tv Face the Nation CBS September 26, 2016 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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world, they can talk, communicate, do anything - prayer meetings, singing sessions. spirits, spirits. oh how we've missed it. you say, "oh my poor loved ones." no, they're having the greatest time ever. chuck just lost his wife, margie. she's having a great time, but her body is buried right near our graves there... yes, yes. white chapel. yes. we're all going to be there - some day. amen. well, what's going to happen how come they're all spirits? i'll tell you in a minute. but it all changes at the time of the rapture. now they don't have to have a body to be in heaven. they can enjoy it immensely. but they have to have a body when they come back with jesus to fulfill the lord's prayer, "our father which is in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." first of all, jesus is going
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into his presence in the twinkle of an eye." i corinthians 15:52. rexella, i get tired of hearing these people say; "oh i don't believe in the rapture." then you don't believe in the resurrection of the dead! and you can never get to heaven in the twinkle of an eye, because that is the resurrection of the dead. there are two portions of scripture that cover it; they're both rapture texts and if you take that out of the bible, you'll never have a resurrection of the dead and you'll be in your grave for the ages of ages. there'll never be any hope... what i thessalonians 4: 16-18 - "the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of god..." hear it. "and the dead in christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be called up together with them, with the dead, in the clouds to meet the lord in the air. and so shall we ever be with the lord. wherefore frighten one
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no, no i've said it, no... here's the other one, ladies and gentlemen... no... no rapture, no resurrection of the dead. i corinthians 15 beginning with verse 51 and 54. "i show you a mystery..." a mystery is something that's been taught the first time in the bible. and this is the first text on the rapture. i should have used it in that order. "i show you a mystery. we shall not all sleep,"... be dead. "but we shall all... all be changed in the moment... in the twinkling of of the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and the living shall be changed for this corruptible and dead must put on incorruption, this mortal, living must put on immortality. and when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal, immortality, then shall be brought to pass, the saying that's written, "oh death where is thy sting? oh grave there is... where is your victory?" you can't hold me anymore.
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and he calls them there to be with him for seven years - just seven years. and that's the time it's almost going to happen, ladies and gentlemen. now, every bible sign has been filled. i said last week i found 35 signs about christ's coming in one day's newspapers: the usa today, the detroit news and the wall street journal. 35! wow! that says we're going home - soon! 7 years later we return with the lord. now i don't get it. how come they get their bodies then? because when they come to rule and reign with him in the new jerusalem of revelation 21 and 22, armageddon is finished and only one out of three have died - out of 7 billion - in revelation 9:14. so there are millions here, still in their bodies,
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'cause the spirits and bodies have been reunited, forever and forever and forever. yes, you're going to have your loved ones forever. hallelujah. in their bodies as you knew them. come quickly lord jesus. amen. now jack, i'm going to back up here in just a moment to some old testament saints. the blood of jesus had not been shed, so how, how are they supposed to get to heaven? they had something that was called passover and they would go and they would have the animal sacrifices. or was the blood of a goat or sheep able to wash away their sins? no. it only covered their sins. so, they could not go to heaven. but they did go to a place of comfort called hades. right, jack? right. right. called hades you want to talk about that for a moment? oh this is rich; i'm going to go slowly, because it's deep.
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for how salvation takes place, he said it will be through the shedding of blood, for the remission of sins. and the jews were taught that they had to bring their animals, and shed that blood and this is what they would say, "i know that this is not good enough jesus, god, holy spirit... to take away sins.... only to cover it because it's animal blood." and it's not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin. the word of god tells us, in hebrews 10:4 - not possible? not possible. so jesus said a body he prepared in me, so that i can go to the cross with untainted blood. human beings had their blood tainted through adam's sin, so nothing was working. it's not possible for the blood of bulls and goats could take
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john the baptist saw jesus; john 1:29 says, hey there's jesus, "the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world." now they had to go to hades because the sin was still on them, just covering them, and wait until something - someone did something to shed holy blood. and that would be what took away their sin. john the baptist knew what jesus came, he died on that cross, and after he did that agonizing death, yes, on the cross, "they crucified my hands and my feet" - psalm 22:16. oh... we preach the gospel and knew that christ died, he was buried and he rose again the third day and there is no other way, are you listening to me? jesus said, "i am the way, the truth and the life, no man can
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on the bloodway. neither is there salvation inherited... there's no other name... no other name... any religion. amen there's no other name but jesus. amen it means savior. and he shed that precious, holy blood. he was without sin, never knew a sin. he said, "which of you can convince me of one sin?" as he strebbed? ? up the crowds. and they couldn't. he was a holy man without sin. he did no sin and knew no sin. and that was pure blood. now, for the first time, those who had been in hades for centuries... some of our loved ones and family go back to the first century and millions of years. but they all come out at that time. why? for the first time, the sins are gone. yes gone, gone, gone, gone. yes, my sins are gone. we sang in sunday
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and so "jesus went and led captivity captive" - ephesians 4:8. what does that mean? he went and took all the spirits with him - in the twinkling of an eye - to the third heaven. and they've been there ever since. but they're soon going to return because when the rapture takes place they'll only be there for seven years... during the seven year period of tribulation. then they come back to rule and reign with christ for thousands of years. first, one thousand - revelation 20 verse 4. and then forever and forever and forever because the world is never going to end. our lord jesus is going to be here, and jesus is going to control the world forever from that time on. and that place where they went was called hades. do you know why? because it was a place of comfort. they went there and it was called paradise as well.
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gehenna and that's where the wicked come out at the judgement day and stand before god and are judged, according to their good works... and the way they lived - romans 2:5. but they're all found hopelessly lost. they've been suffering. now there are degrees of punishment. that's the difference between hades and gehenna. the old testament jews are there, the rabbis, the christians of the ages, but that's it. jesus and get born again, so you're ready to go. amen. oh yes, jack. now, friends do you see why jesus came? so that the old testament saints - their sins only covered - could be redeemed and go to heaven. and we can too, because of the blood. while jack was in the hospital, i interviewed a man, walid shoebat. now, he was a converted muslim terrorist. and this is what he had to say. there he is - you see him -
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what a wonderful, wonderful born again man he is now. this is what he said on our program, "the message of salvation islam is very, very simple; very different than the bible or christianity. the way of salvation islam is that the muslim can fight in jihad and as his blood is shed in jihad; his sins are redeemed through his own blood. what i saw in the bible was that i do not have to die for the cause of allah or islam. that god already offered his son on my behalf, i don't have to give my son to die, or myself to die. god has already done it for all of us." and he accepted christ as his savior. what a wonderful, wonderful born again man he is now. you know friends, it's wonderful that anyone can be saved who will open their heart to the lord like walid did, saying lord, i know that you are the only way - that's why you became
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calvary, to wash away my sins - not cover them, but wash them away. and when we die, we go directly to be with the lord and one day he's going to also take our bodies. jack, you're going to elaborate more on this in the future, aren't you? oh, i'll tell you, god has stirred me up, and for the new year - 2017 - i'm going to do all these pages. i had 15 pages of notes that will really strengthen you in the faith and show you what's really going to happen in eternity when you get to see the greatest thing about heaven is revelation 22:4 - "they shall see his face," precious jesus. i tell you, i got hours of this stuff and you're going to get a video like you've never seen or heard about in history this coming 2017. oh i'll look forward to doing that one, for sure. now let, i just want to say we always have an opportunity for those watching this program to open their hearts.
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your heart to the lord? do you know for sure that if the lord came back today you would be ready to see him? jack is going to pray that wonderful prayer of acceptance, saying lord i believe you're the son of god. i believe you took a body to die for me. and i receive you as my savior. come in. forgive me of my sins. jack, will you pray this wonderful prayer of salvation? listen folks, he was wounded for our transgressions, he was jesus went through the ho... most horrendous death anyone ever did, on that cross, for you. and it's the only way to be saved. forget the cultist, just listen to the holy word of god. jesus is the way. will you pray it? lord jesus, today i trust in what you did on that cross. it's the cross that you love, as god the father.
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die on that cross... for me! for me! say it. jesus, i receive it today. come into my heart now. save me. in your name i pray this. amen. oh yes! i trust that you prayed that prayer. there's my address, let me know please. i'll send you this wonderful little booklet, "first steps in a new direction." you can walk with him and have his peace and guidance in the days ahead. and now friends, woo, don't put off ordering this wonderful new video, "thy kingdom come: vi please, take a look at the promo right now. christians have been praying the lord's prayer for over 2,000 years and it's about to happen. here's an excerpt: our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. soon christ will break through the heavens as the king of kings and the lord of lords. every major prophecy
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it's closing time. who says so? the mystery of pope 113 is about the present pope francis who threw a rigged election by dishonest cardinals, broke all voting rules that produce the apostate pope - the damnable doctrine st. peter predicted would come - even denying jesus has infiltrated both catholicism and protestantism. yale covenant names 300 protestant leaders and their denominations. in order to join this apostate group, each minister had to call their god allah. for all the exciting facts, order drs. jack and rexella's tremendous video: "thy kingdom come: arriving soon." ooh, don't put it off. i also have a bonus for you, when you make the order. there's the 800 number and there's the address. i'm going to be sending you the last two week's programs so please make that call right away. not the last two - the two before that.
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how you can receive it. chuck? thank you rexella. my friend, to order "thy kingdom come: arriving soon," have your credit card ready and call toll free, 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777. to order by mail in the u.s., send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries, box 7004, troy, michigan, 48007. in canada, send your donation of $24.95 to jack van impe ministries of canada, box 1717, postal station a, windsor, ontario, n9a 6y1. now back to rexella . thank you so much, chuck, and i just want to say please don't put off getting this video because it's very, very revealing. we answer so many questions on here. did you ever hear about sharia law? they're trying to establish that in england in certain sections -
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what's it really like? we answer all those questions on here. so please make the call, there's the 800 number and there's the address. and as i said, a couple weeks ago, there were two programs that doctor especially wanted you to have and so i'll be enclosing those with your order as a bonus. make the call right away. 800 number and address - we'll get it in the mail. "thy kingdom come: arriving soon" - can't happen too quick for me. how 'bout you? this wonderful thought ... the power of christ within you is greater than the power of evil around you. we see it everywhere, but how good it is to have him within our hearts. we'll look forward to being in your home again next week. and until then, please remember god cares for you and so do we, so very much.
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be part of the greatest action movie ever. the first movie that puts you in the action. show us how you train and eat like an action hero. join in at ?? announcer: no matter where you live, life in the ocean depends on you. ha ha ha! >> dickerson: welcome back the "face the nation." we're here with former presidential candidate senator bernie sanders senator, i want t w millennial voter they represent now abo 3 o th voting-a populatio that's about the siz bab
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strong wit hillary clinton i havin trouble wi grop voters why hat do you think wll i n sur but think the antidote i tha s ha g t mak i cle t n on t millennials bu eve american the dfference tha s has, not jus o personalit issues, which is what t med focuses on, but t r issu impacting thiddl clas a working families of th countr when you talk about t economy donald trump wants t giv hundreds o bllions o dollar in t breaks t t wealthies people in this countr clinto uderstand that time massiv incom a wealnequality, the people top will have sta payin their fair share oaxe john, many peopl a ver cnders apropriatel s abo the crisegarding climat change clinton has prett stron program which says we hav g to transform o energ syste
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energies like wind and solar do you know what dona trump position i o clima chang he thinks it's a hoa that's really frightening f the future of this plane one mor reallmportant iss that i think has to b tal about a whole lo clinton has said she wil appoint supreme cour jtice nominate supreme couustice who wivertu thi disastro ctize unite supreme cou decisio whi allows peop li seldo adelson last week t p $ million into t politica process to b eection billionaires should not buying elections clinton wants to stop tha trum w appoin mor conservatives to the supreme court. in terms o t iss o bigotry, the younger people a more than a generation thinohnmeric histo are sick a tir o discrimination a racism on thassue,hink th points of view o clint a trump are prett clear trump running himpaign
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igotry, i dividing u u that is certainly ver differe fro what clinton believes. i think h focuses t issues, she wi d really we with tmerican peopl a certainly with younger peopl >> dickerson: one of the f that voters wh supported yo are war abo and on t lookout for, y mntione climate change, an ther i some reporting don blimat change news, the looke a w hillary clinton and how s h talked about eer issu a climb issues, a sinc and forth with you and t democratic nominatinroces it seems that t phra "climaange" according t this repor dropped out her speeche why do you suppose that i >> wel hnestly don't kno the answer t tha b what can tell you i t rcent scientists are telling us tha the situation is eve mor dir than w h pviously thought in term of dona tmp, an
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despite what t eir scientific community is telling us about what threat i f th plane clima chan i donald trump thinks it hoa clinton does hav seriou proposal t inves i sustainable energy and i ener efficiency. h tha secreta clint will talk more abo th iss contrast her views wit trump because a enormous important issu >> dickerson: i ta t som of these volte w they say the dn't like donal trump, but they don thi hillar clint i going t b trustworthy, and so they s they're going to vot f eithe ga johnson jil stein, there is a poll tha sho 4 mllennials, talking abo them again, are voting f third-party candidat a independent, whouldn' they go vote f somebod w i close to what the believe i they don't like the tw maj party candidates >> wel will te y why anook, a t longest-serving independent in the history congress
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third party here in the sta o vermon got a o 1 i o electio so i not her t dpain third-part cndidat w historically have played a ver very important role h country rising issues and moving thi count i certai drections but i think rig nw given t crises tha w fce, disappearing middl cas massive levels o incom a weal iequality tssue the increase i bigot that w ar see fact that so many you peo areavin schoo dply debt, we have hundreds o thousands brig you kid th cn' eve afford to t colleg i thin t foc h got to b uderstandin that thi mome i histo f presidential election i not th time f pte vot it is timo wic candidate is goi t wo bes for the middl cla a worki families in terms o highe education worked with secreta clinton
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says that f eve famil th cuntry o $125,000 less, - 8% o o population, publolleges a universities wil b tuiti fr fr thos kid that's a big dea >> dickerson: one la question, senato the "wall streurna recent rported tha sator like elizabeth warren we working on a list o n o people from place lik morg stanley and black ro th the woul actively oppo i the were p administration will you join in tha effor absolutely we certainly have see u democrat ad republica administrations what wall stree c.e.o.s have don t econom we don't nee mre wal stre c.e.o.s a administratio nee people t administration that will sta with workiamilies an t middle class andly everything i c t s that thosere the peopl appointed in a clint administration >> dickerson: all righ senator bernie sanders, than so much for bein wit u again
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to c n directo o elections anthon svant welcome back anthony, the polls a tightening. why are th tightenin t b pictu i tha b big lead saw hilla clint open up ov t summea shrunk back to what is a best narrow lea you know, some of the state thatin clinton we've see those big leads co bac lik colorado, it rea instructiv the biggest reaso aross all o it i enthusiasm fm h voters that's a little bit on t wan but wh e u happeni i you see ke gups like y mentioned, those young voter they're not as excite they'r no enthusiastic for her they're moving int undecided or won vot c - category o thi parie she has g tha excitemen ba u polls don't tell y abo vot choice they tell you about who i likely to show u if they're n a likely t sho up, numbers go dow >> dickerson: let's pause fo a moment
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blizzard of poll between no and the en how should people thi abo these kinds movements if people ar movin away fro hillary clinton, what happens t them they.. a th peopl available for dona tmp o how should people thi abou th mements i th poll it's not just a perso sayin want trump o cnton that it exactl what everybody is going t tal about swing voters from he t election day don assum eve moment, every movement in a pol is about swi voter wi either becom le enthusiastic about voting a then polls wil sor o dcoun whether they're likel t sho up, and then peopl smetime pa tmselves unsure for while, especially if they'r partisan, but then th co back, most of them t the partisan choic so you s tha movemen it's not especially thiea se very, ve f pop actualoin o for clinton this week tru th wee, back t clinto we're just n seein lot o
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unsure. let's go to the question o national versus stat so we get the nation pol that say one thi the so state polls that say another how shoul peopl loo throu those? >> right the po watchers gde to th is first watch the state obviously that's what matters this is state-by-stat election, you have to win i t electoral colleg what y aso get out of state is muc m detail abo tha voteurnou becuse you ca see particul groups wheth it's young voters o wheth it's old poll tat weath vane o t of the bar you can see whi w t win blowing, bu wha y rea need is muc mor detail forecast, and that y g o of state >> dickerson: s it' mor important for purposes of campaign that we kno h africa americans s pennsylvania are goi t behav th te gener ntion picturou african-american right? exactly and sometim whe y s movement in th nationoll the troubl is you don't kno where it's coming from so it might be coming from k
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could just as well b cin from thalifornia o tex where we know what's going t happen anyway. >> dickerson t clint campaign is pushing t id that donald trump is t ris to be president you hanteresting findi about risk and donald trum explai tha bot candidates t som extent a describ a risk among numbthe wor voters use trump is split even hte s he' ris kim wel that' n necessari a bad thing f the and th rea i th wan change change a cltural change a economic change, s they' willing to tolerat se risk i order to g t change tha they wan >> dickerson w d battleground track irsay abo what peopl a looking f i this debate th happen tomorrow night? represen partisans a looking the se the candidat wi there alrea tha lar group that's locked i they're going thk they'r going to think matter wha the other tin rmember t econom that's t number-one thing tha
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know, especially given t candidates with hi unfavorables, you know, th winner of th deba isn going to be the one with t best zinger it's the one that looks i t camera and can sta t assua some of that voterconomy maybe even about t exa dat themselves how mu t deb matter t en sme, not a lot what w oft see o debate is some movemen lik w describe, maybe some lac o enthusiasm, maybe a boo o enthusiasm but then things see t stcba it's not aramatic as yo thin >> dickerson: all righ anthony, we'll look forward t having you bac and we'll right back with m whnows a littl somethi about presidentiaebate
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