tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 4, 2015 10:35pm-11:37pm CST
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th and now abc's "jimmy kimmel live." >> dicky: from hollywood and nashville -- i it's "jim kimmel live"! tonight -- seth rogen. eric stonestreet. jake owen. the world series champion kansas city royals. "mean tweets - country music editio" and music from the band peperry via hologram. with cleto and the cletones.
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kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. welcome. i'm jimmy kimmel. thanks for coming. very nice of you. i appreciate it. i'll tell you something. you're here on an unusual ght, a night on which miracs of physics will be revealed. tonight we are simultaneously doing our show from two places. i will be beamed from this theater here in hollywood to the cma theater in nashville, tennessee, as a hohologram. just like the ghosts in the the haunted mansion at disneyland. i will appear -- we did this last yearr andit's incredible that it works. let's do it, let's go live to
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nashville where we've got a lot of people standing by. [ cheers and applause ] hello, nashville! say hi to hollywood! thank you, thank you. are you ready for the magic of holography? [ cheers and applause ] let's do it. beam me up, , andy. i think i have to spin around for this really work. [ cheers and applause ] hi, i'm your spirit animal. isn't it weird? i'm there with you, you can see me on the stage, you can interact with meme i'm three-dimensional. but i'm notreal. like most of the people you meet in l.a., i am completely -- [ laughter ] wish i could do this for everything, i would never leave my house, i really woul't. say, this is an historic moment because tupac, old dirty bastard, ez e all performed as hollow programs.
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only michael jackson and i have performed as white hol grabs. congratulations to us. [ cheers and applause ] part of the way we're d doing thi is we're using a green screen here in our studio. and you can't see it right now but it's happening. i want to try this stuff. first something i've been practicing which is juggling. i've gotten really, really good at juggling. in slow motion. so here we go. ready? go up! [ laughter ] [ chrs and applause ] miraculous, isn't it? thank you, thank yo thank you. thank you very much, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] wow, look at that i have powers! i'm going to push them away.
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yes, you too, get out of the frame, there we go. also, since i have -- sin we are on the night of the cmas in nashville i feel i should have a cowboy hat. o cowboy hat, where are you? yes, there's my little cowowboy hat. oh, it's miraculous how that works. maybe it will land in my head, who knows. oh, thank you, cowboy hat. it's a littlbit too small. [ cheersnd applause ] that's right, i have another surprise. i havee anoth surprise for you. and that's this. [ cheers and applause ] look at that! his name is guillermo. say hello to nashville, guillermo. >> guillermo: hi, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'd like to take a selfie with someone there.
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let's get somebody up on the stage, somebody from the crowd. let me just hang on to you here. let me take your hat off. all right. do we have somebody? let's get somebody out there. hi. hi, how are you? >> i'm doing good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. hold guillermo's head. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hang on to that. actually throw it back to me here. [ lalaughter ] >> jimmy: wow, this is fun. it's floating in t the middlof us no are now. do you have a camera with you, do you have your phone? >> yeah, i do. >> jimmy: let's see if this works. i honestly have no idea if this will work. you get in next to guillermo's head. slide in there. take another step, another step. get a little bit closer. or i can get a little bit -- all right there we go.
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okay, all right, very good. all right. >> do you want me to take a selfie? >> jimmy: take a selfie of us and i want to see if we're in there or if we disappear like vampires. >> you're not init. >> jimmy: oh, to hell with it. oh-oh. >> do you want me to try again? >> jimmy: you can try again, i don't think it's going to work the second time. did it work? >> maybe. >> jimmy: i'm looking the wrong way. i'll try it again. this is why i dropped out of weatherman school. >> okay. one, two, three. >> jimmy: and? >> again? >> jimmy: did it work? >> it worked. >> jimmy: it did work, okay, good. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: post that hologram to instagram and we'll double gram it. very good. thank you very much.
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all right, this is a big night. seth rogen is here. [ cheers and applause ] i don'tnow what's going on backstage, but it's -- seth is high right now, he must be losing his mind over the guillermo stuff. seth is here on cma night because nothing says country music like a hairy jewish canadian stoner. i don't know what the weather is like in nashville. we've had some rain here which is good because we're in the middle of a drought in l.a. as you'll see from this local news report, when the rain comes it can be terrifying. >> drivers are back to using their windshield wipers in traffic, you can see this rose bush is all wet. also along the streets here. a lot of the puddles now line the streets, the sidewalks are slick. >> jimmy: oh my god, they issued a flash puddle warning. i have been dreading the show tonight since sunday night. i made a world series bet with eric stonestreet from "modern family."
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he's a kansas city royals fan, i am a new york mets fan. and here's what happened. >> give it a spin. i'm not sure why we're doing this. there's no good reason for it. and -- i get to choose the worst one. i'm going to choose paint ball in a bounce house. >> jimmy: so that is me getting shot by paint balls in a bounce house. and tonight, as if being a mets fan isn't painful enough, america's favorite gay uncle clown is going to shoot me with a paint ball gun in a bounce house. apparently he brought the kansas city royals with him. so i don't know, maybe they can shoot my hologram in the bounce house? i saw the guns in action in rehearsal and this is going to hurt a lot. good times. yesterday wasaslectioion day here in the united states. i know there wasn't much to vote
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on in nashville. we dn't have much to vote o in l.a. either. but in ohio they voted no on legalized marijuana for recreational and medical u use by 65% of the voters said no. how could ohio vote against marijuana? they have "high" rig in the middle of their name. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it is one of the great ironies of life the only way to make marijuana legal is for stoners to leave the house to vote. that obviously didn't happen. this is good, donald trump says, well, a lot of interesting things. but even more than his words are his tones. he makes a lot of odd noises during his publicc speakin appearances, i guess to get his point across. we've been compiling these and here they are, the many noises of donald trump. >> la la la! bup! ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching! bing, bing, bing! wah!
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ah! uh! wuh! boo, boo, boo! bing, bing, bing! boom, boom, boom! bing, bing! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sometimes you have to improvise. as many of you watching at home witnessed earlier tonight on abc, the 49th annual cma awards, they call it country music's biggest night which as lot of pressure, the show hosted again by carrie underwad and brad paisley, all the big stars were there, justin timberke and steve marn were there, it was quite a night. for fans of country music we have a special holiday treat for you. jake owen, a popular singer, has been working on an exciting new project. many, many jewish singers, new sisters, songwriters have released christmas alalbums. barbra streisand, neil diamond,
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never before has a nonjewish entertainer released an album of until tonight. >> hey, i'm jake owen. some of you might like to call meake cohen. what i love more than country music is the wonderful festive holiday of hanukkah. so come celebrate with me and my family. shalom, y'all! >> let's jake owen ignite your festival of light with songs like "let's do jewish stuff." let's all do jewish stuff stuff that jewish people do whatever it is that you guys do let's do it come on >> lighting the pointy candle thingy. light it up scream and shout make a wish and then blow it out >> no! >> and that's how you spell hanukkah. ive me a c, h, a, n, u, about
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four more ks >> plus many more. "flat tater tots." "mat zo ball rock." "who does nta's taxes?" and the instant classic "nobody's coming to town because nobody's coming to town [ cheers and applause ] >> "billboard" magine called it the most misinformed, poorly researched holiday album of all-time. a jake cohen hanukkah. don't delay, order today. if you're a guy and you're circumcised give me a >> available at walgreens. >> jimmy: mazel tov, jake. we have to take a break. when we come back we have something great. a special country music edition of "mean tweets." stick around, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimimmy kimmelive" are brought
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please drink responsibly. [ barks ] come on. wait. welcome to the annual lighting of the tree. let the holidays begin! [ crowd gasps ] oh that is not good! a bulb has gone out. whwho will gon the perilous journey to replace it? we will! crowd: huh? we will?yeah! shell ya' later be careful out there. good luck! well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the p price of . that's 5 extra gigs for the same price. so five more gigs for the same price? yea, allow me to demonstrate. you like that pretzel? yea. 50% more data for the same price. i like this metaphor. oh, it's even better with funnel cakes. but very sticky.
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and now get $300 credit for every line you switch. now at at&t [indistinct high pitched speech] [loud electric guitar solo] it's a different kind of peanut butter cup. smooth and crunchy butterfinger peanut butter cups. now in minis. excellent looking below the surface, researching a hunch... and d making aecision you are ty e . time for a change of menu. research and invest from any website. with e trade's browser trading. e trade.
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[ cheers and applause ] we are back. coming up, eric stonestreet and the kansas city royals, the band perry. right now i'm coming to you fm both our studio a home and very hologram onstage from nashville, tennessee. i have a gift for you, i have a special something. this is a t-shirt cann. i'm going to attempt to fire these t-shirts 2,000 miles cross country all the way to nashville.
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are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] wow, it worked! that was awesome. yeah, let's do it one more time. can we? all right. ready? ready? [ cheers and applause ] one, two, three -- one more time. we're going to kill somebody in here. [ cheers and applause ] all right, very good. here you go. i feel like a ghost and a ghostbuster at the same time. all right. bring o the fire hose, we're going to soak everyone down! [ cheers and applause ] cma awards were held. country music has some e of the most loyal, passionate, opinionated fans of any genre of muse chick means people sometimes take to social media to express their passion and opopinions. from time to time on our show we shine a light on some of the not
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we're doing it again tonight in the special country music ededition ofmean tweets." [ cheers and applause ] >> have you ever gotten so drunk that you sang a luke bryan song? actually wasn't that bad. me neither. >> one time someone took a [ bleep ], rubbed it all over a blank disk, put it into a cd player, and out came the first brad paisley album. >> somof my best friends are black but darius rucker sucks ass. >> your new song is more embarrassing than your penis. >> if he gets arrested it's bebecause hel be doing something dumb at walmart. fair, fair, fair statement. >> why does she look like the house band at chili's? >> marijuana works wonders, just
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look at willie nelson. bastard is still alive and won't die. you got it, brother. >> i'm legitimately pissed off at the fact that thomas rhett is ugly. like what are you doing, man? your voice and looks don't match. sorry? >> rascal flatts, please do us all a favor and stop making music. you are so awful. #sobad. #spareus. #soundofdeath. >> listen to the sound of my grandpa eating a neck that reason, then less season to a florida georgia line song. >> jake owen is a [ bleep ] bitch. >> went to a randy houser show and was blown away byis huge voe and how much he looks like he's being [ bleep ] by a gorilla. >> i just tught of scotty mac careerry. >> he's the mal version of
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suck. >> they're definitely butt buddies. >> he's so tiny he sleeps in a how'd you know? >> chris young, i hope you die in a [ bleep ] plane wreck you [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> didn't really like da carrie underwood concert, seemed dull, it had no excitement, soccer i have no idea what he said. >> little big town. i would buy a ticket to one of your concerts just so i could punch each of you in the face. >> wow! you are mean! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from the band perry. eric stonestreet and the royals are here to shoot me with intballs- and we'll be right back with seth rogen. so stick around!
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that the young lady took of me with guillermo's head and her. and this is how it ce out. yeah. there it is. that's like if you take a picture of the devil, that's how it cops out. tonight on the show, this is their single - called "live forever" - the band perry live in nashville from the crown royal stage - and via hologram here in hollywood from the other the crown royal stage. thanksks to holoam usa for doing this fors again this year. it's unbelievable technology. i love being in nashville and l.a. at the same time. this is how starbucks must feel. they're everywhere at once. also tonight - i pay up on the world series bet i lost - eric stonestreet and the kansas city royals are here to shoot me with paintballs in a bounceouse. we have a big bounce house we're going to blow up in here. the stunt guy who tested it today said it was terrible and made them stop immeately. [ laughter ] he lasted three seconds.
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so that will be good. tomorrow - hillary clinton will be here, as will the comedy duo of bob odenkirk and david cross. so join us then. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest tonight is the pride of north korea. his new movie is not your typical holiday fare - it's a very funny chrhristmas story called "the night before." it opens in theaters november 20th. please w welcome sh rogen! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how you doing? >> great. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing -- you know, i coulbe better. i'm genuinely unthused. >> it's going to take so bad. have you ever been shot with a paint ball? >> jimmy: i feel like i maybe kind of have. but at a long distance. this is a very --
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>> oh, yeah. like really, really hurts. bad. >> jimmy: how often have you been shot? >> i haven't gone since high school because it hurts so bad. eventually i'm like, why am i paying to did do this? it hurts. we used to go to a place and the guys who run it would play against us. and just destroy us. and we realized we were paying to be human target practice, essentially, and hunted for sport by these paint ball lunatics. and we stopped doing it. but it sucks so bad. >> jimmy: great. >> yeah. it leaves giant ebola-like welts all over your body. bloody, degrees. >> jimmy: the stunt guy has big, red spots all over him. >> you get body herpes from it. that's not gogood. >> jimmy: i'm looking forward to that. i saw your movie. it very, very, very funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i would not say it's fami fare. >> no. >> jimmy: no. >> yeah.
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r-rated modern take on a christmas fable i guess you would say. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's about three guys who have a tradition of going out, this is eir last year doing it, because they're getting old and it's getting sad. and so they kind of decide to try to blow it out. and -- yeah. >> jimmy: there's drugs, nudity, adult situations. >> yes, there is, all that stuff. >> jimmy: do you believe -- will jesus be upset with you for this? >> yes. jesus won't care for this, yeah. jejesus is n our key demographic when it comes to -- [ laughter ] i know, it's too bad. i don't know, jesus would love it! jesus looks like he's got a great sense of humor, jesus would love it, yeah. >> j jimmy: w havave a clip. i think it needs to be explained. >> yeah, so basically my character is about to have a baby. and his wife,o let him like blow it out before he has a kid, gives him a box full of every drug on earth.
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i'm trying to find my telephone using another phone because i don't know where the hell i am. and this is me like trying to get directions, basically. >> oh, i've been having a pretty crazy night, i'm going to level with you, i'm pretty messed up. >> you don't say? >> what's your name is? >> spencer. >> cool. hi. i'm isaac. nice to meet you. >> hey. >> you have dogs, can i pet them? >>yeah, go ahead, they're fun. >> thank you. >> you're very welcome. >> hi, guys. >> what's up? come on in, give us a pat. >> oh my god, they talk! >> of course, all dogs can talk. oh, wow! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is "the night before." seth, i mean really, this role of a guy who goes on this crazy drug-fueled adventure is something that you've been researching for many, many years. >> yeah. since i was around 14 or 15, i guess, i've been researching this role, yeah. >> jimmy: a very long
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experiences like that. throughout my life. >> jimmy: give us one of them. do you remember all of them? >> i remember some of them. when i was 18, i went to amsterdam. with a friend. which is a good start for a drug story, i guess. and decide wed were going to do a bunch of mushrooms. because that sounded fun. and -- but the thing in amsterdam amsterdam, mushrooms are -- i don't know if you've bought mushrooms. but they come dried out, normally, and so they're like dehydrated. you know? so you eat like three grams of them or something. then you're super messed up for five hours. but in amsterdam they were wet. like fresh mushrooms like you'd put in a salad. the weight was all off. so we bought 60 grams of them. and we were like, justplit them, it's water weight. we kept saying that. it's water weight. and so i remember we ate them. then we had a plan which you
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need, which is to -- go to the grocery ste and buy picnic supplies and then go to the park and have a picnic. and so we go to the grocery store. and like as we're shopping they kick in as hard as you could humanly fathom. we were just like buying like toothpaste and bread and it makes no sense, cheese and sunscreen. just get [ bleep ], then we'll go. we go to the park and set up our nonsensical picnic. mushrooms mess with you stomach because they're poisonous mushrooms. so i was like, i have to go to the bathroom right n now! and i then was like -- my friend was like, don't leave me! and i was like, i have to. i'm going to find a dutch restaurant that willem use their restroom. sweating profusely. burst into a tiny cafe. i remember dutch people being like, agh! i wass like, can i use your bathroom!
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everyone was like, go, go, go! i was in there for an hour. i don'tanow if i went. i don't know what came out of where. i was there a long time. i remember thinking i must have go by now. so i got up and left. then i had to though up. throw up. and it's busy there, like manhattan, people all over the streets. where do youou throw up? and i was like, it's going to happen! i threw up, it splashed on dutch peopople's leg which was grossss. they were like, agh! again, disgusted dutch faces. then i went to find my friend. and he was laying ingin face-down in the park. completely -- like a dead person. and i went up to him. and i was like, i'm back. he got and up he's like, we gotta go! and i was like, okay, i get it. he's like, we'll go back to the hostel.
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i was like, okay, i guess that's what's happening. i remember trying to collect our picnic. leave it! bail, bail! we left the pick anymore. then we went to the train station while still fully tripping on mushrooms and we bought tickets to paris. because that was close. and we went to paris. we arrived in paris in the middle of the night as we were kind of sobering up. why are we in paris right now? i remember thinking, i did so many drugs i wound up in another country! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're not acting these movies, you're living them. you tweeted something cryptic. i don't know if this had anhing to do with anything that was in you. you tweeted, i know all the words to the mr. belvededere theme song. >> i do, yeah. >> jimmy: really. it isn't a joke? >> it wasn't a joke. it's plagued me since i was a kid. it's one of those songs that had cryptic lyrics.
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like the blinded by the night of tv songs -- >>immy: by the light. >> blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche everybody ththinks. there's a line that thought was, i drop-kicked your vagina. i remember thinking, that can't be it. if it is this show has a level i don't understand. so as an adult it's plague med.d. now there's the internet, i can go online and watch t the theme soon on youtube over and over and learn the theme song. then i realized i could have just googled the lyric which i did, which shows i'm stupid. i did that. so i learned all the words to the mr. belvedere theme song. >> jimmy: would you be willing to worm the mr. belvedere lyrics? our keyboard player jeff already knew the mr. belvedere theme song.
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>> i imagine as a pianist it's one of the coved works. >> jimmy: they teach you in piano school, obviously. here's a microphone. i'm going to do. >> jimmy: here we go, the theme song from mr. belvedere. straight song never had it before where you drop kick your jacket as you came through the door but sometimes things get turned around and no one's fair all hands look out below there's a change in the status quo whoa we're going to need all the help that we can getet broht to a new ararrival love is more than mere survival
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>> jimmy: seth rogen, everybody. this is why we don't have tv teen stars anymore. "the night before" opens novevember 20t. be right back with eric stonestreet and the royals! [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by hallmark channel's "countdown to christstmas" wit new movies premiering every saturday and sunday at 8:00 - 7:00 central. scanner: rescscan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. represtative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is oyour side representative. it's back t-mobile's most popular family plan.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, we're here. still to come, hologram with the band perry. last week i made a bet with a gentleman from kansas city, eric stonestreet, i bet the mets would n the wororld series. the mets did not win the world series so here we are. the deal was the winner got to hit the loser abobout it a paint ball gun in a bounce house. that said please welcome eric stonestreet from mick mu stas contact, jeremy guthrie! gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ]
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eric, first of all, congtulations. i'm so happy for you guys. what does it feel like to be a winner? >> unbelievable. >> jimmy: it feels good, right? >> feels great. >> jimmy: i wouldn't know, i've never really hadad that. congratulations to you. and to you, eric, you do so much for is team. >> yes, i did. suited up every day. rug russ spring traing. i'm proud of these guys. it was incredible, awesome for kansas city. and what a man you are for honoring the bet and inviting them to shoot you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't remember inviting them to shoot me. i remember you inviting them to shoot me. >> oh, right, yeah. i did invite them. you know what? in kansas city we have a saying. if you don't like it and don't think it's fair, you can meet me 60 feet, 6 inches away from the top of this gun. >> jimmy: all right. you guys are going to have 30 seconds to fire at will.
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have a catcher's mitt and no chest protector, no shin guards or anything like that. >> you have a ball cover? >> jimmy: i do have a cup on and i'm wearing a very thin wet suit under this which i'm told wl make no difference at all. >> well, you're a man of your word. >> jimmy: shouldn't you guys be on some kind of white trash vacation right now? >> we're here. >> right after this. >> jimmy: all right, all right. why didn't you have a gun? >> guillermo: this is fun, jimmy. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> guillermo: it's a lot of fun. >> jimmy: this is not the deal, you're supposed to be my -- are you going to shoot them for shoong me? >> guillermo, i'll build a wall real fast. >> jimmy: be careful with that. also the audience is wearing eye protection. [ cheers and applause ] >> i better put some eye protection on here. >> jimmy: i guess i have to take it.
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[ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why is seth rogen shooting me? he's not even american! >> how do they taste? >> jimmy: i'm going to tell you something, that wawas unbelievably painful. i will show you tomorrow night on the show. >> jimmy, that was me right in your crotch, i can promise you that. >> jimmy: i wish i could say it was the first time, eric. thank you, eric stonestreet. i shouldn't be thanking you but congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] thanks, seth. be right back with the band perry! [ cheers and applause ] >> d dicky: muc in nashville on
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hologram. tonight's hologram show is powered by the next generation of pcs which can do amazing things that no pc has ever done before. here to demonstrate is guillermo. >> guillermo: thanks to these new pcs i can control my own hologram. watch me get big. watch th! i want to grow bigger! even bigger than that! # me? i think both. how do we get back together? i don't want to be like this forevever! wah, wah, wah! poor little guillermo. now i got to put me back together. >> hey, guys. i have an idea.
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11:28 pm
>> jimmy: music from nashvle on jimmy kimmel is brought to you by crown royal, the onene made please drink respons. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank seth rogen and jake owen - i eric stonestreet and the kansas city royals. apologies to matt damon we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, here with the song "live forever" from nashville and los angeles via the power of
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oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i was dreaming of war saw that i wouldn't die was dreaming of shores that my ship would fight i was dreaming because it made me feel so alive was dreamiming it al from my bed last night you will be my only one hold my hand so we can run you and i we're staying young yeah we'reonna live we're gonna live forever this time i want it all i want it right now feel the fall
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go go crazy go go go crazy we're gonna live we're gonna live forever this time i want it all i want itit right n wanna feel the fall go go crazy go go go cra we're gonna ve we're gonna live forever i was feeling a storm but it wasn't outside was feeling a force i'm electrified i was feeling my heart there was thunder inside was feeleling it a from my bed last night you will be my only one hold my hand so we can run you and i we're staying young yeah we're gonna live we're gonna live forever this time i want it all
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i want it right now feel the fall go go crazy go go go crazy we're gonna live we're gonna live forever this time i want it alall i want it right now wanna feel the fall go go crazy go go go crazy we're gonna live we're gonna li forever we're gonna live we're gonna live forever all the things that i don't know all the dreams that i've been shown ahh all the ways that it could end tonight close your eyes
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