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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 20, 2015 11:37pm-12:07am CST

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an intimate look at the donald. a look at the family and life with melania. >> i know what he can do for the country. >> the first interview together since trump announced his bid for the white house. could this be the new first family? i am here with all my friends. >> one teacher's morning compliments go viral. >> you're wonderful you're fun. >> how he's using t the powful messag to lig up t the classroom. but first the "nightline 5." >> how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes beps you've always wanted for your winter event. hurry, offers end soon.
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seconds. good evening. thank you for joining us. it's fday night and all across america, all too many parents are holding their breaths on the otball sidelines. as concern rapidly intensifies over the long-term effects of taking hits to the head on the field. can new helmet t technolog and new aching tips lessen the impact of those violent hits? here's abc's ryan smith. >> reporter: when jordan dalton's school day ends he has one thing on his mind. football. dalton, number 71 for the north wowood high hool chargers, is a senior on the varsity team. identified as a high-risk player. high risk for concussions because of those hard hits on the field. but it's those hits on the field that worry his mom cara.
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>> when i see jordan get hit, i'm usually thinking about how hard was that hit? is that hit going to turn into a concussion? was it hard enough for a concussionon? that's the part that i don't really know. >> reporter: across the country parents like cara are questioning just how safe the game is. preoccupied a big hit could land their son in an emergency room or worse. since july there have been 11 high school fatalities, seven directly related to a traumatic jury. the most recent? >> slipped past a tackle -- >> reporter: luke shem, number 4, scoring in a playoff game two weeks ago after taking a hit in the third quarter and running off the field, shem collapsed, was flown to a hospital where he died the next day after his family removed him from life support. >> our beautiful gift from god months longer with us. >> reporter: tonight another high schooler in southern calirnia still recovering at a
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what appeared to be a routine tackle. dramatic video showing josh nava stumble off the field. needing emergey surgery to stop the bleeding, swelling, and pressure on his brain. >> he looks like he's in pain. >> reporter: little is known about how hard navaa was hit but the helmet he wore contains sensors able to catch that ta. but a school official said the device malfunctioned that night. >> we're all worried about concussions. the long-term effects of multiple concussions or even just one concussion. >> reporter: so is a team of resechers from university of north carolina who determined jordan to be an at-risk player for head injury. hard hits to his head from early in the season flagging him, turning him into a subject in their three-year study aimed at concussions. revealing a lot more than cara knew. >> i didn' realize in the beginning that he was the one getting more impacts than anybody else. impacts mean. >> we're trying to better understand if we can change the
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>> reporter: dr. kevin goskowicz leads the study known as bemo, short for behavior modification. >> this is footage of teams in our study. they have this system in their helmet >> reporter: researchersrs track, in realtime, the number and strength of hits to players' heads. that data, some of which is shown in this video from the study, reveals who they say may be at risk for concussions. >> what's 95-g like in the context of a car? >> 25 miles an hour. >> reporter: coaches staged an intervention with jordan, focusingng on dris to help him understand what's seen as a safer way to play. available online in a series of how-w-to vide. it's based on a method of tackling and blocking known as heheads-up football, an nfl-funded and promoted program emphasizing plers lead with their shoulders when tackling, not with their heads. a recent analysis found players between the age of 5 and 15
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playing on teams adopting the program had a 76% reduction in injuries and a 29% reduction of concussions during games. jordan works on his form during specific drills at practice. and then reviews video of it from previous games. >> the impact that you took o on this play was an example of a 95-g hit. >> my stance is terrible and i'm way too far down. >> these guys are used to tackling with all their might, all their force. they don't want to think. how do you get them to do it in the right way? >> the message we're sending is you've got to play smart today, to be able to play later. >> reporter: he showed me video of jordan from early in the season which he says shows poor form. >> what's he doing wrong? >> well, you can see he's head to head right there. that's a high impact. >> reporter: he compared to it a video under the friday night lights. >> same exact play but you're going to see he's going to get out? front, going to get those arms up a little earlier.
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at impact that's better clearly techchnique. >> reporter: he's part of the nfl's head, neck and spine committee. and dismisses scrutiny arising from his nfl connection. >> you're on an nfl committee. are you concerned that some people will see your results and be do you remember yus of those results? >> i'm an unpaid consultant or advising them about what we see as ways to ilprove safety in their sport. i'm much more interested in trying to make a difference at this youth level. >> reporter: and he's not the only one investigating a way to ma the game safer. eric schwartz, former rugby player, knows tackles in that game almost never involved the head. >> your thought is if they learn it without thepads, rugby style, they won't do i as much during the game. >> we hope it will carry over. it eliminates one player from basically turning their body into a projectile to blow somebody up.
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tackle training, he used university of new hampshire wildcats as test recruits. and he ss tre's some early evidence it's working. >> we've been able to identify that some of them actually decrse in the number of impacts per exposure. >> reporter: eager to help younger players, swartz approached a nearby high school and enrolled them in a study. wid with monitors they practiced tackling without helmets and pads. unh researchers counted more than 50,000 head impmpacted th season. >> how many times cab a high school player face contact in a game? >> they can receive 30, 40 impacts to the head in a single game. >> reporter: swarts' catching the eye ofge, under armour, and the nfl, all co-sponsors of his study. >> i understand there is a level of scrutiny and skepticism. i get that. that wasas just o of the opportunities that was available that we pursued. >> reporter: these stutudies coming at a time when numbers of
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high school football players are decreasing. last season there was nearly 10,000 fewer high schools playing the game than the previous soap. season. still, football is by far the most popular team sport in high school. >> you've turned on the lights and gave their biggest positiony man a name. >> reporter: dr. julian bales, played by alec baldwin in "concussion," a neurosurgeon and one of the leading surgeons on traumatic brain injuries. >> sensors, smart helmets, having weekly hits is all important. hopefully technology is going to be a big part of solving this concussion issue in sports. >> reporter: many agree nothing can eliminate the risk of taking a big hit on the field. >> do you worry about f facing one of tse life-threatening injuries on the field? >> it's in the back of your head. if you get hit you might think, that could be something. but you have to keep playing. >> reporter: for "nightline,"
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north carolina. next, an abc news exclusive. barbara walters with donald trump and his family. the children telling us what life is really like with the
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this is the donald trump you'll rarely see. home with his wife ask children and grandchildren. a family portrait with wife melana in their first sit-down interview together since her husband announced his bid for president. >> our leaders are stupid. stupid, stupid people. >> reporter: donald trump is a candidate like any other. >> bing, ba, bong. >> you speak your mind and you have sometimes offended women, latinos, terans. how can you uni the country when you make these divisive statements? >> women respect me, they l like me, they know i'm going to take care of them. aim going to protect them. the people that are here legally, hispanics, like me
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because they don'tant people coming in ask taking their jobs. >> do you speak any spanish. >> no, this is an english-speaking country, member? >> what's the downside of being part of the 1% of the richest people in america, especially when you're trying to reach the middle class? >> the funny thing is, i'm a rich guy but i have this grereat relationship wh the working people of this country. and that's true. >> reporter: donald trumpas always set the gold standard, literally, for life at the top. his $100 million tri-level penthouse is inspired by versailles. >> you have said that success is a kind of drug and it's too powerful for most people to handle. how do you handle success? >> well, a lot of people can't handle success. i've seen it. a lot of people don't know how win. >> reporter: he shares this palace in the sky with his beautiful and graceful wife melania. >> hello.
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absent from the campaign trail until tonight. mrs. trump, it's a pleleasure to see you and we don't see you that often. you're not on the campaign trail. how do you feel about campaigning? >> it's my choice not to be there. i support my husband 100%. but we have a 9-year-old son together. barron. i'm raising him ask this is the age heeeds a parent at home. >> were you involved in the decision of your husband to become president?t? >> we discuss a lot, yes. i encourage him. >> you did encourage him? >> i encouraged him because i know what he will do and what he can do for america. he loves the american people and he wants to help them. >> reporter: if the trumps win the white hoe, melania will have two noteworthy distinctions. the first foreign-born first lady since john quincy adams' wife louisa, and the first first lady to have posed in a picture like this. >> ion't know how to put this.
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your image looking the way you do, is that a liability for your husband? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. i think people will always judge. maybe they will say, oh, the past that you have, the way you were modeling. that's part of the job that i was doing. i was a very successful model. >>eporter: it's been ten years since donald and melania said i do in a lavish affair at trump's miralago estate in florida. this is your third marriage, what's different this time? >> i thi i understand life. i've gone through tremendous amountsf everything. deals, building companies, taking care of people. >> how does that help marriage? >> it hurts marriage because you're working all the time. >> your husband has been marri twice before. did you have any concerns it might not work out? >> no, i didn't have any concerns. we have a great chemistry. and to beith the man as my husband, you need to know who you are, you need to be very
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smart and quick and be there for him whene needs you. >> is yours a marriage of equals? >> i would say, yes. >> i would say no, no, i think she's far greater than the 50%. no, we have a very -- a pretty much equal relationship, wouldn't you say? >> reporter: i wondered if melania has ever taken his husband to task on his tone toward women on the campan trail. >> did he make a derogatory comment attacking carly fiorina? >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> you know your husband has come under fire here and there for making disparaging remarks about women. does this bother you? >> it doesn't bother me. he treats everybody the same. he talked about men as well,ot about women only. maybe they just go into a little bit more details when he says something about women. >> reporter: i sat d down with donald trump's four oldest children.
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ivanka, 34. eric, 31. ffany, 22. has your father ever said anything on the campaign trail that made you cringe? >> truthfully, no. >> no, no, no? >> he's true to himself and he speaks in a way that the average person can understand. it's refreshing for everyone. >> reporter: tiffany, trump's daughter by his second wife, marla maples, is a senior at her father's alma matter, university of pennsylvania, with plans to go to l school. >> people are meeting you today many for the first time. to grow up with the name tiffany trump, that's not easy. >> it's all i know. i'm so happy to be tiffany trump. so happy to be in the family i'm in, with my siblings, my father, my mother. >> reporter: they say their father taught them to respect the value of a dollar. >> to say we weren't spoiled would be laughable but we were spoiledd with eat education, great experiences. we weren't the kids showing up to college but a ferrari. we always had to earn whatever
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>> reporter: and it seems the donald trump work ethic is in theidna. >> we refer to it as the trump guilt. when weake up on saturday and we're not working. >> your father has said he wa not, using his words, very present when you were growing up. >> i would challenge him on that. because he was very available to us. > from wh we were 6 years old, he'd been negotiating with the ceo o a major bank or whatever, and he would make them wait, and take the call from us. >> our times together were learning. no playing in his office. he'd sneak me down to get a candy bar in the lobby. >> reporter: it's a very different side of donald trump. the soft one. breaking from the daily grind to greet his seven granandchildre >> look at this, what a troupe. >> what is your father like as a grandfather? >> he's been great. >> reporter: seems even the littlest trumps are already learning from grandpa. >> a few months ago, walking
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sees a large pothole in the middle of a new yk city street. she looks at me and she goes, mom, grandpa would not like that. is it's very cute. she's 4. >> definitely genetics. >> for sure. >> what do you dream about most frequently? >> i have good dreams. having a good life. good family, good life. >> for many the white house is a step up. i'm looking around this room. the white house might be a ste down. >> the white house is the white house. it's jusust a spectacular place. and, you know, it's something that represents something very special. >> our thanks to barbara. and next, a teacher teaching powerful lessons, lifting spirits one student at a time. >> you're fast, you're strong thank you for being a good
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don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. gus what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it wor on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. whatcha doin? just prepping for my boss' party in a couple weeks. what are those? crest whitestrips. they whiten way better than paste. crest 3d white whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. someone's making quite an impression. this holiday season,
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finally tonight, in class rooms across the country the school day s startsith some routine. this f florida tcher is showing us the true power of a morning message. >> i am here with all my friends. we've been in the same special education classroom for three years. >> reporter: chris ohlmer, special ed teacher, whose unie teaching style is going viral. >> you're awesome, you're great, yoyou're fu thank you for being a great student. >> reporter: he starts class with compliments. >> i think everyone in here loves you. great job.
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they learn how to be kind to one another. so i model that and whatever they see me do, that becomes their reality. >> i can lift myself up and get back in the running. >> reporter: his kindness curriculum has grown outside of the classroom. >> seven months ago i started a blog called special books by special kids. and the reason we started that was so that the children in my class who have a variety of different conditions are now able to communicate with the world. my goal is to help people step inside the mines of these children. because i think that their minds are some of the most pure i've ever seen. >> i love you too, you're a great student. >> you're the best teacher. >> it was the late norman vincent vincent peale who wrote an entire book about positive thinking. he believed a kind wor could lift the soul and chae the world. thank you for watch.
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as always we're online 24/7 at ou >> announcer: "the insider" from hollywood your 24/7 celebrity conversation. >> was yours a marriage of equals? >> i would say yes. >> i would say no. i think she's far greater. >> the nald's first lady breaks her silence. >> i support my husband 100%. >> has melania changed her political ambitions? >> i don't think about the white house. >> then the wait is finally over. adele's "25" says hello to the world and "snl." >> it's always for adele. >> move over, bond, here comes katniss. just how big will mockingjay part 2 be. breaking down the box office by the number.
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>> 137,000 million trillion.
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