tv Local 5 News at Five ABC February 22, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST
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evidence has linked ali yahia- the man shot and killed by urbandale police just last weekend - to the gruesome, stabbing murder of 71 year old norma jean mcneeley here at her home behind me. in the early hours of january 24th- 71 year old norma jean mcneeley was found stabbed to death in her des moines home. blood trials and footprints led police outside, down the street, then disappeared. "well over 100 pieces of forensic evidence, muhc of it was blood evidence" that same day- des moines police say ali yahia showed up at lutheran hospital, suffering from a severe cut on his hand. police say instead of confessing to the murder, he told them a fabricated story about being the target of a violent home invasion. "what he was telling us, matched the evidence of that house the next day, police found survielleance video from a nearby business- showing a car yahia was known to drive- leaving a parking lot near mcneeleys house. that led detectives to a second pool of blood and more footprints.
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here to dci's crime lab- where we got an inside look. the blood was entered into their combined dna indexing system. a place where all felons and crime scene dna has been stored for more than 10 years "if youre convicted of specific crimes, have to give dna sample for our data base, we're around 10,000 samples per year from people we're databasing" but on february 13th, before the dna results were in and in a dangerous turn of events, yahia was shot and killed in an altercation with urbandale police in the middle of this holiday inn hotel lobby. five days later, results came back, linking yahia to mcneeley's murder, but it was too late. think about the reason we get into the business, this is what we're atlking about. claire police say they strongly believe yahia is the sole
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there was no tie mcneeley and they added we may never know suspect he house to rob but because of the circumstances, this case will considered closed. are iowa stephanie: now we did reach out to urbandale police to see if this will impact their investigation into the officer- involved shooting where yahia was killed. they did not respond to our inquiries today. these three officers are all on leave right now while that shooting is investigated. jack/ots: a man in his underwear, on fire. that's what first responders came upon after a weekend 9-1-1 call. des moines police ended up arresting this woman, amy thornton, accused of setting her fiance on fire. he had to be taken to the hospital in iowa city because of his burns. thornton said they were fighting earlier
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before police were called she faces murder charges. jack: and here's departments want you to know about. they've been calls about an i- going around where demands and threatens an if you get a call like this, hang up remember you give out personal financial information over the phone. the u.s. supreme to work today, in the wake of justice antonin scalia's death. chief justice started with a tribute. he called scalia a man for all seasons and with an irrepressible spirit. scalia's funeral took place on saturday. and while his memory is still being honored, there is still lots of talk about who will replace him on the bench. local five's amanda krenz brings us up to speed. amanda/bam presidential candidates have sounded off about who should be in charge of replacing justice scalia on the bench. according to law experts, the constitution clearly says it's the president's duty during his term to appoint the
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saying it should be the next president, not obama - that the delay the president's appointment commander and chief takes office. senator chuck grassely, who is also the chair of the senate judiciary committe, is in that camp. well today we talked to grassley's former chief of staff and 3rd district congressman david young to see if he agrees. "the president will follow the constitution as he should and the senate i imagine will advise and consent and in the senate, the house is not involved, the senate will approve or disapporve or not bring the issue up at all. i'm watching like everybody else. would you say you disagree then with senator grassley and his opinion on this? i'm gonna leave that up to the senate, senator grassley's going to do the right thing in the end, he always does. " amanda/bam we've also learned today that the group "justice not politics" will be airing a new ad in
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market calling on grassley to allow hearings on whomever the president picks. the ads feature former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor. a white house spokesperson says a final decision on any possible nominee is not expected for several weeks. live in the studio, amanda krenz, local five news, we are iowa. stephanie: amanda, thanks. we want to know your thoughts -- who's right? which president should get to pick? you can connect with us on facebook and twitter to sound off. send us an email to: "news at we are iowa dot com" or call us in the newsroom: 1- 800-858-5555 we'd love to hear what you think about this story or any other. jack/lam it was a busy weekend in politics. we're wrapping up the last of the so-called "boutique primaries." after that, everybody's sights are set on super tuesday. the parties' frontrunners are celebrating their weekend victories... (sot - hillary clinton) the fight goes on! the future we want is within our grasp. (sot - donald trump) we won with everything. tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people. just won. while the runners-up. work to catch up. after marco rubio just barely edged out ted
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both men are vying to be viewed as the alternative to donald trump. (sot - matthew dowd) we're in a unique situation right now, where instead of coalescing around the frontrunner, the establishment is trying to coalesce against the frontrunner in the course of this. rubio now lashing out at the cruz campaign for re-tweeting a student newspaper article that mistakenly reported this video showed rubio criticizing the bible. (sot - rubio) every single day something comes out of the cruz campaign that's deceptive and untrue, and in this case goes after my faith. donald trump refusing to apologize for his retweet that suggests rubio is not eligible to be president because both his parents were cuban. (sot - trump) trump: "i'm not really that familiar with marco's circumstances." stephanopoulos: "but then why retweet it?" trump: "because i'm not sure. i mean, let people make their own determination. on the democratic side bernie sanders on the trail in south carolina with actor danny glover. (nats - danny glover) an extraordinary man with commitment to justice trying to chip away at hillary clinton's steep advantage with african-american voters. (sot - sanders) do not allow people to say to you think small?do not?if we take that mentality
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accomplished?are you kidding? this country would not overcome its racism?changed when people came together to stand up. jack/lam: and breaking late this afternoon-- ted cruz fires his national communications director, rick tyler over that inaccurate social media report. he says tyler made a, quote, "grave error in judgment" by sharing the report saying marco rubio made a negative comment about the bible. cruz says he's conducting his campaign with the highest standards of integrity, so that's why tyler had to go. stephanie/2shot well it's not necessarily a partisan issue, but the divide is just as bitter. the latest on the ongoing battle... privacy vs. security when it comes to your cell phone. jack: but next... we're learning more the an uber- driver, who was in the middle of his shift, when he's accused of killing six people. "you're watching local 5 news at 5 in hd with jack miller, stephanie angleson, we are
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rampage this weekend in the middle of his shift as an uber driver. jack/lam today, we're told the guy is cooperating but he's not remorseful. this after investigators say he admitted to it all. abc's elizabeth hur has more . jason dalton - a 45- year-old man with no previous criminal record - now charged with six murders. natsot - judge: "are you jason brian dalton?" dalton: "yes." the uber driver turned accused killer appeared before a judge via video.. natsot - judge: "is there anything you wish to tell the court at this time..." dalton: "i would prefer just to remain silent." for the victims families.. condolences from president obama... sot - president obama "you got families who are shattered today." uber confirming dalton passed a background check. what set him off.. police don't know. sot - ((gfx)) police radio: "shots fired. we have one confirmed victim right now." in all.. dalton stands accused of shooting 8 people at 3 different locations in kalamazoo, michigan saturday.. killing 6 and injuring 2. dalton.. reportedly..
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shootings. sot - matt mellen / passenger "we were driving driving through the lawn, speeding along and when we came to a stop, i jumped out the matt mellen says he called 911 after that frightening ride with dalton.. that was about an hour before the first shooting.. and that we don't identify him says he was one of dalton's customers.. during the rampage. sot - anonymous passenger "i half heartedly joked at him and said "you're you?" and he said "no" and i said "are you sure?" and he said "no, i'm just really tired." elizabeth hur oncam close: dalton's family released a statement saying they are deeply sorry and they are praying for everyone affected. dalton's next court date is set for march 3rd. eh, abc news, ny stephanie: to world headlines now... stephanie/1shot and the death toll from a ferocious cyclone which tore through fiji over the weekend has risen to 18. here is an aerial look at the
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began to get a grasp on the scale of the disaster and send aid to hard-hit outer islands. winds from cyclone winston reached 177 miles per hour, making it the strongest storm in the southern hemisphere since record-keeping began. stephanie: back here in iowa, we have some flooding concerns to tell you about... because of ice jams. these photos coming to us from the national weather service, showing chunks of ice gathering along the des moines river at fort dodge. here are some of those chunks washing up onto roads in areas that are already flooded. and this is a picture of the aftermath of an ice jam that gave out today ... it caused major damage to the pillars of the wagon wheel bridge in boone. we have a crew up north along the des moines river looking into these issues and will bring you more tonight at six and 10. stephanie: chief meteorologist brad edwards joins us now.. brad
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edwards. certified by weatherrate the independent weather experts" brad: weather adlib: this is going to be a rather uneventful week weather-wise. no big temperature swings or weather systems are heading our way until the weekend. tonight will be mostly cloudy with a few snow/rain showers possible northern counties. this slight chance will carry into tuesday as well with mostly cloudy skies expected to stick around. temperatures will start out close to 30 tuesday and reach up into the low to mid 40s depending on how much sunshine we can get. wednesday will be sunnier, but also cooler and windier picking up to 15-25 mph. we stay chilly into thursday with highs only in the 30s. by friday we should have some better weather with sunny skies and milder temperatures the best day of the saturday with plenty of sunshine and southwesterly winds warming us into the
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chance for a wintry mix by sunday evening- overnight. we will keep a close eye on this next potential for icy weather. brad/wxhang (adlib) jack:/ systems are heading our way until the weekend. tonight will be mostly cloudy with a few snow/rain showers possible later for mainly northern counties. this slight chance will carry into tuesday as well with mostly cloudy skies expected to stick around. temperatures will start out close to 30 tuesday and reach up into the low to mid 40s depending on how much sunshine we can get. wednesday will be sunnier, but also cooler and windier with northerly winds picking up to 15-25 mph. we stay chilly into thursday with highs only in the 30s. by friday we should have some better weather with sunny skies and milder temperatures returning. right now, the best day of the week is looking like saturday with plenty of sunshine and southwesterly winds warming us into the 50s! sunday will be a transition day with a chance for a wintry mix by sunday evening- overnight. we will keep a close eye on this next potential for icy weather. brad/wxhang (adlib) jack:/
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systems are heading our way until the weekend. tonight will be mostly cloudy with a few snow/rain showers possible later for mainly northern counties. this slight chance will carry into tuesday as well with mostly cloudy skies expected to stick around. temperatures will start out close to 30 tuesday and reach up into the low to mid 40s depending on how much sunshine we can get. wednesday will be sunnier, but also cooler and windier with northerly winds picking up to 15-25 mph. we stay chilly into thursday with highs only in the 30s. by friday we should have some better weather with sunny skies and milder temperatures returning. right now, the best day of the week is looking like saturday with plenty of sunshine and southwesterly winds warming us into the 50s! sunday will be a transition day with a chance for a wintry mix by sunday evening- overnight. we will keep a close eye on this next potential for icy weather. brad/wxhang (adlib) jack:/ stephanie: thanks, brad! jack: systems are heading our way until the weekend. tonight will be mostly cloudy with a few snow/rain showers possible later for mainly
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carry into tuesday as well with mostly cloudy skies expected to stick around. temperatures will start out close to 30 tuesday and reach up into the low to mid 40s depending on how much sunshine we can get. wednesday will be sunnier, but also cooler and windier with northerly winds picking up to 15-25 mph. we stay chilly into thursday with highs only in the 30s. by friday we should have some better weather with sunny skies and milder temperatures returning. right now, the best day of the week is looking like saturday with plenty of sunshine and southwesterly winds warming us into the 50s! sunday will be a transition day with a chance for a wintry mix by sunday evening- overnight. we will keep a close eye on this next potential for icy weather. brad/wxhang (adlib) jack:/ stephanie: thanks, brad!
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stephanie: welcome back to what's trending now... stephanie/2ram: and the director of the fbi is now weighing in on his agency's legal battle with computer giant apple. jack: the fbi wants apple to help unlock the san bernardino shooter's iphone. but apple is fighting a court order to do so. the fbi says his phone might have "critical clues", including whether others were involved. apple is also rallying public opinion... taking to the airwaves: sot - ted olson, former solicitor general "this week" sunday
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could require apple to do if it succeeds this way" sot - olson "this is a pandora's box" // "we can't surrender jack: some of the victims of the san bernardino attack plan to support the fbi in this legal battle. their attorney says they'll soon file a legal brief with the court. jack/2shot: "a straight, white boy's club." that's how a new report is describing the film industry. stephanie: just days before the oscars-- a new study is shining a harsh light on the lack of diversity in hollywood. researchers studied 414-films and series. the report found that out of more than 11- thousand speaking roles studied: 66-point-5 percent were male. 33-point-5 percent were female. 71-point-7 percent were white. 12-point-2 percent were black. and only two- percent were gay, lesbian, or bisexual characters. stephanie: concerns about this lack of diversity among
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to a boycott by some african american actors in the industry. you can catch the oscars here on local five this sunday night. jack: well here's one way to wake up. with a face full of fresh snow! how cute is this... the toronto zoo posted this video of giant panda da mao. according to the zoo, he woke up to see the snow and got excited. so excited he emerges from his cave and tumbles down the snowy hill. he liked it so much... you'll see here in a second. he climbed up half-way and did it again. stephanie any more snow chances in our future? chief meteorologist brad edwards will be back with one last look at our forecast, when we come back. stephanie:
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stephanie/1shot: des moines' first homicide of 20-16 now has an identified suspect... problem is, he's dead! it was back on january 24th when police found the body of a 71-year-old woman during a welfare check. blood was found on norma jean mcneely's front porch as well as down the street. wellthis morning, ali yahia was identified asthe source of the blood at the scene. on february 13, yahia was shot and killed by urdandale police after opening fire on them during an investigation unrelated to mcneely's homicide. it was a d-n-a match made at the state crime lab that led to this connection. brad/wxhang weather adlib this is going to be a rather uneventful week weather-wise. no big temperature swings or weather our way until the
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a few snow/rain showers possible later for mainly northern counties. this slight chance will carry into tuesday as well with mostly cloudy skies expected to stick around. temperatures will start out close to 30 tuesday and reach up into the low to mid 40s depending on how much sunshine we can get. wednesday will be sunnier, but also cooler and windier with northerly winds picking up to 15-25 mph. we stay chilly into thursday with highs only in the 30s. stephanie: thank you for spending your time with us tonight. jack: we are working hard on another great newscast for 6pm. we're proud to say we are iowa...
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breaking news tonight in the race for the white house. the major resignation. also, donald trump, is he now unstoppable? rubio and cruz, battling to be the alternative. but with both of them in, does it help trump? >> you're going to say, please, please mr. president. we can't stand it anymore. we don't want to keep winning. >> and tonight, has hillary clinton turned a corner? inside the seven hours of terror. the alleged uber gunman in court. six dead. and youillear from the passengers who got into his uber car before and after the shootings. what he said to them. the storm system tonight, in the south, possible tornadoes,s, hail and about to move right up the eas coast. major snow right behind it. the consumer alert tonight.
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