tv Nightline ABC November 3, 2015 12:07am-12:35am CST
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i wanna sex you u this is "nightline." >> tonight, inside the saga of robert durst. the multi-millionaire real estate heir and the start of "the jinx." his wife disappeared without a trace. could he board have been right here the whole ti? >> shehe is here. ere's no doubt in my mind that she's here. >> tonight the former procutor who's been on his case for years, determined to get justice. >> he shouldd be sho in the back of the head and his body should be dismembered like he did to everyone else. welcome to the victorian life. at first it was fashion. then she was hooked. >> sometimes little girls will ask me if i'm a princess. >> now this couple lives in a whole other world. >> the heart of the victorian home -- >> why they're facing backlash
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on a mission to find out what really happened to his first wife. however long it takes. >> every time i come out here i think, she's here. hespirit is here and she's iting for someone to find him. >> reporter: for janine this ground. the former prosecuto is showing me the area in south jersey where she believes kathleen durst is buried. >> she is here. there's no doubt in my mind that she's here. and the family desves to be able to bury her in a place of respect and dignity. >> reporter: she was the first wife of robert durst, the troubled millionaire scion at the center of two murders and a disappearance. kathleen vanished into thin air. his best friend found shot in the head. his neighbor who he admits to killing and dismembering. >> i know there is intense inteterest. >> reporter: she says durst should be held responsible. what do you think should happen to him? >> he should be shot in the back of the head and his body
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dismembered hike he did to everyone else. >> reporter: she's credited with reopening kathleen's cold case, a move that may have set in motion the otherkillings. the hbo documentary series "the jinx" he sat down for an interview -- >> did not tell the whole truth, >> reporter: the series ended with a shocking scene. audio of durst alone in the bathroom. muttering to himself with what some consider a confession. all recorded on his open microphone. >> what the hell did i do? killed them all, of course. >> i said to myself, of course you did. i knew it from the day they walkeded in my fice in 1999. the man killed her. >> whehen you saw that moment you thought, got him? >> oh, big-time got him. >> reporter: the series and the shocking scene helped inspire pirro to write "he killed them all." in the bookkut this week she gives s an insid's account of
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graduating medical hool, married to a wealth iowa guy,y guy who doesn't report her missing for five days. >> did you have anything to do with the disappearance of your wife? >> no. i don'tnow where she is, i don't know what happened to her, i don't know how it happened to her. >> reporter: his story at the time corroborated by the doorman and elevator operator of the durst-owned building, both claiming to have seen her that night. when the police investigation turned up no signs of foul play, the case went cold. >> it was not the investigation that anyone would expect in a family like this whose daughter-in-law or sister-in-law or wife disappeared. do you think today, god forbid, if trump's daughter-in-law were missing that there would be two articles in the newspaper and that would be the end of it? not a chance. >> reporter: 18 years later, operating on a tip, pirro said her team started from scratch. >> do you u think s returned here that night? >> there is not a chance she returned here that night.
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>> reporter: they went to reinterview the durst building employees. >> when we come back, 18 years later, one is dead. one retracts his statement and said, that's not true. >> reporter: pirro saidid she heard claims from kathleen's friends that there was trouble in the durst marriage and she was seeking a divorce. >> she turned to me and said, promise me if something happens to me you'll check it out. i'm afraid of what bobby might dodo. >> reporter: in 2001, kathleen's brother jim mccormack told abc news about an incident that unnerved him. >> at mom's house, hee grabbed kathy by the hair, started pulling her out of the room by the hair. >> reporter: years later, durst himself was candid about their tumultuous relationship. >> the life was half arguments, fighting, slapping, pushing, wrestling. >> reporter: in 2000 pirro's team searche the lake near durst's country hom for kathleen's body but found nothing. rst was asked about that search.
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>> obviously looking for body part s part. >> he says body parts. i said, oh my gogod, he chped her up as well! >> reporter: here is where pirro thinks durst buried those body parts. shortly after kathleen's disappearance her friends found a list in durst's trash with the words including "town dump, bridge, dig, boat, shovel." rro claims it's aoad was that to the pine barrens in south jersey. >> this is town road on route 9, the bridge to nowhere. he would have been familiar with this area as a dumping ground. >> reporter: an area she says the durst organization was considering for development at the time. three weeks after pirro's investigation became public, another mysterious death. robert durst's best friend susan berman, the e woman whserved as his spokesperson after kathleenen's appeance, shot in the back of the head execution-style in her los angeles home.
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so why do you believe robert durst killed susan berman? >> because she knew too mumuch. robert durst knew it would be inevitable that i would want to speak to susan. >> reporter: but not everyone agrees with pirro's account here. st month her formerr co-author, lisa dipaulo, filed a lawsuit claiming among other things that pirrfired her when she raised accuracy issues, a claim pirro denies. >> everything in that book was accurate. i know, i was there. >> reporter: following susan's murder in 2000 durst goes underground, moving to texas,s, disguising himself as a mute woman until a fisherman in galveston bay finds a garbage bag washed up on the shore. >> i was shocked to see that there was a torso. no head, no legs, no arms. >> reporter: other bags containing arms and legs were found. the head, still missing. the victim, 71-year-old morris black, robert durst's neighbor. durst was arrested and tried for murder. >> good morning.
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>> reporteter: at t trial, durst admitted to killing morris black and dismembering his body but claimed that it was all done in self-defense. >> why do you think that robert durst killed morris black? >> robert durst only kills when he has to. robert durst is a calculating man. he knows when he's in a danger zone. that's when he kills. >> reporter: killing black is the only crime durst ever confessed to. an admission pirro says should have been a slam dunk for a murder conviction. but durst's team mount an ambitious defense starring pirro. >> bob was driven from new york by a politically ambitious woman. >> reporter: the defense strategy paid off. >> this half-wit jury in texas bought it. >> we the jury find the defendant robert durst not guilty. >> reporter: durst served time for three lesser crimes, including bond jumping, and was paroled in 2005. he lived mostly out of the public eye until he decided to
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participate in "the jinx." >> why do you think robert durst did "the jinx"? >> because he's an e maniac, he wants attention. he wants to prove he can get away with things. >> reporter: on the eve of the final episode of "the jinx" durst was arrested in new orleans for the murder of susan berman, where law enforcement found him apparently trying to ee with over $42,000 in cash and a revolver loaded with live rounds. we've reached out to robert durst's legal team but have not received a response. durst has been in prison in new orleans since march and is waiting to be transferred to los angeles to answer to charges that he murdered susan berman. for pirro she says the story isn't over until durst is held responsible for kathleen's disappearance. the one case that started i it all. >> some people say that you have a personal vendetta against robert durst. >> i have a personal vendetta against anyone who commits murder. i have a personal vendetta on behalf of women who have been silenced by the men who say they love them.
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going to die. yeah, i have a vendetta and i'm proud of it. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm ryan smith in new york. >> janine pirro's book "he killed them all" availablele tomorrow. next this couple gave up more than modern convenienceces to live the victorian life but why? take us inside their had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital fter a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? anwhat if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvtand pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your ctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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>>what would it take for you to forego the perks o modern life? fare those of us glued to do our cell phone it's almost impossible to imagine a world without takeout or uber. the couple you're about to meet gave it up voluntarily and they say their controversial choice was worth it. tonight abc's aditi roy joins them for a trip back in time. >> reporter: sarah and gabriel crispman might have been born in the wrong ceury. the husband and wife turn head >> sometimes little girl asks me if i'm a princess, which is very sweet. >> reporter: wearing fashion statements that would make a
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dandy hats, corseted garb, and a estitimatechatelaine that f functionss a swiss army knife. >> i do everything by hand. i've got girlfriends who do yoga, i sew. >> it's one thing to have an intellectual interest in something but to live in it day in, day out, why make that decision? >> i spent a year in japan teaching english. that made me realize tha studying things from a book is one thing. actually being in that place and being surrounded by the people and interacting withh the things th they use every day, that's something else. >> reporr: the victorian era is everything betweween 183737 to 1901. sarah and gabriel choose to focus on the last decades of that time period when telephones, electric lightbulbs, and cars were fst introduced. >> trying to make it work -- >> reporter: walking through their home inashington state you're struck byhe antique appliances, a wad-fired stove set. >> the hotter the victorian home, especially in the
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winter -- >> reporter: patented in 1879. >> it's actually a lot more controllable than an electric stove. >> reporter: a literal icebox. >> so the meat gets put right on the ice. >> this is a miller vestal -- >> reporter: an oil lamp. >> when we firirst light it go around the wick, then put this on. and turn this down just a little bit. there we go. >> reporter: if you listen closely you won't hear the soundsf a washing machine or a dryer. no microwave or mixerreparing meals. just the tick-tock of a clock. which made one particular sound -- [ cell phone ringing ] >> that sounds like a modern phone. >> it is. >>eporter: -- seem especially out of place. >> we didn't think to turn it off because it hardly ever rings. >> do you even cell phones? >> never have, neither of us. >> reporter: gabriel has a master's in library science but works at a bike shop.
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to embrace some technology in order to survive in 2015. >> we don't completely shun computers, sarah has to use them for research. but i don't want to be controlled and i don't want my life combined by computers and technology. >> reporter: but sarah started writing her book, "this victorian life," by hand with withdropper fountain pen. >> you wrote an entire book in script. >> yea >> jimmy: >> submitted it to your editor? >> i had to type it up. there is no editotor in th world who will accept a handwritten manuscript manuscript. even though i write them this way i have to typee them up to turn them in. >> reporter: while they may b an extreme case of peoplple throwing back to old times they're not t only ones. you'll find plenty of examples evenen inop culture of p people adopting 19th century trends to fit their modern needs. celebrities like kylie jenner and khloe kardashian he cherry picked from the victorian era wearing corset-like waist
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trainers. >> what's the point of wearing the corset? >> it holds the back up straight. it makes the waist smaller. sot accentuates the different sexual characteristics between men and women. >> does that feel like it's subjugating? >> no. it's ratherempowering. >> reporter: these tokens of the past caused an uproar online en sarah wrote about her lifestyle for retion on the internet went viral with some o on ttter mocking her. websites joining in to point out that women didn't even have the right to vote bacack then. >> what's so big aut a vote? >> it's the lifeline of a democracy. >> america started with a lot less voters than they've eventually become. the concepti of who should vote has evolved over time. again, it's somomething we don't necessarily see as being the most important thing in the world. >> but you do agree women should vote? >> well -- i think that voting in general is overrated for everyone. >> reporter: though slavery was accomplished in the u.s. during
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that time period, some modern readers have also noted that minorities we not entitled to the same privileges of white people during that time. >> in the victorian era, someone who looked like you wldn't be friends with someone who looked like me. >> actually, here in this part of the country, we certainly would have. if we were in boston, we certainly would have. whereas there are certain parts of the world now where we might not be. even 2015. >> reporter: the chrismans say they aren'tt tryingo force their lifestyle on anyone, just embracing the overlooked knowledge from a time in history that w seemingly simpler. >> it's the difference between rereading abt a different country in a book and going there. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm aditi roy in port townsend, washington. and next, it's beginning to look a lot like -- thanksgiving?
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finally tonight, with halloween out of the way, some of us are already thinking about what'soing on the table for thanksgiving. but with the seasons changing at super sonic speed these day does anyone else feel like christmas is coming earlier this year? 'tis the season already? derations are popping up, retailers rolling out cistmas deals, and those festive red starbucks cups are back. if it feels like the holidays are starting earlier you're not just imagining things. it's called the christmas creep. a marketing strategy that apes
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the shopping season. amazon rolled out black friday deals today. walmart kicked off seasonal sales yesterday. over 40% of americans have already started holiday shopping. if you don't have that buddy the elf level of holiday cheer, you're not alone. people letting their inner grinch out tweeting, it's beginning to look like somebody should be punched in the face for playing christmas music so early. ouch. and, thanksgiving is underappreciated and mashed potatoes don't get the respect they deserve. but you still have plenty of time to find your holiday spirit. there are, after all, still 52 shopping days to go. it was an unknown author who said, oh for the good old days when people would stop christmas shopping when they ran out of money. thank you fofor wching abc news and don't miss our live interview with republican presidential candidate donald
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intervene? >> then a hip hop return. >> there's going to be a lot of flavor. so watch out, will. m.c. gordon has the mike. >> and is the super girl love triangle already up in the air? could it be said that you are chasing her faster than a speeding bullet? >> oh! >> plus, 007 is back. but it's his 51-year-old bond babe that has everybody talking. >> no one even asked what her age was. >> you were too young before. >> specter cast taking the inside the evolution of the bond girl. >> she's not a bond girl. she's a woman. >> now hollywood from the inside out, it's the "insider" together with yahoo. hello, everyone. welcome to the insider. we're going inside the hottest entertainment headlines around the world. the big hollywood film awards were last night. my globe trotting friend took
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