tv Local 5 News Midday ABC January 8, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm CST
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the day. we are going to continue to see light and scattered showers through the morning and early afternoon with northwest and northern iowa seeing light snow showers. as temps start falling this afternoon we'll see our rain become a bit of a wintry mix late in the afternoon and evening with a few light snow showers possible across on local five news midday.... a possible case of child enticement in the metro. we have some police tips on how to keep your kids safe. amanda: deepening economic turmoil in china is causing concern here in the u.s what you can expect for your family finances, coming up. amanda: after two years of extremely deadly threats to pig and poultry farms here in iowa. iowa state veternarians are keeping an eye on the less-deadly seneca virus, "local 5 news midday in hd starts now. we are iowa" amanda: good morning and thanks for joining us for local 5 news midday...i'm amanda krenz. . amanda: here in the
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morning commute a little slow-going. you can see here visibility on i-235 was not too bad, but downtown, even the capitol building was a little hard to spot. local 5 meteorolgist sam schreier is here with us now on what to expect for your travels later today. sam? sam weather adlib: today is going to be our last "warm" day because from the afternoon through sunday morning temperatures will be in a fairly steady free fall. highs today are going to stay fairly mild for this time of year with temps hovering in the mid 30s through most of the day. our large supply of moisture from this system bringing us the rain hasn't been flushed out yet so fog will be thick and heavy the day. we are going light and scattered showers through the afternoon with northern iowa seeing as temps start falling this afternoon we'll see our rain become a bit of a wintry mix late in the afternoon and evening with a few possible across with limited accumulation. tonight the winds will really north and temperatures will be is going to be dry but windy and very cold. wind chills during the day saturday will be in the low teens, but that of the year will arrive sub zero wind chill values. sunday will be dry and cold with the wind backing off
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climb above the single digits. next week is still looking pretty cold with highs in the 20s and teens to start the week, but we try and bring back some 30s by thursday and friday. amanda our top story...a warning to those who purchased gas recently in the metro... amanda on thursday, a pump found a credit card skimmer pump at the git n east euclid avenue. the device takes and relays it back to the thief. at this time, detectives aren't sure how long the skimmer was usually checked so. police say it's look for broken seals or other could be tampered with. sgt. ryan doty, des
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gas pumps that are well lit, throughout the night. this cuts down on a person's ability to tamper with the machine in the cover of darkness. " amanda : at this time, police do not have any suspects for this case. police tell us they've seen similar pumps around the city, and normally they are in the inside of the pump, but sometimes they'll even be on the outside. amanda and des moines police also investigating a possible child enticement from thursday... while waiting the 700 block of avenue in des moines...a the driver of an s-u-v stopped to ask a 16 year-old girl if she needed a ride. she told the driver no, but the driver turned around and drove back toward her. the driver's described as a man in his 40's or 50's, driving a black suv. police say it's a good reminder for parents to make sure their kids never accept a ride from a stranger. sgt. brandon bracelin, polk county sheriff's o: "what you really want to do is talk to your children, all the way up to high school. if anyone approaches them for any reason,
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into a vehicle with them, tell them no and amanda police say anyone can be a target, no the polk county sheriff's office your help if you know anything. amanda a shooting underway in eastern iowa... police say a man and his two dogs were shot in keokuk... around 1 am thursday, ian keefe was found at his home shot three times, two dogs had also been shot. police are now looking for two masked suspects who fled the scene. they are also investingating whether or not with a shooting in hamilton 12:40 am. amanda: headlines now-- we turn now to that affluenza teen is back in morning -- in court to face charges that she helped her son skip probation and hide out in abc's matt gutman joins us latest couch is in this texas
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boeing dreamliner? and escorted like celebrity suspect - on a special staircase, off the plane and into a sheriff's van waiting right on the tarmac? the suburban mom with the red ringlets - wearing a jacket over her handcuffs? 16:17:31 sheriff: she was very quiet. very reserved. she was respectful. brought to the jail by the sheriff himself. 16:25:21 sheriff: her attitude again was cooperative. she's expectedto be arraigned this morning on the charge of hindering the apprehension of her son - ethan couch known as the affluenza teen? who to killing four people crash. texas in early truck - bound for resort? and partying at this strip joint - abc news ethan racked up a $1000 tab he couldn't pay. authorities finally catching up with them on this street. this
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in mexico fighting deportation back to texas?for violating his probation" amanda coming up on local 5 news midday... president obama held a town hall meeting last night, focusing on his recent push for more gun control and gun safety regulations. amanda and... are you eating the right stuff? we'll take a look at the usda's new nutrtitional guidelines released this week. amanda next.... the des moines bridal forum is on to help you
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wedding bridal show is in west des moines at the sheraton hotel. plan your wedding in a single day! the wedding professionals will be exhibiting their work and ready to discuss your wedding plans and offer any advice to make your wedding day one you'll never forget. over $6,000 in prizes & certificates! plus ideas! admission if free. we will not disappoint! "now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: today is going to be our last "warm" day because from the
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today is going to be our last "warm" day because from the afternoon through sunday morning temperatures will be in a fairly steady free fall. highs today are going to stay fairly mild for this time of year with temps hovering in the mid 30s through most of the day. our large supply of moisture from this system bringing us the rain hasn't been flushed out yet so fog will be thick and heavy throughout much of the day. we are going to continue to see light and scattered showers through the morning and early afternoon with northwest and northern iowa seeing light snow showers. as temps start falling this afternoon we'll see our rain become a bit of a wintry mix late in the afternoon and evening with a few light snow showers possible across central iowa tonight with limited accumulation. tonight the winds will really pick up out of the north and temperatures will be falling fast. saturday windy and very cold. wind chills during the day saturday will be in the low teens, but that night the coldest air of the year will arrive and we will see deep sub zero wind chill values. sunday will be dry and cold with the wind backing off during the day but the digits. next week is cold with highs in the 20s and teens to start the week, but we try and bring back some 30s by thursday and friday. sam:
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"your wathcing locamanda at the movies-- first up..."the revenant"... leonardo dicaprio stars as frontiersman hugh glass....who trading 1820's. went horribly wrong after he mauled by a grizzly bear. glass's own team members leave him for dead, and murder his son...but he goes on a search for those who took his son's life. the revenant is rated "r" all: (reax) amanda we have another movie coming to
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this weekend. "the forest"....set in a real place in japan where people have gone to commit suicide. natalie dormer stars as sara, who is determined to save her sister. when she arrives in japan, no one seems to want to help her. but can she trust the one person willing to guide her and help find her sibling? the forest is
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turning to agricultural 2014, p- e-d virus killed three million pigs here in iowa. amanda last year,the poultry industry took a major hit when the avian flu killed more than 30 million birds. now turning to 2016, iowa state researchers are keeping their eye on another growing virus. amanda: iowa state veteranians say they're seeing more cases of the less-deadly senecavirus- "a" or seneca valley virus. usually there are only a handful of cases every year. but since july of 2015, there have been nearly 10 cases per week in seven states, including iowa. they don't want producers to panic- but instead are reminding all farmers- pigs, poultry and others- to stay vigilant. local 5's claire powell has more. in the past forty or fifty years randy hilleman has seen all kinds of pig illnesses. "in the hog business you never know. when teg or prrs any other disease, it goes good then all of the sudden there's something new" now isu veterinarian's are watching a spike in the uncommon senecavirus-a. the virus rarely causes death and
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own. but its eery deadly diseases is what spooked. "clinical signs are blisters around nose and feet, lameness, look just like foot and mouth disease" generally, state veterinarians only see a handful of cases a seen more than 100. the virus that made it more transmisable. we months, and then none recent weeks." that news- hilleman says- is definitely a good thing. "we dont need that again" the biosecurity put in place since p-e-d-v and avian flu is an everyday necessity on farms across iowa. "you have to get trucks coming in and out, its just a far reaching" he knows if he see's something unusual, state and federal officials need to get invovled. "we have a good relationship with our vet. if we have an issue we call him" the difference
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herd halting. vaccine it works, and if there isn't you dont get it." amanda if those symptoms of the senecavirus appearance, immediately, tests to state and federal labs. they try to return results within 2 to 3 days. as a reminder, senecavirus cannot infect humans and doesnt make pork less safe to eat. amanda in your local election headquarters now-- amanda: with just over three weeks to go to the iowa caucus, watch for a big push from presidential hopesfuls here in iowa, along with a few other big events in the coming days... amanda you can expect to see some of the republican presidential candidates in the hawkeyes state this weekend.. ted cruz, rand paul, rick santorum, donald trump, and ben carson all plan to be at
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as for democrats, bernies sanders and matin o- malley plan to campaign in iowa this weekend...they will be joined by frontrunner hillary clinton monday night for the brown and black forum for democratic presidential candidates.. look for full coverage of the forum here on local five... amanda marco rubio released a new campaign ad today, called "football." let's take a look. " marco: you get that? announcer: super bowl pick this year? marco: the same one i have made for the last forty years: the miami dolphins. announcer: super bowl pick winning percentage? marco: i have never gotten a super bowl right. your fantasy football marco: this year, i think we are going to polos. announcer: m me nervous before first game?
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first college football game, because you were actually going to get hit. announcer: best football game you have ever been to? marco: 1985 monday night football, undefeated bears against the dolphins. and i was there with my dad. i will never forget that night. announcer: favorite miami dolphins cheerleader? marco: that's easy: jeanette rubio. announcer: best coaching advice you ever gave your youth team? marco: have fun. announcer: most important preparation for a big game or a big speech? marco: make sure there is water nearby - like right now. i am marco rubio and i approved of this message." amanda: marco rubio is currently in the top four among republican voters, in the last cnn/orc poll released in 20-15, rubio was tied for third with dr. ben carson, both following business mogul donald trump and senator ted cruz. amanda: last night, local 5's jack miller sat down with republican presidential candidate mike huckabee who still plans on winning, even though he's polling far back. he says iowans don't get serious until they go to caucus. "what is the difference in mentality of someone who pulls for one person but caucuses for another? the caucus voter is a very serious voter. they're not casual.
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voters. they listen to all the ads but when it gets down to it they make a viseral decision about who they connect to" decision about who they connect to" decision about who they connect to" decision about who they connect to" amanda: huckabee says to not believe the polls. he wasn't supposed to win iowa in 2008, either, but he did. amanda: onto donald trump now. it was a wild night at rally in vermont last night. the gop frontrunner was met with protests during his campaign event. meanwhile, maine's governor, a chris christie supporter, has ignited a firestorm with controversial remarks being called a racist rant. abc's kenneth moton has the latest from washington. " today it's on to south carolina for donald trump but overnight, a volatile welcome in the liberal backyard of bernie sanders. nat "get em out of here! take em out" the gop frontrunner...interru pted, drowned out and screamed at by demonstrators in burlington, vermont. nat "get em outta here! don't give him his coat.
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hundreds of people cheered on the billionaire while those protestors got the boot...many of them supporters of sanders. the vermont senator and trump couldn't be any more different on policy but their campaigns are both drawing big crowds. sot - matthew dowd bernie sanders and donald trump are fishing from a similar pond. which is independent voters who are working class whites. bernie sanders was quick to point out a recent quinnipiac university poll has him beating trump in a hypothetical general election match up...51 to 38 percent. sanders was on the phone with political group democracy for america while trump was in his home state. sot - sanders i would love love love to run against donald trump. it would be a dream come true. but there's another political controversy brewing involving chris christie and his supporter, maine governor paul lepage who said this about drug traffickers in his state. sot - gov. lepage: "these are guys by the name d-money, smoothie, shifty.""incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave." (kenneth standup close) this morning, lepage held a news conference to say he's not perfect and he
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he renounce the maine governor. as of this morning, no response from christie. kenneth moton, abc news washington" amanda: monday also marks the start of the 20-16 state legislative session....and governor branstad wants to see bullying be a top priority. anti-bullying efforts to the legislature for years but they haven't been in an interview with local five's amanda krenz, the governor says he plans to take on this session. amanda question about 11:52 i don't know if the to take action on this, i felt there are some things we can do by executive action. we want to continue to and steachers to make tools they need to
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amanda: the iowa legislature meets monday for the first day of the session. governor branstad's state of the state address is tuesday morning. look to local 5 for all your statehouse matters this legislative session. amanda: meteorologist sam schrier joins us again with a look at your forecast. sam weather adlib: today is going to be our last "warm" day because from the afternoon through sunday morning temperatures will be in a fairly steady free fall. highs today are going to stay fairly mild for this time of year with temps hovering in the mid 30s through most of the day. our large supply of moisture from this system bringing us the rain hasn't been flushed out yet so fog will be thick and heavy throughout much of the day. we are going to continue to see light and scattered showers through the morning and early afternoon with northwest and northern iowa seeing light snow showers. as temps start falling this afternoon we'll see our rain become a bit of a wintry mix late in the afternoon and evening with a few
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central iowa tonight with limited accumulation. tonight the winds will really pick up out of the north and temperatures will be falling fast. saturday is going to be dry but windy and very cold. wind chills during the day saturday will be in the low teens, but that night the coldest air of the year will arrive and we will see deep sub zero wind chill values. sunday will be dry and cold with the wind backing off during the day but the highs will struggle to climb above the single digits. next week is still looking pretty cold with highs in the 20s and teens to start the week, but we try and bring back some 30s by thursday and friday. amanda: amanda: oregon to reach a the standoff at a federal wildlife refuge... the standoff has militia took over
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buildings last saturday. the local sheriff will meet with the protestors today to try and bring a peaceful end to the standoff. the nearby community held a meeting this week to discuss the takeover of the federal building. while they recognize what the group has done for bringing attention to certain issues, they feel it is time they went back to their own homes. amanda: president obama took part in a town hall meeting last night to push support for his efforts on gun control this week... the president still trying to build public support for his recent executive actions on guns. his current position -- expanding background checks for gun buyers and narrowing the so-called "gun show loophole," that leaves most small and private sellers exempt from keeping formal sales records. small changes the president says will incrementally improve things as time goes on. " in the same way we dont eliminate all traffic accidents over 20 years traffic accidents get lower. there's still tragedies, there's still drunk drivers, there's still people who dont wear their seatbelts. but over time that violence gets
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are spared thats the same thing we can do for gun ownership " amanda: during the forum he called the notion that he is trying to take people's guns away a "conspiracy." a new cnn poll reveals that most americans surveyed approve of mr. obama's action on guns. but a majority also say they don't believe it will reduce gun-related deaths. amanda: philadelphia police offcier jesse hartnett was sitting at his cruiser last night when a suspect shot at him 13 times. the suspect struck the officer three times in the arm, causing it to break. 33 year -old officer hartnett is a five year veteran. we have the dispatch audio now from the incident. " shots fired. i'm shot. i'm bleeding heavily. all cars stand by we have an officer shot 6-0 and spruce. repeating in the 18th district assisting 6-0 officer and spruce. we have an officer down.
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another unit out here 6-0 spruce. please send some units to 6-0 and irving. weapon out here." amanda: officer hartnett is in surgery and is expected to be fine. the suspect was shot in the side and his condition is unknown. amanda: last year turned out to be a dangerous and costly year when it comes to weather events. in 20-15, the u-s experienced 10 weather disasters that caused one billion dollars or more in damage each. they range from tornados in the southern plains - to severe weather and floods in the east -and wildfires in the west. amanda: a bad day at work for this florida truck driver...a water main break ended up causing a sinkhole. the truck ended up stuck in the hole, requiring a tow truck to get it removed.
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"now, we are iowa's most accurate forecast with meteorologist sam schreier. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" sam weather adlib: today is going to be our last "warm" day because from the afternoon through sunday morning temperatures will be in a fairly steady free fall. highs today are going to stay fairly mild for this time of year with temps hovering in the mid 30s through most of the
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of moisture from this system bringing us the rain hasn't been flushed out yet so fog will be thick and heavy throughout much of the day. we are going to continue to see light and scattered showers through the morning and early afternoon with northwest and northern iowa seeing light snow showers. as temps start falling this afternoon we'll see our rain become a bit of a wintry mix late in the afternoon and evening with a few light snow showers possible across central iowa tonight with limited accumulation. tonight the winds will really pick up out of the north and temperatures will be falling fast. saturday is going to be dry but windy and very cold. wind chills during the day saturday will be in the low teens, but that night the coldest air of the year will arrive and we will see deep sub zero wind chill values. sunday will be dry and cold with the wind backing off during the day but the highs will struggle to
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sam: we're joined now by jerry holub, our resident horticulturist. here's here every friday to tell us what we need to know to keep our gardens, plants and yards healthy, happy and green. jerry, how is it going? now... he'll be available for all your gardening needs at the downtown des moines farmers market on saturdays. about the market support local agriculture and buy direct from iowa farmers while shopping the
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unitypoint health - des moines. the downtown farmers' market presents iowa producers from 58 counties across iowa, offering fresh fruit, vegetables and so much more every saturday, may - october. you'll find fresh herbs, beautiful flowers, farm fresh eggs, local wineries, a delicious assortment of goat cheese, an endless selection of baked goods, and many varieties of iowa raised meat such as beef, pork, chicken, turkey, goat, rabbit, lamb and tilapia. amanda in take a look at this today...we're one month away turkey, goat, rabbit,
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