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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  September 19, 2016 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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and, it adds, "by these three was the third part of men killed, fire, smoke, brimstone." that's atomic war, ladies and gentlemen. and iran is getting ready. they're even threatening our ships that are coming through. they're making two new factories, as i've said. there's no end to it. they're the most vicious of all of them under this rouhani who says, "we're going to take america down." and he means it. and our president's made all kinds of deals secretlth and so now we've paid him four hundred million... and we're going to send another billion and a half. why? to make him happy. it's not going to work. it's coming. why? psalm 97:3... isaiah 66:15... ezekiel 20:47... joel chapter 2 verses 3 and 30... zephaniah chapter 1 verse 18... malachi 4:1... and all these texts proclaim this nuclear war as shown in a great war at
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and they're coming down to get the jews. hezbollah, all of them... they hate the jews. and... is the bible say that it's at that place? yes. russia marches on israel. it could never happen 'til 1948 - there was no israel. this is the time. it's coming. and that's ezekiel 38 verses 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, chapter 39 verses 2, 4, twice in 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 25, 29 - 18 times... the battlefield of the world. and that's where they're aiming their guns right now. and it's coming ladies and gentlemen. listen to me... amos 4:12... listen, "prepare to meet thy god." oh, jack... so well said. such confusion in the world, such hatred in the world, such murder in the world and
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looking forwarding to... exactly what jack said - when the lord comes back. but, we need to be ready for that too. not ready for war... not ready for... some of the things that are happening around us, but ready for the return of the lord. when jesus comes and he looks at you, are you ready? have you opened your heart to him? i trust that you'll say, "oh, today i want the savior of the world in my heart. forgive me of my sins. be my savior." will you do that? jack's going to pray the prayer. jack? oh, i love jesus and he loves you. god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son because that jesus loved you. he says, "father, i want to go to that cross and bear the sins of every sinner. i want to die for every muslim... for every iranian... for everyone in isis or all the world." and god sent his son to be the
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so pray this prayer: lord jesus, thank you for the cross. thank you for shedding your holy blood to save me. i see that we're right at the end times, not the end of the world, but the coming of you, jesus. and i want to be ready. lord jesus, right now, i ask you to come into my heart and save me. wash me from all my sin. i ask this in your holy name, jesus. amen." amen. i trust that you prayed that prayer with jack. and you know what? i was a church member. i wasn't saved yet. although i joined the church, i didn't really have the lord in my heart. so if you prayed that prayer, you just became god's child. that's what saves us - knowing the lord and having him in our heart. so, if you prayed the prayer, write to me. there's my address. i'll send you this little booklet, "first steps in a new direction". so wonderful to walk with the lord every day.
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arriving soon." oh yes, the lord is coming. you want to know how to get this. here's our announcer to tell you. chuck? thank you rexella. my friend, to order "thy kingdom come: arriving soon," have your credit card ready and call toll free, 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777. to order by mail in the u.s., send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries, box in canada, send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries of canada, box 1717, postal station a, windsor, ontario, n9a 6y1. now back to rexella. thank you so very much, chuck. and i say, don't put it off. hey, do you know that all the bible prophesies are pointing to this...
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now don't forget, i'll give you a bonus with your order and that's the last two weeks' programs. so make the call... right away. i want to leave you with a very good thought. this is for all of us. the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. amen... at the end of my arm too. we'll look forward to being in your home again next week and until then, remember, god cares for you... so do we... so very much.
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>> dickerson: welcome back the "face the nation." i'm john dickerson. we continue with the chairman of the republica pty, rein priebu we'll leave th previo issue you ona that th electoral... the way t electoral collegork democrats need to be goo republicans need to be nearl perfec is donald p perfect campaign? wel l mtell you somethin this is fscinating year f everybody, we all kn tt, b i ha be and thin peopl need to g outsi t belt and get on the roa if they were to s wha s i se one o treate groun ga movements, to b groun meaning people comin events 20,000 i mdd pennsylvania 22,0 seattle this irobab o t biggesovements f a
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and wil everyon lov t analyze donald trump all d long 2 cable, thi people have loo at wh t facts are a we'ieoday as we s he 5 days fro t election and we have cndidate th i capturing th eectorate americ it mig n b capturing t pundits, but he'apturi americ >> dickerson: is hapturin reluctant republican so whom are republic offls the never trum or t barel trum catego wel some t peop r fo president, but y hav t look a where a w a wit th voters and wher we're at w t voters, in one o t l po i'ear 9 o t republican2% we need d coupl percentage points better, b people who agreed toupport t nominee, that took part in o process, they've used too fro
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nomine they took part i or proces we're a private party we're in theublic entity those people need to g boar and if they'r thinkin they' going r again s day, think th we're goi t evalua proce o t think it's going to tha eas >> dickerson wo t par itself penalized someone w does not make good t pledg they made to support t nominee? >> thi these a thing o proceswill loo a i t and i think th th wor us informati from t rnc, should be o boar sure >> dickerson governor jo kasich, wan r again, he might be out of luc as far as t r goe people o par a talking about what we' goi to do about this there isallocce iss in sou carlina in order to be o t ballot i south carolina, you have t pledge your support to t nominee, no matter who tha i
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it's just questio that have proce place and ifrivate eit put forwar proces h agreement with t participant t process the tho participants don't follo through with t promises th they made in thocess, w shouldrivat party d abo that i tos sam peopl c around in four or eigar >> dickerson: sounds like brushback pitch, b l m a you one las qstion, a o point donald trump said th debates ar you have been part t proces has th process bee fai does it feel fair you a thi poin wellther a t parts t that as far a o party concerned, i think i've bee straight up and fair thol way throug i think peop h evaluate what we've don i think peop uerstan that think i played i straigh dow the middle from t beginning the en i tin tha t medi especially in the cab 24
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negati six-minuegment o donald trump no matter what i is and i think that part o i ve ufair >> dickerson: bu debat part so far as th night it' happening, t moderator a that? >> think it' squar and i think people a r t move forwa and mov on wi this i think tha firs debate going to be probl one o t biggest events in the history o presidential politic >> dickerson: all righ >> dickerson: all righ mr. chairman, thank you so muc for being with us. >> you be >> dickerson: we'll be rig back ...but they couldn't miss the show so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement. ...before the girls even took the stag safelite-dot-com is the fast, so you don't have to miss ae anywherthin americ y'all did wonderfu
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>> dickerson: and we're back with our political panel. ruth marcu columnist a the washington pos salamle is a eecutive direct wi t nation review mark leibovich i with "the ne yome riewrkt i wa t start wit yo th response to this explosio in new york overnight donald trump got off tla immediately and said, bough went off hillary clinton said we have t wait f te detail is tha fra f whi should look at t t candidates? he turned out to b right b might not have th tha loo i fac girl, so think t respons i'd like t wai f t fac untiomment i alw aoo idea i think bo o t cou h behooved them expre som concern for thictims, whic seems to be somethin that'
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>> dickerson: i want to a about this op- b seetar robert gates attacked bot candidate nottacked sorrriticiz bo candidate f the weaknesses hillary clinto n trustworthiness. donald trump doesn't have th temperament for the jo does this matter does he rai importa questions abou thi a w donald trump calling him clown, does that matter that just wha we're use t from donald trump? >> my sen that dona trump's styl t bra doash owe priced f voters. if y look turve looks a though hillar clinton's support wi t oba coalition is softening if you look younge vters it sftenin e dasticall ev younger bla m i see there is som weaknes her whereas if you loo at dona trump, the i ctainly wha folks man medi outlets ta about, tirthe controversy which i'm sur we' talk mor
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program foorking mothers went t dr. o sho which by t way sho that's watched by many o t voters he's seeking reac and paise medicaid and he suggested tha oug expand th medicai progr furthe so when y thi abo tryin to g throun channel, th people who re the "wall stree journal" editorial page, a then trying the reach anothe channel, think about t mri white women in a sta li pennsylvania, the people that hasn't been able to reach, t people who hav bee reluctan to joi it's not obvious to me tha h hasn't done decent j doing an e r around certai kinds med criticism a >> dickerson: and the pol ha tighteneditt and mark, pickin up o t poi about those kinds o vters t reintroduction of the idha for fiv years dona tru w the advocate for the ide t barack obama was not born t united state does that matter to tho kin of voter is that w h finalame o
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>> tink does mat t those kinds of voter i thin t lea tt hillar clinto opeed up i augus w a lot softening republican you mentione softening o t obama coalitio a lot these wer squis republicans who would listen t someone likusa colns w said s wouldn't ve f donald trump there's like thi divid betwee republicans who kn rob gates is a tho w don he's obviously a ver well-respected figure in t republican party or lea t establishment of the republican part surprised by h critica h w of hillary clinton, who h apparently was... thoug h lad been a ally cse during t oama year whe the both served together i hi tha the k language he use h s it' th kind damni lguag that butts the fr pulli the will every for h into lot of t suburb replica in philadelphi >> dickerson: one thin tt' be interesting ruth, i t
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several wetaffers have sai ralize we have to b o there talking about solution that's bee interrupte by h comments about half tru supporters being the baske deplorables or health issues now other thing a getting i the wa what doe thatell y thoug that this late campaig have to make t cas f we sti hillary clinto a s sti fee lik s has to make th cas that's parted of wha she thinking about in the debate it has bee ipossible it's actuallmpossible eve for dona tump's pol n through donald trump, a s she's had ha ti eithe talking about individu policies in thiampaig even larger, talki abo t larger vision that she has f the countr ad foetti people t er/trust he this is i challenge i t debate in addition t simultaneously trying fac check donald trump >> dickerson: i want to g back to th d mnute to th
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but on thi question of donal trump's view on th president birth, he ha ask a h campaign has asked us t l back a h business care f i o h he woul b president, look at his germa the foreign polic they now wan th not t b conversation, the question o the president's birt but yo can jus s it' over. oh, thi it' pretty cle that donald trump talked abou this raise questions abo this for many years bu aain, as suggeste earlier, the thing is tha thi may wel b ver relevan an it i n clear m tha thos vte f whom thi is pressing a importa iss a vote there's donald trump wa ever going to be able t w regardless now, let's look at sta li florid and mar leibovich with "the new york times." yo have n rpo ourve findings in florida you se tt ba i 2008 hillary clinton was well t righ of barack oba som immigration issues now she's we t h left i terms o s tal abo
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voters, barack obama the las time around w 6 o tho voters hillary clinton beh barack obama ma amo hispanic voter now, they're not going to dona trump, but i see like l of them a demote secretary o stated and this is pattern y s not just i florida b man other stat besides for a sta le flori tha many peopl assumed becaus hillary clinton's big push o immigration a amnes a other issues would be in t ba for her s itruggli ther so i she struggling with t kind o vot f who talk realaningfules a i may well mak sen tha b magnifying this and by talki about, this th cou hel motivate some of tho voters but is that going g h over t br, we' see >> i goi t disagree t issue ether this i a issue that could affect vot there's woul otherwi b f trum first al i istonishi that w a debating this thi late in the game it's somethihat donald trum
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he should have p i aay w earlier in this cycle yo asked kellyann conway w dona tru w whining abou thesident's birth fo t last fiv yars, sa you'll have to ask him that means case closed so i think tote affecte by this aroter w mig n voter w wou g f trum but they're voters w mig have thought about stayi hom in t who mighave bee tpt b gary johnson o jil stei a now they g enrag a scare about the notion o tru bei president. >> that prett muchie as wel >> dickerson: i hear on t right people saying th i t press obsessed with the questio of oma's bir t n cov policy that trump covering on the left hea donal for donald trump talking abo birthe pay attention to the foundatio and other thing what's the right way the look
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that donald trump settl th debate for however ma yar when was thi eve debat it was date on t fringe in certa sectors donald trum it' bee wel documented, spent five yea talking about this whether vte respond not, it's appalling to watc this argument play out it edifyin t n one the fac are ver ve clear and just speaking a o hum beinaybe i'm t medi so i'm suspect, but fin i whether it plays oulectorall not, thi it's cle w make cle w we're talki abou >> dickerson: rut letov to t debte reince prieb sid t bigge political event in the world is that good, b t w t have tha much foc o singl thin i wha i i and i think it's look, t t exte that, y know, dona trum is hopi t gnerate t bigges rting eve t mor voters pay attention, the mor voters a engage eve i the
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the better off w a it's actually wh it's reall important that we hav thr debates, not o deba, s tha peope no aecte b o single thing you can go back a t issues >> dickerson: wh should be looking for in the debat wel o thing i'll thro out there that back i 201 bi clinton a the democrat national convention felt like was really important t republicans wanted to c t medicaid program the fact that donald trump wan expan i i an iss a that's amazing that tells you something abo th dat in the fir debat betwee barack oba and mit romney romney was able to a e r about th mdia conversatio about h campaig a connec directly wit vters a prese a very different fac i'm not sure if donald trump i capable of doing that, b imagine if he doe imagine if he shows t man ways that appears to b n li oth rublicans f better or fo worse, t w that's something where we' have a direct channel t a audience that's bee heari a kinds message abo him
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watc >> i have snse, a i cou wrong but don thi donald trump i crashing t details of h medicaid polic as h pepares f thi debat i thin what' exhilarateing t him is that this i gre show seeimse foremost a showma he thinks he c handle t stage and the momen th clint campaign ha sai over and over a ove again look0 peoples state ba will watch thi th i momen t g v basic facts an v bic a about donald trump's history m ow credibility out the and i think to som degr the se i k o almos wr large diversion of the conventi condensed int couple hours >> dickerson: we'll have t leave it there it's a little more tha we away from ou firs debate we thank you al for being here we'll be right back in a moment >> t cndidates, on goa your vot the firs pesident, debate cb nws prime tim specia liv
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announcer: there is a place not so far away. a place where you don't have to keep the volume down... or clean up your room. a place where you don't have to make time for free time. [splash] you don't have to do anything but show up. girl: whoa! announcer: you'll find all sorts of creatures in this place without "have to." [laughing] the silly you. the proud you. [children laughing] you may even meet the curious you. it's tickling me. you! you! you! announcer: there are lots of yous to catch up with. ask your parents to take you to this not so far away place.
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but first, stop by >> dickerson: saturday marks the official opening of the new smithsonian museum of africa american history and culture we visit t museum wi m who spen 1 yea workin o itstablishment, georg congressman john lewis congressman, we're sttin her at lun counter what does that mea t you
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means everything to m nn-violent prott w 1owntow nashvil sitting down at lun c sol i t l woolworth's stor this all tak bac gre uitti dow am tod i hadn' bee taking a sea >> dickerson: what does i mean to be her ins t building? >> i j meverythin to wal i hre, b here t see th magnificenuseu it gin continu tta bac, ju walkihrou here, i could almost cry
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>> dickerson: yo a spo at t other e o thi mall the marc o washington would you ever hav igine th there would be this kind o a monumen nev thought nev dreameat one d there wou onumen there would b museum telli t sor a history afric americans f the days oflavery >> dickerson: what is tha story you want people t understand when they come her h stor stor it tells o o htory o havi t l dsegregatio raci dscrimination, but mu earlier, the who system slaver t denia bas constitutional right, the right vote, the righo g a education, that peop sfere thtruggleeople we beaten and arreste a jaile
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up they never gave i theve beca bitt o hostil they kep th faith and th ke dreamin >> dickerson: when y spo on the steps o t lnc memorial, you sai "wak u america. canno stop, a w w n an canno patient a real sense o uency where are things now i term urgency in the fight f soci justice? >> well we'v com distanc we've made a lot orogress when people tell m nothing h changed,e lik sayin walk in shoes ly sho y chang we're one people and wnvolved in th struggle during t '50 a '60s white people a black peopl suffered togethe thi togeth t bri about change, to bri d
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women, colore color wome the only places w w s those signs today will i book or use lik thi on >> dickerson: speaki o walking inoh lewis soe there's a pictu o you t edmund pettis bridg what w happeni i th picture. wel96 gro o u about 6 uant t w fr selmalabam t montgomery t dmatize to th nation and t t wor tha people o colo wan t wer walki a orderl peaceful non-violent fashio we came to t higheoint th bid crossin tlaba rive do bel w s s b alabama state trooper an soke up a sai "thi is unlawful marc you will n bllowed t
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us momen t kel an py. and the major sai "troopers advance." i said "major, may have word?" he said, "there will be n words. nigh sic ueating uwi w hit i t hea by sta trooper from nig stick i had oncussion at th bridge i thought i wa goi t d weeks later we walke fr sel montgomery, areside johnson ma one of the mos moving speeches i t mde times on the whole question o voting rights a civ right t end o tha speech h said, "a w sha overcome. >> dickerson y recentl wrote piece i t huffingt post about tha mar fro sel to montgomer you sa there's a w t tal about where we are today tell me little bi abo tha


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