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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  January 19, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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♪ "action news," delaware valley's leading news program at 10:00 with ducis rodgers, meteorologist adam joseph, shirleen allicot and brian taff. >> monday night. shirleen is off. accuweather says snow is headed our way. the timing and totals. and an extremely close call on the new jersey turnpike as the big rig loses control on black ice. you have to see how the video finishes. the biggest story is developing right no. the police say three men walked into a julie store at the willow drove mall after 7:00 smashing the display case making off with
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pricey merchandise. and live outside the mall we have the details here. >> checking the audio and checking it >> the main ones who are actually investigateing the smash had been and-grab. the employees telling me they lock themselves inside of the stores while customers went running. a normal day at the willow grove park mall where employees say things took a scary turn. >> we heard two loud noises. and someone screamed "everybody get down!" >> the police say they walked in
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>> and the impressive show earlier in evening same the issues are intertwined. >> this national day of service. was also a day of action in philadelphia. people from different backgrounds with different interests marching through the
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streets with the same goal -- working to right what's wrong. >> as we see by the number of feet out marching today, change is going to come inevitably. >> thousands circles as part of the day of action resistance and empowerment, dare collision, activists and plain old folks demanding change. and increase in minimum wage a fully-funded education system. >> all of the movements are supporting each other. you have labor youth, and the social caphapters all in the same boat. >> the tributes to dr. king took over this city the cradle of liberty. the bell ringing ceremony the tapping of the liberty bell by chucky checker. and a record number of
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volunteers rolls up their sleeves for service projects. girard college, helping the needy and educating people on voting rights. >> dr. king was a champion of action and an enemy of apathy. >> and independence hall the back drop many embraced the legacy of action. >> and now is the time to organize. now is the time to revolution and evolution of our city. >> the large group on the mall made a list of demands and now plan to hold lawmakers accountable. organizers say over the next week or so they plan to meet with leaders at philadelphia city hall in harrisburg at the capital and also police headquarters. reporting live on the independence mall on phl17. >> thank you. and in new jersey members of the church topped off the day of service with a private movie screening. the group gathered at the united artists, washington township to
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watch "selma" the movie about dr. martin luther king's mark. and volunteers across south jersey. and more coming up over the next hour including a bucks county woman chasing after a 10-year-old child with a knife. and pro golfer telling quite a story, drugged, beaten robbed in hawaii but does not remember any of it. check out this wreck. incredibly that guy survived. tonight we are hearing from him. and president obama has the state of the union address tomorrow. what we can expect and the fights already getting started right after the break.
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>> tomorrow night president obama will give the state of the union address. coming at a pretty good job, job approval rating 50%, the highest in a year and a half. gas prices are plunging unemployment rate down and nearly 3 million jobs added, the bet year since 1991.
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the white house we re-leased this video of the preview of the speech today. >> now that we fought our way through the crisis how do we make sure that everybody in this country, how do we make sure that they're sharing in this growing economy? >> the president's policy message aimed squarely at the middle class. proposal for $175 billion in tax cuts. free community college and up to $3,000 in child care tax credits all on the table. the president proposing $320 billion package of new taxes on the wealthyist americans. he also wants to raise the capital gains tax to 28%. and new fees on the nation's biggest financial institutions and banks. pro golfer robert allenby sharing a horror story. missing the cut and afterwards stopped at the wine bar. video shows him walking out with a group of people but he says he
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doesn't know them and doesn't remember leaving with them. >> i got hit, knocked out cold and then i believe that from what i have been told that i was thrown in the trunk of a car. >> the married, father of two woke up in a park money, driver's license was missing. a homeless woman and another man helped him get back to his hotel where he took this selfie and called the police. think he might have been drugged. and tonight the nfl investigating whether the new england patriots deflated footballs during yesterday's game. and the patriots advanced to super bowl beating the colts. and quarterback tom brady reacted to the allegations food calling them ridiculous. under-inflated footballs are easier to throw and catch. and the nfl rules say no one can
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alter footballs once they leave the locker room. if the team is found to have done that they can be fined and lose valuable draft picks. and turning our attention to the middle of the workweek where we can find see our next snowfall. >> we are tracking it the rest of tonight and even into tuesday as there could be changes with the storm system as it work its way through. temperatures outside this afternoon not bad, 39 in philadelphia. outside tonight i should say, 39 until trenton, 38 in allentown, 34 in wildwood 31 in dover, 37 in lancaster. and satellite 6, partly to mostly cloudy sky across the region you notice some activity across the lower great lakes and ohio valley. we're not expecting any moisture. you see the moisture to the south of chicago. this will work its way eastward. what it will do is throw back more cloud cover across our
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region as early as tomorrow afternoon. here's the set-up for us in the morning rush showing you sunshine and clouds not too chilly. 6:00 a.m. 31. 31 as well as at 7:00 a.m. and bumping up to 32 at 8:00 in the morning of the call from ago accuweather temperatures in the 30s lower 40s for daytime high. and 37 in allentown and high temperature in lancaster coming in at 39 degrees. focusing the attention what is coming in getting into wednesday. and futuretracker of showing you moisture tuesday off to the west. as i advance this here you see the moisture quickly races to the east and that's what clipper systems do. they tend to be fast-moving and moisture-starved. and you see the moisture breaking out to philadelphia and areas north and west in the normal of snow. and it will continue even as we get into the evening hours. talking about what we can expect
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for wednesday. the big concern and areas to watch is the afternoon and evening hours. light snow and slick roads. slow evening commute. philadelphia and south inch or two of snow. and coming up we take a closer look at the system and let you know what's ahead for rest of the workweek with the accuweather forecast. a man in oregon within inches of his life this weekend, and we mean that. 26 vehicles crashed into one another on an icy interstate saturday. caleb was found pinned between the trucks. that's his head peeking out from the wreckage of what was his pick up with truck slammed into the back of a jack knifed trailer. and he was already stuck and heard another semibarreling toward him. >> i hung on to the wheel and
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tucked my head and kept praying. after he hit i hoped it would be overwith soon. >> the picture insane. and he was not crushed incredibly. and barely injured. and other people pulled him from the twisted metal, with just scrapes and bruises. and breaking news from new york city, insta gram delta 368 from san francisco was the subject of a bomb threat. that plane is on the ground now at j.f.k. apparently landing a little more than two hours ago. officials are on the plane right now sweeping it for any signs of explosives. all of the passengers were evacuating. they are at the terminal questioned at this point. no signs of explosives but a bomb threat on the delta airlines flight from san francisco to new york's j.f.k.
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tonight. we will continue to monitor this and keep you posted on the very
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es defense and goaltending an issue and both a problem this afternoon against the islander. this guy demands better play between the pipes. sorry fell will a -- fella, not going to happen. and it going the other way.
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3-1 new york. and bailey off the rebound and the flyers in a 4-1 hold. here is emery. and on the powerplay. and emery probably thinking i thought i had the day off. and going down it appears to be a lower-body injury. the flyers losing defensemen defendant and right and lose this 7-4. the hardwood and sixers in action this holiday too. and looks like they took the day off against the wizards. in d.c. the first quarter. and the sixers down by 16 points. trying the second quarter, and the sixers played no defense, washington shoots nearly 56% from the field. the sixers are down 23 point at the half. third quarter, andre miller
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to porter and it is a joke. and 111-76. and the next half-hour, ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up.
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some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪
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a whole lot more news coming up in the next half-hour including a preview of governor-elect wolf's inauguration. and learning about pope francis' upcoming trip to the united states.
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...and see how sweet it is. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v ♪ "action news" at 10:30 on phl17 continues. >> thanks for joining us on "action news" at 10:00. the big stories we are following right now, a man is dead two
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others hospitalized after a shooting in strawberry mansion. police called to the 1700 block of north 31st street just before 8:00 tonight. a man in his 50s and a woman in her 30s hospitalized in critical condition. police have not yet made any arrests. a smash-and-grab at the willow grove mall. the police say three men walked into precision watches and julie and smashed the display cases and grabbed merchandise and took off. check out this incredible video a man along the new jersey stuck in a back-up caught that. the noise of the tractor-trailer slide across the road. the truck crashed across the guard rail into the northbound lanes coming to a stop. amazingly no one was injured here. now
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and melissa magee is tracking the system and i see it there. and it is circled in red. >> the "l"means low pressure because of the clipper system moving through in the later half of our workweek and the outlines the details west of and we are tracking that closely for wednesday. and ahead of that the temperatures are still pretty mild for this time of night. it is 36 in st. david 40 in chester 41 in center city 37 martins creek, 37 in oxford as well . and dover at the freezing m at 32. and action radar, a quiet start to the hole day. partly cloudy and mostly cloudy
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sky moving in now. we have more in the way of cloud cover as we get into the day on tuesday. and then by wednesday weave anticipate -- we have the mid-week change. and the moderating temperature and high in philadelphia 43. average this time of year is 40 degrees. as we get into wednesday we are tracking the area of low pressure that will be working its way eastward. so the clipper will be moving in. the high temperature by wednesday just 35 degrees. it will be slow going as well for the evening rush with the snowfall working its way into philadelphia and areas north and west, and outlining the details with that with the area of low pressure. as far as expected snowfall it's really from wilmington down across areas of new jersey burlington county northern ocean county. from surf city and north and west 1-2 inches of and there may be rain at the
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onset. but when the system pulls away enough moisture left over and cold air on the back side that's when you get the possible coating. and tomorrow morning, sunshine and clouds not too chilly. 6:00 a.m. 31 freezing mark at 32 at 8:00 a.m. and the exclusive forecast high of 43. wednesday afternoon and evening light snow on the way and high of 35 degrees. and the key impacts taking away with the clipper, it's going to be impacting the evening rush. reduced visibility and slick roadways and slower travel possibility. and thursday, rather cloudy behind thes system 40. and then chilly and dry at 38 friday. and saturday tracking a normal that now wants to stay to our south. high of 40. 42 sunday clouds and sun and rain and snow shower possible
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next week. the big event this week is the clipper system and amount of snow on the way. >> we will keep monitoring that thanks. ability of an odd one here. upper merion police arrested two brothers who confessed to stealing more than 1,000 sewer greats. the brothers were both arrested saturday saturday. a police officer saw him drive to the back of an acme and followed them there and found a crowbar in the back of the truck. and they confessed to greats. and they sold them to scrap medal tealers. to replace them costing $500,000. and a fire costing a cheltianham woman her life. and called out to the apartments on south john
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recovering a body of harrison and neighborhoods did not know until the crews responded. and neighborhood made the first 911 call. >> at this point officials are not pinpointing a cause and saying where the fire might have started it. security now boosted outside of the county hall of after gunfire was recorded there. and at the heard shots and saw a vehicle speeding away saturday night. the bidens often spend the weekend there but were not there at that time. and they are investigating the incident as a potential threat. a bucks county woman accused of a chasing a 10-year-old with a knife and now facing charges. this is 33 year old virginia
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bushman. the police say the warm woman chased one last week. and bushman charged with assault and making terror and wolf will swear as the governor noon tomorrow getting to work digging out of a deficit. >> the day before inaugurated the 47th governor of governor took part in the martin luther king day of service event in harrisburg. all while the stage is set for tomorrow's ceremony behind the capital building. and the inaugural committee spokesperson said don't look for wolf to get too specific for the first 100 days.
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>> expect broader themes and then wait until we get into the administration and the nitty-gritty. >> and it will be a challenge for the businessman-turned-politician going from a vertical unknown to winning the primary and then becoming the only candidate in the u.s. to topple a sitting governor this past november. doing it as portraying himself in the tv ad campaign as an outsider from new york -- pennsylvania. and it positioned him as a front-runner. many analysts say you cannot get away from him pushing for tax and convincing voters to buy into the democrat's campaign slogan. >> tom wolf democrat for
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governor, a fresh start. >> and he will be here for the ceremony. walter perez for "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. the vatican now confirmed new details tonight about the pope's plan american visit later there week. and in addition to philadelphia visiting new york city and washington, d.c. and he hopes to speak ten united nations with a courthouse visit for his stop. and philadelphia is the host city of this year's world meeting of families. a church community faith a look at activist on this martin luther king day in montgomery county. and in gilbertsville they invited people to attend worship. the role of civil disobedience and police and reviewing interviews with dr. king.
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and threat of stores given ministries $10,000 to continue good work like this. volunteers served up a special meal tonight for those in need of honor of dr. king. and chosen 300 applauds the victories of the civil rights icon but the fight to reach up the unfortunate continues each and every day. and all of us have picked something up in a drive-through and continued to drive the car. one man says it got him a ticket. and the modern day bonnie and crime. and kids involved in a multi-state crime spree. and several people missing after this mansion burned to the ground. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪
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we are back with an update on breaking news we passed along to you a few moments ago. federal agent have now given the all-clear to the delta flight 368 which was on the ground at j.f.k. airport in new york. bomb-sniffing dogs and a bomb squad boarded the plane as a result of a bomb threat made to it. the threat unidentified right now. again though federal agents have given the all-clear.
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no passengers were onboard as the plane was searched tonight, and no injuries reported either. meanwhile, tonight six people unaccounted for after a fire destroyed a 16,000-square-foot mansion in annapolis maryland. the fire around 3:30 this morning taking several hours to get it under control. we know if broke out on the second floor but investigators have not yet said how this started. a teenage couple dubbed the modern-day bonnie and clyde faced a judge in florida. 18 year old dalton hayes hon a multi-week crime spree with his 13-year-old girlfriend. the adventure came to an end over the weekend when someone recognized them from television. they were found asleep in the stolen truck parked behind an ihop in panama city beach. the teens ran away from their homes in kentucky january 4, reportedly because their families did not approve of their relationship.
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>> he actually bought an engagement ring. >> again, she is 13. the engaged couple stole several cars broke into numerous homes and used stolen checks. when found over the weekend, they were tired and ready to surrender. now facing a long list of charges. looking to score a good meal on the cheap? center city restaurant weekend you can do that. we have the scoop. and this man was pulled over. why? he was eating a cheeseburger at the time. and that's the ticket. we have details on this. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" morning team. get the morning news' top headlines weather and traffic star this is an allen family production.
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and here's why we love chex. one, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, we don't love artificial colors or flavors. does anybody? and's gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. have you tried gluten free chex oatmeal and new chex granola mix? two more delicious reasons to love chex.
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i know... this third shift is rough... it's just a few more weeks max! what are you doing up? it's late. i just wanted to have breakast wih you.
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>> it wasn't speeding but eating that got one man a ticket in georgia. check it out. the man says he was stopped outside of a mcdonald's in atlanta last week enjoying a double quarter pounder with cheese, pulled over and given a citation. >> the officer explained to me that he had observed me eating a burger for about two miles. he said specifically three times you can't just drive down the road eating a hamburger. >> come on man.
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according to the particular particular -- ticket he wrote him up under the distracting while driving law. the police have not commented but the ticket was shown to an attorney and he said he had never seen anything like it. the man plans to fight the ticket. speaking of food center city restaurant week officially underway. sample roughly 130 of the finest eateries. aldine a new eatery on chestnut one of the restaurants on board. most three-course lunches for $20 or three-course dinners author $35. and the chef at aldine is offering four-course for that price. and organizers say it is a good way to get a good deal on the restaurant or try something new. >> this is the a-list of
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restaurants in center city. so if you haven't been now is the time to go. and it's terrific deals. a lot of the restaurants, the entrays them self would normally be $30 or $35, you are tremendous opportunity and save while doing it. >> and park for free at selected garages and get other discounts as well. it is time for sports and ducis rodgers live they big board. >> the flyers can't seem to get on the same page with themselves. when the defense is there, the offense is missing. when the offense is missing, the defense is as porous as a strainer. and second period matt's shot is blocked. and one-on-one with rob zepp and they call it getting
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aggressive. and in favor of emery. and the third period the flyers down. and giroux gets a gift. and how about that. and the flyers down 5-3. the other end, beating emery and the flyers lose. >> they didn't work and compete hard enough that's it. i don't think they didn't want to, but, you know, they have got to give more. they have to be better for us. >> the record doesn't show we are a good team but if we play together we will start winning games. we know that. >> the flyers host the penguins tomorrow. and basketball like the flyers the sixers had problems with defense. the wizards made it look like their d disappeared. 2-13 shooting. and washington runs the sixers out of the gym. look at the wizards on the fast
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break. wizards shooting nearly 56% from the floor. they were down by 23 points at the half. surprisingly they came up in the second half not much better and the sixers lose by 35. 111-76 the final. in the same arena the verizon center villanova, and the bus broke down on the way to d.c., a bad omen. and the first half on fire. bowen, part of a 17-0 run. and the three-ball and nova trails now. and we are in the second half. eagles quarterback coach headed to the oakland raiders to become their offensive coordinator. and the birds reassigned defensive back coach. and the league is
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investigating whether new england deflated the football in the win over the colts yesterday. the deflated ball is easier to throw and catch. >> were you able to grip the ball better than the colts last night? [laughter] >> were you care to weigh in on that. >> i think i heard it all at this point. oh, god it is ridiculous. it is the last of my worries. i don't even respond to stuff like that. and lindsey vonn ron her record 63rd world cup title and her boyfriend tiger woods was there. a toothless tiger. he tried to hide his smile. and he says an over zealous photographer bumped into him knocking the tooth out. >> you know how hard you have to get hit to knock a release a devastating
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avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle.
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>> melissa magee with the wake-up weather forecast. >> as you wake up tomorrow morning temperatures will be in the 30s. showing you our dayplanner. 7:00 in the morning, 31 degrees. mostly cloudy overhead. today 37 sunshine and clouds. mostly cloudy at 1:00 with a temperature of 41. 42 as we go throughout the day at 4:00 in the afternoon. the moderating temperatures nothing to took about tuesday until we get into wednesday and by then the thin overhead. >> we will keep watching thanks. and thank you for joining us
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for "action news" at 10:00. for shirleen allicot, adam joseph, melissa magee and ducis rodgers i'm brian taff. we will see you back here tomorrow night. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick.
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release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. [ door opens ]
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jay, i'm home. did manny call? no, because he's fine. it was a slumber party not a gang fight. i just want him to fit in. i'm gonna take a shower. do you care to join me? you know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage. if i ever say "no" to that question i want you to use it on me. [ chuckles ] [ haley speaking indistinctly ] [ footsteps approaching ] shh, shh, shh! what's wrong? [ continues speaking indistinctly ] why aren't they trying to hurt each other? i don't know but i'm afraid to move. [ laughing ] you're really good at this. thanks. what is happening, claire? cameron: mmm. mitchell: what do you think? now, that


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