tv Face the Nation CBS November 21, 2016 1:35am-2:05am EST
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said how come you didn't wait? only three months left. i said, because it never would have happened. i would never have gotten to kiss her. thank god the lord took you to china brother. [laughter] [laughter] well he backed up there just a little bit there, but we thank the lord for the way god worked in both of our lives in bringing us together. and i couldn't help but pick this picture out to show you, the making of a man of god. oh yes, a prophetic voice for this age. and i think if you ever heard him speak you know exactly what i'm talking about. thank the lord we became ambassadors for christ. what on earth are we doing? well we're doing exactly what god wants us to do. i will never forget after we were married we went down to chattanooga, tennessee and dr. lee roberson gave jack his first doctorate.
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four of them are earned and the rest are honorary degrees. from some of the greatest colleges in america. yes they are jack and then hershey, pennsylvania. see all the people there in front had come forward to accept christ as their savior but we were running about 10,000 people. i'm going to stop here just a moment. over 51,000 for the week. yes jack. do you want to tell what happened at hershey, pennsylvania? oh three guys with masks came in and lo and behold i got threats. i had eleven threats in those days from communists and mafia men because their drug dealers got saved and wouldn't see it anymore. and lo and behold i was in the room and these calls kept coming through that night, we're going to kill you. so i called the desk and i said something is going on here. they said well they're not calling through the desk. they're calling from some other place to your room. well god got us through that and there were so many things. that one town there.
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we had many and i'll go into that in just a moment here jack. ok. but you know friends something that jack and i would like to do we would sign the bibles after the service was over. i don't care if there were 10,000 we wanted to meet many of them and look who came forward so often too get on our laps. i love the children. oh what a blessing that was. well the lord laid it on jack's heart to do something a little more expansive than crusades, extend our ministry around the world. new television format: jack van impe presents. the bible does say go into all the world and here we are in belgium and we are reaching around the world. that's where his parents originated, from belgium. well here we are going around the world. right there on the left in israel. we were in 50 countries as i mentioned. the one on the right israel, the one on the bottom, the philippines. we were there for a whole month.
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personally with jack van impe presents. now you know what friends? we reach more people in one night than in a lifetime of crusades. how wonderful that is. and then we were so blessed because the angel awards came to our ministry and they presented to us...we also flew out to be with some of them at their conferences...24 angel awards. how grateful we are and humbled we are by all of that. jack, you know god has blessed you so tremendously and he's studied so very, very hard. you know that on our program. thank you jack. oh i'll tell you i was sold out to jesus. we held 800 full length church crusades, eight to ten days apiece. then we went to the big meetings like billy graham because the crowds were
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with 10,000 per night and we preached to 10 million during those days. and through all of these things plus television we have come to the point where we have 2 million 980 thousand souls. if god gives us another 20,000 by next year there will have been three million conversions for christ and what a thing it's been. and i love the lord and i will that i have for as much time as i have left. now the muslims have given us four death threats, but god is watching over us... amen. watching over us... amen. and i'm going to preach until god calls me home. one of the most alarming threats we ever received was in kansas city, kansas. three men came to me one night and said we want to receive jesus. and i said the service starts in five minutes. there are thousands of people here. don't you care about it?
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we found out those three were there to take my life and it's easy to pick off a man from the congregation if you have some kind of weapon. well the police got concerned and get this, this is a revival meeting. everybody had to pass through metal detectors for the next four nights to see if they had guns on them. a revival meeting! and then philadelphia, the second hundred birthday of the on but again the threats were there...this time from the communists. they were going to destroy our nation. and it wasn't in the newspapers. they were telling the world what was going on. they came from all over the world, communists. they were there. it was loaded. the police filled the place and they had a goal to kill two jacks...jack hyles of indiana and jack van impe. but god was with us thank the lord.
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but we've had some frightening times though we've had a lot of fun too rexella. yes, yes. i remember when we were in flint, michigan with dr. parrot of the nazarene church and i always played my accordion first. and i just had bought a new suit and it was tight on me as my boy scout uniform was earlier in the show. when i bent over to pick up the accordion the entire back end ripped wide open and i'm standing in front of the choir and they're all laughing. [laughter] and i grab my raincoat, and that was the first time i preached that way. i probably needed an umbrella too. but then i was with dr. masteller in hackensack, new jersey, and boy the crowds were there and i was really warming up. and i was preaching on the rich young ruler. and i said, because he wouldn't come to christ, he played the part of a fool. but it didn't come out that way. oh dear. i didn't give an invitation that day.
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had to go on and say folks that was a slip of the tongue. we've all had a slip of the tongue some time or other jack. well you know we had a special blessing as we would travel around, actually the world, we even took what you're going to see right now into other countries with us, here they are, fenica: chosen friend. she was a stray and we took her in. this is our first little fenica, and my how we loved her. she travelled so great with us around the world. here's such a sweet kitty and we got her from the humane society. and this is the one that we have now. the other two have passed away and this one that had four kittens on our patio and couldn't help it. i had to take her in and find homes for the kittens. rexella one time we were late. i had to stick the cats underneath the pulpit when i was preaching to 5, 10,000 people. those cats were the most religious ever in the history of america.
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we've had so many things happen to us, but how good it is that even when we walk through the valley of the shadow i will fear no evil for thou art with me. i was never frightened jack even when we were on the platform, on a plane or wherever we were going and we prayed so often together about some of the threats that we had and how wonderful it really was. and i'm going to go on and show this next picture also. oh yes, how i praise the lord. i want to say, the last thing on my list here of course to thank the lord is that we have a message that jesus came to die for us. oh this should be the one thing that we are praising the lord for as we gather around the table. thank you for our wonderful savior the lord jesus christ and jack we go around the world now giving that message.
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world and i'm telling you we are praying that by next june or at least in the next year we will hit the three million mark for people having come to jesus and it was because of your prayers, your sponsorship that it's all happened. what a time we're going to have together in heaven soon because jesus is about to return. every sign is here! amen. alright jack and the one thing we never bypass and that is giving people an opportunity to accept the lord. now if you're watching this program and it's been a little bit different but the one thing i do want to ask you and we never would overlook this... have you ever opened your heart to the lord? do you have peace in this troubled world? everything is sort of going wrong everywhere in the world, but jesus is the answer. i trust that today you can thank
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thank him for eternal life. thank him that one day you're going to be with him. will you pray this prayer with jack and open your heart to the lord if you haven't? jack. heavenly father, we come in that precious holy name of jesus. jesus, the savior of the world. jesus who suffered so horribly as they beat his brow with their fists, and as the blood flowed from his wounds and yet that blood was to save us for the blood of jesus cleanses from all sin. thank you jesus for saving us and for shedding that blood for every human being in the world who will receive it. right now will some of you look at the cross in your mind and say jesus, i want you, i want you.
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apply the blood and cleanse me, wash me, save me. i pray it in your holy name jesus. amen. amen. oh my if you accepted the lord as your savior you have great reason for being thankful. you're ready for heaven! how good it is that jesus is in your heart. write to me. there is my address. i'll send you this little booklet, first steps in a new direction. and you know what jack always uses on our program is our offer of the week. our brand new offer...the jack van impe prophecy bible. oh my what a wonderful gift this is and we thank the lord that, thank the lord that he has given us his word. take a look at the promo please. presenting the third edition of the jack van impe prophecy bible, this beautiful, burgandy, leather-bound edition has been created exclusively for the friends of jack van impe ministries.
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10,385 prophetic verses and coded each passage in the margins so you will know at a glance the event to which the prophecy refers. the jack van impe prophecy bible, king james version, features the words of christ in red and includes the program dr. van impe used to categorize and memorize over 15,000 verses of scripture. also contained in the pages of this outstanding third edition are three books by dr. van impe, your future: an a-z index to prophecy, revelation revealed, verse by verse, and daniel: final end-time mysteries unsealed, also verse by verse. this special bible would make a great gift for any occasion. oh, oh my oh my how wonderful it is to have this wonderful offer to present to you. i'm thankful for that. the jack van impe prophecy bible and with your order i'll be giving you this complete guide to every prophecy verse in the bible.
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how you can receive it. chuck. thank you rexella. my friend, to order your prophecy bible have your credit card ready and call toll-free 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777. to order by mail in the u.s., send your donation of $59.95 to jack van impe ministries, box 7004, troy, michigan 48007. in canada, send your donation of ministries of canada, box 1717, postal station a, windsor, ontario n9a 6y1. now back to rexella. and chuck we're grateful for you and for all our crew and for all our staff to help us fulfill this wonderful ministry. now don't put it off. there's the address...the wonderful bible and my gift of the every prophecy
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>> dickerson: welcome back the "face the nation." i'm john dickerson. while republicans are busy preparing for a trum administration, democrats ar doin s sl-searchin wn yo los the whit hou teast-popular candidat t you lose t senat whe y lose t hus a w two-thir oovernors thi country are republicans, i ti fr new directi f t democratic party >> dickerson: one of tho auditioning for the job as th new head o t democratic par is minneso congressman kei elliso he joins u fr minneapolis congressman, whaould the n direction for the dmocrat party be >> wel we' got strengthe the grassroots
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man maiti acros t country where democrats ar thriving and working every day the power needs to be i the hand we need the make sur resources are wi th a everything els we need thrioriti vote turnou th desn'ean get out t vote at the end o t electio that m 3 de engagement relationship buildin with voter aroun w the priorities are we got to make sur tha t democratic party is not jus democratic but seen to b democratic systems in place that mak s that everybody wh participate prima i pceiv t haveq sho a everybo else and we have to mak that.. ye >> dickerson continue yo list >> wel m we've go also creat m collaboratio we hav docra wo office with scretaries stat those folks ru t level we nee thestand up for the
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organized labor needs to have whol mor s a l moespect in themocrat part we've got to make sur o vetera dmocrat vetera a strengthened and feel li t arul included we have go t j mak su that temocrat rank an file really owh par a feels th i iheirs, that is fair, a that's wh we' got to d >> dickerson: the reason wanted you t finis you l is noticed donald tru was in i there are l oemocrat organizinglanning setting themselves up a a opposition party to donaum and using that a a organizin principle. that wasn't i you lis how should democrats think abo dona trump 10 opposed, wo wit him wll, donald truread proven where he's goi wit t thin there was politicrtic entitl "why wall stre suddenly in lo with donal trump" he's n derange t swam he's filling it up mor and there going to mor swamp creatures than eve
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big-time investmen bkers he n doi wha h sd h wi w goi t d average, working americans. we have b thereo wor w all those fowh may have no voted eve vo f him they a o natu constituents but we have to show them tha w really care abou t t w respected their voic a t we are going to fight f them tooth and nai but i would say th democrats we should nake donalrum the pick to l poin of all our energy we nee make the averag wrk-a-day america w we are fighting f a mak that crystal cle every singl da th reas w d not.. >> dickerson: let me a y congressman. one argument some democrats s is democrats should n normaliz b wor y hea constantly, donald trump, no treat him a norma president what's your advice t democra about that wel we shou b authenti and he clear n norma rn.. talke abou jobs, and yet h h h
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in legas, atlanti cit even i florida he h undermined workers he's hurt smal business peopl an n pai contractor hi l o abu o worki peop i extraordinar and not mntion hi racism misoga etraordinary, as well it's hard t normalize that can never do it but i would just s tha it' not about donald trump we'r goi tigh h becau he stands again o val system but w mak avag people who want tetire people who want to s the kids go college peopl w want to earn ece ling people anxious abo tlan closing dow movin t anoth country and sellin them ba th product they used mak if we mak tho peop t priority, il w and donal trump will b relegated t b footnote in the dustb o histor that is what we hav t cor focus on our peopl >> dickerson congressme thanks s mh for being wi us we'll be right back. we'll be right back. >> a tim
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>> we have a few problems the democrats are already pushing back on ommigration ac because the sai sav findin milli illeg immigrants i going to be parred -impossible probably. they s it going to harder to deport the s may let not do it >> don d i >> yea scrap it cr i rapped scrapped. >> oka maybe we'll just talk abo tha late let's move on the obamacar
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use it and sun cra b l of them like i >> kee let's just keep it [laughte i sorr keep it? >> yeah, kee i all of i no change. oka let's just hold th lat all righ >> dickerson "saturday nig live" made lig o t polic changes ahead for the ne administration, but a seriousness, wheth t president-elect will stic w hi campaig promises and c they bnacte hasembled pan experts, mos conservativ leanings lanhee chen is c politica commentato and ll a t hoovnstitutio a stanfor youth. grover norquist is president o th conservative gro america for ta reform ma macguineas reside of t nn-partisan committ for responsible federal budget and david frum is seni editor atlantic a form
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>> dickersondavid, h qestion potential conflicts a tru business, what do you mak abo initial responses how tha w be handle >> n goo tnk the ver fst order o businesses for publics w wan to ensure ccessf administration is orrupti >> proof t administratio that's going to be a b proble the sure i tha to passe l formalizing law th t president mus publish his taturns: i m or may not b possibl willin t dives himsel b the way f t public protected is f people t kno what tesiden has wheth receienefi becau of the particular nature donald trump businesse everything thaappens at t trump organization flows in his tax return so if c s t t retur cno any tryin t bribe hi has anyo scceede >> dickerson gover, dona trum campaign o drainin t swam he campaigned getti r self-dealing in washington
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when mike pence was kind o vague, h said, tru me, will all g wke out, woul y exp bghte lin from candida w spe s much time talking abo cangi washington? >> yea look, you want t change al o washington the focus on tru i interesting, but there's house, there's senate, the ar gvernor entir bureaucrac we need to reduce th amoun mone te federal governme spends if you don wan peopl stealing it, the best way t that is hav les o spen very importah t republican maintain their earmarks have be t currenc corruptio in washington d.c., for years an years a year the republicans ended that some people want t bri i back we should maurn w stop tha and tw inste having money f rds come t washington, dc, whe w th send it back ou wit serie gulations and strings it, including thavis-bac act, rcist a passed in th 1930s kep afric aerican
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racist, an i a raise t cost of anything the feder government touches b 2 t 33 one, g rid of th dvis-baco ac west virginia just g r their versio wisconsin did. a number of sat h abolished that we should at the feder level and shoul l sta rai their own money a bui the own roads an bri tillion in washingto d t spend real corruptin >> dickerson had nic lis o things to b done, but back to t president who is n sma acto i politics in washington what could h d oth tha what dav sggested, which i publishing those t rturn what else might yo expec fro a preside w r s forcefully on the idea o changing t w washingto works in ter o h o relationships? >> i think certainly h shou hold himself t highe standard. if the aoncer particularly about what happening within t dealings i his fami business, shoul think about ways t por
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with the business and wha h might b doi with th people' business as presiden so thin important for think about tha i think thi iss o lobbyis is important i think the administration administration kind of turnin around aaying, we a goi to make a serio effor ensure that there i n t ki o revolving doe have seen previo administrations by putting i place, for exampleh five-year ba i think that's a great ide the essence of tr candidacy is a t outsider it's crucially important f h credibility but also t credibility of republicans w were electe wi h f h behave in a what completely above reproac >> dickerson: let me ask y now, switching an going back grover's point, t budge so we hav promise tha wer made on the campaig trail, a then we have the reality of t budget wher sou peopleing figu out where t rubbe meets t road, wh shoul the loo t f starters, president-elec trump is going t inheritin the wors fisc situati o any preident judge b t
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otheh presiden truma w he's walking into offic so he's goou startin poin he spent l o time t campaign talking about t portion of getting tha $ trillion debt bac dow and yet looked at th proposal, but p for during the campaig they would, fact a ove $ thril to nationa debt, an that's on to brrowin trillionat we ar poise t do if t nothing so he ha hug challenge ahe of him he's also going to be workin with t that fea h sai it' very important to balance th budget over ten-ye perio the questi i:now tha the have the house, t senate an the whitus a th suddenly going to pull bac fro those fisca goals becau h has thespaid-for-t cut infrastructure sending increases dfense, lots things that are going t blo the debt, o a the goi t hold tho fsc gl whi are ve iportan helpi to grow th economy
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during t campaign d n s much abo medicar or soci security remember, th thre bigge drivers of feder defic a debt goi forwa are heal ca sending, soci securi and ne iterest on the debt unles w d something abo thos quickly, this probl li cmpounding interest i good thing whe invest, th is t oposite of that so it'ruciall important i'm glad to see tha republican have beg t foc o medicar reform. that t mo itractable the tw probl betwee medicare and social security. i think it's important for h the campaign, which is he didn' want touch social securit >> that's right. >> thi it' important tha we look things like th retirement age and t growt benefits. >> there i somethi surrea we're in a city that' h there's rpublican party, th democratic party and the tru part the republic par h priorities, and lanhe i t expert on what tho a a should b they're right and importan bu t president h h o priorities, and they are summ up with th photograph h
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businessmen giving t thumbs-u sign that wa tweeted out what is going to b ver important is for t republic party to accomplish i goal it mus prevent t tru par fr acomplishin i goal which are of v differe and muirtier orde >> y c sta whe there tremendous agreement the ta proposal tha trump h pu forwa i ver simil t the one that's bee p forwa by the houepublicans, bra an the ways and mea committe and ryan pau r taki te corpora rat f 35% 2% 15 prefe trump's 15, b 2 i progres that. would be tremendous. going to ful expensingwhic both plans hav wou shoo u growth you'd lo arow fro 2 4%. the most important thing t president and the house an senate can d i g economi growth back on pat we've ha anemirow an recovery we've be recover f sev and a half years, b it' b the los recov i lon time
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