tv Local 5 News Midday ABC November 25, 2015 11:00am-12:00pm CST
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at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday night and that rain should last through around 5pm. cold and freezing air will be slamming into northwest iowa, so during the early morning hours rain will turn into a wintry mix to even freezing news midday.... a big food scare for costco this week, just as folks are preparing their holiday menus-- elias: international complications arise following the russian warplane that was shot down by turkey yesterday-- elias: protestors hit the streets of chicago after a police officer shot 17 year-old laquan mcdonald 16 times. "local 5 news midday in hd starts now. we are iowa" elias:
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good morning and thanks for joining us for local 5 news midday...i'm elias johnson. elias: new at midday today-- elias: there was a kitchen fire this >> announcer: this is an abc news special report. now reporting george stephanopoulos. >> including my secretary of homeland security jeh johnson. my fbi director, jim comby and mymy attorne generaloretta lynch for a regular update on our security posture post paris and going into the holiday season. i think all off us recognize how horrific and heinous what took place in paris was and as i said
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events there touched a deep core given the connection beten the united states and france, the degree to which americans see in paris a way of life that's so familiar to us here in erica. given the shocking images i kw that americans have been asking each other whether it's safe here. whether it's safe to fly or gather. i know the families s have discussed their fears about the threat of terrorism around the dinner table, many for the first ti since september 11th. and it's understandable that people worry something similar could happen here. watching the events in paris made thehreat feel closer to home. asas we go into thanksgiving weekend, i want the american people to know that we are taking every possible step to keep our homeland safe. first we're going after isil
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wherever it hides. that's been our strategy for more than a year. i'll speak about this in more detail in the coming weeks but let me remind the american people of what our coalition of some 65 nations is doing to destroy these terrorists and defeat their ideolo. so far military and our partners have conducted more than 8,000 air strikes on isil strong holds and equipment. those along with the efforts of our partners on the g ground have taken out key leaders and taken back territory in both iraq and syria. we continue to work to choke off their financing and their supply lines and counter their recruitment and messaging. even as america is already supportingng french air strikes in syria, yesterday president hollande and i agreed that our countries are going to step up the coordination further and do more of that work together. so we're stepping up the pressure on isil where it lives
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adjusting our tactics were necessary until they are beaten. that's our first goal. second, we continue to do everything possible to prevent attacks att he and abroad and to prevent foreign terrorist fighters from entering the united states or other nations. since 9/11 we have taken extraordinary measures to strengthen our homeland security in everything from aviation security to border security to information sharing. we have improved upon these actions over time. any time there's an event, we learn something from it. and we continue to refine them. we continue to improve upon our approaches as we speak. right now we know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland. and that is based on the latest information i just received in
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the situation room. it is similar to the information that i- the briefing i received on saturday before i left on my trip last week. so as americans travel this weekend to be with their loved ones i want them to know that our counter-terrorism, intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals are working overtime and continually monitoring threats at home and abroad. continually evaluating our security posture. they're constantly working to protect all of us. their work has prevented attacks. their efforts have saved lives and serve every hour of every day for the sake of our security. they did so before paris and they do so now without a break for the holidays. so the bottom le is this. i want the american people to
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the combined resources of our military, our intelligence and homeland security agencies are on the case. they're vigilant, relentless and effective. in the event of a specific credible threat, the public will be informed. we do think it's usefull f people as they're going about their business to be vigilant. if you see something suspicious, say something. that's always helpful. but otherwise, americans should go about the usual thanksgingeekend activityies spending time with families and friends in celebrating our blessings and while thehreat of terrorism is a troubling reality of our age, we are both equipped to prevent attacks and we are resilient in the face of those who try too us harm.
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be thankfulelias: there was a kitchen fire this morning at sun prairie apartments in west des moines-- no one was home at the time of the fire and there were no more than 12 people were evacuated-- there was some interior damage to the building. but according to the fire department, the fire was contained very quickly. we'll be sure to keep you updated on that story as we get more details. elias: we have new details on the waukee homicide from a couple of weeks ago-- this morning-- brendan mcguinness made appearance in court. pleading not guilty to his murder charge killing 41 year old gino risola. pretrial conference will 8:30 am and his trial is
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set to begin on february 1. elias: we also have an update now on the accident at hubbell avenue and 37th street that left two people dead on november 15. 53 year old des moines resident deanna gliem who struck the oncoming vehicle, killing both its passengers has now been arrested-- on two counts of vehicular homicide while operating under the influence and two counts of vehicular homicide by reckless driving. 60 year old des moines resident richard hummel and his passenger, 59 year old des moines resident randall sonnenburg. both died in that crash. des moines police say they're still conducting a technical investigation ofthe crash, though excessive speed and impaired driving have been determined as potential contributing factors.. elias: a family in colfax is desperate for the public's help this morning... elias:: they are searching for a beloved therapy horse that has gone missing... this is buddy -- he had only been with the family for one week before he went missing. he was last seen
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thursday night ... right before the big snowstorm. he was donated to this colfax family who takes in a lot of foster children, many of them with special needs. "horses are so therapeutic for children. they can actually have control over this horse they can tell it to go slow or go fast or turn and it will listen to them. " elias: here he is again. if you think you may have seen buddy near newton or colfax you're asked to call the sper county sheriff's office. elias: newly released dash cam video sparks protests in chicago overnight... elias: the video shows a chicago police officer opening fire on a black teenager ..and continuing to fire even as the teenager lay dying on the ground.. the images have sparked outrage across the windy city... the officer --now charged with first degree murder. abc's stephanie ramos has more "script: the windy city on edge..... nats "..yelling/chanting.." whole world is watching protests after the
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cam video? which officials say shows 17-year-old laquan mcdonald ...walking away from officers before being shot 16 times police officer jason van dyke. sot - anita alvarez / state's attorney, cook county "it is graphic, it is violent, it is chilling. young man die in such a violent manner is simply disturbing." but now that van dyke is charged with first degree murder......documented details are unfolding. on october 20, 2014 - 9:47pm police receive a call about a suspect armed with a knife, breaking into cars within ten minutes officers find mcdonald walking down the street. the video shows mcdonald was moving away from the officers. the prosecutor says within six seconds - van dyke opened fire - shooting all 16 rounds from his 9 mm gun within 15 seconds. mcdonald falls to the
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soon after. the prosecutor says officer van dyke kept firing his gun......even after the teen collapsed. outside court - the officer's attorney had only this to say: sot - dan herbert / defense attorney "this is not a murder case despite what you heard in the courtroom," verbatim: " elias: and the man behind the wheel of monday's deadly accident in des moines now faces charges... troy mure junior was released from the hospital tuesday. police then arrested him and charged him with vehicular homicide and operating while intoxicated. the car, you see here, was wrapped around a power pole. it happened at the intersection of 35th street and ingersoll . the passenger, scalicity boyd, died at the scene. police are still investigating the crash. elias: meteorologist sam schrier joins us again with a look at your forecast. sam weather adlib: today we are looking at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the
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end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday night and that rain should last through around 5pm. cold and freezing air will be slamming into northwest iowa, so during the early morning hours rain will turn into a wintry mix to even freezing rain by 6 or 7am. it will continue to fall as freezi rain to a wintry mix still around 9 or 10am, but we will also start seeing a transition over into snow in that same area. accumulations in northwest iowa will be ranging from 1 to 3 inches mainly centered from the sac city to storm lake areas. because of the snow and blowing winds, a winter storm watch is in place for much of northwest iowa, so if you are traveling north during the holidays, it may not be a bad idea to leave either tonight or in the very early hours of tomorrow morning. the metro will likely see our rain turn into some freezing rain to a wintry mix from around 6pm to 9 or 10pm, but we should
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stay too warm for any snow accumulation. the weekend is looking cold and for the most part dry, but next week we have a couple more snow chances to start december off! elias: more details about the deadly attacks in paris france.... a french prosecutor has revealed there were more people involved than initially thought. during the search for the eighth terror suspect, investigators now find themselves looking for another man-- so at least 9 attackers were involved. meanwhile in belgium, that country is still on heightened alert over threats of similar attacks in its capital. elias:: since the attacks almost two weeks ago...the possibility over allowing syrian refugees into the u-s has been at the center of debate... in iowa, no syrian refugees have ever resettled here, according to the department of human services. but a group wants to make sure iowa's doors are open to them in the future. yesterday, they protested governor branstad's order to stop all state agencies from working on resettling syrian refugees. they disagree with how the governor handled the situation. samantha 10:37 why do we have someone in office doing these things? why can't he be more like governor ray who encouraged
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refugees, opened doors to those great people. elias: the group hopes mr. branstad will reconsider his decision and possibly make some time to meet with them and listen to their concerns. elias: another quinnipiac poll is out this morning on the democratic side-- not much change here, with hillary clinton still on top with 51 percent, sanders not too far behind at 42 percent, and martin o'malley bringing up the rear with 4 percent. and almost the opposite of what republicans said in the quinnipiac poll released yesterday-- 80 percent of democrats are willing to accept syrian refugees in the u.s. and iowa. with 58 percent opposing sending u.s. troops to fight isis in iraq and syria and 41 percent saying the u.s. and their allies are losing the fight against isis. elias: more now on the war against isis-- turkey shot down a russian warplane near the syrian border yesterday, complicating the
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fight against the terror group-- now everyone waits to see what president putin does next -- abc's martha raddatz has the story from washington-- " the turks say they warned the russians 10 times in five minutes...then fired. this morning? the russians promising to boost its air defenses by deploying a missile cruiser to defend against any target posing danger president obama saying turkey had a right to defend itself, now urging russia to strike only isis targets... sot obama: 12:58:33 we hope that they refocus their attention on what is the most substantial threat during monday's airstrikes...a russian su-24 fighter jet? seen streaking across the sky after being shot down by an air-to-air missile from a turkish f-16?crashing into northern syria 15;16;02;27 ganyard .. this is a very quick intercept it was only 17 seconds that this russian plane was in turkish airspace in that time the turkish f-16 pilot was ready on the trigger launched when he saw the russian aircraft the russian pilots ejecting midair, deploying their
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parachutes as they fall to earth, they come under heavy gunfire from syrian rebels. reporedly killing one of the pilots (could change overnight) (nats gunfire) [gfx] russia says its war plane was conducting bombing runs targeting isis terrorists in syria... but turkey says the jet crossed its border?flying over this sliver of turkish airspace, less than 2 miles wide? [/end gfx] a stern vladimir putin calling turkey's action "a stab in the back by the terrorists' accomplices." (col steve ganyard sot) 15;20;05;31 there's gonna be a lot of posturing but it's gonna be a question of how far the russians are gonna take the next step are they really gonna do something in retaliation or let it blow over understanding that their crew did in fact make a mistake." elias: coming up on local 5 news midday... some things to keep in mind as you hit the roads and the air traveling home for the holidays this week-- elias: and... good news if you will be driving-- looks like it won't be hitting your wallet that hard--
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"your wathcing local 5 news midday in hd with elias johnson and we are iowas most accurate forecast. this is local 5 midday. we are iowa" elias: we've been learning more about the mother and daughter who were killed in this tragedy... friends and former teachers are remembering amber as a student and as a friend. local 5's claire powell spoke to her former teacher and filed this report... "i have to cherish the time i had with her i think a lot of us in this building are that way" inside hoyt middle school, josh osbourne is usually the fun and carefree teacher and
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wasnt quite the same. "when someone says amber left you a note,i know which amber. when i got a text amber is dead. did you hear, i knwe exactly what amber they were talking about" osbourne was ambers teacher for three years. even after she moved on to central campus' alternative program and high school- she'd frequently stop to see him. "frequently stop by and tell us how things was going , she'd always have magic tricks to show me with cards or coins or something" magic trick with osbourne said he'd stay late helping amber transition moving from florida to iowa, making new friends and with issues at home --whatever they were. "amber loved her father, she loved barney" and said her mom- amy- who was studying to be a preschool teacher- had the same happy personality. "how did she do that?" thats what makes being
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a teacher today... "sorry".... so tough. "....she had alot going for herself" just like the photos of the students on his wall- he has photos of amber, too. it's no doubt one he'll keep closer than the rest. " just trying to convince her of a greater life than what youve got in front of you. then this happens, no reason, no warning, theres no signs something like this is going to happen. it just does. " elias: hoyt middle school is planning on making a tribute to amber in the coming days.... des moines public schools also made grief counselors available to staff and students.. elias: sam is back now... sam today we are looking at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly
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"now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: today we are looking at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday
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around 5pm. cold and freezing air will be slamming into northwest iowa, so during the early morning hours rain will turn into a wintry mix to even freezing rain by 6 or 7am. it will continue to fall as freezing rain to a wintry mix still around 9 or 10am, but we will also start seeing a transition over into snow in that same area. accumulations in northwest iowa will be ranging from 1 to 3 inches mainly centered from the sac city to storm lake areas. because of the snow and blowing winds, a winter storm watch is in place for much of northwest iowa, so if you are traveling north during the holidays, it may not be a bad idea to leave either tonight or in of tomorrow morning. the metro will likely see our rain turn into some freezing rain to a wintry mix from around 6pm to 9 or 10pm, but we should stay too warm for any snow accumulation. the weekend is looking cold and for the most pa dry, but next
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nutrition month thanksgiving left-over ideas from bekah and claire riker, founder of des moines moms blog 1. where can viewers learn more about family finest products? the family finest make-n-bake pizza paks can be found in walmart dairy cases throughout the us. share that people can learn more about family finest by visiting: o o est o st o est o nestfoods turkey, cranberry, spinach, and goat
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cheese ingredients: 1 family finest make-n- bake pizza pak crust cup turkey cup goat cheese cup spinach cranberry sauce to taste procedure: 1. place oven rack in middle of oven. preheat to 450 degrees. 2. bake 1-4 pizzas at a time. 3. bake for 7-9 minutes or until cheese is melted and the edges of the crust are golden brown. 4. let cool for 3 minutes. sweet potato, apple, and cinnamon dessert pizza ingredients: 1 family finest make-n-bake pizza pak crust cup sweet potato mash 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 tablespoon milk 1 medium granny smith apple, sliced 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 tablespoon butter, melted vanilla ice cream makes one personal pizza directions: preheat oven to 450
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butter on top of family make-n-bake pizza pak cinnamon and sugar on in a separate bowl, combine powdered create an icing. set aside. slice apples, and place of top of the entire pizza and add mashed sweet potatoes. bake in the oven for 5 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. after pizza has cooled, drizzle icing mixture over the warm pizza. sprinkle with remaining cinnamon and sugar. add one scoop of vanilla ice cream if desired. sprinkle with powdered sugar. turkey club pizza ingredients: 1 family finest make-n-bake pizza pak crust 1 small tomato, sliced 1/8 cup mozzarella cheese (included in pak) 2 tablespoons pizza sauce (included in pak) cup turkey 1/8 cup spinach 1/8 cup feta cheese makes one personal pizza
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: elias: on your money now elias: if flying is part of your holiday travel plans...get ready to spend time waiting. lines are expected to be much longer this year -- because of a record number of flyers -- and increased security after the paris attacks and russian plane bombing. from now until december 1 -- an estimated 25 million people will fly on u.s airlines. airlines say a good rule of thumb -- arrive at the airline two hours before your flight is scheduled to take off. elias: elias: meanwhile, good news for those choosing to take the roads this holiday season... triple-a says gas is the cheapest its been since
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2008. here in iowa, gas prices have dropped around 70-cents from this time last year. low gas prices mean more people taking to the roads...the thanksgiving travel period is the roads...the thanksgiving travel period is expected to be the busiest in eight years. elias: next.... olypmic wrestler dan gable shares his thoughts on the graple on the gridiron at kinnick stadium
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state cyclones. the second ranked hawkeyes are coming off their upset victory over oklahoma state at the record setting grapple on the gridiron. something i had the chance to ask dan gable about over the weekend... elias did you ever, in your wildess dreams think there would be a wrestling match at kinnick in november - did that ever occur to you that was a possibility and what was it like to actually see it happen dan gable: it was more than i figured it would be. its great oklahoma state and iowa participated - two most storied programs in history. but more than that it was no. 1 oklahoma state and i think that helped a lot draw in that 42- thousand plus but i think the football team, being the fact they were 9 and 0, people were ina good mood and when they're in a good mood they like to help. it might be the sinlgle most promotional event that i've ever seen in our sport. at the end of the day the ipact was huge - there i go a
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elias: amazing dan gable: haha elias: weather, the biggest thing that would have killed that. it wouldn't have been the fans or teams being ready it would have been the weather. did it surprise you how nice it was for november? dan gable: you know i almost felt like coach brands, myself and everyone else who were involed really had someone looking out for them. you know, it was perfect you know it came through, it happened. elias: meteorologist sam schrier joins us again with a look at your forecast. sam weather adlib: today we are looking at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the
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overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday night and that rain should last through around 5pm. cold and freezing air will be slamming into northwest iowa, so during the early morning hours rain will turn into a wintry mix to even freezing rain by 6 or 7am. it will continue to fall as freezing rain to a wintry mix still around 9 or 10am, but we will also start seeing a transition over into snow in that same area. northwest iowa will be ranging from 1 to 3 inches mainly centered from the sac city to storm lake areas. because of the snow and blowing winds, a winter storm watch is in place for much of northwest iowa, so if north during the a bad idea to leave the very early hours of tomorrow morning. the metro will likely see our rain turn into some freezing rain to a wintry mix from around 6pm to 9 or 10pm, but we should stay too warm for any snow accumulation. the weekend is looking cold and for the most week we have a couple start december off! elias: alert for you all
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before you head out for your thanksgiving meals-- a consumer alert chicken salad sold by costco is now being linked to an e-coli outbreak. a-b-c's reena ninan has details. " this morning - as shoppers rush to pick up last minute thanksgiving ingredients - an important health alert about chicken from superstore costco. an e-coli outbreak hitting seven states and infecting 19 people - who are believed to have eaten the chain's rotisserie chicken salad so far - five have been hospitalized, two people developing a form of kidney failure that can lead to permanent organ damage costco immediately stopping all sales of the item - on november notified of the ecoli saying the specific illness is still being investigated -but warning all consumers to throw out any rotisserie chicken salad purchased before november 20th overnight - costco feel terrible that
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noting the product three days - and the came on november 1st almost 4 weeks ago. the 19 ecoli cases in the cdc report - only 16 were likely made sick from the chicken salad costco has had trouble with their year they were linked to a salmonella outbreak caused by contaminated chicken." local 5 news (weather) sam has the details in central iowa's forecast next. "now, we are iowa's
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we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday night and that rain should last through around 5pm. cold and freezing air will be slamming into northwest iowa, so during the early morning hours rain will turn into a wintry mix to even freezing rain by 6 or 7am. it will continue to fall as freezing rain to a wintry mix still around 9 or 10am, but we will also start seeing a transition over into snow in that same area. accumulations in northwest iowa will be ranging from 1 to 3 inches mainly centered from the sac city to
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and blowing winds, a winter storm watch is in place for much of northwest iowa, so if you are traveling north during the holidays, it may not be a bad idea to leave either tonight or in the very early hours of tomorrow morning. the metro will likely see our rain turn into some freezing rain to a wintry mix from around 6pm to 9 or 10pm, but we should stay too warm for any snow accumulation. the weekend is looking cold and for the most part dry, but next week we have a couple more snow chances to start december off! sam:
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the des moines playhouse is on to promote their upcoming production of chitty chitty bang bang. when eccentric inventor caractacus potts restores an old racing car, he and his children, jeremy and jemima, soon discover it has magical properties. trouble occurs when the child-hating baron bomburst tries to capture the car for himself. take a fantastic musical adventure with "chitty
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sam weather adlib: today we are looking at a cloudy but fairly warm day considering we're almost to the end of november! it looks like we'll stay dry through most of the morning, but as we head into the afternoon a few spotty showers will start popping up across the state, and we should steadily see more light rain especially during the overnight hours. highs today will still climb into the mid 50s, and it will likely stay fairly warm quite a ways into the night helped out by a breezy southerly wind. starting early thursday, the metro will be still receiving rain from wednesday night and that rain
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