t issue facing t america peopl millions of americans a fin stagna wages, n havinob my t priorit bringin bacsi wages, we'r going d tha repealin obamacare, passing fla tax abolish can t i reignin i the feder rulator stoppinng t brder that's m priority >> dickerson: you said also week that donald trump entertaining. but th thi oth stu sli in a that' t way i whiiv i talke to more year said that's t way th culture slip it's the job of politi stand up and so, ther a guard rails here
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lincol gettysbur aress f thin j a n wha y your country i think people at hom a asking themselve h would feel i o cldren came i t president of the unitetate if tha presiden was donal trump. if it would embarra you have your children repe t words of t president, that' not a go thing unif u shou aea t o bett half appea t o share values that make ameri who w ar that is how i' tryin ti think that's what the america people a looki for >> dickerson: donald trump says there needs to b flexibility o immigration. you talk about the "new yo times" and t conversation, w o cours negotiation flex flexibility. >> h i mostl absolutely no right b stunnin aspect of t debate that he sai ove a over again flexibility flexibilitt's one of t
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yoga mats o wbsit, that if you fin yourse boilive wit rag doi yog a breathin conservatives are used t seein republican candidate run to t right i t primae left in the genera part of the reas we' s frustrated, so angry we're tired o politicians lyin to u what w amazi abo thi debate, john donal is alreadeft he's n even out of thrimar in t dat thi wee don stood theaid, mar rubio, agree wit you marco i understa w ywe flexibl negotiating wit chuck schumer on t g o eight. this is the donald truho ha ma immigration t centerpie of his campaign w said hrubio supporting the gang of eig amnesty bil th w stunnin >> dickerson: last question something that puzzles me you ta about going to be president you can't let you children wat t he' c m all of the trible thing
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you'll suppo him and y d doesn't that undermi a o thes criticisms tha going be suc danger ublica value liste think numbe o hillary clinton as preside would be even mor catastrophi she would be third term barack obama y n nclinto but income d t a outside o th campaign, promise would support th republica nomine and a someo w kee h past wee o supe tsday, in t sta texas, we won averwhelmi victory. won texas by poi tha wningful becaus the people oexas they kno me they know my heart they are t peo that mad promises when i r f senate lead t fight agains obamace an amnesty. i'll lead the fight against o debt and i'll lead t fig t protect religioibert seco amendment and bill o rights the reas w overwhelmixa i becau texas said ted, y kep you word
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i'll dery sa thin >> dickerson: we'll that have to leave it there thank you very much dickerson: we'll be right back with thhairm o t republican party. someone's hacked all our technology seen all the amazing technolo in geico's mobile ap mobile app look electronic id card emergency roadside servicet a clai wow.
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>> if you lo across thecord tur ou we have 70 mor peopomin out in thi rublica prima we're 0 democrats are do 3 there' questio tha gap we' crushi th democrats we're beating them o mey beating them o mchanics and li ou chance we're prepared to beat hillar clinto got a situati the speaker house calling ou the front runne t questions bigotry t fro runner i attacking toverno of south carolina w cannery so that's tough stuff. >> i tugtuf i don't think there' anythin wrong wit dra a intrigu of tha there's no question abut that they, though, i can y come -- get to nominee c together and then take it tth we' g ther i'm confiden t w wil we've got mo republica elected today sinc 190 b w
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country that's wha i hopefu of >> dickerson: that comin togeth that's th docto traditional thing. in t las cou o weeks y have ben carso n h won let's start a third part there's also tal kin o monkeying around to ge contesteonventio tha mea coalescin isn going t happe what i mea ithe beginning o march g ove 16 delegates t g m tha peop a concerned at least the o interests as far a w t they'r maki publi statement like change the cours what they see directn th they don lik bu lon way to g we are going t com togethe and we're goi t beat hillar clinton who i n dodgi immuni areements with th do y mak of the talbout t convention let's start with mitt romne he bsicall sai everybo shou hav strateg wi florida
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denies him the number delegates. what do you think of suc planne strateg >> i don ry thi anythin i - basically 1 behin woeve gets 123 delegates i'm n goin t d anythin t hel them g tha nor am goi t anythinmeonr gett 12 delegates but keep in mind what is goi her we hav politic part tese fol ar running joi o political party as our nomin so yes the pledg t suppo the even nminee, they wa t take part t process get to t point, they wi join o 100% behi that person >> dickerson: republicans out en they march aboontest convention, there are rules, in other words, it's not dir word, righ n
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coul b possibl that' oka sti think it' unlikely but noral counsel joh f two years befo bei chairma for six know the rule inse an out i' b prepa f anythin but s in is veris conversatio i thi t t mon tha we're sitting i situation whe candidates a tie the think in month y sta looking at thot now we've got lon way to g >> dickerson: do you think donald trump success becau he's donald trump republica would thi probably little bit o bo bu it' early. i don't know who is going to b successful and who is no goi to b successfu what i do know i t w h great opportunity her t w itunity to save o country running against a perso who ddging the i.r.s. an has to answer f lot o things thateop find b pret toublinorke hard to try expan t republican party i differe
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have h trouble hispanic community afric americ community w th campaign mi o f helped or hu thos effort obviously t proof i goi to be in t puddingay t g we have at t national part put more people on t ground different communities than eve before in th hstory o part dollar investe hundreds ev millions dollars in ou infrastructure aechanics fa bette tha we mu i012 i dhink th ton a i do think tha w he kee p rat durin debates i thinha t nex debat needs to b improve tha regard o candidat will hee tha suggestio >> dickerson: if the proce go forwar, y epe t to keainin more people as it go forward >> i think w ar y lo a t numbers tha we'r putti u a the
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wa dmocrat i'd be ver concerned over lack enthusiasm over sluggi process that isn't goi e any ti soon ev though hillary clinton i no seeming winni theshe obviously didn' have goo nig las night it doesn seem b ending fo he i think bernie sanders is going to do we on te coast those contest an't coming fin for a lon process whether they like o no >> dickerson: we'll be back in
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back with our time but check in with c election director who i i new york thi morning anthony this effort t establishment to comp witha donald trump how is that goi so far >> not well michiga y sti s dona trump i t lea bks lik t party is just not in linit its voterhis whether or n the a f dona trump, ask vot who were n supportinruul t republican party be doing a th point you might hav expecte t s
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47% who said that t par shou indeed doi everything the can t sto trump fr getting th nomination 3 sai tha party shoul ral behind dona trump and ge behind him o t way to november i tru kee winnin pmaries another fif w sai goi t a se i think thovetai wit wha s a lrger theme o thi campaign that voters, matte who they'r f jus not i t wha t d b anybody that they see a relat to the par establishment >> dickerson: even though th don't like donal tmp they' no i bre gla a it'of min why can't th establishment mo mo peo f o thi voter t within they hea someone i connected to t e less likely t vot for that perso that's why four t o mgin think what you'r seein her campaign i think that certain playi
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thi als saks t larger balanci act that t party ha r nnald trump get over thr millio vote he's o cservatives voters do n apear to any mood to be told what t t parat do you wit those fol because yoi nee tem c november i the bttlegrou states >> dickerson: anthon slvantore in washington we' h with mol bul w cover politi f the atlanti michael gers scholium mu f the "washingto pst e o'keefe an e kle edit oco there wa fl m o establishment people, all goi to stop donald trump how is tha going fo t >> thi the wou s sti progresomethin failed when it's on bee underway for a wee o two what i remarkable it's tak s long to get going b rea t
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afte votin had started abuilt up quite b mmentum there are lo o peopl fea that it i t lat but y hav couple o political actitarte seekin fundin a c ads florid that is the mai foc o l o these efforts right now n majority view i th republica par tha tru must b stopped but ve remarkable at th juncture to have 4 plurali politic par the a hel t fro runner >> dickerson: you wrote abou alternatives what i t mos plausible one for stoppin trouble? >> a l o peopl wil argue cruz, in secon pl numptive challenger to this ted cruz t t rig of donal trump on som issue l immigration which does not sol that problemti whe
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is giving a littl tractio bu t eablishment for rub has notte cr h benefi her t question is can h w ste that hav a n clo primaries and caucusesoo adequatel th 15t w determi thi florida will have lot do wi it >> dickerson: who do you thi about that id that cruz i n the alternative and that' those w want to st tum >> some degree that bee tru for l t part of the failure o t p to stop dona trump bee comple uwillingnes tni couple of mont ago ma n couple, noon a when cru beat tru i i ter w at that momen fo t republican party unlike donald trump, ted cru onservativ atually believes eve i
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the co istitution of t republican party the core thinker and i an man other fol expected som unitiidnappecaus lindsey graham cam out if yo kill ted cruz t senat there are th sen wou that's bee problem >> dickerson: a sign oarmin lindsey graham would suppo they even talked o the phon ma b picnicki soo ybout marc rubio he g 1 i kans despit endorseme fro t governor 16% at i happening >> falli aar it evide n tha that' happening i w sriki hepene rbi he runs in tenness h som
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senato lam goe toks thre ents sta afte cncelli appearance does miserably there a wel afte gettin edorsements s into florid nothey can still w ther a conservativ sho that the rac tightened probabl helped by million of dollars attack ads that a n airin against trump f h can gel go home individual >> dickerson: if you g endorsement from governor in t state the k o dea y a lose michae gerso wha i tth republica par at thi momen hea l o dire -- talk about with it with t chairma where do you see thing >> if you lo a thi froav t o the leas popu politicians i american at one and t i the part deepivid party instead of doin oreach need aft last electio the have be determining whethe th shoul
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democrat and thi it' disastrous f thepublica party it either hu i bad wit cruz as the nomine wit trump as tomine this is very goo outco f hillary clintohe establishmenus again donald trump, isn' tha exacerbating the very thing th caused trim top rise in t first plac which i t sen o tou wit people in t party and t conservativ movement? >> that's why as mik sid thi party i fallinpar because you di hav aat w s profoundly out of touch with a lo o t voters an base the par tha they complete failed t tak sriously th candidac tru a t angin there was feeling that this w jok there w muc denia th this wa rea thing you now have fro runne w wo majority states, t majority o
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normally that would be to a sor bandwag affec everybo would getting o board other th chr christie mos of t sort oofficer holders a runni screaming in the other directi talking abou cnteste convention. m sai tre's visib outcome th doesn' entai sor of falli >> peopl have t appreciat what happened this week that y had bo t01 a 200 republican nominees come o s we need t stop t g w verge o becomin 201e. mitt romney and john mccai both. he's bad for the party, bad f th country, somebody else nee to ste u proble i y a rneo p i your name no, i just want s the things look grandchildren i th eye great tha h spo out unclengs this point but still i sho thhe n solutio y
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mentioned is so important t four to on rublica voter d not wa candida w touch establishment at ver cor lev republic part faili i boast mas politic party. what a politic party doe ve compl wrl l w hav if y g int poi whe say trust thi gu voters say that' actuall disendorsement, righ then you g in ver profou place dsfunction becaust function o organizing information f voters. now th don hav very goo ways to figur o who t trust that is going t b reall har place organiz i tac th bomin boon for donald trump because i shows that he is standin u t republic party >> dickerson: quickly before we switch. >> wouldn underestimate thad effecti attacks agains trump i t debate, financial fraud a aci logical frau
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attack goin forwa that ma b importan achievement >> dickerson: themocratiis i basically over for him, i hillar clint o h way t th nominatio >> thi s i it i n ove but it i mostl ove and ive because t alignme behin hillary clinton as she told yo earlier, she h obvious gotten the vas majority minority voter a thi i increasingly fueled by minority-based nationa coalition you can't be credible nominee of this party if afric america voters don' support yrue thah i winning white voter winnin latino voters she g ver diverse coalition behin her bernie did win two o thr states las clearly sti hav l of support i think t par sti h t grapple with what h represent even if falls sho the h been sor o uprisin again
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party a wel b folchine that wants to see a mor radicaositio >> dickerson: how does fix t enthusiasm problem? >> thi one o tay h continues raise s muc monfact he' losin find w t tur grass roo support not onl t vot b in cash something to b learn fro what sanders doing i think it's also lesson thin sup pac ha outsi influence lot of these guys hav r o of mon donated t the campaign, the reason sanders i able, he's g these peopl i wha i keeping him in the rac if he ca fin w t convin those people eventually she'l be fin bu certainly h sti enjoykerson: what do you mak of the stories i massachuset an ohi democra crossin over a registerin are these peop w alica it' n big >> i think every cyc w hea
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to be very lar affec o twill tell you wha presidentia campaigns they' lon process an remindedf w the like a w they hate that speaks 20 your questio about th enthusiasm gap toolinton wil solve that is she'l b runni against republica candidate ve possibl republica candidate who scarier democrats than a republica who has be nominat i generation goin thi reshap democrats - wheth democrats turn out >> dickerson: have to stop yall of you we'll be back in a momen expert? sure a my staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. at&t can help you stay connecte am i seeing double ne get one free' makes it easier for your staff to se appointment reminders to your customers... ...and share promotions on social media you know iollar sign you should probably get your eyes checked good one bab optometry humo right now get up to $650 i credits to help you switch to


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