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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 26, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EST

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cc1 test message >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kiml live!" tonight -- jack black. from "the boy," lauren cohan. and music from lanita smith. with cleto and the cletones. and now, why wait? here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks to all of you
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[ cheers and applause ] i had a feelinggou would come, and you came. that's very nice. [ [ eers and applause ] we have so much to get to tonight. y, this is -- i don't know how many of you are working, unemployed, or whatever. but this is interesting. "u.s. news & world report" today released their annual list of the best jobs for 2016. these are jobs with growth potential, lower stress, high wages,nd low unemployment. the two best jobs are orthodontist and dentist. i don't know. i've always considered the best job to be the one where you don't have to put your hand in other people's mouths. [ laughter ] four out of five dentists agreed with the list. the fifth dentist was that same jerk who disagrees with everything. [ laughter ] but the best -- i think the best part of an orthodontist's job to me is when she asks you how your holidays were while you're gagging on half a pound of cotton. [ laughter ] almost all of the top ten jobs were in health care. dental, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists. [ cheers ]
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i don't know. you have to goo school and learn how to do them. everybody's sick allhe time. really the best job in america is to be born a kardrdhian. [ applause ] and by the way, the last job on the list this year, the least desirable job for 2016? bill cosby's publicist. [ laughter ] true. so there you have it. dentists and orth dontodontists in america. and the worst job in england. [ laughter ] sorry. the president of the united states did not make the list though it seems to be a job people really, really want. the iowa caucuses are less than a week away. then after that the candidates can go back to ignoring iowa completely. [ laughter ] but for now it's all they care about. it's weird we give so much attention to who iowa picks. since 1980 the iowa caucus has
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incorrectly four times. they only got it rigig twice. you get better odds when you have a zoo animal predict the winner of the super bowl than these iowa caucuses. [ laughter ] but on cnn last night they had what they call a town hall meeting where the democratic candidates try to woo the iowa vors. the only clear winner of this debate slash meeting was the farmer who got 30 grand to let cn park the satellite trucks in his corn field. my favorite part of the night was when hillary put her hands around bernie's throat and screamed, "why won't you e!" [ laughter ] [ applause ] they took questions from the people in the audience. and someone asked hillary who her favorite president was, and she said, with apologies to president obama and my husband, bill, my favorite is abraham lincoln. and then berere sanders said, "senator, i knew abraham lincoln.
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and you, ma'am, are no abraham lincoln." [ laughter ] bernie sanders also used the town hallto highlight some of his non-political achievements. >> i was a very good athlete. i wouldn't say i was a great athlete. i was a pretty good basketball player. my elementary school in brooklyn won the borough championship. [ applse ] >> jimmy: that's true. they did win the borough championship. in fact, here's a picture of a young bernie sanders. [ laughter ] the hoop. that was the hoop -- you see, because he's very old is the reason i mentioned it. martin o'malley, who for some reason is still under the impression he's running for president, got some good shots in. but this was his big moment. during the q & a portion he said, i can't just sit here. i have to takeff my jacket and stand up. and he rolled up his sleeves and showed off his body. it's like magic martin. [ laughter ] martin o'malley i would guess is probably the least recognizable of all the candidates that they let on tv. but maybe not. maybe more people know him than i think. so i deced we should conduct
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so we sent a camera crew out on hollywood boulevard to see how long it will take for someone to identify martin o'malley. and go. >> hi. excuse me. who is this? >> ma'am, i d d't know. >> who is this? >> i'm not for sure. >> hi. who is this? >> uh, al re. >> yes. sir, who is this? >> i don't know. >> do you know who this is? >> no. >> hi. can you tell me who this is? >> yes. great. >> thank you. hi, sir. who is this? >> i have no idea. >> who is this? >> politician? >> yes. who is this? >> i don't know. >> hi. who is this? >> running for president. >> what's his name? >> jerry coleman. >> no. >> that's not gary coleman. for a number of reasons. we'll come back to that and see
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side, donald trump and ted cruz haven't been getting along so well lately. it used to be they were pals. then they had a falling out. this morning trum called in to "morning joe" and actually had some warm things to say about his former buddy ted. >> ted cruz lies. he's a liar. that's why nobody likes him. that's why his senate people won't endorse him. that's why he stds on the middle of the senate floor and can't make a deal with anybody. he looks like a jerk. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, i like to imagine that trump is naked when he makes these calls. [ laughter ] standing there with his robe open. kanye west has beeee keeping busy. kanye posted this to twitter. he posted a handwritten track list of the songs i guess, song titles for his new album. you can see kylie wrote at the bottom "kylie was here." but he also wrote "so happy to be finished with the best album of all time-" i assume he means his album. i don't know. maybe he just finished listening
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you have to hand it to kanye. he is the master of keeping expectations low. and i'll tell you, this is going to be -- [ laughter ] if the predictions are correct, this is going to be some year. because we're going to get the best album. the best president. and the best wall ever built. [ laughter ] [ applause ] this is a gem from our neighbors up north in canada. the department of health and social services up in the yukon, which is way up near alaska, came up with a catchy new ad campaign to promote vitamin d. and this is it. this is what they came up with. "we all need the d. even me." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i don't know. you guys -- i honestly -- i didn't know -- i had no idea. apparently the d is slang term for a certain part of the male anatomy. [ laughter ] and those women -- put those womennp again for a second.
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the kid doesn'teed it. but -- so a spokesperson for the yukon department of health and social services said they knew it was an innuendo for sex but they didn't realize it was as crude as it is now being purported to be. it could be worse. you know, if they'd abbreviated vitamin, it could have been vd that everybody needed. [ laughter ] the ads, they've removed all the ads from the websites. by don't know. i would make the same mistake. they call one direction oned, right? [ laughter ] what about sunny d. we give that to children. [ laughter ] some crazy news for l.a. clippers fans today. all-star forward blake griffin is out because he injured his hand fighting with the clippers' assistant equipment manager. this happened over the weekend in ronto. apparently there, was an altercation in a restaurant between blake a a guy who works for the team. guy. his name is mattias testy. they're friends, i guess.
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before this wet willie or whatater happened there. but blake broke a bone in his hand p pching the guy. the clippers released a statement today publicly condememng blake. although to be fair to blake griffin, the guy really insulted him. he said, "blake, you're so stupid you'd break your own hand punching the team's assistant equipment managew." [ laughter ] and now he's out four to six weeks and he could miss the all-star game too. because of a fight with the equipment -- not even the main equipment manager. [ laughter ] see, i'll tell you something. this is why you never criticize "down-ton abbey" in front of blake griffin. it will come to blows. should we check -- let's check back on the streets to see if we can find someone, anyone to recognize martin o'malley. here we go. >> sir. who is this? >> i don't know. >> okay. he's running for president. who is this? >> ramon river. >> no. who is this? >> john kerry. duh. >> okay. hi. who is this? >> john wayne? i don't know. >> okay. hi. hi.
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>> i don't know. >> who is this? nope. >> who is this? >> who is that? >> yeah. >> it looks like that guy from the kingngf queens show there. >> no. who is this? o is this? >> i have no ideas. >> oh. who is this? who is this? hi. who is this? >> that is, um, o'malley. >> yes! yes. [ applause ] >> who is this? uh. jimmy: all right. well, maybe he does have a shot, i guess. oh, she's -- well, nicely done. we found the one smart person in california. well, we have to take a break. when we come back from the break, jack black and lauren cohan are here. they're going to go head versuss face to find out who can name the most things as we play "name that thing."
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we'll be right back. james drove his rav4 hybrid into the frozen wilderness. the scent of his jerky attracted a hungry wolfpack behind him. to survive, he had to remain fearless. he would hunt with them. and expand their territory. he'd form a bond with a wolf named accalia... ...become den mother and nurse their young. james left in search of his next adventure. how far will you take the all-new rav4 hybrid? toyota. let's go places. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. e pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. all the hard work... time in the service... community college... it matters. it's why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree.
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and there are some doozies, that's the worst. so, we added rocket. sfx: rocket engine sfx: (countdown) 3, 2, 1 (ding) (ding) (ding) rocket cheez-it grooves are the perfect union of a cheez-ititnd a chip. you mean like they got married? umm... i guess... you'd make a pretty bridein that wedding gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... hey everyone, joe's getting married! bam bam ba bam. oh, i'm not. we take time for our cheese to mature in our crispy cheez-it grooves. other wirelele carriers make families share data. not t-mobile! switch now and get four lines with up to six gigs each. and no sharing. just thirty-five bucks a line at t-mobile. you can't rush our new slow-roasted premium roast beef. so our chefs have e me time to spare. hey, what's that? a model of our kitchen... there is me and you. wow... the subway club, with slow roted roast beef.
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ge [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. it is time t play a game that challenges contestants to name everyday things. it's time to play "name that thing." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] welcome -- welelme to "name that thing." let's meet our contestants. first, froro santa monica, california. his new movie is called "kung fu panda 3." please welcome jack black. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: jack, it's wonderful to have you here. jack's challenger tonight, youou know her from "the walking dead."
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y hello to lauren cohan. lauren. [ cheers and applause ] hello, lauren. welcome. welcome. wow. well, i can tell jack has his game face on. jack, are you a competitive person in general? >> i play for blood. [ laughter ] >> i play for jack's blood. >> jimmy: you play for jack's blood. well, the rules of the game are simple. we will reveal a thing. your job is to name that thing. you'll have ten seconds to do it. correct answers get you 50 points. a correctish answer gets you ten points. the incorrect answer ofofourse gets you no points at all. are you ready to play? >> yes. >> yes. >> jimmy: let's play "name that thing." jack, lauren, name that thing. in writing. you have ten seconds. here we go. time is up.
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name tha thing. >> a drill for dirt. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a drill for dirt. i'm going to give you no points for that, lauren. i'm sorry. jack. >> old-fashioned screwdriver. duh. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: and jack, we are going to give you no points for that answer. we have a tie game. that is an auger. auger was the answer we were looking for. >> that's what i put. >> jimmy: there are plenty of things to name. t's spin it and see what our next thing is. lauren, jack, name that thing. no the place. not the bowl. the thing in it. jack is finished.
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jack. >> i'm going to go with -- >> jimmy: jack says kumquat. [ laughter ] jack, you're close. i don't know why they're laughing because it's pretty close. but that is not a kumquat. lauren. can you name that thing? lauren, a small fruit. lauren, we're going to give you 10 points. >> what? [ applause ] >> jimmy: that is guava. thatats a guava. it is a small fruit. our next thing is this. now, jack -- oh, boy. >> i know what that is. >> jimmy: you can see our beautiful model is displaying this thing. if yououan name it. you get the idea. it's right here. [ laughter ] name this thing. jack? wewel start with you.
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>> jmy: it is not a dijeree don't. lauren. you say -- >p is it ravi shankar's sitar? >> jimmy: it is a sitar indeed. it's not ravi shankar's. but you d d have 50 points. guillermo, i'm going to give you this. >> i'll take it. >> jimmy: lauren jumps out to a 60-point to zero lead. >> how can i have zero? my kumquat, i got nothing? >> jimmy: you got nothing for that. but perhaps you'llet something for naming this. ten seconds on the clock. and begin. now jack's getting serious. all right. ten seconds are up. jack, you seem ready. >> i believe it is the tool of mr. death. the scythe. >> jimmy: oh, no. i'm afraid it is not. >> oh, no >> jimmy: lauren. >> i said no because i'm sad for jack's wrong answer. >> jimmy: and you also say -- no. >> that was wrong. jimmy: you were close.
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a sickle. wow. you guys are not good at naming things. [ laughter ] we havene more item --@ >> i can't believe a small fruit was better than a kumquat. >> jimmy: let's go to the final round. let's spin the wall and see our next thing. it is this. >> oh. >> jimmy: jack seems confident. writing his answer. jack has finished. lauren finishing up. jack. name that thing. jack says -- >> hobo lunch. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i am going to give you 10 points for that. yes. [ applause ] correctish. lauren. lauren says -- huck'll -- >> huck'llleberry finn's backpack.
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to catch up. because this is our sudden death round. your goal here is i'll give you a category. name as many items in that category category as you can. you'll have 20 seconds to do it. you have your pens ready? fresh paper? all right. your category is soups. soups. . name as many soups as you can. and this is about quantity, folks. of course you have to get it correct. but jack has his work cut out for him. 50 points behind. [ audience chanting "three, two, one" ] >> jimmy: we are finished. time's up. lauren, go ahead and read from your card. jack,ut that pen down. i'm watching you. >> this is despicabab. and i'm a soupp -- a soup lover. >> jimmy: hold them up and let us see. >> lentil, tomato, chicken, black bean, matzo ball soup, and
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>> jimmy: one, two -- is that five? >> one, two, three, four, five, six. >> jimmy: six. all right. you get 60 points for a total of 120. jack, you have to get 11 soups to tie this thing. and if you do tie, i don't know what we're going to do. >> i did not tie. i went wit an egg drop, chicken noodle, the hot and sour, onion, pee. >> jimmy: pee. >> i went with the poop soup. >> jimmy: andnd what kind of pee soup are you eating? is that an a or an e at the end? well, jack, that is not enough. congratulations. lauren you are the winner of "name that thing." here's your prize. your prize is, well, a mortar and pes'll.. thank you, contestants. tonight on the show we have music from lanita smith. from "the walking dead" lauren cohan is here. she is the winner tonight. we'll be right back with jack black. [ cheers and applause ]
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11:58 pm
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11:59 pm
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12:00 am
[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. welcome back. tonight, from "the walking dead" and the very creepy new movie "the boy," lauren cohan is here. then later, from memphis, tennessee, she is the winner of "guitar center singer-songwriter
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it's called "listen to you heartbeat." lanita smith from the samsung stage. [ applause ] tomorrow night, shaquille o'neal, alison brie and we'll have music from banners. and on thursday, ewan mcgregor, hannibal buress and music from tory lanez. so please join us then. our first guest tonight is a very funny and talented man. he acts by day and rocks by night. his new movie is "kung fu panda 3." it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to jacklack. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: wow. that is quite an entrance. [ cheers and applause ] how are you? >> yeah! >> jimmy: that was one of the better enances we've ever had. >> that is more cardio than i've gotten all week. [ laughter ] and that little 1313econd performance. >> jimmy: how are you doing? is that mustache for a role o did you -- >> i was trying out something new. it's my johnny d. [ laughter ] it's also kind of aod to the great kung fu masters of yore. because i'm in "kung fu panda." so i wanted to -- >> jimmy: well, you're the voice of the panda. your mustache does not actually appear in the film. >> no. but you know, i a method actor, and i like to like embody the spirit. >> jimmy: i see. of the kung fu panda. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you were just -- you ed a -- should we take a commercial break? [ laughter ] >> no. what do youu mean?
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i'm not out of breath at all. >> jimmy: there's a 40% chance you'll vomit on me right now. [ laughter ] >> no. my kung fu never has that effect on me. i mean, it may look like i'm out ofofbreath. and it may seem like i'm out of breath. [ laughter ] but i'm n n at all. this is how i normally converse. [ laughter ] strange pauses in between each -- sentence. [ laughter ] do you have some oxygen? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't have any oxygen on me. >> don't need it. don't want it. if you had it i i'd yank a toke. >> jimmy: well, who wouldn't ke a toke of oxygen if you had a shot of it? >> have you ever been to one of those bars where it's just oxygen oxygen? >> jimmy: i have. >> seems like a bad idea. i dodot think they have them anymore. >> jimmy: they do have them. i just saw one in las vegas on sunday. >> and is it different flavors of air? >> jimmyit is different flavors of air. >> what a gyp! how much for that air? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think what it is is they still have smoking in las
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cigarettes for just a brief moment. >> yeah. just a quick little -- >> jimmy: look, i feel like your pulse is now at rmal. >> i'm finally back down. i'm ready to do a real terview. >> jimmy: you got back from asia when? >> just like a day ago, yeah. >> jimmy: and where were you? >> i went to shanghai, china. >> jimmy: wow. >> did a premiere. kung fu panda there. then went over to sesel, south korea. did a little kung fu panda premiere there. then zipped back. i was there for a week. zip, zip. >> jimmy: do they know you from the voice of this character? >> well, it's a cartoon. sow don't see me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they have like asian actors doioi the voice. so no. there's like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not atall. >> there's no reason for me to go. but i think it helps promote the film when they know that there's a powerhouse hollywood legend. >> jimmy: i see. >> behind the thing. [ laughter ] my essence is in there. no matter what you do. >> jimmy: so it's not your voice at all on the -- >> no. but it's important that i do the red carpet there.
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you know, passing the torch. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, you meet the person who does the same part you that do. >> i do. and i like to do a high five with interlocking claspor more intimacy. >> jimmy: i see. >> to bring our nations together. and let t em take it away from there. >> jimmy: and then will you go seeehe screening in chinese? do you go into the theater and watch? >> no. no. i don't have time. i go straight from the red carpet. i go like that. i go into the theater. and then i go straight out the back door. cause i've got to continue my junketing all across the nation. there's no time. >> jimmy: you go on a plane and you go to the next spot. >> on to the next spot, yeah. >> jimmy: have your kids seen this movie yet? >> my boys have seen it. i actually pulled a situation, a little finagle, pulled some strings, and we showe the film at their school. which is veryxciting for them. >> jimmy: wow. >> so they were like the first ones in the world to see it, which was rad. and my boyoywere proud. you know, my oldest boy, my 9-year-old sammy had a part in the movie. he plays one of the bunns. so if you're watching the movie,
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"save the valley," that's my boy. [ applause ] so even with all of that, where i should be like the coolele dad ever, they wouldn't sit with me at the screening. they went over there to sit with cool kids and -- so just goes to show no matter how bitching your dad is he's still just an embarrassing dad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they probably prefer the chinese actor's voice-over work in the movie. [ laughter ] let's take a break. i think you need it. you really do. jack black is here. you do. jack, you do. the movie is called "kung fu panda 3." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] inside the rack houses of jim beam, thousands of barrels lay silent. but thatoesn't mean they lay idle. in fact, inside ea and every jim beam barrel, the bourbon is aging, building a fuller, smoother flavor, that only comes from being aged
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at jim beam, our history is made from the inside. how will you make yours? our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progrgrsive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right?
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[ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? cheez-it grooves are the perfect union of a cheez-it andnd chip. you mean like they got married? umm... i guess... you'd make a pretty bride that wedding gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... hey everyone, joe's getting married! bam bam ba bam. oh, i'm not. we take time for our cheese to mature in our crispy cheez-it grooves. "beth" by kiss beth, i hear you calling... but i can't come home righthtow... me and the boys are playing... ... all night
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[siri:] message. pick up milk. oh, right. milk. introducing the newly redesigned passat. from volkswagen. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! hodo you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough
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now you can create your own tour of italy at olive garden, starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 10 favorites to enjoy on one ple. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create. at olive garden. other wireless carriers make families share data. not t-mobile! switch now and get four lines with up to six gigs each. and no sharing.
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what are you doing? anything. sorry. should i put it back? >> yeah, you probably should. you look so cool, though. >> yeah. it's pretty cool. >> ooh. i wonder what this does. i should pull it. >> i think i just peed a little. chrpz [ cheers and applause ]
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"kung fu panda 3." >> that's bryan cranston as my dad. >> jimmy: how@ can your children not want to sit next to you at a theater? their dad is kung fu panda for d's sake. >> it's a mystery. i don't know. >> jimmy: when you go on a trip, do you have to bring them toys? do you do that thing where you bring them -- >> ah. it makes up for my lack of parenting. [ laughter ] when i'm out of town. i come back with a gift to let them know i was s inking of them. and yeah, when i was in china, i went to the chinese toy store. and i was like, wait, these are all the toys that they have in america because they're all made in china. but they're like a little fresher, you know? [ laughter ] like a couple weeks in advance. they get the prototypes earlier. >> jimmy: still warm. a little bit of softness there. >> but you know what's lame is i looked at all the toys and i go i'm going to buy them the kung fu panda toys. it was so dumb. i should just get those for free. they just seemed like the best toys there. >> jimmy: you don't get those for free? >> no one sent me a basket of free toys. >> jimmy: oh, wow. that is a tragedy. it really is. how are things going with
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i feel like there's a couple hardcore's screaming very loud. then everyone else, oh -- yeah. the d's going very strong. thank you for asking. >> jimmy: are you worried about -- i don't know if you're aware of this, but the letter d now has a different meaning. [ laughter ] >> oh, no. that's always been our meaning. laughter ] tenacious d. [ laughter ] no, i don't care what -- when was that? >> oh, yeah, festival supreme. it's everyoctober. and this last october we had like this awesome like vegas rat pack theme. every year we have a different theme. and you know, the vegas, one of the things they're known for is the 24-hour wedding chapel where you can get a cheap weird dding that doesn't really count. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so we got ordained -- >> jimmy: our band leader cleto got married in one of those. >> oh, really?
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>> you know you're not legally bound. [ laughter ] but it can still be romantic. but we made it count. we got like ordained officially. >immy: oh, for real? >> yeah. so we could perform weddings at the festival. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. just thought it would be fun to have comedians doing weddings. we always try to mix it up and do something a little special that no other festivals are doing. >> jimmy: so people actually came ready to get married? >> yeah. people came and really got married. and i thought it was really funny and funny until it came time to really do it. and like then i was like these people are really going to spend the rest of their lives together. this is actually really important. and i got a little freaked out about the pressure of it. and like this is not a joke. and kind of got a little defensive. and i was like, you guys know you're gng to spend the rest of your lives and if it doesn't work out it's not yourfault. you've got to be responsible for your own love. it was kind of a bad idea in the end. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: maybe do some
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>> yeah, i don't know about that. >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. congratulations on three big momoes. "kung fu panda 3" opens in theaters friday. jack black, everybody. we'lllbe right back with lauren cohan. [ cheers and applause ] crawfish shorts i like your style hooked it just a little bit (window breaks, car arm sounds) don't open that cellar door epic comeback starts right here lucky shot.
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woman: i'll never remember all the projects, presentations, or meetings i gave up my nights for. (music's drums intensify) but days like this, i'll never forget. get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. be unstoppable. this is my fight song take back my life song
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: still to come, music from lanita smith. our next guest stars on one of & the most popular tv shows in the world and yet that is not enough r her. her latest is the very creepy thriller "the boy" which is in theaters now. please welcome lauren cohan. [ cheers and applause ] how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. the way. want to mention it in front of jack, but you really crushed him in "name that thing." >> i want to play it cool like that wasn't a huge deal to me to win that, but it was a huge deal to me. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are you like super competitive? >> with games, with -- with games i'm crazy. i mean, my family can attest to it. we have like -- and my whole
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jimmy: when you say crazy, what does that mean? like will you get very upset if you lose? >> it's funny. in my mind right now i'm debating whether or not to tell the stories because it's like so -- & >> jimmy: oh, are you a sore loser? we don't all do that. [ laughter ] we don't all do that. you do that. i do it also. but -- >> okay, goooo >> jimmy: no, but there are normal people that don't. >> that know it's a game. >> jimmy: that put things in perspective. and they realize it's childish and immature to behave like a baby. >> and then it doesn't define your whole life, whether or not you had that celebrity -- >> jimmy: and yet it does. yes. >> there's been times wn i've been left in a crumpled heap on the living room floor and the lights are out and friends have awkwardly exited. and my family's upstairs in bed and i'm clutching mariah carey iny hand and not understanding why nobody gets it. >> jimmy: mariah gets you through these kind of situations? >> yeah. my hero. >> jimmy: what games do you play with your @family? >> i think celebrity is probably the biggest one. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, i played
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how does that go again? >> it's the one where you h he a bucket of names in the middle and then you have two teams and everybodyives a clue. the essence of it is you can't say the name. so it's charadesr whatever it is. but we have -- we've played this many, many times, and i always want to be with m m mom and my two sisters because -- >> jimmy: because they're good at it? yeah, right. >> but i did get stuck with my grandfather once. >> jimmy: is he no good? >> he's so good at so many things, but celebrity isn't one of them. >> jimmy: whwh would your grandfather be good at naming celebrities? >> i know. >> jimmy: why is he bad? in what way is he bad? >> we had this one round where the clue was michael jackson. and despite knowing all the rules -- you'll explain the rulele to him, and he'll say no, no, no, i understand, yes, i understand, you don't have to explain this to me. and enyou play the game.
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sounds like ichael ackson. you go no, you can't do that. [ laughter ] he goes, no, i understand, i'm not stupid. ichael ackson. >> jimmy: is that against the rules? >> yes. as is this. >> jimmy: oh,ign language in spelling out the -- yeah. i didn't know what was going on. maybe he just doesn't want to play. you know, it's one of those things where if you don't want to play, everybody forces you to play but if you get in there and actually ruin the game people are happy when you leave. [ laughter ] >> yeah. and then they don't ask you to do it. >> jimmy: and they don't ask you to do it again. by the way, your haircut -- i have&played. i try not to because i behave badly. but your haircut became like a news item, right? because everybody's so interested in what's going on on "the walking dead" that they assume that something zombie-related happened to your hair. right? >> like the zombies suddenly -- it was edward scissors-zombie. >> jimmy: did something
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>> it's so funny a it is with the show that we keep top secret. but the funny thing is you'll find out or you won't find out or it was on the show or it wasn't on the show. but we will find out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. i feell like your grandfather in the game of celebrity right now. [ laughter ] does your family ask youhat's going on on the show? >> yeah. well, my friend -- my favorite text from my friend when we cut my hair was the glolol -- the polar ice caps are melting but your haircut is the top of every news feed. what's the thing on cnn where it goes across the bottom? >> jimmy: it's the scroll. yeah. right. but in fairness, ice caps melt at a very, very slow rate. so if you scroll those all the time cnn would get no viewers at all. >> can you imagine, waterjust trickling across the -- >> jimmy: i cannot. [ laughter ] i by the way, i never watch horror movies, but for some reason i watched "the boy."
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it's very, very -- very weird. and i don't know wk say about the movie. because i feel like really anythi i say might ruin part of it. so you g gahead and ruin it. [ laughter ] >> i wish my granddad was here. it rhymes with "the boy." it's a story about a nanny, an american nanny who goes to england to look after a child to discover that the couple actually wants her to look after a small doll. so it starts off in roaring larity and then it gets >> jimmy: yes. but i don't want to add ato it because i don't want to be the one whwh ruins it. but they -- >> it's twisty. >> jimmy: they treat theoll like a real child. by the way, dolls in morar o. movies -- horror movies have ruined dolls in a way. because you had chucky and the doll in "saw." "magic." do you remember that movie? it. >> no, i know it.
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>> jimmy: i got the identical doll -- >> somebody told me to watch it and i was afraid to watch it. >> jimmy: you should be afraid to watch it. it's a scary movie. but this doll, what's the name, brahms? >> brahms. >> jimmy: it's a very scary doll. is the doll scary when you're acting with the doll or iit like oh, it's just a doll? >> it's kind of funny because he takes on thisslife of his own. he literally became another actor in the film. >> jimmy: you're calling it he. it is not a he. [ laughter ] you might have gotten -- >> don't tell him, that jimmy. >> jimmy: some kin of stockholm syndrome when you're shooting this thing. >> it -- >> jimmy: it's an it. not a he. >> it's a doll. it's just a doll. >> jimmy: brahms, as he's knknn. >> he would be on set sometimes after lunch and you'd go back to set and turnn the light and go, oh, sorry. i don't want to disturb you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, there's really no explaining what goes on in this movie, but it's very weird and it's very entertaining. it's called "the boy."
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if you like scary dolls, it's a scary doll movie for sure. lauren cohan. very good to see you. we'll be right back with music from lanita smith. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i want to thank jack black, lauren cohan. apologie to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, this is her new e.p. it's called "listen to your heartbeat." here with the song "i love you," lanita smith! [ cheers and applause ] as i stand here and look in the mirrrr i see a reflection appear
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i knew and used to be it's 2 o'clock in the morning and your words are still running through my head the last thing you said to me before you left you said i love you and i trust you and i don't want nobody else i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself i love you i trust you and i don't want nobody else i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself standing here waiting and the clock is ticking i got a lot to say 'cause i think you cheating 'cause your girl approached me yesterday and she told me she was with youothe other day
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and she's having your baby but i walked away i didn't wanna believe it but she walked back up with another reason she handed me a letter by you and this is what it said it said i love you i trust you and i don't want nobody else i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself i love you i trust you and i don't want nobody else i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself you tried to play me as your fool but the game played 'cause when the tables turned your lies made us through and all the love in the world can't change the pain
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'cause in the back of my head your words still remain new as i stand here and look in the mirror i see a reflection appear of the person that i once knew and used to be it's 2:00 in the morning and your words are still running through my head theast thing you said to me before you left you said i love you i trust you and i don't want nobody else i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself i love you i trust you
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i need you and i want you and i gotta have you to myself i love you and i trust you said i love you and i trust you said i love you and i trust you gotta have you to myself
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