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tv   Local 10 News 5PM  ABC  February 3, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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police are on the scene.again they are confirming to us at least at this point that they are iestigating a young person hit buy a miami police officer by a miami police car. it's unknown the conditionf this young person, the age of this young person. we're working get more details, and as soon as we do, we will let you know. >> calvin: janine from our breaking news desk in our newsroom, thanks a lot. governor rick scottoday declaring a zika emergency in four counties including miami-dade county. >> laurie: all four of those counties have parkinson's patients with the marco bonders borne advisory. carlos suarez has the latest details at miami-dade headquarters. >> carlos: the three-page executive order does not put a plans in place to deal with zika because halt ces across the state have involved people that have traveled to latin america as well as the caribbean. nonetheless, the governor today declared a state of emergency in four counties where the iness
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miami dade, least lieb hillsboro hillsboro. they havav asked to better coordinate in the case more cases are confirmed. the virus is transmitted poo a type of a mosquo that iscommonly found in south florida, but because it's yet to be found locally, and that's the key heart of part of this be with locally, mosquito control has not change the way hate deadly with mosquitoes in past. they have focusing odd areas where standing water has ben a issue because of the recent rainfall. >>n south florida i think we will at am is on point have zika here, not just imported but from here. >> carlos: governor rick scott released a statement that read in part, "although florida's current nine zika cases were travelelated, we have to ensure florida is prepared and station ahead of the spread of the zeka virus with in our state. we know we must be prepared for the worst even as we hope for the best." all of you are question to the mild health department were
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the virus is being linked tobrain deformities in babies and that's led to a worldwide caution against we'll traveling to the americas. there's also a third component to this story, and that is that scientists looking into the possibility whether zika can be transmitted by unprorocted sex. there is one case in texas where that appears to have happened.d. we're going to have much more on this story coming up at 6:00, but for nowow we're live in miami. i'm carlos suarez, local10 news. >> laurie: also at 5:00 michael hernandez who was sentenced to live life in prison without pale for murdering a classmate at his middle school is back in court to rave new sentence. the resentencing hearing doms of a recent supreme court hearing regard can giuliani a offenders. >> calvin: it maps the family of jaime gough must relive this days all over again. liane morejon has more on what happened in court today. liane. >> liane: just awful for evererne involved. the day began with testimony
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errands hernandez allegedly planned to kill the day before gough died b he never took the bait. strengthsing is now underway for michael hernandez who was convicted in 2008 of killing his iend jaime gough when the two were just 14 years old. >> are you the person that this defendant attempted to kill on february 2, 2004? >> yes, i am. >> liane: testimony began with hernandez rae childhood friend andre martin whom hernandez planned to kill the day beforee gough. >> i thought the initial sentence was fitting of the crime. >> liane: that initial sentence was life without parole. 12 years ago today hernandez lured gough to the boys bathroom at southwood middle and stands him 42 times. in 2012 the u.s. supreme court ruled juveniles did not automatically be sentenced tolife in prison without parole which led to the decision to grant hernandez the chance to be resentenced. >> do you love your sonsome. >> victim. >> liane: during tam from
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hernandez's father prosecutor gale levine drilled him on set up a lovea which r rd he has had lom no -- >> inmates are not -- >> liane: jailhouse calls last year were also played. in them hernandez's fatherrist plays death metal music with graphic and volleyball lir, at the request of his son. >> it doesn't concern that you your son continues to be fascinated with serial murderers and ukes music that screams out for hitler? >> i don't see that he's fascinating with serial killers, and just one song doesn't mauk a man. >> liane: a decision on that sentence is expected to come on friday. more from theheoom coming up at 6:00. for now w wre live, i'm liane morejon, local10 news. >>alvin: a truck found a parking spot but it happened to
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be in the water earlier today in bay harbor islands. a woman was trying to lower her boat into the water the when the truck slid into the water. the womans was pulled to safety. we now have video of that truck finally get pulled from the water. police say they gave her a field sobriety test and she passed bought police say she was still arrested on a separate unrelated charge. >> reporter: a murder investigation is underway in tamarack after a man was found dead in his homemeast night. local10 eats derek shore is live with what police have to go on. derek. >> derek: tonight defect aren't telling you house that man died & poor's i spoke to say they would have had no idea anything happened to that man inside his house, that is, until his family showed up and found the grisly 65 murder mystery in a quiet neighborhood neighboood in tamarack after family members find the body of lecky wilson, jr. inside his home at northwest 70th avenue. >> he had the biggest heart ever. i mean, i can't -- he was one of
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those friends that was like so annoying but you couldn't -- you couldn't do anything but love him. >> derek: keisha said she h h known quill zopf for years me. wouldn't by luck i'm shocked. i found out this morning on my way to school. as i was pulling up to school, i opened up my facebook and all i seen was rpfp lucky differently the broward sheriff's office will not tell us how he died. only confirming it was murder. his father discovered his body late last night. one neighbor heard the family's reaction. >> i'd say 11:00, 12:00, i'm not sure what time it was but i heard a woman screaming and yelling, and all of ai it stopped incident hear anything else. >> derek: y defect could beeen canvassing the area looking for for evidence and information as his friend issues a warning the to killer or killers. >> at the end of the day you can't run too far because they'll catch upith you eventually, whoever you are. >> derek: so tonight neighbors
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left in shock and wanti someone to come forward if they of information. you can call broward crimestoppers, that number 954-493-tips. we're live in tamarack with derek shore, local10 news. >> calvin: a man accused of peeping in windows in pembroke pines is fighting to get out of jail on bond until his trial. local10's todd tongen is the live in fort lauderdale to tell us what the judge said today. >> todd: calvin, this is the third day of hearings in what has become a bitter fight between cerulea's attorney to get i'm out and the state to keep hip behind bars. -year-old venezuelan born cerulia is facing overr a dozen charges including felony aggravated bat, i stalking and
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burglary. cerulia has been in jail since the end of last year and his attorney has been trying to get him bond while the state insists he's a danger to women in broward county. if folks, including the media, would read the incident reports upon which the arrest affidavit isbased, they'll find that all of the facts point to someone else. >> todd: brooks police say cerulia the is a serial peeping tom and that he stalked four women from four different neighborhoods ball of them with you a similar carmel skin complex and long dark hair. thth say he was caught several times on illness va cameras and they believee's the man watching women outside of their homes ask exposing himself. on two occasions they say he attempd to p on their bedroom witness. the judge gaveerulia a $80,000 bond and said he had to surrender his passport in order get out of jail. >> fortunately our system worked and the judge reviewed all of the fact, not just some, and made a ruling in our favor. >> todd: but cerulia isn't in
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the clear just yet. the state says more charges may be pending and they plan to introduce a damning witnesses as to why cerulia should be kept in jail until his trial. so now it's a race. the state trying to introduce more alleged acts in the past as well as rushing toossibly file more charges, and cerulia trying toet his passport secured and an ankle bracelet on his ankle so that he can get out of jail. in f#rt lauderdale, todd tongen, local10 news. >> laurie: todd, thank you. and a judge has decided to delay a decision on whether to dismiss a sexuality assault case against comedian bill cosby over a promise of immunity that i iv prosecutor said he gave cosby's now deceased lawyer. cost biis now being charged in that case and is back in court today.y. his attorneys say that promise was the only reason he agreed to testify in a civil trial years ago. >> calvin: u.s. law mistakes
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want in on the cuban market web hoping to sell their products to visitors on the island as tourism continues to grope dozens of california winemakers hope to entice private restaurant owners and even vernment stores to buy their wines. the u.s. embargo has made cuba off-limits for most u.s. products for decades now, so american winemakers are facing stiff competition from europe and latin america. >> laurie: we have some breaking news feign afternoon rush so let's check in with track of reporter jenise fernandez. where are you talking about, jenise? >> jenise: this is the turnpike southbound, sampleoad, a car fire. just look at that heavy smoke, this video sent to us by a viewer right around, they did shut down the you southbound lanes. the good thing is those lanes are back open but was ezoom zooms still heavy delays. if you're watching us on your map heading home to work don't take the turnpike, avoid it altogether. this is southbound. there are still two right lanes
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blocked with speeds at 28 miles pepehour. zooming on out zhao so you can see those delays a little bit better it looks like those delays are going to stretch for about three miles so go ahead and take university drive or us-441 as an altlt mat because we are still seeing heavy delays on i-95 southbound. cypress creek road that accident is off to the shoulder ags we look in here, 23-mile-per-hour speeds. cruising to dade county we have ap accident on the dolphin expressway westbound. this is a blocking a right lane and speeds here clocking in@ at 25 miles per hour. calvin. >> jenn niece ab plots loe thanks a lot. a taxi driver is hurt of a rollover wreck on south beach, and the other driver is now behind bars. we have exclusive surveillance video of that accident a a coming up at at 6:00. >> laurie: you could have a bomb sitting in your courage and not each know it. consumer investigatorcon christina vazquez is looking into complaints of exploding glass oven doors.
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you don't miss "call christina" all new at 5:30. >> and tournament listening alleged prostitutes take go their services off the streets. to a strip mall near. local10's jeff weinsier takes you behind doors with a hidden camera.
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>> what happens in here?tt0w!tw((i! %4@-2&t tt0w!tw((i! el@-8!8 tt0w!tw((i! ed@->#\ tt0w!tw((i% )8h-^] tt0w!tw((i% kzh-c2\ tt0w!tw((i% n-h-6[p tt0w!tw((i% 0ph-(
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>> calvin: turning now vote 2016, the republicans vying for
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two less presidential candidates. >> laurie: meanwhile hillary clinton and bernie sanders copt to trade jabs on the campaign trail in new hampshire. janine has the latest. >> janine: kentucky senator rbnd paul is ending his bid for the republican presidential nomination today. paul will now focus on his senate re-election camign. today donald trump once again on the attack, tweeting "ted cruz didn't win iowa, hey stole it," calling for a new election in iowa after the cruz campaign sent out this email to suppororrs falsely suggesting dr. ben carson was leaving t t race, trump the edge boston radio h h plans to file a complaint. >> it's total voter fraud y when you think of it, and he picked up a lot of those votes, and that's why the polls were so low. >> janine: cruz responding. >> it seems his reaction to everything is throw a mitt fit, to engage in insults, and i understand that donald finds it very hard to lose.
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is contesting the iowa results. maybe donald should go back to iowa and join the democrats. bernie sanders is not conceding was after coming in two points after hillary clinton, the vermont senatotowith a double digit lead in the the polls in new hampshire. >> secretary clinton won here in 2008, so, you know, we are taking nothing for granted. >> janine: as clinn says, she is pushing forward i. despite the challenge she faces here. >> your in your opponent's backyard. i just could not ever skip new hampshire. i cannot even imagine not being here. basket to republicans, cn n is reporting that former pennsylvania senator rick santorum will be suspending his campaign. so far he has not said what he'll do next. >> laurie: and local10 hey glenna milberg will be live in new hampshire to bring you live reports leading up to february 9th primary. our coverage beginshis
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weekend. >> calvin: let's check in now with our betty dav@s and talk about this gorgeous weather. day number two, you simply copied it from yesterday and brought it over to wednesday. >> laurie: if you were at the beach today, you are a lucky one. >> betty: more more, one and done for the rest of the week. 81 in miami this afternoon in miami. key west also stepping up to 80 degrees again. the normal high for this time of theear for the key west area vive have 75 degrees. this is the view through the lens of our mallory square camera, so if you've been stuck inside all day and haven't eveve had a chance to look out your window, look at what you have been missing. all that gorgeousness all around through the heavens our miami tower camera. there's a cne in the forefront but lock at this background imagery. temperatures right now are in the upper 70s so we've lost a couple of degrees. it's going to be warm eek out the but well at least have a light wind to help us out and that wind will help hold temperatures in the mid-70s
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tonight with partly cloudy skies, mainly dry. that is the story in our forecast. southeast breeze with us sustained 10 to 15 miles an hour at this very hour, getting that breeze ahead of the cold front we've been tracking. tracking for the past several days now. you can s the leading edge of that front crossingover the panhandle, and along the front shshers and a few storms perhaps embedded in this system moving across the carolinas tonig. this front will make more progress across florida tomrow but we're not expecting to it really bear down on us thursday. so the balance of the day thursday, we'll have a few clouds or not, sunshine getting through it. will be warm, our winds flowing in out of the southeast. it will be thursday night,, early friday when the front brings pay few hours showers in our direction. it does not appear that we have to worry about severe weather so a bitf rainfall for us in the wee hours of friday morning. the front moves through. northwest to north winds ensue. and cooler air starts to move in. so one more earm day, that would be tomorrow, before we cool
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those temperatures down. we'll start the morning in the lower 70s, highs climbing toward the lower 80s. sun, clouds, southeast breeze. showers early friday, and then we turn cooler. our high temperature friday only getting to about 70 degrees. milder on saturday with highs in the mid to upper 70s. but saturday night here comes a strong cold front, a frontal system that will cauau some storms early sunday, and then behind at this timee temperatures crash sunday night. so monday morning we are featuring 40s. so be ready for all the changes we have in store over the next several days. >> laurie: and weedo have new reaction today to the video of a woman stopping a police officer forpeeding. we're hearing what the new director of the miami-dade police department has to say about this video all new at 6:00. >> calvin: plus, a fishy situation for some people in florida when they found something other than mail in their mailboxes.
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>> acrososthe nation student athletes are making their immediate futures official. while for sports fafa signing day is the story of which teams will receive which players, for families it's the story of practice, hard worknd sacrifice finally coming together in black and white. a show of spirit, a display of emotion. and a flash of new loyalties all across florida the staffers our local fields pledge tow share their talent with the nation. or to keep it close to home. three teammates at gulliver prep will remain t tmmates at the university of miami. >> it feels goodo become a miami hurricane to play. it's's great coach. i mean i just hope to come in and turn this whole thing around.
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athlete a story of perseveranc some more quietly told. david bradley was born born with a hearing bramer. from the time he was little teammates have been helping him communicate onhe field. now he will have a w set of brothers a gallaudet university, historic school for the deaf that originated the huddle. >> i worked so hard. i finally made it. >> i already cried, so i was just, you knono overjoyed. >> amy: as the boys mark a lifetime hard work with a signature, many also do so with a stoic demeanor. then there be there's ken turne acres. a yeargo he wouldn't have playing football. this basketball star finally listened to his coachs please in the halls to join them. and now he's heading to oregon state on full scholarship. >> a year from now i had nothing. i was in stands watching other guys from last year come and and sign papers.
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i never would have thought i would be here signing papers. that really gives me goosebumps. they'r'r making my people happy, though. >> amy: calvin is upset, wanted him at the unforornate. we'll have more on signing day including how the 'canes did fare in all the the top classes in the country. >> laurie: and it's so funny saw when you say boys. they don't look like boy they look like grown men. >> calvin: mom was like a little kid next to her son. >> amy: a little kid with such joy in their eyes. what a great day for everybody. >> laurie: we know it's your favorite of the year. a shock can case of elder abuse in broward county. >> calvin: victor and janine has more. >> victor: this many very, ab -year-old woman who police say was beaten so badly and she had to be taken to the hospital. the investigators say the abu had been going on for some time.
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video of a plane with only one engine. >> vicr: and we have one and only surveillance video from a dui crash that injured a taxi driver. local10 news will it's hard to find time to keep up on my shows. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. now i can download my dvr recordings and take them anywhere. ready or not, here i come! (whispers) now de-and-seek time can also be catch-up-on-my-shows time. here i come! can't find you anywhere! don't settle for u-verse. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything just when i think it's just not going to work. this woman that works there comes over and asks can i help you? and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? i never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that do that. make that go out of their way for me. right then, right there
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i couldn't b bieve it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story.
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>> victor: we continue following breaking news at 5:30. >> janine: an accident involving a miami police officer. laurie is in the newsroom with the latest. >> laurie: and we now know that this involves a little six-year-old boy who has been taken to the trauma center at jackson memorial hospital. let's get you right to the scene from moments ago. eau northwest 58th street and fifth avenue, several blocks there still shut down. you are looking from sky 10 moments agogo as several officers are on that block trying t to look for visitors. miami place confirming that a cruiser struck a child, and we now know it is six-year-old antowain lawson. he has been ten to broward memorial hospital. we have a crew on the way to the scene scene. we can only hope he will pull through. we don't know if he was eye buick or walking or if this officer had his emergency lights on.
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miami police only confirming that the cruiser did strike the child. let's hope he pulls through, and as we learn any more, guilty it right to you from the breaking news desk. >> janine: also at 5:30, we are hearing from the wife wife of a master accused of beating his elderly mother s s badly she had to be dean to the hospital. >> victor: investigators say it appears that the abuse went on for some time. local10's shyann malone has the story. >> shyann: a disturbing story out of coral springs. a man accused of brutally beating his 84-year-old mother. deputies tell me this has been going on for several months, but i talked to his wife who says he didn't do it and thik is one big misunderstanding. >> i don't ef-know whato say. i'm disbelief. >> shyann: unlong has seen better days. deputies say her 56-year-old son put her in the hospital. >> after they received's report, they met at the hospital and discovered that it wats actuauay her son that had committed battery on her. >> shyann: june has been living with her son and his family in
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this coral springs homeor the past several years. she told police her son has been physically abusing her in the repeat months, somethi his wife who only talked to local10 news said just isn't true. >> we've wean tank care of her. my spannod changes her port-a-potty. i mean, he feeds her her meals by his hand. this is crazy. crazy. some knowledge she not show her face on camera but did show photos showing june explain she is frail and often falls. >> what happened to her? >> shehe fell two days in a row. she has hospice here. we have who is us. care. if we're abusing her wouldn't hospice know this? >> shyann: had a child in the home witnessed the iident and called for help. >> it's very scary when you have a have you inner population and somebody victimizees them in any way but especially with physical abuse to the point that was just
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children in the home had observed it. >> shyann: long is behind bars. he's being held without bond. his mother still in the hospital getting the medical attention she needs. reporting in broward county, shyann malone. >> janine: an incredible landing in the bahamas after a plane's engine knonos out mid-air. that pilot able to bring the plane down to safety. >> laurie: i can certainly tell you pilots tra for this all the tomb with what they do if one of their two engine confirmation out about it takes incredible and i am let's take to you video captured from inside that plane. it's only because of the incredible skill of this pilot that all eight passengers survived. at some point this pilot realized one engine was gone. he knows he has to make ab emergency landing. in the end you see it here, he comes in on this runway with just one engine, balanced, and he make it. two people ended up being taken to the hospital just to be treated but all eight passengers
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a good story to tell tonight. but imagine thehe fright of being on that small plane. janine and victor, glad to bring you good news from the breaking news convention detectives. >> victor: now to an alarming cacl that came in last week to the "call christina" hotline. a coconut creek couple told consumer reporter christina vazquez that the glass gore door on their often exploded and sent glass all@ over the store. >> janine: so christina did digging and found out the might think. >> off the a sudden there was a pop and then i could hear the glass cracking.g. >> christina: that's when erica brun ran back to her kitchen and found bits of glass on the floor. >> i've beeninding as hard as of glass for months. >hristina: she said where if kenmore mod exploded when in the self-cleaning mode. >> i looked at the instruction look betty again. i did exactly what i was osed to do and it broke. >> christina: turns out in a
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300 people have complained but very same issue to federal investigator, the bulk involving kenmore 790s. a watchdog advocacy group last summer asked the consumer product investigation to start an investigation and recall kevin more 790s for this shattering glass door i iue. >> i don't feel safe, not now with my kids. >> christina: this person told investigator glass pary em ped in his wife as foot. another consumer rights after his kenmore door exploded, i am thankful my kids were in their rooms and the dog was with us. >> obviously it's happen to other people but i hadad no idea. >> calvin:pfc is in charge of making sure products are safe. despite the numerous complaints, they simply said in a statement "tweak all incncent involving shattering glass seriously. there are standards in place for consumer product that use glass which should lead d glass breaking into nuggets and not as
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hard as if the product shatters." >> that's tempered. >> christina: grass doctor in miami explains those nuggets regulato are referring to. >> little piece, you don't get a big cut. >> christina: tempered glass is designed to break i many small pieces, a safety feature making the glass far less dangerous than fewer larmcng as hard as of glass. >> this apparently is a known issue that sears is aware. >> christina: sears basically said if your kenmore oven glass explodes within the first year of purchase it could be due to imperfections in the glass and could be covered under the manufacturer's warranty. after a year it is out. they blame damage possibly caused to the glass from use. it's sears responsibility and recall the stoves that are out there, replace the doors, do something, fix tissue because it's not safe. >> christina: brown off the for a new oven from a different manufacturer. she didn't ant want to risk paying for the glass only to have the frightening incident
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sears recommends not closing the oven with w. until all the oven racks are full necessity place and not to hit the glass door with pots, pans or any other object. if you have a complaint you can post it on the "call christina" page of >> janine: there is a new top cop for the miami-dade police department. it was announced just last week that juan perez is taking over as director. he sat down with local10's amy viteri for a one-on-one interview about his ans for the department. a's the it's the first week director as for miami-de police for juan perez but the department is rolling out big problems. >> we need to come up with innovative ways to address the at-risk kids before they get to the part, that part of their live, that decision that we're they're making to pick up a gun. >> amy: he lists teen violence as a top priority after zev recent shooting involvingal 62 students. department is developing new
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programs to help young people most a risk. >> with officers assigned to those kids and either being mentors or being nuisances to them. >> amy: perez has been with mild place over 25 years but it was two years ago speaking at a graduation ceremony for police cassettes that he took center stable don't combing mayor carl gimenez's proposal to lay off officers. >> let us notot lay off! fight for them. >> amy: the department kept those jobs. how perez want to focus on training to move the department forward. when we asked about recently from officer involving shooting perez said it is down. >> do you think weave an issue with officer-involved shootings? >> i do not believe there is an increase in police shootings it is. a matter of last resort. it's aatter of, you know, a judgment call, you know, that takes seconds on the part o officers. >> amy: whether dealing with use of force or other police issues she had transparency and
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building trust with community are deep northwest miami-dade, amy viteri, local10 news. >> janine: coming up at 6:00 we're hearing from new director about that viral video showing a or speeding. >> victor: there are a lot of accidents on our roadways right now. let's check in with traffic reporter jenise fernandez. >> victor: victor we'll be right back has been a messy commute. let's take to you pembroke pines where there is a rollover crash. now, check this out. a roller crash sheridan street eastbound a 163rd avenue. traffic is being diverted to mines boulevard while they work to clean up this accident. so this is causing a big backup. pick up the phone, call your friends and loved ones and tell theme to avoid this area altogether. you're also going to want throat them know about this crash, a motorcycle underneath a bus. check this out. this is miami gardens drive westbound around northeast second court. no closures there. traffic is moving. but we are still seeing those delays. let's zoom on in to our maps to take a closer look staying on that miami gardens accident.
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we are seeing the green so it looks like thins are moving smoothly. speeds there at 24 miles per hour. y taking you back to that crash a pembroke pines because there are heavily draws, again sheridan street as you're heading east approaching i-75 and northwest 172nd avenue. your alternate is going to be pines boulevard. speeds there 11 miles per hour. janine jink. >> janine: a dui crash on south beach leaves a taxi recovery injured. we have exclusive surveillance of that wreck coming up at 6:00. >> victor: first at 5:30 weigh hearing the calls for help after a tornado touched down on the a broward college north last week. >> janine: and people legislative near orlando are finding something fishyy in their mailboxes. >> victor: we also continue following this breaking news. a young child hit by a police car in miami. we'll have another live report coming up at the top of the hour. >> announcer: and tomorrow at 11:00, alleged prostitutes taking their services off the
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streets to a strip mall nearby. local10's jeff&weinsier takes you behind doors with a hidden camera. are businesses hiding brothels?
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>> announcer: tomorrow at 11:00. here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. hello! here's the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate.
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hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to ah! (car alarm sounds) it's ok! >> victor: so what would you do if you wanted to get your mail t you found a dead fish in
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it keeps happening to people in one neighborhood in central flora. mad sob is one of those unlucky people that got in nasty surprise p she believes the 12-inchatfish may have been still alive when it was left in her mailbox on mohped. another homeowner found a catfish in her mailbox while a third found one in the front lawn. >> i have no idea why somebody would want to do that and why a catfish, why a fish in the mailbox at all. >> victor: no notes were left behind with any of these dead fish.they're not sure if they were targeted or a prank. still she s sd she is going to file a police report. >> janine: now tie story you will find on the one and only, the frightening 91111alls made the morning that a tornado touched down in coconut creek last week. jenise fernandez has the tapes. >> it was a tornado. >> jenise: a tornado touching down in coconut creek last week as witnesses saw the whole thing unfold. it only lasted a few minutes,
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but in just those few minutes some serus damage. >> there's a big truck flipped over. it's right at brower college's campus >> >> jenise: witnesses describing the scene like it was a movie with cars piled on top of each other, trees scattered across the road and downed power lineses dozens of 911 calls came flooding in where you canan hear the shear panic from t tse catching watch what happened. >> i am on the coconut creek parkway andhere's a tornado that hit and there's a bus overturned on coconu creek parkway. >> i need you to take a deep breath you need to help me out. >> sorry. >> that's okay. >> jenise: tense moments for those driving during the storm. it caused a severe crash on turnpike. terrifying images of a vehicle traveling in the southbound lanes as it was spt up by the wind and dropped in northbound lanes mere sample road. >> we just had a tornado just blow through. the car in front of me is actually on its side.
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it was quite an event. >> jenise: jenise fernandez, local10 news. >> victor: it caused so much damage, seeing those cars on top of each authority a broward college north. >> janine: and some of those people who made those calls sounded relativelel calm. good for them to keep their cool. >> victor: betty, at a difference a week makes. >> betty: for us for sure. there is a storm system moving across the south, and it has been responsible for some tornadoes. yesterday some 17 reports of tornadoes between mississippi and alabama. the front associated with that system gets closer to us tomorrow but severe weather thankfully not in the forecast for us on friday. hollywood beach, what a good look for you. this is one of those days where you wish you could head out to the broadwalk and get with these peopleen and joy what's left of the rest of the day. temperatures made it into the now upper 70 showingngn a lot of your neighborhoods. winds from the southeast. mainly dry conditions we're expecting for tech evening. we'll keep a few clouds around, and our sky cast mold is trying
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to paint at least a light shower way off in the distance but mainly dry, widespread rainfall, not anticipated tonight as winds flow in from the southeast ahead of the cold front we'll be tracking over next 24 to 48 hours. you can see a line of showers with this front. those will move toward the big bend of florida tonight. the front gets a little closer to us tomorrow but we will be far enough the of the cool air such that that temperatures are in the low 80s again tomorrow. behind the front pensacola 59 degrees. eventually we'll get some of that working in. you'll notice difference in temperatures by friday but you're really going to notice a change sunday n nht. the numbers are heading way down. cold blast in the forecast for early next week. the freezing line or 32-degree line heads all the way down toward the southeast, almost touches north florida, and a north-northwest wind will allow some very cold air to get in here. so the morning lows between,
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say, monday morning and tuesday morning, some of your neighborhoods, the 40s will be a possibility. so prepare yourself for some big-time changes early next week. tomorrow, though, more of the same. our high temperatures near 80 degrees, moderate risk of rip currrrts, moderate chief operating officer bays. if you're taking the boats out. we'll start the innate lower 70s and then the thermometers move up toward the lower 80s. sun, clouds, southeast breeze, rain chance low. early friday here comes the cold front, a few showers showsiated with that. behind the front temperatures cooling down. we're a little milder on saturday as our next cold front approaches, and that stronger one early sunday could bring& some stormy weather. that would be alter in morning. then behind it temperatures are heading down monday morning, coat, boots, hat, dress to impress because we're cold. janine. >> janine: we're going to bundled up. now to an unusual story from texas where an artist who also happens to be a mom has created a pretty personal keepsake. you see, she's making jewelry
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out of breast milk. bridgette boudreau s sd the idea came other when she was thinking about how sheasn't ready for her young sons to grow up. >> i really wanted a special way to commemorate that bond between mother and child, an is just wanted a wearable piece of art, and i created breast milk jewelry. >> janine: there you go. how does it work? boudreau said she takes real breast milk, as the preservatives and lets it sit in the refrigerator. within a week the mixture becomes a solid that can be molded into any shape. she adds designs and colors and sparkle. a topcoat resin protects the precious pieces. boudreau saidy after she debuted her jewelry on facebook, orders startedd pouring in. >> victor: nassau is learning about stun, the sixth planet from the sun. the cassinni hasas new images along with new data. cassinni has been studying the ringed planet for six years and it has found the opaque rings may not conta the most
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material. a recent study showed how littlerelation a there was in t amount of material it contains to reveal an optical illusion. back orth get ready because we've got your tickets to one of the biggest events of the year. we've err warr giving away tickets to the annual south beach wine and food festival. head over to facebook page, look for the contest tab. >> janine: the local10 news team is hard on the work at 6:00. we have one and only surveillance video of a dui crash on south beach that sent a taxi driver to the hospital. >> victor: miami-dade's new top cop now reacting to the video of a woman stopping a police officer for speeding. >> janine: plus, we are rive live at the mild county health department afterty governor declared a zika emergency in four counties. > victor: we also continue following breaking news, a young child hit by police cruiser in miami. we have a crew on the way to the scene right now.
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we also have this picture of the little boy who was hit. we have much more information.
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report coming up at 6:00 i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything just when i think it's just not going to work. this woman that works there comes over and a as can i help you? and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? i never would have expected would have thought that anyone uld find that do that. make that go out of their way for me. righthen, right there i couldn't believe it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story.
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>> victor: from ouphones to our laptops, we use computers more than ever and knowing how to writeode practically guarantees a high-paying job after college. >> janine: nose most of those jobs are going to men but as erik spoelstra. >> some of this is animated.
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some have underlying messages pness created through code by girls in ourur community, and there is now a huge bush to get more girls educated and involved. maria mejia is one of a kind not just because she's awaiting an acceptance 8 to mit or even that she's a student at miami-dade public schools' flagship technology program iprep where the superintendent is principal, she's one of kind because she helps i can making the merge 1 computer science graduates in the country who are women. >> it's a huge deal, the fact that it's so high in demand and yet we barely have anyone here like in the united states to work on this. >> reporter: coding is is referred to as the language of tomorrow. it's the language of computer science. it's the language behind the cell phone or the ipad or the computer you likely use on a daily basis. >> what people don't r rlized is that they're using the computer but they don't know how to change thehe computer or do things to it. it's like kwing how to read
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>> reporter: maria had a teacher point out her good math skills and point her in the direction of coding. she joined a group in miami called girls who code. she learned how to make this, and more importantly she found she had few girls in their company. >> why weren't girls interested in which it's like so cool and you can do so much of t and it's where the jobs are are going to be at in a few years. >> reporter: her anything mugs now to get more girls to realize that. >> you would be meads howling computer science graduates we have the in u.s. and, you know, a lot of people have to outsource to other places where coding is more of a literacyy and not just a skill that you learn in cololge. >> the need for it is humonus. i think right now only 18% of all too many jobs are filled wy by women so we have to fixed that. >> reporter: in our backyard this state-of-the-art facility the miami gaming intnational
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maria is helping to bring local clubs, girls to code and codea together to host code miami in weekend, a competition for girls to enter their digitally created art, and to inspire more girls who may not have a math teacher like maria did to take interest in the coding world. >> it is not a skill set of tomorrow. its a skill needed today. every job today is a tech job. >> reporter: this is the digital gallery here at magic at miami-dade college. these screens is where art mide through coding by girls who are in grades fourth 212th will be displayed att thened event this coming saturday. money raised will go for a scholarship for a girl to a hend a program here at magic. for information who h you can get revolved in all of this, go -- involved to go our website, erica rakow, local10 news. >> janine: the inaugural code event sarts saturday 4:00p at
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mild college's wolfson campus down, and the best part is it's free. >> victor: goess allover my head. >> janine: girls coding are the movement. they're the future. that's going to do it fororhe local10 now at 5:30. >> victor: here are laurie and calvin. >> laurie: and o boys code. that would be good. right now at 6:00 we are following this breaking news. a miami police cruiser running over a little boy. the latest on the six-year-old's condition. >> calvin: zika emergency, the governor make a major decision affecting anyone who lives in miami-dade count >> laurie: school killer. michael hernandez goes back to court hoping to one day get out of prison. what his father revealed i@n court. >> calvin: sinking fast. a pickup truck rolling off the going and heading straight into the bay. the driver ready. >> laurie: only in local10, an out of control driver crashing on south beach. >> calvin: and she stopped an officer for speeding but now his boss, the new police director,
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has gone worldwide. >> laurie: and simple changes to keep your family cyber safe. it's tonight's edition of hacked and the news at 60 starts now. >> calvin: we begin with breaking news out of miami. that is where a child has been hit would i a policee@ cruiser. >> laurie: let's get to local10 news reporter terrell forney live with the latest details from jackson memorial hospital. terrell. >> terrell: what a heart-wrenching afternoon it has been for the family of this child. they say that he was simply playing outside when this happened. let's go now in front of the hospital. you can see a large number of family members and family friends out here waiting for word from the, let's take you to this scene because we know this is northwest 58th street and fifth avenue. thth is the area where this happened just after 3:30 this afternoon. the victim we know is a six-year-old boy, family members tell me that he was outside playing bu at one point tried
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