tv Face the Nation CBS March 21, 2016 1:35am-2:05am EDT
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clientele. >> we did the worldwide premiere for "star trek." we also looked after the "lones" including mr. johnny pdepp. some come back just on leisure time. >> and talk about catering to the vip clientele, they have unique>> when you come into a penthouse, you're feeling as though you're coming into a residence rather than a hotel room or a hotel suite. >> the royal penthouse will run you nearly 13 grand a you can enjoy a chic double guest room for just $650. and when you want extra tlc, head to the spa. >> the spa set over four floors is not just the well being, it's also about the wellness. >> after the relaxation, feast
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>> it's all about the food. >> afternoon tea. >> whether you're a star or just want to feel like one, this is the most luxurious address across the pond. mansions and millionaires: world's best destinations", the cliffside island frequented by leo and brad and angie and the must-stay place when you go there. >> with adoor jacuzzi jacuzzi. then introducing the changing face of travel. >> they change in flight to the tahitian dress. >> all the "extra's mansions and millionaires: world's best
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e going ashore to the island of santarini and a group of hotels that is unparalleled. this resort is simply a world class getaway. >>nd outstanding service. also easy access to the town. >> leo and ed harris frequent the hot spot. who can blame them? >> one of the world's top >> here's reasons why. number one, the picture perfect hotel. breathtaking one of a kind views complemented by endless whitewashed walls withchitecture unique to the island. the resort houses two restaurants catering to guests who want hometown cuisine and alsoe waters. >> it's very private, unique location. which is very convenient. >> every room features a sea
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>> it's a very big room with a private jacuzzi overlooking a huge sitting area. it is fantastic. >> and it is just one in the collection of five luxury hotels. all one common denominator. splendor. perfectly blends history and the full service spa serving you around the clock. and don't forget to take advantage of your own private steam and treatment rooms. cromato upstyle hotel isld and new school. 22 rooms and suites with a sea view right at the caldera edge. and the newly restored villa
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with only seven villas, the villa is the most private destination. sunbathe poolside at the soaking up the stunning views. and finally the sun rocks boutique. a couples only hotel perfect for weddings andfive more great reasons to visit santirini. the best part of coming to tahiti was our vacation started on the aradise. >> welcome aboard. >> thank you. air tahiti carrying me off to the white sands and clear blue sea. the best thing about flyings the vacation starts the minute you get on board. thank you. before escaping to the real life utopia, extolling the virtues of this one of a kind airline. >> our wonderful polynesian spirits will put them
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them in the vacation mood. >> beginning with an the flower. >> i remember if you're taken you put it on this side over your heart. if you're single you put it here, right? >> that's right. >> okay. i'm ready. once in flight, turn of my eight-hour journey from l.a. on the modern a-340. >> comfort for our passengers with two by two seating so couples are always seated together. >> and as you slip intomode, the attendants slip into something a little more comfortable.
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this is jack van impe presents -the truthmmentary. here now are doctors jack and rexella van impe. hello and welcome presents. today friends our format will be changed just a bit because this is the time of the year, a year when we remember that holy week when jesus rode into jerusalem palmoing to calvary where he gave the sacrifice for our sins as savior e tomb where he was put when he died, but the resurrection, and today it's a very, very special program because we're going to be remembering the five fundamentals of the faith, all about jesus.g it is to
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bible as the authority because that is god speaking. speaking. now i want to draw your attention to something today. if you'll take a look at this first picture, rick warren ety of north america's convention. now this goes back to 2009. i've used this picture before, but i want to put somethingut his feelings about fundamentalists and we're going to divide this up and really explain it.he pew forum on religion and public life: the word fundamentalist actually comes from a document in the 1920's called the fivee faith. it's very legalistic, narrow view of christianity.... now dr. noah hutchings in responsebelieve that christians who hold to these
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of the christian faith are according to the new testament definition, those who believe otherwise...ok...are not rds now dr. hutchings is saying if you do not believe in the five fundamentals of the faith you're it's very, very important that we understand what those five fundamentals are. can you be...say fored an evangelical and not believe in the five fundamentals of the faith? well evangelical is a wonderful term, but you need to believe inntals to be saved, correct jack? now i know why rick warren's one of the 300 christian...yes...allah is the name of our god.hat he said about fundamentalism stinks. it's rotten. fundamentalism was the greatest
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going to shock you today because i'm going to show you that even judaism promoted all five andpredictions, and then would give you the answers of when it happened. but listen, any man who says that it's legalistic here's what the judge. the five points of fundamentalism...if wheaton had it, it all these christianit, and this was their model and said you can't be a part of this church or our school unless you believe 't be in the mess we are today. god forgive you dr. warren.he deity of christ, that he's god, secondly the virgin birth; thirdly the he was crucified on calvary's cross; fourthly the resurrection fromcoming
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a thousand years. all...much of the bible as we're going to see today and to call that legalistic and narrow it'sth a man's christianity. you can...he can call him one himself well, but you've got to be a fundamentalist evangelical heaven and that's the belief in these five things or you're not going to get there. alright jack you were talking about at home, which i thought was very, very good, the old testament predicted the five fundamentals of the faith, predicted whatalk about, the new testament fulfilled it. i love that don't you? the old testament predicted it, the new testament fulfilled it.first one, jack said the deity of christ. the true, historical jesus oh my yes.t, that he was a deity. he was more than just a man, more than just a prophet.
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of the old testament. now i'm going to go to jack. we're going to take these five just separately and have himughly to us ...the deity of christ. he didn't just begin in bethlehem's manger did he? no. in heaven hundreds of years, thousands of years ago and they said at that time when he comes to earth hislled jesus. it wasn't that name in heaven. and why was he to be called jesus when he came? because yeshua means savior andto earth, take a body to die on a cross for sinners. and that was the thing that the america started in 1925. praise god for these great no one's ever heard and the holy spirit's been bringing it clearly to my mind.
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taught about these veryist, god? yes, listen. hear the word of the lord, in the beginning god created heaven and earth. now who was that?re is not his name jehovah as found in exodus 6:3 but it's elohim and that's thereey are working as a trinity. anything that ends in "im" is a plurality...cherubim, seraphim, angels, more than one. the trinity i don't care what allah says. i care what this book says and get it, matthew 28:19 go yeach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. amen.3:14 the grace
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love of god, and the communion of the holy spirit beinity. i john 5:7 there are three that bear record in heaven, the father, the word, which is christ, and the holy spiritone. you can't get around it. and we've got islamic people,d of islam who said we don't accept it. we don't believe in a trinity. trinity and believes that christ is the son of god will burn in hell forever. now you say that's your's wrong then because he sure doesn't believe what you believe about jesus and the holy spirit. in fact the father said manyas on earth, six times in the gospels, this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased. and if you're going to burn inou know which god is right,
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let me go a little further. proverbs 30:4 who hath createdf the earth; what's god's name? what's his son's name? ha ha ha. there is the son hundreds of years before he came to earth.ok it up! now i love this one and that's isaiah 9:6 unto us a child isunto us a son is given, this is all about christ, and his name shall be called mighty god...amen rexella...the everlasting father, the father of the dispensations, the fatherhe world, and the god of peace. did you get that title? god.
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now in revelation 19:13 our precious jesus is also called when he returns the word of god. 1:1. it sounds like genesis 1:1 but it says the same thing. in the beginning was the word,the word was with god, and the word was god. now get it. all things were made by christas not anything made that was made. he was in the world. the world was made by him, verse 10,e flesh. that's the jesus who came and took a body to die for sinners. wow what teaching. the father in the beginning but then the father said i'm going to delegate all the creation of the world to my son and thed of god to my blessed holy spirit.
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were moved by the holy spirit. creation?16 for by christ were all things created that are in heaven and earth, visible and invisible whether , principalities, or powers; all things were created by christ and for christ. you can't get around that can you?t get around that. the bible is very distinctive about the deity of christ. my word, he was from the beginning, oh my, a trinity. on to number two, the virgin birth. the deity of christ, the virgin birth and i love this picture...the virgin with thehrist. oh my. i love that picture don't you? she knew that he was god in thehe shepherds. jack i love it... the virgin birth. amen. isaiah 7:14 is the prediction. a virgin shall be with child,a son, and
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when you get to the new testament and the fulfillment is in matthew 1:23 thing. a virgin shall be with child, shall bring forth a son, and shall call his name emmanuel, which being interpreted is god, god with us! that's why romans 9:5 says christ came who is over all god blessed forever. i timothy 3:16 great is the mystery of godliness that god was manifest in the birth? because when adam sinned he tainted the entire race with sin. and that blood was so taintedson with blood could not atone for our sins. so jesus had to come and get into a body because he is holy,d, and separate from sinners, hebrews 7:26, and create a pure bloodstream because it's the bloodonement
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and without the shedding of blood is no remission of sins, hebrews 9:22.g on that cross, shed that blood, and we can have eternal life when we come to him. and number three of the five fundamentals of thethe world. take a look at this please. i love this. god sent us a saviour. that was our greatest need.iven. the lord jesus christ savior of the world. and here he is, the crucifixion. oh my. came to give his blood that we might be saved. oh it makes me want to weep really when i stop to think die for me. he came to die for you ...savior of the world jack. prediction, god sent his son toior of the world, i john 4:14.
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they pierced my hands and my feet, psalm 22:16, crucifixion.3:4. surely he hath born our grief and carried our sorrow.stricken, smitten of god and afflicted. he was wounded for our transgressions.or our iniquities. the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. now the fulfillment in the newd of jesus christ god's son cleanseth from all sin. where? i john 1:7. who loved us and washed us from our sin in his own blood we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins riches of his grace, ephesians 1:7. it's all because of jesus
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to claim these verses.6 i am the way, the truth, and the life. now man can come unto the father but by me because i haved i've shed it for sinners. and acts 4:12 neither is there salvation in any other. there is no other name undermong men whereby we must be saved and that name is jesus. alright, the five fundamentals of the faith, and i love this, the garden tomb, the resurrection of our savior. he is risen! servants, yet they called him master. he had no degree, yet they called him teacher. he had no medicines, yet they called him healer. he had no army,ed him. he won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. he committed no crime, yet they crucified him.omb,
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