tv Face the Nation CBS August 8, 2016 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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john welco bac to "fac the nation". david columnist f t "washington post". and join us no fro colorado david, i'd lik g y t put i conte thi $40 million payment to t united stato iran senator cott say it' ransom. how y >> whareside oba sai responding, i effe sai becaus h announc the payment th $40 million a pa o a overa $1. billio tha i couldn' b ransom. my o feeling i t fac that i w $ milli i
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the demand tiranians a she hgotten somethin thptic are terrible people felt tha a althoug th presidency sa was thei money whi true, and i some wa i w goo deal for t u.s tptic load, and issu the republicans will com back to sho tneasines about th dea eyes afte i was conclude >> john: d y thit' goin encoura mor hostage taking? this idea of payin ransom, even i the i technicaliti tha the administration says that's no wh i tt wil encourag thi behavior more that?you assessmen o >> ther a additiona americans who ha bee imprisonsinchis paymen it's possible it'sha thi speculate about. because the president was fir
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wi n p ranso for hostages, i thinhat' a deterrent, a relativ t ma oth countri a i xwruerp an t they've been carefu about thi a l o europea countri d pay money. >> joh thi morning learne t iranianpublicly announced they execute a nuclear scientisho reportedelped th unite stat uncover information abou t irani nuclear progra what does thtell yb th iranian regim ho doe thi aff the relations between the united statnd ira t announcemen ohi man wa sa mysteriou case. i wrote about i a the tim this w nucle ientis whdisappeare i saudi arabia while o visit supposedly. turned up in the unitetate saying tha h hwant tgo
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an talki intelligenc officials h w to wha they cal virtual walki coming i ove the interne he h lef h famil wif and chi in iran lonel happ and we ba said she h bee pressured by t unite states. i don't think i mak difference in terms o the future th u.s h extensive intelligence resources devoted to ira oneaso t u.s was nuclear deal i becau the know s muc abo what' going on i t country because spyin and surveillance. john: i' lik t tal about russia fo a momen there's be back a forth abou donal trump positio on russi give you take owh the u.s. relationship wit russight now houl a menti russi fing i hacking scandal t democrati committee
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abou w thinkin abou thesandidate a tha country. i think the obama administrati ieepl frustrated it hoped i wou b t fi i russi partner t sdof t nightma w i syri th hasn't happened th.s. continue i effec leav t exi ram ope foladimi put adopt moensible policies thi the dee concern abou russi hac meddling i t u.s electi process, the kin o intelligence operation tha was characteristic t col wa it stran a worryin t people now generally, hea f foreign leader concern that the u.s. election th the candidate dona tru say differentening abo russi th we' hea f years an differentenings aboutinate a nuclear deterrent. they t t mak comment interve o election,
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i conce abo foreign leaders the wat what' happenin oh the thi oo*ez invitimo freed o moveme fro the russian is tha t natur of concer >> thi fea tha donaru announces tha he dea maker amigh be willing t mak gee tha traditional lie have bee outsid t boundarie o th nat allianc and consensu o foreigners don't want t see lihey're meddling but the u. i t nor sta fo t global economy and trua thing tha dim that norstar tha guiding se o principles wa th worries leaders john briefl david you mentione t put think th clinton sho fir i term meddlin i election what does that mea >> putin feeha whe hillary clint was secretary
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suppo dissiden i mosc w wer protesti the gain ma put a his partsupporti dissenter in 201 and 201 he said a t tim thi i i effe revolution an you'r tryi t destabili our government puetdin blam personall fo h statement an intervention. in goes back undoubtedly he seetrump as mo o g wil t talk and someone to dea wit mor easily thahillary clinto thank you
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what's real an what' shiny object >> we' h serie o polls nationwide, and there a moveme towar democrats an b newor republicans on the othan donal trump t pas 4ou has show mor disciplined campaign a acknowledged he ma mistaee money offload in ira final endorse the speaker the house that seemed slo in coming the questio c h kee up tha kin o campaigfo three month o eve a wee jo michael wha t nature - the republicans hav been worried befor about donald trump wa the something different abou this week gi u a sens o the nervousness about him >> this i t w where
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as chander i chi a central issu attacke golta family and coming o o conventio he shoul hav bee magnanimous. he w talki abo that instead talking abo the economy. he had been give goo numb for him the growth hbe les tha one percent. thafrs g top for him he wasn' talki about tha was talking abo t kha family and th wor muc i i if yier i augus a you'r havihis argument wit the country abo fitne t b president, you'r losing it >> and h t tru cai ha s t b t chang th electio obvious t democrat ar tryin t get everybody is tal about fitness. but th tru c pai has said i convinc peopl he's fit t b preside that all h to do
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he mig los in arizon he might losn ohio there's no confidenc f him across h parhe polling. if thi i sustain itsel through lab day that' poin a whith sta to ma t kle a balance argument lik the d i 1996. >> it's t ide tha we've acknowledged obl hope, bu w nee republica congress to the check and the balance. it worked i 199 f them, and thi the look t numbers now an s thi continues througlabo day ther mig somethito do. y mentioned 60% ith
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presiden if it haeehat wa an another advanta donal trump consistent h he' more lik t bri chang t washington. if s o tha terrain he's i stronger position bu t underlyinstructure, virginia, in thi rac donal trum h d we wit blu collar workers he's going t fa t biggest deficit an republica has amon non-white voter cou los o 8 o them m college educat t white voters, anmo arg towards smaller governmen he's going t speak tomorro on t economy a h wra himself republica traditional arguments about ta and regulation he m m bac f college white me ino where he *urnds performing. as long as percentag o
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qualifye a raciall divisive. thos a t twi power blocking t white house >> joh c candida fix the temperament question i a campaign. hillary clinton, there a questi with he how y sho trust campaign? ca y show temperamen the something that ca b done >> as long t referendu o t -- each t candidates needs the referendum to be o t guy. yoention t underlyin structure. i rememb 198 t speec theorg h.w bus mad a difference 201 t convention speec barack obama o bil clinton made f barack obama ma a differenc thes t conventiowo peop -mr. kh the democratic conventio bu b the reality an the
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their speech a hresponse i tha h crystallized, think concer about i there wi b twistand turn the electio >> exactly. i spend a th wel tim talkin t hispani operative and voters. yo he fro african-american as well mayth candidates - h wi n b unle eve singl d h go o the a (speakin spanish) i'm sorry did this absent tha i won't help joh t loo a john mccain w h difficult answering th and contributes the question takelo a par of it a yo comfortable wit dona tru possibly havin
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anyon w we choose t b commander chieth president of t unite states, therefore can lea th country a wil lea i responsibl fashi elected president the countr that t wayorsk tha our democrat system work that th w o governmen work the americubli kno ful we commander hief i therefore, i hav t utmos respect. >> tha wasn' exactly straigp question senato cotton sai would be oka an h added congress wi b there a check what do y mak of tha ther are moments th wee wasn't j t conten donald tru say tha the
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abou jus temperame bu judgment. an t campaign l o politicians abo taxes and the trade system, a h the economy benefits. and trumu t actua voting a choosin th electi o tab aay it broke and corrupt one of t things here heayin t predicate for hi o failure o he' setting th tab f later th t outco i illegitimate this put t nucle cod o whatever senat mccaiwa talking b s of are o th tababout temperamen this th kin persyo wa to have so t transfer pow for 200 anom years the longest, it' nsmal thin john: couldn't i a turnout mechanism. the othe s tryin everythi i undermine m
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chicanery b someone els a eve criticaomen h choose t narrorather broaden. it's a argumen tt appeal t alienated voerlts who believ they'ultura and economicalarginalicized, and it's fthe elit if y believe, as d tha the pivote o t electio arh whi colla white vote w normall vot now ahea every poll ab and nbc those ki voters, a now talking about rigge election i mor evide tha th someo who i a th oval officeto pu the tru theo sethey're going to tur o thi massiv non-voting non-traditional voters, maybe the wil but they'r looki a structura
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depending o t dat source, you nee 6 t 6 o the voters. >> an comin o o the election, wit t bas o thei electorat cou joh mccain hav lookefor ruffle a sai sti hop t vote f donald trum really and now we'r talkiabou al abo the limi tha the republicans face i looki a primary challenges. >> joh a t poi tremi the viewers h hrimary this month he's facin legitimat threat one ei senator w hav aprimar this mont one the los this week it isolated case ask that questio of hi and others in onth a suspect - u unt now the biggest fissur t
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announce early saept it has l o forme eisenhower officia a big business leaders. it didn't have ama curren electe officiaexpressing reluctance, even compare t goldwate in '6 ther w jacob jafit bu few republicans what we' sighing n i lo lis o joh cruz, a jeb bus an tha goebeyo - again, y a tha swi suburba vote usual votes republican, they're getti consistent signa thin miloombe h a important speech. this may be the yea to depart from t usual inclination y mentioned something one po w i georg where
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atlant constitutio pol b on point democrats haven'wo georgin 199 wh bil clintwoun i in tha goa garjohnso i pollin i double digits only coupl statethat happen and tha put hilla clinton in reach because o t plu for the thi party candidated whi i husband wo 199wh ros pe i the rac jo rig n wit arizona a georg athes are states comin o i contention. they're going th other way >> the a state clinto shouldn' be competitiv quickly, hca you compete i th manstat i
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like long time don'tforg somtates it 46 days think minnesota which mean it n 96 days that jus reall chang the fact thiappened thi wee in mid-augus the olympic g underway and people g vacatio he shoul hav bee unitin an broad peop thi aga ith a referendum the challenge illa clintonle i largely dependent o voter who don'eally lik he o trust he the grou i unstabl underneath her. the vote o colle white who are importa t wrump is stuck i t low 40s an majorit s the have unfavorable opinion hillar
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trouble wi t e-mai question. why i tha hard question >> why d donal tru engage withcell gol sta famil a why did hillalinton hav the practice a delivan accura and clear explanation h treatme a handlin thi e-mail question instead, s hothe chance th weekend a he answe was mudd and misleading i don' understand wh at xrg problem for donald trump. th didn' foc >> a it continue economics one-mai scandal anothe tha frustrat so much there' s muc tus against her. wan t mak one point jax*unl we've got t g a b
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?laughte a yet eve d mor words come o o his fac he says th electio rigged. yo k ional tru w a teenager, he'd tur the nintendo o t secon h starts losing. >> speakin o hillary thi th vog edi givi fashion advice durin th campaign a whe not available, hilla turns t kim jong-un. >> thi morni o cbs pau manafoma have cracke >> in th pa for years du suppor speak paul ryan suppo h a th speenger, and kno i'l support him candida fo
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>> o it' fun because g i ho it's true >> a y certn tha donald truestroyin himself that yar avoidin public appearanc tha statements great question in m heart tru feel reminds m of somethin look a thiho o trump eatiaco bowl lo at that now look it's the sam fac pictures. look that's trump i about t ea fac whi mak m real nervou abo thi pictur >> joh we' b bac a
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clinton pulls ahead. a new cbs poll shows hillary clinton expanding her lead in a key state. with donald trump barely hanging on in a republican stronghold. >> also tonight, deadly mudslides flatten homes in >> 4,000 miles from the summer games in rio, did fallen olympics hero, oscar pistoreus try to kill himself in jail. >> well hit. >> and the a-rod bombshell, controversial yankees' slugger calls it quits. we are there for the dramatic announcement. >> i love this game.
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