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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  November 25, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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i think it will always haunt you. >> i dent think it is haunting. it is always going to be something that happened. >> that something is the killing of michael brown. tonight we will hear from darren wilson for the very first time as protests continue here, and across the nation. but the big story on "action news" tonight is that nor'easter hitting just in time, for the thanksgiving travel day. >> there are winter storm warnings and advisories from the carolina as, on up to maine ahead of tomorrow's storm. some will get rain, some will get snow, and the a "action news" team is watching the
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preparations, dann cuellar is out on the roadway and our meteorologists cecily tynan and melissa magee are both watching storm tracker 6hd as the nor'easter heads this way, melissa. >> shirleen and brian we are track ago this preuptation and for the most part that precipitation is to the south of our region. storm tracker six double scan radar showing you the rainfall in philadelphia the in the working its way down to the surface. we are picking up rain across the vast. we were live here in this picture and we are tracking a area have low pressure forming close to jacksonville. this moisture is going to come from the gulf of mexico and from the atlantic. this moves in from a southwest to northeast direction. it is developing and creating our coastal low that we're tracking as early as wednesday. with that said we have the winter storm warnings, that are up, and even the winter weather advisory for areas in the delaware and lehigh valleys. the advisories for the purple shaded counties and winter storm warning, we are calling for rain. changing over to wet snow.
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temperatures will really willing to be key. earlier we had temperatures in the 50's. we're dropping down to 48 in philadelphia. thirty-seven in allentown. 39 degrees in reading north and west. 40 degrees in the poconos. so we had 70's yesterday. fifty's earlier today. we're dropping down in the 30's and 40's. cecily, when you talk about the the temperatures, it is all about the location. >> it is, melissa. because temperatures are well above freezing when this moisture moves in, very early in the morning, it will start out as rain. future tracker showing 6:00 o'clock in the morning. you can see there is no of the blue or the white, it is just the green. that is rain. however, as we head to about lunchtime you can see that the snow/rain line will be pushing along i-95 corridor. when you see that deep pull have purple those are heavy band of snow work ago cross the northwestern suburbs. precipitation type show you that the far northern and western suburbs where winter storm warnings have been posted, chester county, western montgomery county, upper bucks county, lancaster,
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berks, lehigh valley and the poconos. this will mainly be a snow event. you will get a little bit of rain first thing in the morning and then change egg over to snow a along i-95 corridor it will take a while. it will change to snow between 10:00 o'clock in the morning and 1:00 in the afternoon. so a cold rain. slowly gradually changing to snow. and southern new jersey, southern delaware, this is mainly a rain event. you'll finally get some snow at the are end of the event, but by then, it is not going to be much accumulation. big problem on the roads is areas farther north and west a long i-95 corridor, it is not a blockbuster snowstorm. roads will be mainly wet. you move to the northwestern suburbs they will be slushy and these will be the big wet snow flakes that really stick together. a big problem, with reduced visibility. melissa will have more details on the timing of the storm and how much know to expect in where you live in the full accu weather forecast, brian. lets look at preparation as head of what will be a truck i drive for some.
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"action news" reporter dann cuellar is live on the schuylkill expressway tonight. dann, fair to say if this shakes out, that spot will look different, this time tomorrow night. >> reporter: that is right, brian. this will look different tomorrow. you will see penndot trucks out here tomorrow, on the eve of the who will take rush, rain or snow, people are preparing with whatever they can bring them but it is clear tonight those that hit the roadways and airports early will be better off. penndot crews tonight making preps to salt down roadways, also warning motorist that some roadways across our area may seem passable but could turn treacherous the next as a cold blast turns rain to snow. >> if you come upon our snowplowing operations, please keep back at least six car lengths back, our snowplowing operations. >> reporter: at philadelphia international, given potential for cancellations and flight delays, not to mention mad rush in one of the busiest travel days, some travelers were opt go to fly out tonight. >> to get out early because of
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the weather. >> weather is moving in it could be a long low day tomorrow. >> i don't want to be stuck here. >> reporter: that is why people like to travel by train and expect to be a mad rush at 30th treat station. >> it is super bowl for us in terms of travel this week. >> reporter: people today were out buying ice melt, salt, shovels, snowblowers while some say it is just way too early for snow. >> december would be more appropriate. >> it might make for a cold turkey but i would eat it inside. >> reporter: if it is in consolation, the worst of the storm is not expect until mid-morning, so, you could squeak by, if you get an early start tomorrow. we're live along the schuylkill expressway, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> early start it is, dann. speaking of early starts, the "action news" morning team will get one tomorrow morning with the latest on the approaching winter storm. join matt o'donnell, tamala edward, meteorologist david murphy and karen rodgers for updated forecast and road conditions. "action news" mornings start
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at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow only on channel six. the protests not over in ferguson, missouri but they are going on for a second night, in cities across the the country. >> all of this outrage over a grand jury a's decision not to indict darren wilson, the police officer who shot and killed michael brown. live pictures from ferguson tonight, there are 2200 national guard troops on duty, in order from the governor in an effort to prevent kind of violence that broke out this time last night. businesses burned to the ground, and shops were looted, and shots were fired, and a dozen cars were torched. we are also hearing tonight from darren wilson, him early is. >> it is first time he has spoken out since killing michael will brown back in august and he spoke only with abc news. "action news"'s sharrie williams has more now in the satellite center tonight, sharrie? >> reporter: shirleen and brian, this interview, it was straightforward. it was very candid. when wilson was canned if
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there was anything he could have done to prevent this killing, he said no. >> some of the eyewitnesses have have said when at that moment he turned around, he turnaround and put his hand up. >> that would be incorrect. incorrect. >> no way. >> no way. >> reporter: darren wilson, the officer behind deadly shooting of michael brownies out of hiding and talking. he spoke exclusive liz with abc's george steponapolus. >> when you look through your heart and your mind that if michael brown were white, this would have gone down in exactly the same way. >> yes. >> no question. >> no question. >> reporter: wilson made his comment less than 24 hours after a grand jury cleared him of any wrongdoing. that decision led to marches and protests, some peaceful, others with moments of violence. the president vowed to conduct a series of regional meetings to help build trust between police officers and the community that they serve. >> the frustrations people have generally, those are
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rooted in some hard truths that have ton addressed. >> reporter: meanwhile the attorney for michael brown's family pushed for more safeguards to monitor actions of police officers, calling it the michael brown law. >> to propose that every police officer and every american city has a video body camera. so it would be transparent. >> reporter: wilson say fatal shooting is a a memory he will in the constantly think of. >> is it something that will always haunt you? >> i don't think it is haunting, it is always going to be something that happened. >> reporter: you have a a very clean conscious. >> the reason i have a clean conscious because i know i did my job right. >> reporter: wilson remain on administrative leave penning an internal investigation. live from the satellite center, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. powerful interview that was, thanks, sharrie. vast majority of demonstrations have been peaceful, widespread, scattered from coast to coast.
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here in boston a group called black lives matter, organized a demonstration that shut down the major roadway in atlanta, a smaller crowd walk against the flow of traffic, carrying signs, demanding just advertise and a new york city demonstrators are navigating around cars and trucks while making their way around manhattan. and new to the streets of philadelphia where kenneth moton has been watching a march and protest tonight, kenneth? >> reporter: shirleen this night of protest, through the city has covered a lot of miles. about an hour ago demonstrators took off from the ninth district here, and the police have been speaking out against tonight has been with them every step of the way. >> protesters marched from city hall pounding the pavement, hoping someone would hear their cry is a begins what they believe is an unfair, unjust system that led to a no indictment in the death of ferguson, missouri
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teen michael brown. >> we refuse to pretend that was due process. >> reporter: clergy, the young, people from different backgrounds, stood at broad and the street named for civil rights activist sees he will b more demanding justice. >> i think everybody has had enough. >> it takes something like this to inspire people for people to see it, you know, this little stuff like this, black, white, spanish, asian. >> reporter: throughout the evening rush this group swelled to 500 people, dozens of philadelphia police officers, right there with them. overnight protests led to the arrest of two demonstrators police say got on to i-95 the two were taken to the ninth police district in spring garden which led protesters here tonight. wall of about 75 officers blocked the doors, while anger, frustration, played out. >> it has been a perfect expression have of first amendment rights and our job here is to make sure that opportunity continues to exist.
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>> reporter: those arrested protesters were finally released on bail. the men speaking out with the situation in ferguson on their mind. >> we went out and organized and stayed together and support each other, loved each other we can accomplish great things. thanks for being out here. >> reporter: philadelphia police say no arrests tonight and once again protests have been peaceful. last night marches went in the early morning hours, but police are preparing for the same tonight. reporting live here from spring garden, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> kenneth, thank you. family, friends, grief stricken by death of a four year-old boy in feltonville yesterday, gathered tonight at the site of the fire that killed him. carry me international ministries joined with the group called one feltonville for this vigil outside home at 263 west wyoming avenue. that is where the boy died yesterday morning in the blaze that also injured two others and displaced 12 family members. the cause of that fire remains under investigation.
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surveillance video captured an assault that started in an elevator and ended with a victim being chase add way. the attack happened yesterday inside an apartment building on the 1,000 block of diamond street in north philadelphia right here near temple university. victim was attacked by no fewer than three men and a women who took his money. central detectives is investigating tonight, and any information they say can be given anonymously. and still ahead on this full hour of "action news" at ten more on that wintry weather that is on the way. also, a man's life is changed forever, he is using hands that aren't his own thanks to a revolutionary surgery. an eagle talks turkey to the delight of fans, it was all for a good cause.
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rush to thanksgiving dinner, preparations in full swing in cherry hill today. shoppers pack wegmans supermarket to stock up for the who will will day, before the morning rain, and snow, arrived. because of the storm, the stories also selling quite a bit of ice melt, and other snow supplies. before you can eat turkey you have to get to the table and that can be i bit of the problem. melissa magee is joining us live with the latest on the track of this storm on the
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way, melissa. >> brian and shirleen, tomorrow is a are busy day for travelers. it is the day before thanksgiving. you will need more of that ice melt north and west of the 95 cover day because that is where we are expect heavier accumulation. winter storm warning for pink shaded counties here. so forston, lansdale, allentown reading and even up in the poconos. winter when weather advice a and immediate suburbs as we are calling for rain, changing over to wet snow, with our coastal storm and our holiday nor'easter on the way. temperatures outside, tonight, 48, a after we had highs earlier today in the 50's. allentown 37. reading is 39. trenton is 45 degrees. sea isle city coming in at 49. upper 40's as well in dover. here's at light six with action radar, lots of clouds around and you do notice leading edge of that precipitation to the south of washington d.c. in fact, we are riding out picture and what we are tracking is this low pressure that is starting to get its act together here. just off the coast of georgia.
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we are tapping into that moisture coming from the gulf of mexico. we are getting moisture as well coming from the atlantic. we have two sources that are fine ago this moture and working southwest to the northeast direction and we have a bit of the winter storm on the way tomorrow. future tracker six is showing you when storm system a approaches a and as it initially begins, it will start out in the form of rain at 7:30 in the morning. a as we get into # 1:00 a.m. on wednesday, you notice that rain hangs on for areas along coastal new jersey, down through delaware. if you are north and west of that 95 corridor it is snow from the poconos all the way down to lancaster and sometime between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon we do expect a change over from rain to snow, even in philadelphia along that i-95 corridor as well. this model is not indicating it but do i believe you will have a battle zone between the warmer air and colder air pushing into the system. in fact wouldn't be surprised if we had sleet early in the morning in philadelphia before you get that change over to
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snow. the snow continues, as we get into 6:30 in the evening and then rushes out from the southwest to northeast direction. some of this snow could even up as wet flakes down across south jersey. otherwise expected snowfall, mainly rain for south jersey, one to 3-inch's long that 95 corridor. as we go inland three to 6-inch's cross the immediate northern suburbs of chester, bucks, montgomery counties, even through lancaster, up to kutztown with three to six there but six plus inches of have snowfall likely for areas such as allentown, easton and poconos. north and west of the city, however there is a big concern with that wet snow falling on tree branches. we will look closet that with the full and exclusive accu weather forecast, brian. >> thank you, melissa. eagles tightened brent celek normally catches footballs but today he was handing them out for a great cause. celek was at acme market at 19th and oregon tonight as part of the operation thanksgiving. celek takes flight foundation partnered with acne markets to distribute thanksgiving meals
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to 200 at risk philadelphia families, and seriously or chronically ill children. >> we want to start operation thanksgiving because we wanted to just help families of sick kids. kids that are in the hospital. anyway we can give back we want to do that. >> kids and their families got autographed footballs as well as a full, thanksgiving feast, so a great, lots for them to be thankful for this year. time for a first look at sports tonight. >> ducis rodgers live from the "action news" sports center. ducis. >> hey there, guys. is there a key injury with the birds to keep an eye on out, on thanksgiving day, linebacker's manual ac ho was limited in practice for second straight day. he has a groin injury. birds are already thin, at that position. the eagles defense will be tested by cowboys but billy davis unit has been bet they are year. this season birds are second in the nfl with sack was 38. brandon graham has four and a half. those are nice but he says, sacking tony romo would feel
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so much better. >> i cannot even describe it, you know, but, oh, man, it is something good about it. i mean it is just something special. that you are able to get america's team's quarterback. >> how does it feel better when it is romo. >> because he is part of the dallas organization. >> coming up next half an hour we will hear from the cowboys quarterback, plus every member of the big five in action tonight. more news with brian a
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on health check at 10-calorie counts are going up nationwide, it is already required in a number of cities but now f.d.a. is finalizing rules requiring calories information, to be listed, every where, for convenient store to amusement parks to vending machines. the rules are required by the 2010 patient protection and affordable care act. most of the rules take effect next november. it is a yearly ritual for millions of women but
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mammograms are far for comfortable for most. european engineers have found a way to relieve the oven painful compression of the breast in order to achieve an x-ray image. they have developed a new technique that involved a third less pressure, achieving x-rays, that are just as accurate. no word yet on when the technology, will be available. well, it may in the quite be thanksgiving just yet but santa is already hard at work getting kids ready for christmas. mr. clause himself a arrived on the a fire truck to kick off the holidays here in bucks county tonight. santa was greeted by whole lot of very excited children and just about mobbed him to get valuable face time with the gift giver in chief. then he turn on the lights, on these 25 decorated trees inside the bucks county these 25 decorated trees insideciding between buying food and health care
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is no longer a problem. healthy pa offers name-brand health insurance for the cost
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coming up on next half an hour on "action news" a lawyer in center city is facing charge's accused of having sex with a girl forced in to prostitution. at alleged victim just 14 years old. and a tragic loss for a chester county high school, two teens are found dead on the side of the road investigators say, carbon monoxide is to blame, that investigation and much more when "action news" at ten cont
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sajak. if you are just joining us at 10:30. this is what is coming our way. this is the nor'easter that is crawling up the coast in time for the thanksgiving rush. it will bring us rain and switch to snow by midday. melissa magee is standing by with a full accuweather forecast.
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yeah, brian and shirleen, you see the moisture coming in the south north direction. we have the warnings for the delaware and lehigh valleys. it's changing to snow. it's to the north of wilmington. this is where we have the advisory in effect. we have snow for the poconos and the pin pink shaded counties th. we have widespread snow as far north as maine. it spans one thousand miles. the thanksgiving rush, i should say, as we are tracking the coastal storm on the way. 48 in philadelphia. 40 in the poconos. allentown, 37 and reading 39. you see we have the clouds over
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head for your region at least. you look to the south and west. this is where we are tracking the area of low pressure. it forming off the coast of georgia. you get the supply from the atlantic. it heads our way in the morning. at the initial stages of the storm, it starts as rainfall. at 9:30 and 10:00 you will find the transition of snow down to the lancaster. between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 in the afternoon, the snow moves to the i-95 corridor. it is developing in philadelphia. you will have a battle between the cold air and warm air in place. there is sleet to deal with as well. at 6:00 in the evening a dry
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spot. the snow is pushing into a southeastern direction. if you are down in south jersey. it pushes out quickly. 10:00 about 9:00 or 10:00 you see the moisture departing up to the north and east. it's rain down delaware. 1 to 3 for trenton. as you move to the higher terrain to bucks and montgomery counties and over to lancaster and cookstown we are calling for 3 to 6 inches of snowfall. and the big concern is for the northwest suburbs you can find heavy gusts of the snow. the snow is weighting down the branches. tree limbs can drop down and
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power outages as well. wind chills in the upper 20s. we are showing you tomorrow, on wednesday, a chilly breeze. 40. brisk and cold a high of 39 on friday. the lower 40s on saturday. lots to track on the storm. we'll be with you later in the day to track it. thank you. "action news" begins early in the morning. join matt, david and karen. "action news" starts at 4:00 am on 6abc. the protests erupted in ferguson, missouri as crowds call for justice for michael brown. a large crowd gathering there. 2200 national guard troops are there.
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tonight scattered reports of smoke bombs or water bottles thrown at police officers and occasional reports of teargas used by police. none of that is confirmed. all of that is in response to not to indict darren wilson for the unarmed death of michael brown in august. 61 people were arrested last night. >> don't shoot. >> people joined the country-wide protest. they marched down kings highway in cherry hill. and songs was peace and compassion occurred in mount airy. they are praying for justice and an end to racial violence. a chester county high school are mourning the loss of two
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classmates. vernon odom visitored the school today. >> dalton poison tech and carly marie imbierowicz were put together by schoolmates that remembered them fondly. they were inside this volkswagen. they were overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning. >> it hit our community hard. it united us in a way. we are hoping that it will go back to normal. nothing will be normal again. >> they are active and well-loved on their teams. the coaches are broken up. >>reporter:they were not aware
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that carbon monoxide was leaking into the car. the gas tank ran empty. >> it was something that never would have expected to happen. something the odds are astronomical. it's difficult to comprehend. >> her mom got surgery. i was dropping food off. we said our goodbyes. i didn't think that was going to be our final goodbyes. for the young man funeral services tomorrow and for the young lady late saturday morning. for vernon odom, "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. >> a lawyer surround today saying he had sex of a
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16-year-old. he had sex in his office 20 times. they forced the girl no sex trafficking rings. she was allegedly able to describe his office and divulged details. >> meehan told her that she knew that she was only 14 years old. the youngest girl that he had sex for money was 12 years old. >> meehan faces a slew of other charges. the couple has been charged. a man accused of robbing several 7-elevens is behind bars. this is christian morgan. he is pulling a knife from his pants on the 6700 block of north 5th street.
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he tried the same thing this sunday. they arrested morgan a short time later. as "action news" at 10:00 continues, some colleges are cutting ties with bill cosby. and the reciprocate of the nobere -- recipient ofthe nobel. and an arm
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temple university may be standing by, bill cosby's growing sex allegations, other schools are distancing themselves. they will no longer award a scholarship in his name. 17 women have come forward, accusing the 77 of sexual assault and cosby will remain a member of its board of trustees. alcohol and binge drinking
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took place. there was rampant sex assault on the campus. they discussed tightening restrictions. rolling stone magazine published an article. the student was assaulted by seven men at the frat house in 2012. will showed off the results from his successful arm transplant. he lost his arms and legs in 2011 after contracting a life-threatening infection. they attached donor elimination through limbs.he is enjoying on.
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>> yes to hold my love in my arms again is really the best. >> prior to the surgery, the surgeons had performed three hand transplants before. it's incredible how far the science has come. and ducis rodgers joins us with a final prescribe of the birds slowdown. >> we go behind t
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a secure retirement. a new home. earning your diploma. providing for your family. real associates, using walmart's benefits to build better lives for their families.
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opportunity. that's the real walmart. [♪ singing ] rehearsal roll on. less than 4 48 hours for the thanksgiving parade. earlier lisa thomas-laury was the navy yard where the biggest attractions the floats got their finishing touches. >> now, in its 95th year the thanksgiving parade is a visual treat mostly because of the festive floats. it's the riverboat float. it has new lumber and a new
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color scheme. >> it was white and lavender. this year it has a lot of gold and green and deep purple. >>reporter:who doesn't love a gingerbread man. it's a new float. >> we have to add candy and props and snow and finish them up. >>reporter:you will find them at the navy yard in unit 603. they have penguins and a walrus. of course there is a turkey float. the boy scouts will ride on the acme float and disney is sponsoring a float. there is radio disney and disney on ice. >> you will never see them fully completed in the float den. we can't get out of the door without taking down props. >> this year our challenge is
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rain and snow. we have to pull these off the night before the parade. we are worried about wednesday night. >>reporter:there is one person that is not worried one toy sack. that is the jolly old man atop the float. i am lisa thomas-laury for "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. and walmart, now you don't have to wait that long to safe. at retailer launched the black friday sales today. you can find the deals only offered for now online. food banks step up your efforts on the holidays. there is an increasing presence on college campuses as well. 100 pantries have opened at schools across the country over
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the past six years. santa barbara opened one in 2011. half of the student body admitted to skip meals to save money. and syracuse have also opened up food banks. philadelphia city council president, handed out dinner at the spring garden school. the district said almost all of the students at this school are disadvantaged. >> the first openly gay player regrets coming out in the manner that he did. michael sames would not go public before the draft in may. he would have told his teammates and coaches in missouri and left it at that. he did not expect all the
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attention that he got. he was picked up by the rams in the seventh round and spent two months with the cowboys. the eagles are taking them on thanksgiving day. yes. ducis is here at the big board. 4:30 in the afternoon the turkey is in the oven, and the football game on the line. two days away from the big game. the underbirds may not have been around until the 80s but they know the history of the rivalry. >> it's bigger than me and this team. they have been going at it for so long, two teams play can football and a chance to take over first place. it's a big game for us. >> the eagles can't stand the cowboys. they are american's team. i think that stems of the
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hatred. >> tony romo is complete can 69% of his passes. romo knows that the eagles are good. hgood. >> we understand how important the game is for both teams and i think that it will be fun to see them try to attack us. >> college basketball. vil villanova and michigan. kris jenkins commits the theft. he will commit it himself. that was a traveler. we are tied at 20-20-20 in the
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first half. and greg lewis puts it back. check out the move by quinton. hanging out. and st. joe's playing. the hawks survive in overtime 74-70. and first half lamar drive as hoop and spins in for 2. la salle wins 73-72. improves to 4-0 on the air that is sports. thank you. now is your chance to own a nobel prize. james is putting his medal up in auction. he discovered the double h helix
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structure. it benefits n
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beware of a bird if you are a jaywalker. a police officer suited up as a turkey today to nab unsuspected
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violators in a crosswalk sting. people that walk against traffic and drivers that disobey the rules are fined 200 bucks. all right. and melissa magee has one last check of the forecast. in the morning we will deal with precipitation in the form of rain. out of the door we go. it is mainly west and lane along the i-95. and 42 at 7:00. and 41 at 8:00. and a few flakes. rain along the coast. 1 to 3 inches on the i-95 corridor and 3 to 6 from the northwest suburbs. and 6 plus in allentown and the poconos. finally at 10:00 a ferocious sound. lex and bella are the new residents. they re-locate from six flags in
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jackson township to replace a lion that died at six years old. they missed his roar. bella and lex will roar loud soon. "modern family" is next followed by friends. i am brian taff for melissa ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. ♪
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jay: one of my best efforts. have at it. mm, i can't eat that. why not? the pickle's touching it. there. the juice got on the bread and, ew, what's that stuff? spices. they look like sea monkeys. have you ever really examined a jar of pickles, jay? it's like a swamp in there. i'll pass. what happened? i made him a beautiful sandwich, and he won't eat it. yeah, 'cause it had pickles on it. joe is taking a nap. i'm gonna go to the dry cleaners. well, if you're passing a sushi restaurant -- she's not. i've never heard of anyone not liking pickles. aw, big day for you, then. i'm just gonna make myself a grilled cheese. i think i saw some gruyere in there. do we have any fig? unh-unh. sit down. this whole persnickety thing is not gonna fly in the world. never hand people another reason to make fun of you. you mean like all the cool kids with their leather jackets and their pickles?


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