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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  December 13, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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on saturday night i'm walter perez. a local police officer whose house was torched was given a special christmas gift. woman is killed in the house fire in delaware county, tonight we spoke with the man who helped save the lives of the victim's five grandchildren. but the the big story on "action news" tonight is an emotional farewell to a philadelphia fire fight shore gave her life in an attempt to save another. >> ♪ >> lifted by collogues joyce craig, was taken to her final resting place by a fire truck today. hundreds turned out to pay tribute and make a prom toys her grieving family. a "action news" reporter annie
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mccormack was there for the funeral in west oak lane. >> reporter: casket of fallen fighter joyce craig a arrived on top of engine 64 draped with an american flag. today she received a posthumous promotion to lieutenant and later full honors in a procession to her final resting place. hundreds came to saturday's funeral, many stayed in the cold to watch the services televised outside. >> come free, high spirited, gutsy, and last one sponge roy are the rorrer inside, collogues described craig who died early tuesday morning fighting a fire in west oak lane. highly decorated 11 year veteran received citations for heroism and suffered serious injury early in her career. she served at four fire stations and was one of 150 female officers in the philadelphia fire department. now she is the first philadelphia female fire fighter to tie, in the line of duty. >> i was stunned the first time she got hurt on the
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job, i was with joy. i was was with her the last time. i was mad at god that day. >> craig's family did not want to appear on camera. her brother spoke at five years old his sister knew her killing. she was a devoted the mother of two children a 16 year-old son and a 16 month-old daughter. commissioner derek sawyer made a promise to them today. >> what i want you to know is just as i said earlier joyce had two families. now, you have two families. we are here for you. never forgot that. >> reporter: fire fighters from companies across the country paid their respects, including, wilmington, delaware fire chief anthony goode, goode lost his father to fighting fires when he was just 16 too. he said this to craig's son this week. >> after all this passes over and you start to be able to get backgrounded again i will talk to you and let you know what is going on. the it is a long road.
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>> city still plans to honor lieutenant craig in the memorial service, flags will remain at half staff across the city for 30 days. reporting from west oak lane, annie mccormack for "action news" at ten on phl17. now to delaware county where a six two-year old woman was killed in the house fire overnight. this tragedy could have been even worse, if not for the brave actions of a father and a neighbor. "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live in lower chichester with word from family members, and one of those heroes, kenneth if. >> reporter: and walter, new information tonight, the causes under investigation but it appears that this fire started in the back of the house, and that is also where those children, and their grandmother were sleeping. smart phone video captured the intensity of this raging fire in lower chichester township but not the chaos of the father worked to save his five children, and their grandmother, six two-year old dorris morgan. >> i raced to the scene because my brother called me because my sister called him and said that mommies stuck in
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the house and they cannot get her out. >> reporter: morgan, living with multiple sclerosis, was trapped from the back bedroom in the burning home of the 100 block of the street around 7:30 a.m. saturday. her daughter shehara martin ran for her while her husband and neighbor nicholas wells rescued the children from the basement bedroom. >> one of the things you cannot get out of your heads, the the look at her kids faces, to look at her running around, the fire shooting out of the back, so it is one of the worst things that i have ever seen. >> reporter: the children, age eight, six, five, three, and one, suffered some injuries. their father, severe burns. but everyone made it to safety, except morgan. >> he risked his own life to save his kids life and he tried his best to save my mother's life. i love him, i respect that man so much. >> reporter: but there is more to this story. a few posts on social media by donna limbaugh resulted in this, donations for fire
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victims being gathered at lower chichester volunteer fire department. clothes, toys, also filled up, limbaugh's living room. >> it warms my heart seriously that there is so many people that come together at a time like this. >> reporter: morgan's daughter and son are thankful for the support and lives of their grandchildren. >> she will be happy. she will be happy that they were safe. she would rather herself go, then let the kids go. >> reporter: family members say that there was a space heater in this home but again, the causes under investigation. that father is now still in critical but stable condition at crozer-chester medical center. his three children or three of his five children are also still in that hospital tonight. to find out more about how to help this family, head to our "action news" facebook page. reporting live here from lower chichester, delaware county, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17, walter. >> kenneth, thank you. new tonight police have
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been given a clear view of who robbed a rite aide in camden today. this is video from inside the store on the 1400 block of mount evefram avenue. the just afternoon tine thief handed the teller a threatening note and took off with cash from the register. if you have seen this man please call camden county police. they want to hear from you. turning to the accu weather forecast with some good news for your weekend. we are looking live here through skies six in high definition over penns landing, a big crowd, look at that, packed, big crowd enjoying night at blue cross river rink and tomorrow will be a good day to plan outdoor activity, too. meteorologist melissa magee has details from accu weather. >> walter, we've got another nice day tomorrow. it was nice today. cooler than average. it was chilly. >> it was nice. >> but tomorrow temperatures rebound. we will talk about that. >> yes, very nicely. >> everything is relative this time of the year. >> that is right. >> forty in the city. thirty-eight in trenton. thirty-one in the poconos. thirty-seven in sea isle city. upper 30's in beach haven. the wind coming from the northwest. that is bringing down slightly
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cooler air. feels like 29 in beach haven, current wind chill in dover 29 and it feels like 26 degrees, in lancaster. the satellite six with action radar showing us we have a partly cloudy skies but those clouds are, starting to thin out, as we get in the rest of tonight, and during the overnight the hours, and, some improvement is on the way. the second half of the weekend. and we will talk about what ace head more sunshine for sunday, these temperatures will slowly moderate and, eagles are at home tomorrow at the link. there is a lot at stake and we have the forecast for all of the tailgaters and everyone heading over to the link. we will have the the accu weather forecast. >> forecasting a beat down of the cowboys myself. >> all right. >> thanks, melissa. investigators in delaware are searching for cause of the fire that left a dozen people homeless tonight. the fire broke out at 2:00 this morning on the 2400 block, of hammond place, and fire fighters arrived to find heavy flames, and, they there were no working smoke detectors inside but everybody was able to escape. and among them were eight
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children, and four adults who are now being helped out by american red cross. and. a man has been arrested for ripping off two homeowners in delaware. forty-six year-old victor dell piano turned himself in this week. he owns off shore gc out of cape may. investigators say he took a total of $28,000 from two customers, who were completing ever any work. dell piano has been charged with home improvement fraud. if anybody else believes they were victimize by off shore gc, they are asked to contact new castle county police. and police detective whose home was lost to fire, was surprised to day, by brothers and sisters in blue. police motorcade joined santa claus at irish pub children's foundation to deliver a check and gifts to him rick township department bernie morris. the his home was destroyed last week during a blaze allegedly started by his neighbor. his family lost nearly everything, with the holidays just around the corner. that is why the the community is joining forces to help out.
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>> my family is together. we will get through this. it is a loss of the property, that is it. but this is just what makes me feel good about what i do and my fellow brothers and sisters that i work with. >> how about that. donation where is made during last night's winter dance at pottsgrove middle school, some of which were donated to detective morris and his family. a local hero received a big welcome home today, in gloucester township. army specialist kevin holmes returned from a nine month deployment in afghanistan with a big surprise. sketch's family and neighbors turnout to thank him for his services. what a great crowd there. camden county freeholders showed up to present him with a military service medal. kevin has served as a army medic for three years now. ninety families in new jersey are honoring memories of the loved ones tonight in a very special way. each lit a christmas tree outside st. peters church in merchantville, to remember, family members and friends, who have passed. family of long time "action news" photographer len landon
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place aid plaque in front of history with his favorite saying it is nice to be nice. he passed away in 2008 after complications following an operation. coming up on "action news" at ten, cowboys touched down in hostile territory present their second showdown with the bird. a celebrity sighting in the the delaware valley. we will tell you where kanye west was spotted tonight. he didn't make it to the stage with his parents but now you can see prince george, striking a pose for the camera, just in time for christmas.
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protesters continued to march the street of major cities all across the country tonight. thousands in new york city air monk those calling for an end to police brutality and racism. over in oakland, california demonstrators carried signs that read, black lives matter. it is part of the nationwide response to the death of michael brown and eric garner at the hands of police. coming up in the next half an hour we will hear what garner's mother had to say during the march in washington d.c. the senate has agreed, reached an agreement to vote on a long term 1 trillion-dollar spending package that would keep the government in operation through most of next year. in measure is expected to pass as president obama has indicated that he he will sign it, the legislation also provides funding for military operations in the middle east and other government funded operations here at home. ripple effect from yesterday's uk air space
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closure resulted in the cancellation of dozens of more flights today. officials say a unprecedented computer system failure is responsible for all this, the glitch made it impossible for air traffic controllers to access flight plans. the shut down lasted a mere 35 minutes but resulted in approximate thely 13 hub flight cancellations. and take a look at these image from his hawaii the flow from the volcano is making its way towards a highway. the this is from the kill way owe volcano which erupted in june. the last in moth river of mold even lava has slowed but the gain speed again inn sin rating whatever it is in its path. good news is it does not pose any immediate threat to minoring communities. well, clean up is underway in california avenue, several days of heavy rain created a whole lot of damage. for some you don't know where to begin. take a look at these home in the springs section, 13 miles west of los angeles. homes buried up to the windows from heavy rocks, debris and mud from the in mud slides.
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some areas received more than 5 inches of rain, but it is still only put a dent in the state's three-year long drought. time for a check of the accu weather forecast with meteorologist melissa magee and pretty nice weekend shaping up. >> not too bad. temperatures were below average today, we will get closer to normal. as we get in the second half of the weekend. high today in philadelphia 42 degrees. average this time of the year is 45 degrees. and overnight low typically this time of the year is 35. we were above average today, as far as normal low in at 31 is average for this time of the year. outside tonight 38 in trenton. thirty-nine in allentown. forty in the city at this hour. thirty-seven in sea isle city. middle will 30's in beach haven. but those winds are coming out of the west and northwest directions. so they are sustained from 6 miles an hour in allentown, ten in wilmington, sustained wind speed in wildwood of 7 miles an hour. but west to northwesterly wind is making these temperatures along the coast and across our northwestern suburbs, only
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feel like we are in the upper 20's, lower 30's. a as we see the big picture on satellite six with action radar it is dry and quiet in the region. fair amount of cloud cover overhead. later on tonight and into sunday clouds will thin out as we have high pressure to the south and west, that will work its way east and help suppress that cloud cover across the region. pretty good viewing conditions if you are perhaps at the telescope out and you want to peak out the window we have gem minute needed meteors taking place later tonight and best viewing conditions to watch the meteor showers between midnight and dawn. at this time you can see between 120 meteors per hour. something to see, up in the sky. future tracker six is showing as we go throughout the second half of the weekend 9:00 a.m. partly cloudy sky, north and west of town. those clouds will thin out in the afternoon and evening hours, and things shaping up nicely as we get into sunday night. here's the call from accu weather tomorrow. partly sunny. that temperature 46 in the
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city. forty-seven in wilmington. forty-six in dover. cape may coming in at 45 degrees. temperatures will moderate for the rest of our week ahead and we will track the threat of some precipitation, we will let you know when with that accu weather seven day, walter. >> rapper kanye west is in town for a family celebration. "action news" viewer sent us this picture, pretty clear picture from the trampoline park in wilmington tonight. manager confirms that kanye was there for a birthday party for one of his relatives no word if his wife kim kardashian was there or if he was traveling by himself. if you simply a adore the british royal family, let me begin the the story by saying you're welcome. check out this adorable, official christmas portrait, several of them, of william and kate's baby better known aspirins george. they were taken last month in the courtyard of kensington palace. george is almost 17 months old now and his mom and dad as you may ab wear, came to the u.s. for a whirlwind tour this past week. special gathering for the a "action news" family took place off the the air today.
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six abc employees and their families gathered here at the station for our annual children's holiday party, our reporters and anchors with all of those who work behind the scenes, took part in the wonderful celebration. news director tom davis stopped by with his kids as well to enjoy refreshments and all of the fun. whole day was capped off with all of the fun. whole day was capped off with a visit of
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get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. parade of lights returned to the delaware river, visitors to the sea port museum could check out the festive floats all along penns landing tonight. this was the end to a day long celebration, that included a santa's workshop right there on the the waterfront. earlier a caravan of tow trucks made a special drop off today, drivers gathered in port richmond to load their vehicles with donated presents. all gifts were delivered to kids at youth services as part of a seventh annual tow for to the toy drive. time for a check of sports. jeff skversky live from the "action news" sports center, hi there jeff. >> can you wait, binders/boys will battle for first place
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tomorrow night at lincoln financial field. eagles trying to avoid back to back losses for first time in over a year. the here's tony romo and cowboys a arriving in philadelphia tonight. and the eagles expect more of a fight from dallas then they did on thanksgiving. dimarco murray was held to a season low 73 yards rushing, and, of course, romo had one of the worst games of his season too, trent cole says they will bring the heat once again tomorrow. >> no, not always the pain but i want to make sure, that we're here. we're coming. we will be all over him. you know, it is not going to stop, until the end of the game. >> can't wait. >> perhaps the flyers, starting to catch fire here. flyers have won back to back games for the first time, in over a month, and they have picked up points, in five straight games. how about the flyers today taking on carolina, one of the worst teams in the league. flyers get five goals, three of them come in the second.
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how about this from scott lawton his first nhl goal. flyers win five to one. fans so fired up they started an eagles chant at the end of this game. lawton gets his first. speaking of first, sixers trying to get that first win at home tonight. we will have highlights and much more coming up in the next half an hour. walter, back to you. all right, thanks jeff. philadelphia, has won the super bowl. no kidding. it happened today in disney world. that is where north landfill arrayeders won division one midget national championship defeating the new britain raiders out of connecticut. it happened today, in the 58th annual pop warner upper bowl right there at es pn wide world of sports complex in orlando, florida. raiders capped off a fantastic season with the 26-six victory. on behalf of everyone here at "action news", congratulations to the northwest raiders winning their first ever, pop to the northwest raiders winning their first ever, pop warner so you can see like right here i can just...
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deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, call or apply online today.
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lucky boys and girls had a chance to shop with a cop in newark, delaware today. police department joined forces with k-mart to launch this brand new program. seventeen children were each given, $100 to spend on gifts for the holidays. they were each pared with an officer, big shopping spree, this program is an effort to outreach effort to help build lasting relationships between police and the community they serve. meanwhile in wichita, kansas it would appear that santa claus shops at wal-mart and remainding strangers about the true meaning of christmas.
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marry clark went to pay off her lay away item only to find out her balance was already paid off. she was just one of several families on the receiving end of kindness from a total stranger. clark was grateful that her granddaughter will have a nice christmas after a rough patch. >> i cried. it is just so much that went on, and thank god we're all here abe good to know that somebody would step in abe help. it is pretty special. >> acts of kindness shown to you today... >> asking that beneficiaries pay it forward and perform one act of kindness a week for the whole year. coming up next half an hour of "action news" families whose little loved ones will spend christmas in the hospital received a special visit from santa claus. and taylor swift celebrates a big birthday with some very big name friends in a big way, check out photos
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if you are just joining us at 10:30 here are big stories we are following on "action news". a grand mother from delaware county is dead after a morning fire in lower chichester. neighbor captured video of the flames you see right there on the 100 block of field avenue. six two-year old dorris morgan was trapped and did not make it out but her son in law
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and neighbor pulled five of her grandchildren to safety. cause of the fire remains under investigation. camden county police have a clear picture of the man who held up a rite aide today. thief handed threatening note to the teller at the store right there on mount ephraim avenue and took off with cash. nobody was injured. christmas came early, for a township detective whose house was destroyed last week. ernie morris's home in lower pottsgrove was intentionally set on fire. today his brothers and sisters in blue, along with santa claus, surprised his family with gifts. their neighbor is suspect of intentionally setting fire to the morris's home. philadelphia's first female fire fighter killed in the line of duty was promoted to lieutenant today as her body was laid to rest. hundreds gathered to say good bye today to joyce craig, the 11 year highly decorated veteran was killed on tuesday fight ago a fire in west oak lane. during her funeral, collogues remembered the mother of two as tough minded, high spirited and fearless. the fire commissioner derrick
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sawyer made a promise on behalf of the department to the 16 year-old son and one year-old daughter that she leaves behind. >> i want you to know is, as i just said earlier, joyce had two families, now you have two families. we are here for you. you have two families. never forget that. >> city will continue to honor craig's sacrifice by lowering flags to half staff over the next month. well, a family from south jersey is planning a funeral for a mother whose body was found earlier this week. the susan johnson's body was found on thursday in the wooded area in evesham township. thirty year-old miguel angel diaz has been since charged with first degree murder. investigators say johnson had invited him and a woman who was homeless to stay with her but a fight over monday a apparently turned physical. a go fund me page has been since set up to help cover the funeral costs. investigation continues tonight into what sparked the
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fire, that destroyed a home in darby, delaware county. crews were called to the 100 block of north ninth street just after 5:00 a.m. five people inside were able to escape the flames, and now being helped out by red cross, the the home next door also endured serious damage. police in portland, oregon have arrested a man after yesterday's shooting outside a high school. officers said they announced a alonzo murphy as a person of interest but they came short of calling him the suspects gunman in this case. three people were hospitalized when someone opened fire outside rose marie anderson high school an alternative school for at risk youth. investigators say murphy and two victims have ties to the local gang, one of the victims was listed in critical condition. the fbi has joined the investigation in the death of a teenage inner north carolina. seventeen year-old lenon lazy was hanged with the dog leash from the swing set in the trailer pennsylvania park back in august. now his death was initially ruled a suicide but his family claims that is not the case. they fear that laci may have
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been murdered possibly the victim of a racial hate crime but local and state authorities say they have yet to find any signs of foul play. it was an emotional scene in atlantic city toy day as america's heroes were remembered during this holiday season. wreath is a cross america is national non-profit organization that donate wreaths to assure that those to for the for the military have not been forgotten they were presented at the atlantic city veterans in cemetery in mays landing. the it is first year this ceremony was held at this location. meanwhile volunteers in center city reminded people that marking the holiday season to make time to enroll for health care coverage. enroll america and chariot companies sponsored a winter health resources fair at the gallery where they urged holiday shoppers to sign up. customers have access to visitations, financial counseling as well along with free flu shots and medical screenings. deadline to enroll through the affordable care act is just two days away. it is time for a check of the accu weather forecast with
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meteorologist melissa magee and tomorrow should be nice to go outside. >> not bad, we will get some sun to get the day started. >> it has been so cloudy. >> i nose. >> we need that sun bad. >> you know what it was, it was that soaking rain, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, we all do. it is in the past. we will move forward. we will show you in the picture outside, sky six live in hd it is a nice shot of wilmington, delaware. we have a partly cloudy sky, you can see the lights glistening and reflecting off of the water there we have comfortable conditions overhead but we're outside, it is december, so grab a coat and extra layer before you step outdoors. we will show you the accu weather live line up and show you storm tracker six live radar and let you know is what in store for second half of the weekend. all is dry and quiet. winds coming out of the northwest today. temperatures slightly cooler then or at least feeling cooler from the air temperature is saying it is. tannersville 31. slating ton 32. the fleet wood 32 degrees. the pottstown 37.
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quakertown 36. center city at this hour 38. upper 30's as well for chester. down across areas in the south jersey, in vineland, 38. same thing in bridgeton. hockessin 38 degrees. sea isle city coming in at 37. when you factor in those wind coming from the northwest at this hour, in sea isle city it feels like 30 degrees with the wind chill. your satellite six with action radar, it is dry and quiet across much of new england across mid-atlantic region. high pressure to our south and west will work its way east as we get in the second half of the weekend and sun will make a return appearance as well. we will fly you out to the west coast, because folks here especially for california, have been dealing with soaking rains, and you can see that first batch of moisture starting to push inland and some locations have received a month's worth of rain in just a day or so and there is another round on the way. we will look at the water vapor imagery across the western half of the united states and in the pacific here you can see low pressure swirling up to the north with the trailing cold front. that is the moisture that will
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work its way in to the inland across areas have of kalas we get into monday and tuesday. back here at home, here in philadelphia, it is tsunami i. high temperature tomorrow coming in at 47 degrees. so, 46 is average for this time of the year. temperatures, for sunday will be close to normal, with a light breeze out of the north and west. heading over to the link tomorrow, eagles are at home in the prime time match uptaking on the cowboys. the it is partly cloudy, chilly and calm, kick off temperature around 8:30, and that kick off at 39 degrees. thirty-seven once we get into the fourth quarter. here's the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast on sunday, near normal. high temperature up to 47 degrees. on monday, clouds and some sunshine a high temperature up to 46. on tuesday, we are up to 50 degrees. it will be mild. we are tracking afternoon showers, with hanukkah, beginning at sundown, on wednesday, breezy near normal in at 46. thursday a chilly breeze but it does get cooler, only 42. forty-two on friday, and as we
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get into next saturday it is mostly cloud i with a high temperature of 41 degrees, and some rain is possible also, but we will to have watch for that depending on the timing of this cold front that moves in next saturday but tomorrow we're all looking okay. as you dry throughout the region. a local family celebrated three years of turning a personal battle in to a nationwide effort tonight in bryn mawr. supporters turned out for an evening with em least's entourage at the baldwin school. back in 2011, the crammer family started this organization to raise money to fund cystic fibrosis research in honor of their daughter emily. since then they have raised $660,000 a lot of awareness. santa claus and a few elfs paid visit to tiny patients at cooper university hospital today. they brought gifts to the babies still too small to leave the hospital and spend their first christmas at home. their parents siblings were also treated to refreshments, and party in the neonatal intensive care unit.
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still to come on "action news" at ten, cowboys have landed. we will look ahead to tomorrow's big match up in south philadelphia. call to justice across the country, reached a fever pitch today, protesters demanding change from new york city to d.c., and wake of recent
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blank. we're following breaking news from washington d.c., congress has passed a 1 trillion-dollar spending bill and sent it to president
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obama for his signature. senate voted 56-40 in favor, to avoid a governmental shut down and keep government running through nearly all of next year. president obama has indicated that he he will sign it. protests continue in the streets of major cities all across the country tonight, demonstrate ago begins police brutality and racism. march for justice in the nation's capitol puts out a call for change. abc's reporter walked along with the crowd. >> i can't breathe, i can't breathe. >> reporter: they marched, shouted. >> we are all tired of being sick and tired. things must change. >> reporter: thousands of protesters rallying in the nation's capitol to focus attention on the deaths of unarmed black men, at the hands of police officers. >> protesters out here today taking their message to the u.s. capitol because they say that is where they want to see action. >> reporter: call to action ignited by fatal shooting of michael brown in ferguson, in missouri and the the apparent choke hold killing of eric garner in new york, grand
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jury's in both cases refusing to indict the white police officers in their death. >> we need national legislation, and intervention to save us from state grand juries that say it is our right to choke people, even on tape, and you won't bring them to court. >> reporter: michael brown's family and eric garner's mother joining in the national march. >> we are here for justice. we hope they hear our voices. >> reporter: protesters vowing to keep up the the pressure to end police brutality and racism. >> we are going to march, we will protest, we will lie down, we're going to sit down, we're going to stand in the way until we get justice. >> reporter: that call echoed today in cities from boston to new york, where thousands of protesters marched through several manhattan neighborhoods. abc news, washington. jeff skversky coming up with what chip kelly expects
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sanity a a clause used a different means of getting around. it was plumsteadville fire company giving old saint nick a lift. crew visited families, collected donations and reminded everyone about the importance of fire safety this time of the year. chance to remember our
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animal friend. workers and volunteers kept busy today at give a dog a bone event in king of prussia wrapping baskets. these treats, bones, blankets will be distributed to local animal shelters and rescues to provide a little winter comfort to four legged friends waiting to be adopted. time for a check on sports, jeff skversky is here. they say every game is important but this one is really important. >> this is really big. it has all of the makings of the great game. can you wait. tis the season to beat up on the boys. eagles won nine of ten games against the cowboys in the month of december, including, that nfc east title last year and it is once again, on the line tomorrow. here's cowboys owner jerry jones signing autographs tonight, dallas comes to town with the best record in football, a perfect six-zero on the road. chip kelly expects a better fight from tony romo and dimarco murray tomorrow after shutting them down on thanksgiving. >> it is not about one individual player but it
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business the team, defending them. i think if we put sole focus of our attention on romo and murray and not the worry about bryant, witten and other guys then those guys will beat you. >> flyers game, such a blow out today flyers fans started eagles chants. well, maybe it is time to get excited for your hockey team too. they won two straight for first time in over a month. flyers fans, they are happy to day all right as they beat up on carolina flyers scored three goals, in a five minute span in the second. the that is jay voracek giving flyers a three to nothing lead, even rookie scott lawton gets in on the action, his first goal what a reaction by the rookie. flyers win five-one. they have eight points in the last five games. the the sixers, well, they are the only team in the nba without a win at home. don't get your hopes up tonight. sixers facing first place memphis who have the second best record in the nba. look who is here, will smith in the house and the sixers
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getting gig i with it with memphis. fourth quarter, tony wroten, sixers up 18, largest lead of the year. memphis comes back. up three, no time left, mike connolly at the buzzer, wow, are you kidding me. sixers fans cannot believe it. we will go to overtime n overtime, sixers without a basket until the final seconds, that is connolly again, he scores 22 of his 36 from the the fourth quarter on, and sixers lose 120-115. they are still without a w at home. college hoops, lasalle ends their season long four game losing streak beating drexel by ten today. villanova without quarterback john robert son in the playoff game against san houston state because of a concussion. the backup chris paulono gives them a lead in the fourth but cats fall back behind again. final seconds, they can tie it, chris goth, 51-yard field goal no, villanova loses 34-31
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to san houston state and former delaware coach casey keeler. army/navy playing outside in philadelphia today in baltimore. till man from keenan reynolds who but that end of the half. navy wins 17-ten. the it is their 13th straight win over army and what a scene, celebrating with their fans. coach carried off the field, as becoming the most winning coach in navy history. chip kelly's former college quarterback marcus mar yet a becomes first oregon player to win the heisman. kelly calls him the most talented kid he has ever coached in college. he accounted for 52 total touchdowns and just two interception this is year. high school football state title game in hershey st. joes prep playing pine richland of pittsburgh. st. joes prep, deandre swift, 40-yard touchdown run. one of his four touchdowns. st. joes prep wins 49-41. they are hoisting another
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trophy, that is back to back state titles, congratulations to st. joes prep. >> st. joes and archbishop wood are the class of football in this area. >> all right. thanks, jeff. on the people scene taylor swift celebrated her 25th birthday and her famous friend helped her celebrate in a big way. pop phenom from berks county shared snapshots from her bash last night on instagram. her eye popping guest list included jay-z, beyonce, sam smith and justin timberlake. best friend kelly clause, also partied at pop star's apartment right there in new york. swift hash tagged the shot, best birthday ever. well, if you need a break from holiday shopping, there are plenty of new movies to check out including a bible epic, and a film that has garnered a golden globe nomination. here is matt o'donnell with the preview. >> reporter: biblal epic led by the guy who was the best bad man ever, at least, in my opinion, leads what is new at the box office. he have i can bible tail
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exodus: gods and kings was directed by ridley scott. >> have you done this. >> you know how i know him. >> you are not his sister then. >> of course not. >> place your arm on the table. >> don't take this any further. >> oscar winner christian bail plays moses the lead her rises autopsy begins the the egyptian farrow ramsey. it tells moses as he leads 600,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from egypt and terrifying cycle of deadly plaques, as told in the book of exodus. next up, inherent fights is a philadelphia toppings of the novel will by thomas pinchon. >> yes. >> what? >> the fbi, in the only suspected but we can prove it. >> you saw him. >> you saw him. >> yes. would you be willing to let me
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depose you. >> sure would. >> what is it. >> phoenix plays private eye docks who finds himself in trouble when he looks into claims by his former girlfriend who shows up out of no where claiming that her current billion air boyfriend is about to be kidnaped by his wife and her boyfriend. confused in well, soon after dock is questioned about the man's disappearance, and one of his body guards. and captive is a psychological thrill their was selected by the this years canes film festival. >> image of the video like that every day. kids being abused, and tortured on line while others watch. our job is to not look away. >> ryan reynold portrays a father driving on the snow he rode with his young daughter. he makes what he thinks will be a quick stop at a diner and runs inside thinking that she's safe in the back seat of the trunk. but returns to find his daughter had has disappeared
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without a trace. her unsolved abduction then destroyed his happy marriage, and, years later the mystery of what happens is finally revealed. it is hollywood awards season with the golden globes out and oscars coming up in a few months. my pick for best picture inter stellar. i'm math the m
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♪ >> well, they had their annual
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christmas carolers tonight at coatsville high school. they were joined by nine three-year old marshall marty connor who was invited back to serenade the crowd at his alma matter during this holiday tradition that goes back decades. connor was very first singer, solo player in 1937. he was a member of the class of 1938. >> wow. >> cool. >> um-hmm. >> time for a check of the accu weather forecast. >> it is cool outside too. >> it is cool. >> the day planner, 7:00 in the morning 36 degrees. full day sunshine on sunday. 10:00 a a m41. mostly sunny at 1:00. 45 degrees. near normal tomorrow. 4:00 in the afternoon that temperature around 45 will be sunny and dry for most of the day. >> just like us we're near normal. >> yes. >> better to be below. >> yes. >> near normal. >> thanks, melissa. >> rest of the "action news" team will be on six abc tomorrow morning at 6:00. holidays are a fun time, and all of the hustle and bustle and overlook hazard can ruin memories in the blink of an
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eye. important reminders in this weeks raising healthy kids segment, that story and more at 6:00 tomorrow morning on six abc. thanks for joining us tonight on "action news" at ten, philly feud is next. for melissa magee and jeff skversky i'm walter perez, have a great night. >> ♪ e ng tts
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steve show to life through video... nick murphy! we are playing for bournelyf specialties camp in west chester pennsylvania. i might as well just say, give us the check now. (laughter) >> we are in search of a team that knows the most about philly. >> philly pheud on phl- 17 is presented by sugarhouse casino, philly loves a winner. >> and now, let's welcome our ringmaster mike missanelli! (cheering) >> welcome to the philly pheud, we all know that philly loves a winner, so we're here at sugarhouse casino on delaware avenue where everyone wins. and tonight our referee, the lovely sigourney, how you doin'? >> i'm great, how are you mike? >> fantastic. we've got a great one tonight. and here at philly


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